scholarly journals Analysis Quality of Service Wireless LAN at University PGRI Yogyakarta

Nur Kukuh Wicaksono ◽  
Bambang Sugiantoro

PGRI University of Yogyakarta is an educational institution that uses the internet as one of the supporting facilities and infrastructures to manage and organize the data and information used by the student to find references about the lecture. PGRI University Yogyakarta has three buildings on the main campus building A building B and C buildings, where each building using wireless LAN as a means for students to use the internet network, the weakness of the wireless LAN network where poor internet network in the wireless LAN network. Thus the researchers wanted to analyze the Quality of Service wireless LAN networks in building A, building B, and C buildings, in each floor.With the existence of quality of the network at PGRI University of Yogyakarta will be done by interviews and observation methods, problems that occur in wireless LAN networks in each building have been prepared in advance, after which it will do an analysis of wireless LAN networks using quality of service parameters, namely delay, packet loss, bandwidth, throughput and factors that influence the wireless network at the University of PGRI Yogyakarta.The results of the measurement and monitoring of Quality of Service wireless LAN at PGRI University of Yogyakarta in building A, building B, C on each floor of the building can be classified in the category of poor with the average delay for each building to around 150 ms and packet loss = 28%, bandwidth = 173523 bits / s and throughput = 22%, and the factors that occurred in the signal range cannot cover every room in every building. From these results it can be concluded that the quality of the wireless LAN at the University PGRI Yogyakarta according to the TIPHON standards categorized as poor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Dahnial Dahnial

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><em>The internet as a data transmission backbone has security threats in sending data. To overcome the security problem of every data communication that is done through a public network (public network), then a connection is needed that requires a connection between workstations running privately, so that only workstations that have access can connect, by using a virtual private network or VPN. The advantage of a VPN is that data sent over an encrypted VPN is quite safe and the secret is maintained even through the internet network because the data sent will go through the tunnel. Tunneling itself is a method for transferring data from one network to another by using a veiled internet network. Two protocols can be chosen in a VPN, namely Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). However, the performance of each of these protocols is unknown yet. To find out the performance of the two protocols we need a test with a simulation method. Using a Mikrotik router and Wireshark application with Quality of Service (QoS) parameters consisting of Packet Loss, Delay, and Throughput on 2 clients connected to the mikrotik router and each client uses a different protocol. All clients will stream videos simultaneously to get a data packet capture. The test results will be grouped into four categories, namely bad, moderate, good and very good. It is expected that data will be able to show the quality of service of both protocols. so that it can be used as a reference in the selection of VPN protocol to be used.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Quality of Service, PPTP, L2TP</em></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p><em>Internet sebagai backbone pengiriman data memiliki ancaman keamanan dalam pengiriman data. Untuk mengatasi masalah keamanan setiap komunikasi data yang dilakukan melalui jaringan publik (public network) maka diperlukan suatu mekanisme yang memungkinkan koneksi antar workstation berjalan secara private, sehingga hanya workstation yang memiliki akses yang dapat saling terhubung, dengan cara memanfaatkan virtual private network atau VPN.</em> <em>Keuntungan VPN adalah data yang dikirimkan melalui VPN terenkripsi sehingga cukup aman dan rahasianya tetap terjaga meskipun melalui jaringan internet, karena data yang dikirim akan melalui tunnel.</em> <em>Tunneling sendiri merupakan metode untuk transfer data dari suatu jaringan ke jaringan lain dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet secara terselubung. Terdapat dua protokol yang dapat dipilih dalam VPN yaitu Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) dan Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). Akan tetapi belum diketahui performa dari masing – masing protokol tersebut. Untuk mengetahui kinerja dari kedua protokol tersebut diperlukan sebuah pengujian dengan metode simulasi. Menggunakan router mikrotik dan aplikasi Wireshark dengan parameter Quality of Service (QoS) yang terdiri dari Packet Loss, Delay, dan Throughtput pada 2 client yang terhubung ke router mikrotik dan setiap client akan menggunakan protokol yang berbeda. Semua client akan melakukan video streaming secara bersamaan untuk mendapatkan capture paket data. Hasil pengujian akan dikelompokkan menjadi empat kategori, yaitu kategori buruk, sedang, bagus dan sangat bagus. Diharapkan akan dihasilkan sebuah data yang dapat menunjukkan kualitas dari layanan kedua protokol tersebut. sehingga dapat dijadikan acuan dalam pemilihan protokol vpn yang akan digunakan.</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci:</em></strong><em> Quality of Service, PPTP, L2TP</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Suroso Suroso ◽  
Ciksadan Ciksadan ◽  
Sholihatun Sholihatun

Sriwijaya State Polytechnic is an educational institution that provides wireless hotspots in every lecture building. With the increasing need for internet, especially on Youtube streaming, it is necessary to have an analysis in each lecture building to find out QoS (Quality of Service) and RMA (Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability) on the Wireless LAN network at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. This study uses the Action Research method. For QoS measurement using wireshark software and Axence netTools by logging in through the hotspot for each department at the Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, to find out the performance of a network using PRTG (Paessler Router Traffic Grapher) software using the ping IP Address sensor will display the availability monitoring results. The results of the largest measurement of maximum bandwidth are 21,639,256 bit / s in the Business Administration Department, for the highest delay and jitter values are 36 ms and 0.050 ms in the KPA building (Administrative Head Office). The result of the largest packet loss is 0.093% in the Department of Electrical Engineering, for the largest throughput is 0.918 Mbit / s at 1080HD video quality in the Accounting Department. Monitoring RMA aims to determine the performance of an internet network with an Availability result of 99%, this is categorized in good condition. It can be concluded that the QoS measurement results based on the TIPHON version are categorized as very good and the RMA monitoring results have good network performance results as well.Keyword: Streaming Youtube, Parameter QoS, wireshark, RMA ABSTRAKPoliteknik Negeri Sriwijaya merupakan salah satu instansi pendidikan yang menyediakan wireless hotspot di setiap gedung kuliah. Dengan adanya kebutuhan internet yang semakin meningkat khususnya pada streaming Youtube  maka perlu adanya analisis disetiap gedung kuliah untuk mengetahui QoS (Quality of Servie) dan RMA (Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability) pada jaringan Wireless LAN di Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya . Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode Action Research. Untuk pengukuran QoS menggunakan software wireshark dan Axence netTools dengan cara login melalui hotspot untuk masing-masing jurusan di Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya sedangkan untuk mengetahui kinerja dari sebuah jaringan menggunakan software PRTG (Paessler Router Traffic Grapher) dengan menggunakan sensor ping IP Address akan menampilkan hasil monitoring availability. Hasil pengukuran terbesar bandwidth maksimal yaitu 21,639,256 bit/s di Jurusan Adminstrasi Bisnis, untuk  nilai delay  dan jitter tertinggi yaitu 36 ms dan 0,050 ms di gedung KPA (Kantor Pusat Administrasi). Hasil packet loss terbesar yaitu 0,093% pada Jurusan Teknik Elektro, untuk troughput  terbesar yaitu 1,681 Mbit/s pada kualitas video 1080HD pada Jurusan Akuntansi. Monitoring RMA bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja dari suatu jaringan internet dengan hasil Availability sebesar 99% hal ini dikategorikan dalam kondisi yang baik. Dapat disimpulkan  hasil  pengukuran  QoS berdasarkan versi TIPHON hasilnya dikategorikan sangat bagus dan untuk hasil monitoring RMA memiliki hasil kinerja jaringan  yang baik juga.Kata Kunci: Streaming Youtube, Parameter QoS, wireshark, RMA 

Hendrik Kusbandono ◽  
Eva Mirza Syafitri

Teknologi <em>Wireless</em> LAN difungsikan untuk memfasilitasi kemudahan untuk koneksi jaringan, tidak lain termasuk jaringan internet. Manajemen <em>bandwidth</em> merupakan mengalokasikan suatu <em>bandwidth</em> yang berfungsi untuk mendukung kebutuhan atau keperluan suatu jaringan internet agar memberikan jaminan kualitas layanan suatu jaringan QoS (<em>Quality of Services</em>). Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas layanan dan kinerja jaringan <em>Wireless</em> LAN (WLAN), serta mengoptimalkan pembagian <em>bandwidth</em> secara merata ke sejumlah <em>client</em> yang aktif. Metode penelitian ini adalah penerapan <em>Quality </em><em>of Service</em> (QoS) yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas <em>b</em><em>andwidth</em> internet yang berjalan pada Wireless LAN dengan parameter <em>download</em>, <em>upload</em>, <em>throughput</em>, <em>delay</em>, <em>jitter</em>, dan <em>packet loss</em><em> </em>dan manajemen <em>bandwidth</em> dengan PCQ (<em>Per Connection Queue</em>). Hasil penelitian ini adalah pada rentang waktu 08.00 s/d 16.00 WIB quota IP Address dinamis habis, sehingga tidak dapat mengkoneksikan ke hotspot PNM-MHS. Menunjukkan rata-rata nilai sebelum dilakukan manajemen <em>bandwidth </em>metode PCQ pada <em>throughput</em> adalah 374,98 Kbps, nilai <em>delay</em> adalah 40,16 ms dengan kategori latensi “Sangat Bagus”, nilai <em>jitter</em> adalah 99,43 ms dengan kategori degradasi “Sedang”, nilai <em>packet loss</em> adalah 23,94 % dengan kategori degredasi “Sedang”. Sedangkan setelah melakukan manajemen <em>bandwidth </em>nilai <em>throughput</em> adalah 362,56 Kbps, nilai <em>delay</em> adalah 29,84 ms dengan kategori latensi “Sangat Bagus”, nilai <em>jitter</em> adalah 55,53 ms dengan kategori degradasi “Bagus”, nilai <em>packet loss</em> adalah 14,29 % dengan kategori degredasi “Bagus”. Manajemen <em>bandwidth </em>metode PCQ bekerja dengan sebuah algoritma yang akan membagi <em>bandwidth</em> secara merata ke sejumlah client yang aktif. PCQ ideal diterapkan apabila dalam pengaturan <em>bandwidth</em> kesulitan dalam penentuan <em>bandwidth</em> per client.

Ery Safrianti ◽  
Linna Oktaviana Sari ◽  
Rian Arighi Mahan

Computer networks are one of the main parts in the telecommunications system. To support reliable network technology, a centralized network is needed so that network traffic can be managed more easily. Software-Defined Network (SDN) technology is a centralized network that provides a separation between control planes and data planes in different systems. This study discusses the optimization of network management at the University of Riau (UNRI) using SDN. Optimization is done by designing a UNRI computer network in the form of SDN then simulated using the Mininet. Quality of Service (QoS) analysis is performed from the measurement results using Wireshark. The network simulation results give a delay value of 0.506 ms, 0% packet loss, the throughput of 590,392 Mb / s and jitter of 0.093 ms. The SDN network provides better delay and jitter performance compared to conventional UNRI networks with a delay value of 13,874 ms, 0% packet loss, 635.1 Mb/s throughput and 2.6 ms jitter. UNRI's SDN network design is worth considering because it has better QoS values, delay, and jitter below ITU standards and conventional networks.

Olena Kravchenko

The article argues that the relevance of providing the quality of the official website content of modern universities is predetermined by the objective requirements of the present day, such as the priority of the state policy in the field of integration of higher educational institutions into the European education space, the globalization of information technologies and increasing of the Internet activity among the population. The subject of the study is the features of the websites' information content of the universities from different countries. It is determined that the website content of a modern institution of higher education contains information on various types of university activities (educational, scientific, pedagogic, financial, and marketing). The content of websites of foreign and universities was analyzed according to the following criteria: language; informativeness; utility; administrative and financial transparency; technical design. The analysis of website content of various universities was carried out in accordance the availability of information of university’s general characteristics, of the organization of the university’s educational process and features of student life, of university's scientific activities, of ways of advertising and the formation of a positive image of an educational institution in the imagination of Internet visitors. The attention is focused on the features of the websites' information content of the leading foreign and domestic universities. The main distinctions are in the ways of positioning the institution in the future; outlining the competitive advantages of an educational institution and highlighting the opportunities for improving the quality of the educational process; popularizing the university's scientific activities, and identifying the ways to confirm the reputation of the university. It is proved that the development of top-quality content contributes to the improvement of the image of the higher educational institution on the Internet, as well as increases the competitiveness of the university in the market of educational services both in the country and abroad. Awareness of the relevance of providing the quality of the official website content of the institution of higher education allows to tackle the problem of creating and distributing vital, unique, classified, and interesting information.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 51
George Kokkonis ◽  
Kostas Psannis ◽  
Sotirios Kontogiannis ◽  
Petros Nicopolitidis ◽  
Manos Roumeliotis ◽  

Real-time transferring of the haptic sense over the Internet is quite a challenging task. This paper outlines the proposed protocols for transferring haptic streams over the Internet. Moreover, it describes the Quality of Service requirements that a network has to fulfill in order to successfully use haptic interfaces with high update rates over the Internet. Extensive simulations and experiments for the performance evaluation of transport protocols for real-time transferring haptic data are carried out. Complements between simulation and real world experiments are discussed. The metrics that are measured for the performance evaluation are delay, jitter, throughput, efficiency, packet loss and one proposed by the authors, packet arrival deviation. The simulation tests reveal which protocols could be used for the transfer of real-time haptic data over the Internet.

Muhammad Helmi Sukoco ◽  
Gunawan Wibisono ◽  
Kukuh Nugroho

Kabel listrik berfungsi untuk menyalurkan energi listrik ke peralatan listrik yang sering digunakan di kehidupan sehari – hari. Namun dalam pemanfaatannya kurang maksimal karena hanya digunakan sebagai penghantar arus listrik saja, padahal dapat digunakan sebagai Komunikasi data antar perangkat seperti komputer, handphone dan perangkat mobile lainnya. Teknologi yang menerapkan sistem dimana memanfaatkan kabel listrik sebagai Komunikasi data yang biasa disebut dengan Power Line Communication (PLC). Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan Implementasi sistem PLC dalam membangun sebuah jaringan menggunakan media kabel listrik untuk menghubungkan beberapa perangkat jaringan tanpa memerlukan instalasi baru karena jalur yang digunakan sudah terdistribusi di setiap tempat menggunakan perangkat powerline, serta menggunakan perangkat jaringan yang terhubung secara wireless ke perangkat mobile pada Jaringan wireless LAN (WLAN). Sistem PLC diterapkan pada tiga kali Pengujian, diantaranya membandingkan sistem PLC dengan tanpa sistem PLC, diterapkan berdasarkan jarak serta berdasarkan beban listrik yang diterapkan. Tiga Pengujian yang dilakukan dilihat berdasarkan parameter Quality of Service (QoS) seperti throughput, delay, jitter dan packet loss. Pada pengujian antara sistem PLC menghasilkan kinerja QoS lebih baik dibandingkan tanpa PLC, kemudian untuk pengujian bedasarkan jarak menghasilkan QoS yang baik walaupun cenderung konstan serta pengujian berdasarkan beban listrik menghasilkan QoS yang baik meskipun cenderung konstan.

Westi Yulia Pusvita ◽  
Yasdinul Huda

This research originated from the quality of the internet network in the area of Air Tawar which is varied and more suitable for locations that are farther away than the access points. This study aims to find the quality of the internet network in the Air Tawar area, and to obtain the results of delay, packet loss, and throughput generated in measuring the quality of the network and compare it with the TIPHON standard. This research is a descriptive research. The population of this study is the access point in the Air Tawar  area with a research sample of three access point locations on Air Tawar. This research was conducted by measuring the quality of using the axence nettols 5 application for 10 days in the morning, afternoon and evening. From  the results of the research after analysis obtained: (1) The best delay measurement is on Jl. Gajah TP 1 with a value of 8.5 ms and the worst on Jl. Parkit TP 4 with a value of 64.8 ms. (2) The best packet loss measurement is on Jl. Gajah TP 1 with a value of 0.1% and the worst on Jl. Parkit TP 4 with a value of 25.2%. (3) The best throughput measurements can be found at Jl. Gajah TP 1 with a value of 93.04% and the worst on Jl. Parkit TP 4 with a value of 45.21%. Keywords: Delay, Packet loss, Throughput, TIPHON, Axence Nettols 5

Sachin Sabloak ◽  
Jasuandi Wijaya ◽  
Abdul Rahman ◽  
Molavi Arman

[Id]Pentingnya jaringan komputer pada kehidupan sekarang, perlu adanya kestabilan jaringan komputer yang digunakan. Pemantauan kualitas jaringan internet didalam sebuah jaringan LAN dilakukan network administrator untuk mendapatkan nilai dari data yang didapat, penelitian ini menerapkan algoritma Naive Bayes menggunakan dataset TIPHON dengan parameter yang terdapat dalam metode QoS yaitu delay, packetloss dan jitter untuk memonitor kualitas jaringan internet. Metode QoS akan menghasilkan nilai dari setiap parameter yang dibutuhkan untuk pemantauan jaringan, guna mendapatkan kesimpulan mengenai status jaringan internet digunakan Algoritma Naive Bayes. Metode Quality of Service (QoS) merupakan sebuah metode yang digunakan dalam mendefinisikan kemampuan suatu jaringan yang ?digunakan untuk pengukuran tentang kualitas ?jaringan. Penggunaan algoritma Naive Bayes diperlukan karena algoritma tersebut digunakan dalam pengklasifikasian yang menggunakan probabilitas dan statistik serta mampu mengambil keputusan dengan menggunakan dataset yang telah disediakan. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui status jaringan internet di lab komputer STMIK Global Informatika MDP serta mengetahui tingkat akurasi dari algoritma Naive Bayes untuk mengklasifikasikan status jaringan internet. Pengujian penelitian dilakukan di lab komputer STMIK Global Informatika MDP. Hasil pengujian dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa akurasi Naive Bayes yang didapatkan sebesar 87,78% dan status jaringan internet di lab komputer STMIK Global Informatika MDP masuk ke dalam kategori memuaskan dengan nilai dominan yaitu sebesar 47,78%.Kata Kunci: Naive Bayes, network administrator, Quality of Service (QoS), status jaringan internet.[En]Since computer network is very important nowadays, it needs the stability of the network used. Monitoring the quality of the internet network in LAN is conducted by an administrator to get the value of the data obtained. This research applied Naive Bayes algorithm using TIPHON data set with parameters in QoS method; delay, packetloss and jitter, to monitor the quality of the internet network. QoS method will gain value in every parameter needed for network monitoring. To get a conclusion about the status of the internet network, Naive Bayes algorithm was used. Quality of Service (QoS) method is a method used to define the ability of a network to measure its quality. Naive Bayes algorithm is needed since the algorithm is used in classifying using probability and statistic as well as making decision using dataset provided. This research is conducted to see the status of the internet network in STMIK Global Informatika MDP computer laboratory and to know the level of accuracy of Naive Bayes algorithm to classify the status of the network. The research was conducted in STMIK Global Informatika MDP computer laboratory. The result of the research showed that the accuracy of Naive Bayes was 87,78% and the status of the internet network STMIK Global Informatika MDP was in the category of satisfactory with dominant value 47,78%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Akbar Akbar ◽  
Saiful Saiful

Analysis Quality of Service (QoS) Internet Network Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar guided by Zahir Zainuddin and Rahmania. QoS parameters were observed or measured is Bandwidth, Delay, Packet Loss and throughput. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, this study aims to measure, analyze and determine Kualitias Internet Network Engineering Faculty of Muhammadiyah University Makassar. To measure Delay, Packet lost and throughput using software Axence NetTools 4.0 Pro. The results of measurements of parameters of Quality of Service (QoS) Internet network is measured is the bandwidth available on Thursday, Friday and Saturday = 10240 Kbps. Delay highest in the can on Thursday = 74.66 ms, while the lowest in the delay may be on Saturdays = 62 ms. Packet loss is the highest obtained on Thursday = 5.33%, while the lowest in the lost packet can be on Saturdays = 0.33%. The highest throughput in the can on Saturdays = 357 106 bps, while the lowest in the throughput can be on Thursday = 278 039 Bps. Based on the data delay and packet loss above, Internet Network Quality Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar categorized as very good.

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