scholarly journals Family And Economic Growth In Poland

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-75
Jan Jacek Sztaudynger

Abstract In the article we test the hypothesis that the weakening of family ties, as measured by the reduction in the number of marriages, a cascade of divorces and the decrease in the fertility rate, has brought about an economic slowdown in Poland. We also suppose that the economic growth and increased standard of living influence the increasing number of marriages, the fertility rate, and results in a decreasing number of divorces. We verify these hypotheses using an econometric model of economic growth with the family social capital. The model consists of seven stochastic equations and exhibits the feedback between GDP, labour productivity and some variables representing social capital, in particular the marriage disintegration ratio. We try to verify the hypothesis of the existence of an optimal divorce rate for economic growth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 101-118
Jan Jacek Sztaudynger

Economic growth is mostly explained by investments and employment growth. Since the mid-1990s various social categories have been introduced into the economic growth analysis, such as trust, crime and income inequality, etc. According to sociology and psychology, it is the family that constitutes interpersonal relationships and is an indicator of happiness and quality of life. It can be said that happy people better fulfil their social roles and also work better. We put forward the hypothesis that family ties have an influence on economic growth. More precisely: the more divorces (relative to existing marriages) there are, the slower economic growth is. This hypothesis was confirmed in an analysis of Poland’s economy in the years 1995–2017. Due to the disintegration of family ties measured by the divorce rate, Poland’s annual economic growth was slowed by about a 1 percentage point on average. This estimation is based on the productivity (GDP to labor ratio) growth model which, along with the divorce rate, also includes the investment and new marriage rates.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-67
Paweł Baranowski ◽  
Jan Jacek Sztaudynger

The aim of the study is to estimate the impact of the so-called family social capital (family ties capital) on economic growth. We hypothesise that marital dissolution expresses decrease in the capacity for cooperation, collaboration and sharing responsibility not only within the family but also on a professional level. Thus, an increase in the divorce to marriage rate is accompanied by a slowdown in economic growth. The divorce rate is regarded here as an indirect cause of the slowdown. The reasons stem from the breakdown of cooperation and collaboration, as well as increased risk, trust reduction, and the shortening of the decision-making time horizon accompanying divorces and resulting from divorces. These phenomena directly affect the working members of the family in which a divorce takes place. According to the main hypothesis, their impact is transferred to professional life and concerns employee teams. For the study, we employ econometric models, the first one for Poland and the second for 15 European Union countries, for the period 1993–2017.

2012 ◽  
Vol 51 (4II) ◽  
pp. 381-396
Syed Ammad Ali ◽  
Hasan Raza ◽  
Muhammad Umair Yousuf

Human development considered as the engine of the economic growth as it improves the economy’s strength and increases the standard of living of the people, increases the choices and maximises the welfare of the society that is the prime objective of any government. The development of the human capabilities is also necessary for the sustainable growth, as there are many channels through which human development foster the economic growth. It increases the labour productivity, labour demand, employment and output. On the other hand, human capital also attracts physical capital.1 Empirically, it is very difficult to have an exact measure of human development and social welfare. Several proxies used to measure human development, e.g. GNI per capita as a measure of standard of living, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) criterion to measure the cost of living and to measure the welfare, average year of schooling, school enrolment rate and health expenditures as a percentage of GDP to capture this composite welfare and development indicator. A fair index of Human Development Index (HDI) was developed by United Nations Development Programme in 1990. This index based on the standard of living (natural logarithm of GDP PPP per capita), access to knowledge (adult literacy rate with two-third weighting and the remaining is the gross enrolment ratio) and a healthy life (life expectancy at birth). The value of index varies from 0 to 1, lower the HDI, lesser would be the human development and welfare in the country or vice versa.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Eva Karayianni ◽  
Elias Hadjielias ◽  
Loukas Glyptis

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the way in which family ties influence the entrepreneurial preparedness of the diaspora family business owner. Design/methodology/approach In-depth interviews were carried out with 15 Cypriot family business owners hosted in various countries. The paper draws on social capital theory and uses an abductive analytical approach. Findings The findings of this paper illustrate that family ties coming from the family across borders play a significant role for diaspora family business owners’ entrepreneurial preparedness. Hidden values deriving from the interpersonal relationships within the family across borders drive the diaspora family business owners to learn upon self-reflection and become entrepreneurially prepared, led by both urgency and esteem. Practical implications This study provides practical implications for the entrepreneurial preparedness of diaspora family business owners and those who wish to become family business owners in a diaspora context. Originality/value This study contributes theoretically through the conceptualization of “family across borders social capital” and “diaspora entrepreneurial preparedness”. It also contributes empirically to the fields of diaspora family business, entrepreneurial learning and diaspora entrepreneurship through new knowledge regarding the role of family across borders social capital in the entrepreneurial preparedness of the diaspora family business owner.

2020 ◽  
vikas bajpai ◽  
Rupinder Kaur ◽  
Devinder Tiwari ◽  
Vipan Kumar Rampal

Abstract The Agri-Entrepreneurship is modern approach to run his farm on profitable manner. it had support to entrepreneur for imperative role in the process of economic growth and technological change in thier entreprise to sustainable development of the beekeeping sector in the leading agricultural state of India i.e. Punjab, entrepreneurship has to be promoted among beekeepers. Moreover, the impact of family capital and social capital that determine to assessment the start and up scaling beekeeping venture have to be analysed and explained. This study clearly inferred that the family capital and social capital determine beekeepers to engage in entrepreneurial activities. family capital and social capital in apiculture was as well analysed, but the survey revealed the fact that beekeepers that had positive impact on up scaled apiculture entreprise were more interested in starting a business that those who had been practicing apiculture for many years. The study reveals the fact that beekeepers from the punjab of india possess financial, physical and mental ( family ) that influence the performance and trust, social networking and reciprocity ( social ) both dimension capital result had observed potential of up scaling their beekeeping enterprise.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Stela Prvonožec

Labour market, value of wages and standard of living are inextricably linked determinants of economic development. Croatian GDP, living standards and purchasing power of the population are among the lowest in Europe. Wage growth in Croatia is present, but, as in most Central and Eastern European countries, it is not accompanied by an increase in labour productivity. The majority of the income of the Croatian population is spent on food, which is associated with low productivity of the economy. There is a significant dependence on social transfers in the structure of the household income, which, for a significant share of the population, represent the difference between poverty and relatively normal life. Croatia has failed to create economic models that enable economic growth through technological progress and strengthening of labour productivity. In order to improve the standard of living in the Republic of Croatia, it is necessary to solve the structural problems present in the labour market and create economic policies that encourage economic growth. This paper analyses the relationship between the value of wages, labour market and standard of living in the Republic of Croatia. The hypothesis is that structural problems in the Croatian labour market affect the value of wages, and consequently the standard of living of Croatian citizens. The aim of this paper is to analyse the structural problems on the labour market in Croatia and their impact on the value of wages. The purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of an efficient labour market in the national economy of the Republic of Croatia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 89-99
Jan Jacek Sztaudynger

Inequality of income is one of the significant factors forming social capital. Two views dominate among economists dealing with the influence of income inequality on economic growth. On the one hand, a too low level of income inequality does not motivate people to increase their labour productivity. Low inequality of income might result from an extended social care system and a GDP burdened with social transfers. A good example may be a situation when an unemployed person refuses to accept a job offer and prefers unemployment benefits to a slightly higher salary. Moreover, a lack of incentives for an employee who fails to acknowledge the economic sense of increasing the productivity of his or her work might lead to a slower growth of the economy. On the other hand, a contrary view suggests that an increase in inequality of income has a negative impact on the economy. The accumulation of wealth by a small number of citizens raises doubts about the good use of that wealth for the investments necessary for the growth of the economy. Excessive inequality of income is confronted with the disapproval of a significant part of society and is regarded as unfair and unjustified. It may also increase the crime rate, decrease trust and, more generally, lead to the weakening of social capital. The arguments presented above lead to the hypothesis that the influence of income inequality on the growth of the economy has a non-linear, parabolic character. We have confirmed this hypothesis in growth models of the US and Swedish economies. We assess the historically optimal inequality of income measured by the Gini coefficient at 46% and 24% for the US and Sweden, respectively. The optimal inequality of income for Poland was assessed previously at 29%. The dissimilarities may result from differences in culture, society, educational level and diligence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Nataliya A. Lebedeva-Nesevria ◽  
Sofiya Y. Eliseeva

The family social capital is determined based on social control (the presence of intra-family norms and sanctions), social involvement (based on intra-family ties), and social support (based on trust) and plays a significant role in the familys socio-psychological climate and minimizing the risks of deviant behaviors of the younger generation. The hypothesis on the positive impact of the inclusion of relatives in the care of children up to 14 years (social support) into childrens healthy lifestyle formation is tested on the materials of the 27th wave of The Russian Longitudinal Monitoring SurveyHigher School of Economics (2018, n = 1941). Furthermore, it is shown that the relatives social support has a positive effect on preschool-age childrens physical activity as well as school childrens compliance with the rules of balanced nutrition and the use of vitamins.

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