scholarly journals Weed infestation of winter wheat continuous cropping after implementation of catch crop and biostimulant Nano-Gro

2012 ◽  
Vol 151 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-267 ◽  

SUMMARYBoth scientists and farmers are confronted by a similar question: which current and past cropping system components will influence the present weed flora, and how? This information is necessary to optimize both cropping systems for weed control, and quality and cost in surveys and monitoring schemes. The present study addressed these questions with a sensitivity analysis to input variables of a cropping system model,AlomySys, that predicts weed dynamics in interaction with pedo-climatic conditions. The study ranked cropping system components according to their impact on weed infestation in winter wheat, showing for instance that though crop succession was crucial, current and past tillage strategies influenced grass weed densities even more. Crops were not only ranked as a function of the resulting weed risk but the latter was also linked to crop species traits, i.e. crop type, usual sowing period and emergence speed. A previous winterv.spring crop thus increased weed density by 72% in the following winter wheat; a late-sownv.early sown winter crop by 26%, a winter crop by 17%, and a lower competitive ability by 9%. Similarly, the characteristics of each crop management technique (tillage, catch crop, secondary crop, mowing, mechanical weeding, herbicides, nitrogen fertilizer, manure and harvest) were quantified. For instance, the timing of the first tillage operation was crucial prior to the analysed winter wheat crop while the choice of the tool used even 5 years previously still influenced weed infestation in the current year; a catch crop prior to previous spring sown crops reduced the current infestation regardless of catch crop sowing dates and densities, but the reductive effect could be lost if the field was tilled several times to destroy the catch crop. The advice synthesized here and in a companion paper (Colbach & Mézière 2012). will be valuable to design innovative, integrated cropping systems, indicating (1) which cropping system components to modify to produce the largest effect, (2) for how long past practices must be considered when choosing current options and (3) the optimal options for the different management techniques. Points (1) and (2) are also valuable to identify data to record in surveys, though still resulting in a total of 232 variables. In a second step, these detailed variables were therefore simplified and aggregated to determine a smaller set of 22 synthetic variables easily recorded in surveys, such as the proportion of winter and spring crops during the last 10 years (instead of the actual crop sequence), the proportion of crops sown in summer, early autumn, late autumn, early spring and late spring during the last 5 years (instead of exact sowing dates), the ploughing frequency (instead of ploughing dates and characteristics), the mean number of herbicide sprayings per year (instead of dates), etc. This reduced survey list will reduce the cost of surveys as well as increase the number and quality of surveys as more farmers will be ready to participate and there will be fewer uncertainties in the answers.

2011 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Mária Babulicová ◽  
Ľubomír Mendel

The Grain Yield and Weed Infestation Rate of Winter Wheat by the Different Share of Cereals in Crop Rotations The aim of the study was to compare the grain yield and weed infestation rate of winter wheat in crop rotations with 40, 60 and 80% share of cereals and in continuous cropping. The trial was situated in the area of continental climate. The trial had two parts. In the first part, there were crop rotations with 40, 60 and 80% share of the cereals. Two levels of fertilization were used: H1 mineral fertilization + organic manure Veget; H2 mineral fertilization only. In the second part, winter wheat and spring barley were grown in monoculture. Three variants of fertilization were used: 1 - mineral fertilization; 2 - mineral fertilization + straw of cereals were ploughed; 3 - mineral fertilization + straw of cereals + organic manure Veget were ploughed in the soil. In the years 2006-2009 the grain yield, thousand kernel weight and weed infestation rate of winter wheat in different crop rotations and by the continuous cropping were investigated. The statistically higher winter wheat grain yield (6.50 t ha-1) was recorded by 40% share of cereals in crop rotation than by 60% and 80% share of cereals (6.23 t ha-1). The grain yield of winter wheat by continuous cropping was lower by 2.24 t ha-1 (34.46%) than in crop rotation with 40% share of cereals. The weed infestation rate by 80% share of cereals in crop rotation was determined 2.4 times higher than by 40% share of cereals.

2011 ◽  
Vol 48 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
M. Birkás ◽  
T. Szalai ◽  
C. Gyuricza ◽  
M. Gecse ◽  
K. Bordás

This research was instigated by the fact that during the last decade annually repeated shallow disk tillage on the same field became frequent practice in Hungary. In order to study the changes of soil condition associated with disk tillage and to assess it is consequences, long-term tillage field experiments with different levels of nutrients were set up in 1991 (A) and in 1994 (B) on Chromic Luvisol at Gödöllö. The effects of disk tillage (D) and disk tillage combined with loosening (LD) on soil condition, on yield of maize and winter wheat, and on weed infestation were examined. The evaluation of soil condition measured by cone index and bulk density indicated that use of disking annually resulted in a dense soil layer below the disking depth (diskpan-compaction). It was found, that soil condition deteriorated by diskpan-compaction decreased the yield of maize significantly by 20 and 42% (w/w), and that of wheat by 13 and 15% (w/w) when compared to soils with no diskpan-compaction. Averaged over seven years, and three fertilizer levels, the cover % of the total, grass and perennial weeds on loosened soils were 73, 69 and 65% of soils contained diskpan-compaction.

2012 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-188 ◽  
Cezary Kwiatkowski

A field experiment involving the cultivation of common valerian was conducted on loess soil in Abramów (Lublin region) in the period 2007-2009. Qualitative parameters of herbal raw material obtained from this plant as well as in-crop weed infestation were evaluated depending on the protection method and forecrop. Hand-weeded plots, in which a hand hoe was used, were the control. In the other treatments, weeds were controlled using various herbicides and a mechanical implement (brush weeder). Potato and winter wheat + field pea cover crop were the forecrops for common valerian crops. A hypothesis was made that the use of a brush weeder and herbicides not registered for application in valerian crops would have a positive effect on this plant's productivity and weed infestation in its crops. It was also assumed that the introduction of a cover crop would allow the elimination of differences in the forecrop value of the crop stands in question. The best quantitative and qualitative parameters of common valerian raw material as well as the largest reduction of incrop weed infestation were recorded after the application of the herbicides which were not type approved. The use of the brush weeder in the interrows also had a beneficial effect on productivity of the plant in question, but secondary weed infestation at the end of the growing season of common valerian turned out to be its disadvantage. Traditional crop protection methods used in common valerian crops were less effective in weed infestation reduction and they resulted in lower plant productivity and raw material quality. Potato proved to be a better forecrop for common valerian than winter wheat + field pea; however, this positive effect was not confirmed statistically. The following annual weeds: <i>Chenopodium album</i>, <i>Galinsoga parviflora</i>, <i>Stellaria media</i>, were predominant in the common valerian crop. Traditional weed control methods resulted in the dominance of some dicotyledonous weeds, such as <i>Viola arvensis</i>, <i>Galium aparine</i>, <i>Capsella bursa-pastoris</i>.

2014 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 300-305
Zbigniew Pawlonka ◽  
Katarzyna Rymuza ◽  
Krzysztof Starczewski ◽  
Antoni Bombik

Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between herbicide rate and weed community biodiversity in continuous wheat. A six-year field experiment was conducted to examine the effect of four chlorsulfuron rates in comparison with untreated (the control) plots, on the status and severity of weed infestation - in successive study years of cultivating winter wheat in monoculture. In addition, the following indices were calculated: Shannon-Wiener and Simpson’s index of biodiversity, and Simpson’s index of domination. A total of 36 weedy species were identified in the experimental plots. The richest segetal communities were established in the control plots. An application of herbicide reduced the biodiversity of the agrophytocensosis. A short-term monoculture did not impoverish the species richness of the weed community established in winter wheat. The average number of species in the community was significantly greater in the second study year. In the initial study years of monoculture, the biodiversity of the segetal community increased markedly compared with rotation-based cultivation. The calculated indices of biodiversity were not significantly affected by herbicide rate or monoculture but the indices confirmed the trends outlined by an analysis of the status and level of weed infestation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 59 (No. 3) ◽  
pp. 101-107 ◽  
P. Hamouz ◽  
K. Hamouzová ◽  
J. Holec ◽  
L. Tyšer

An aggregated distribution pattern of weed populations provides opportunity to reduce the herbicide application if site-specific weed management is adopted. This work is focused on the practical testing of site-specific weed management in a winter wheat and the optimisation of the control thresholds. Patch spraying was applied to an experimental field in Central Bohemia. Total numbers of 512 application cells were arranged into 16 blocks, which allowed the randomisation of four treatments in four replications. Treatment 1 represented blanket spraying and the other treatments differed by the herbicide application thresholds. The weed infestation was estimated immediately before the post-emergence herbicide application. Treatment maps for every weed group were created based on the weed abundance data and relevant treatment thresholds. The herbicides were applied using a sprayer equipped with boom section control. The herbicide savings were calculated for every treatment and the differences in the grain yield between the treatments were tested using the analysis of variance. The site-specific applications provided herbicide savings ranging from 15.6% to 100% according to the herbicide and application threshold used. The differences in yield between the treatments were not statistically significant (P = 0.81). Thus, the yield was not lowered by site-specific weed management.

2002 ◽  
Vol 139 (4) ◽  
pp. 385-395 ◽  
A. M. BLAIR ◽  
P. A. JONES ◽  
R. H. INGLE ◽  

Two systems for integrated weed control in winter wheat based around the combination of herbicides with cultural control have been investigated and compared with conventional practice in experiments between 1993 and 2001. These systems were (a) an overall spray of a reduced herbicide dose followed by spring tine harrow weeding and (b) the combination of herbicide applied over the crop row with a novel vision guided inter-row hoe. The latter required wheat to be established with a wider (22 cm) inter-row spacing than standard (12·5 cm). Experiments over 10 sites/seasons indicated that this increased spacing could be achieved without yield loss. Trials to measure the accuracy of hoe blade lateral positioning using the vision guidance system indicated that error was normally distributed with standard deviation of 12 mm and a bias that could be set to within 1 cm. This performance could be maintained through the normal hoeing period and the crop row location and tracking techniques were robust to moderate weed infestation. In the absence of weeds neither overall harrowing nor inter-row hoeing affected winter wheat yield, 1000-seed weight or specific weight in 12·5 or 22 cm rows. When combined with inter-row hoeing, manually targeted banded applications of fluazolate, pendimethalin or isoproturon reduced grass weed levels and increased yields over untreated controls, though better results were obtained using overall herbicides. However, improvements would be possible with more accurately targeted herbicide applications and more effective inter-row grass weed control. The implications and costs of using such an integrated system are discussed and requirements for future developments identified.

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