scholarly journals Land-they're not making it any more: logistical challenges of hospital development and redevelopment

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (12) ◽  
pp. 1-3
Rob Gandy
I. Barsukova ◽  
I. Bagretsova

Development of a system for the delivery of emergency care in a hospital inevitably raises questions of its availability and quality. And, if the leading pathological syndrome which is a reason for hospitalization and posing a threat to the patient's life deserves priority attention, then the accompanying pathology often stays in the background. At the same time the accompanying pathology related to the field of dermatovenerology poses epidemiological threat. The aim of the study was to improve the organization of health care for patients with concomitant pathology related to dermatovenerology in an emergency hospital. Development of new models and principles of the organization of medical and diagnostic process, introduction of methods of express diagnostics is required; importance of a dermatovenerologist becomes obvious, it will increase the availability and quality of care for patients with dermatovenereological pathology in an emergency hospital.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 820-848
Pierre-Yves Donzé

Whereas the globalization of medicine since the middle of the 19th century has primarily been approached as the sociopolitical and cultural outcome of imperialism, this article argues that Western big business also played a major role through the worldwide export of standardized medical technologies. It focuses on the expansion of Siemens on the X-ray equipment market in non-Western countries during the first half of the twentieth century. This German multinational enterprise experienced slight growth from the mid-1920s onwards but relied mainly on two markets (Argentina and Brazil). It specialized in providing large-scale equipment to a few urban hospitals and engaged during the 1930s in large-scale hospital development together with local authorities and international organizations in various countries (China, Peru, and Central Africa). However, Siemens had great difficulty in expanding its business to include private doctors and inland outlets, where it faced intense competition from other Western X-ray producers. This paper emphasizes that this shortcoming stemmed from a direct application of the European strategy (high-quality, expensive equipment for hospitals) to non-Western markets, where health systems differed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 581
Anwar Romadhon ◽  
Erma Suryani

<p class="Abstrak">Perkembangan rumah sakit di Indonesia semakin meningkat, sejak tahun 2012 sampai 2018 mengalami peningkatan dengan rata – rata 5.2%. Tentunya hal tersebut memiliki dampak terhadap daya saing yang lebih kompetitif. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia  yang mengharuskan rumah sakit bekerja sama dengan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) guna pemerataan  pelayanan kesehatan mempengaruhi jumlah pendapatan. Faktanya asuransi BPJS Kesehatan mengalami defisit anggaran yang nilainya sangat besar. <em>Manajement</em> rumah sakit harus mencari strategi dan kebijakan yang tepat dalam upaya memaksimalkan pendapatan khususnya di era JKN. Pembatasan jumlah kunjungan tidak mungkin dilakukan mengingat sebagian besar pasien berasal dari peserta BPJS Kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan kebijakan dan solusi yang tepat bagi rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan keuntungan finasial dalam kondisi defisitnya anggaran asuransi kesehatan. Penting informasi membuat manajemen rumah sakit berupaya untuk memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai media untuk merancang strategi bisnisnya, simulasi komputer seperti pemodelan sistem dinamik mempu menggambarkan dan mensimulasikan sistem secara nyata yang mengacu pada data,  sehingga pemangku kepentingan dapat memprediksi kondisi yang bisa terjadi dimasa depan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasanya dengan merubah sistem pembayaran dari <em>Fee For Services</em> menjadi <em>INA</em> - <em>Case Base Groups</em> dapat memberikan keuntungan lebih bagi rumah sakit, hal ini dikarenakan tarif yang ditetapkan menyesuaikan dengan tarif rumah sakit di seluruh Indonesia. Temuan lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah piutang pihak asuransi mengalami peningkatan, tentunya hal tersebut perlu perhatian lebih, serta bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan untuk mengubah sistem pembayaran karena sesuai hasil simulasi dapat memaksimalkan jumlah pendapatan . Lokasi penelitian di unit rawat inap, rumah sakit islam surabaya, diharapkan dari hasil pemodelan simulasi bisa dijadikan sebagai gambaran atau acuan bagi manajemen puncak rumah sakit dalam mengambil sebuah keputusan sebagai strategi bisnis.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p class="Abstrak"></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Hospital development in Indonesia has increased, from 2012 to 2018 has increased by an average of 5.2%.. Of course this has an impact on more competitive competitiveness. Indonesian government policy that requires hospitals to work closely with the National Health Insurance (JKN) in order to equalize health services affects the amount of revenue. The fact is that BPJS Health insurance has a very large budget deficit. Hospital management must find the right strategy and policy in an effort to maximize revenue, especially in the JKN era. Limiting the number of visits is not possible considering that most patients come from BPJS Health participants. The purpose of this study was to find the right policies and solutions for hospital to obtain financial benefits in the health insurance budget deficit. Important information makes hospital management strive to utilize information technology as media for designing business strategies, computer simulations such as dynamic system modeling can describe and simulate real systems that refer to data, so that stakeholders can predict conditions that can occur in the future. The results showed that by changing the payment system from Fee For Services to INA - Case Base Groups can provide more benefits for hospital, this is because the rates set adjust to hospital rates throughout Indonesia. Another finding that needs to be considered is that the insurance receivables have increased, of course it needs more attention, and can be taken into consideration to change the payment system because according to the simulation results can maximize the amount of income. The location of research in the inpatient unit, Surabaya Islamic hospital, is expected from the results of simulation modeling can be used as an illustration or reference for top management of the hospital in making a decision as a business strategy.</em></p>

1998 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-80 ◽  
Martha M. McKinney ◽  
James W. Begun ◽  
Yasar A. Ozcan

With more than 56,000 patients on the national waiting list for organ transplants and relatively little growth in the number of donors, organ procurement organizations now recognize the need to aggressively market their services and the range of donor procurement opportunities to hospital personnel. This study examines the types and levels of hospital development activities being conducted by organ procurement organizations, the characteristics of organ procurement organizations that are more involved in hospital development, and the relationship between hospital development and organ procurement. Results from a national survey indicate that, as of the mid-1990s, organ procurement organizations had not made major investments in hospital development despite an increased recognition of the importance of these activities. Organ procurement organizations whose directors were more committed to hospital development exhibited higher levels of hospital development activity. Efforts to formalize hospital development activities through the establishment of a hospital development department and evaluation standards were associated with more organs procured per donor.

1963 ◽  
Vol 109 (458) ◽  
pp. 29-36 ◽  
Brice Pitt ◽  
Morris Markowe

Slowly but surely the emphasis of the mental health service is moving from the mental hospital into the community which it serves. The trend of these community developments can be seen as far back as the establishment of psychiatric out-patient clinics at general hospitals under the Mental Treatment Act, 1930, together with arrangements for after care, and continued by mental hospitals and regional hospital boards since the advent of the National Health Service. While the new era in British psychiatry awaits the implementation by local health authorities of their mandatory functions under the Mental Health Act, 1959, much can still be done within the hospital services proper to shift the emphasis into the community. One such method is described in this study of a Day Hospital developed within a large general hospital.

R. E. Baker ◽  
J. W. Schlipf ◽  
K. F. Scollan ◽  
N. L. LeBlanc ◽  
D. S. Russell

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