scholarly journals Relative efficacy of egg yolk and soya milk-based extenders for cryopreservation (−196°C) of buffalo semen

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-244 ◽  
D. V. Chaudhari ◽  
A. J. Dhami ◽  
K. K. Hadiya ◽  
J. A. Patel
2020 ◽  
pp. 2209-2218
Fernando Evaristo da Silva ◽  
Jaqueline Candido Carvalho ◽  
Camila de Paula Freitas Dell'Aqua ◽  
Frederico Ozanam Papa ◽  
Marc Roger Jean Marie Henry ◽  

The use of cooled semen in artificial insemination operations results in higher pregnancy rates than the use of frozen semen. This result seems to be related to the more severe damage triggered by the freezing process than that observed during refrigeration. Due to its ability to bind to sperm-binding proteins and calcium ions, sodium caseinate has been studied as a substance capable of preventing early sperm capacitation, a significant cause of the decreased pregnancy rate resulting from the use of frozen semen. The first objective of this study was to evaluate whether a commercial egg yolk diluent developed for frozen bovine semen could be used for buffalo semen cryopreservation; the second objective was to investigate the effect of this diluent in combination with sodium caseinate during the procedures of buffalo sperm cryopreservation using flow cytometry and computer-assisted sperm analysis. In the first part of the study, comparing the results of spermatic kinetics and plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, it was observed that the freezing process resulted in more cell damage than the cooling process. In the second part of the study, no effects of the addition of sodium caseinate to the egg yolk diluent were observed. From the results of the present study, it was possible to conclude that the egg yolk-based diluent was suitable for buffalo semen cryopreservation and that the addition of sodium caseinate did not decrease the harmful effects related to seminal cryopreservation.

P. J. Chaudhary ◽  
A. J. Dhami ◽  
D. V. Chaudhari ◽  
K. K. Hadiya ◽  
J. A. Patel

This study was undertaken on three mature bulls each of Gir cattle and Surti buffalo breeds to evaluate the comparative efficacy of egg yolk based standard TFYG (Tris-citrate-fructose-yolk-glycerol) extender and egg yolk free soybean based commercial extenders Optixcell® (IMV, France) and Andromed® (Minitube, Germany) under split-sample technique. The ejaculates (9/bull) were extended @ 100×106 sperm ml-1 with three extenders and frozen using biofreezer following 4 hr of equilibration. The pooled means of progressively motile sperm observed (irrespective of extenders) at initial, pre-freeze and post-thaw stage in Gir bulls semen were 76.53±0.53, 71.11±0.53 and 39.86±0.90% and in Surti buffalo 80.76±0.39, 74.65±0.45 and 40.35±1.07%, respectively. The corresponding values for live sperm were 75.64±0.76, 69.01±0.97 and 47.99±1.11 % for Gir and 80.90±0.45, 75.76±0.48 and 52.33±0.86 % for Surti buffalo; and those of intact acrosome 94.29±0.25, 90.29±0.27 and 79.29±0.33 % for Gir bulls, and 93.94±0.21, 89.94±0.23 and 78.95±0.26 % for Surti buffalo semen, respectively. The HOS reactive sperm at initial, pre-freeze and post-thaw stage were 76.18±0.74, 71.04±0.76 and 27.90±0.70 % for Gir, and 81.83±0.35, 76.47±0.39 and 27.83±0.68 % for Surti bulls, respectively. The overall mean post-thaw incubation (37°C) survival of spermatozoa observed at 60, 120 and 180 min were 28.40±0.91, 17.78±0.86 and 9.44±0.72% for Gir bulls semen, and 28.01±0.99, 18.40±1.01 and 10.51±0.93% for Surti buffalo semen, respectively. Optixcell was proved superior, and at par with TFYG, than the Andromed in maintaining greater motility, viability, morphology, acrosomal/plasma membrane integrity including post-thaw sperm longevity of cattle and buffalo spermatozoa with significant differences only in sperm motility and post-thaw longevity. The motile, live and HOST reactive sperm were significantly higher in buffalo semen than cattle at initial and pre-freeze stage, but not at post-thaw stage. The results showed that egg yolk free commercial Optixcell extender and egg yolk based TFYG extender were at par in terms of most of the sperm quality traits, hence any one of them can be preferred over Andromed for successful routine cryopreservation of cattle and buffalo semen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-59
A. Sakr ◽  
E. Abd-Allah ◽  
W. El-Hamady ◽  
I. El-Shamaa ◽  
Entesar Eliraqy

2014 ◽  
Mariana Zorzetto ◽  
Yame Sancler-Silva ◽  
Camila Freitas Dell'aqua ◽  
Carlos Ramires Neto ◽  
Saulo Zocca ◽  

1968 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-281 ◽  
P. N. Srivastava ◽  
M. M. Raza Nasir

SUMMARYInitial pH of buffalo semen as measured electrometrically is 7.2 ± 0.025 and the buffering capacity 1.40 ± 0.026. Sulphamezathine in glucose–egg yolk–bicarbonate diluent depressed fructolysis in buffalo semen. This depression is considered to be a factor in the better maintenance of motility in this than in other media investigated. The more alkaline pH of this medium also appears to be beneficial in preserving motility on storage.

D. V. Chaudhari ◽  
A. J. Dhami ◽  
K. K. Hadiya ◽  
J. A. Patel

The study was aimed to compare efficacy of egg yolk based diluent (TFYG) with soybean based commercial diluents (Bioxcell® and Optixcell®, IMV, France) for refrigeration and cryopreservation (-196°C) of six Surti buffalo semen. Each qualified ejaculate (n=8/bull, >70% initial motility) was splitdiluted @ 100 ×106 sperm ml-1 at 34°C with 3 diluents. Part of each aliquot was filled in French mini straws and rest transferred to refrigerator for gradual cooling to 4-5°C. After 4 h of equilibration at 4-5°C in cold handling cabinet, the straws were frozen using programmable bio-freezer. The initial mean motility, acrosome integrity and hypo-osmotic reactive sperm per cent of fresh semen were 78.54±0.30, 94.40±0.20 and 79.35±0.42%, respectively. Sperm progressive motility at 24 hrs of refrigeration storage was 68.33±0.45, 66.25±0.46 and 70.31±0.46 %, and at 72 hrs of refrigeration storage 52.50±0.68, 48.54±0.84 and 53.85±0.75 % in TFYG, Bioxcell and Optixcell diluents, respectively. Acrosomal integrity and hypo-osmotic reactivity at 24 hrs of refrigeration storage were 88.15±0.18, 87.25±0.21, 89.27±0.20% and 66.04±0.50, 63.81±0.45, 68.10±0.46%, whereas at 72 hrs of refrigeration, the values were 81.67±0.23, 80.60±0.30, 82.83±0.27% and 51.35±0.60, 47.35±0.68, 53.40±0.68%, respectively, in above 3 diluents. The pre-freeze sperm progressive motility recorded in TFYG, Bioxcell and Optixcell diluents was 69.48±0.37, 68.02±0.49 and 70.94±0.38%, and post-thaw motility was 47.71±0.79, 44.38±0.85 and 49.90±0.90%, respectively. Per cent sperm acrosomal integrity and hypo-osmotic reactivity in TFYG, Bioxcell and Optixcell diluents were 89.54±0.18, 88.58±0.22, 90.52±0.21% and 67.96±0.32, 65.65±0.42, 70.23±0.37% at pre-freeze stage, whereas 76.83±0.23, 75.90 ±0.27, 78.50±0.25% and 45.02±0.84, 42.31±0.82, 47.81±0.90% at post-thaw stage, respectively. The post-thaw longevity after 60 minutes of incubation (37°C) was 35.52±0.79, 31.15±0.85, 37.19±0.81%, respectively, in above 3 diluents. Among the three semen diluent percent sperm progressive motility, acrosomal integrity and hypo-osmotic reactivity at particular stage were higher in Optixcell showing at par results in TFYG, whereas Bioxcell showed significantly (P less than 0.05) lower findings than other two diluents. Optixcell is a commercial product much costlier than TFYG, hence there is a need to develop local soybean based semen extender which can give comparable results with TFYG.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 367
Nifsu Sabaan ◽  
Chairussyuhur Chairussyuhur Arman ◽  
Enny Yuliani ◽  
Maskur Maskur

ABSTRAKPengencer konvensional berbasis kuning telur yang bersumber dari hewan membawa risiko kontaminasi mikroba dan menghalangi jarak pandang pemeriksaan spermatozoa di bawah mikroskop. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan` untuk menilai apakah substitusi kuning telur dengan lesitin kedelai di dalam pengencer berbasis-tris dapat mempertahankan kualitas spermatozoa kerbau lumpur pada penyimpanan 5°C selama 120 jam. Ejakulat dari 3 ekor kerbau umur 3-4 tahun dengan bobot badan 450-500 kg ditampung dengan menggunakan vagina buatan.Semen diencerkan dengan pengencer konvensional yang mengandung 20% kuning telur (kontrol) dan pengencer lesitin dengan konsentrasi1%, 2%, 3% dan 4%(perlakuan) dan disimpan pada 5°C selama 120 jam. Parameter spermatozoa dinilai pada interval 0, 72, dan 120 jam setelah semen yang diencerkan disimpan 5°C.Persentase motilitas dan spermatozoa normal tidak berbeda nyata (P<0,05) antara pengencer 1% lesitin dan kontrol. Namun pengencer 1% lesitin mampu mempertahankan kedua parameter tersebut setelah penyimpanan 5°C selama 120 jam. Persentase viabilitas, keutuhan membran dan tudung akrosom spermatozoa pada pengencer 1% lesitin dibandingkan pengencer kontrol lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dari pengencer perlakuan 2, 3, dan 4% lesitin. Disimpulkan bahwa pengencer 1% lesitin dapat menyubstitusi pengencer konvensional berbasis kuning telur untuk penyimpanan semen kerbau pada 5ºC selama 120 jam.Kata kunci: kuning telur, lesitin, pengencer, semen cair, semen kerbauABSTRACTConventional egg yolk-based diluent animal origin carries the risk of microbial contamination and interference with microscopic examination. This study was conducted to assess whether substitution of egg yolk with soy lecithin in tris-based diluents can maintain the quality of buffalo spermatozoa stored at 5°C for 120 h. Ejaculate from 3 buffaloes aged 3-4 years and body weight of 450-500 kg was collected using an artificial vagina. Semen was diluted with diluent containing 20% egg yolk (control) and diluent with concentrations of lecithin 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% (treatment). Spermatozoa parameters were assessed at intervals of 0, 72 and 120 h after the diluted semen was stored at 5°C for 120 h. The percentages of motility and normal spermatozoa did not differ significantly (P<0.05) between 1% lecithin and control diluents. However, 1% of lecithin was able to maintain both parameters after stored at 5°C for 120 h. The percentages of viability, membrane integrity and functional acrosome of spermatozoa in 1% lecithin were higher (P<0.05) than control and the other three treatment diluents. In conclusion, 1% of lecithin diluent could substitute conventional egg yolk-based diluent for the storage of buffalo semen at 5ºC for 120 h.Keywords: buffalo semen, egg yolk, lecithin, diluents, liquid semen

A.J. Dhami ◽  
D.V. Chaudhari ◽  
J. A. Patel ◽  
K. K. Hadiya

The aim of this study was to compare commercially available soybean based extenders, viz. Bioxcell® and Optixcell® (IMV, France) with standard Tris-citrate-fructose-egg yolk-glycerol (TFYG) extender for refrigeration preservation of buffalo semen. Forty eight good quality ejaculates (8/bull) having initial motility >70% obtained at weekly interval in AV from 6 mature Surti buffalo bulls were split-diluted (at 34°C keeping 100×106 sperm ml-1) in TFYG, Bioxcell and Optixcell extenders and stored in refrigerator at 5°C for 72 hrs. The mean percentages of progressively motile spermatozoa observed on dilution (0-hr), and after 24, 48, 72 hrs of refrigeration preservation of semen at 5°C were 78.54±0.30, 68.30±0.30, 59.38±0.35 and 51.63±0.47; live sperm 90.48±0.19, 76.89± 0.51, 69.51±0.35 and 61.86±0.45; morphologically normal sperm 93.85±0.08, 90.70±0.11, 89.08±0.10 and 87.66±0.10; intact acrosome 94.40± 0.12, 88.22±0.13, 84.60±0.14 and 81.70±0.17, and HOS reactive sperm 79.35 ±0.24, 65.99±0.31, 57.69±0.36 and 50.70±0.43, respectively, all of which decreased gradually and highly significantly (P is less than 0.01) with increase in storage time. The results were significantly (Pis less than 0.05) superior with Optixcell followed by TFYG extender than with the Bioxcell. The overall mean percentages of sperms with abnormal head, mid-piece and tail and those with different forms of acrosomal defects like swollen, ruffled, detached and denuded acrosome also followed the pattern of morphologically normal sperm and intact acrosomes. The values of all these traits increased significantly (Pis less than 0.05) with increase in storage duration at 5°C. The sperm protective ability of Optixcell extender was superior followed by TFYG and the least of Bioxcell. The Optixcell, a recently launched improved soybean milk based extender, excelled the Bioxcell extender and was statistically similar to TFYG in respect of all the sperm quality parameters to satisfactorily preserve the quality of buffalo semen at refrigeration temperature up to 3 days.

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