scholarly journals The Role of Women in Iroquoian Society

Patricia Reed

Three primary sources (Gabriel Sagard, Joseph-Francois Lafitau and Lewis Henry Morgan) written in three different centuries are consulted to discover what information they contain on the economic, social and political role of women in Iroquoian society. This information is analyzed with respect to its reliability and credibility. Recent interpretations of the ethnohistoric record (Brown, Tooker and Trigger), as well as the primary sources are considered in terms of the role of women in the authors' societies. These sources show that the role of Iroquoian women changed over time; however, the record may have been influenced by the role of women in the authors' societies at the time.

2019 ◽  
pp. 73
Jorge Freddy Ramirez Pérez ◽  
Pedro Luis Hernández Pérez ◽  
Silfredo Rodriguez Basso

Resumen: El presente artículo, aborda una mirada de género al interior de la resistencia esclava en la región histórica de Vueltabajo, en Cuba. Se establecen los parámetros geohistóricos, económicos y naturales que condicionan la presencia de la mujer cimarrona, con dos estudios de casos representativos: el de la Madre Melchora y el de Petrona Conga. Los métodos histórico-lógico, y de recopilación, ordenamiento y análisis documental de las fuentes primarias, sustentaron los resultados que se presentan. Se resalta a modo de conclusiones, el papel de las mujeres en el cimarronaje como portadoras y trasmisoras de una cultura de resistencia, lo que contrasta con la escasa atención que sobre el asunto existe en la historiografía cubana. Abstract: This article reports a gender perspective within the slave resistance in the historical region of Vueltabajo, in Cuba. The geohistorical, economic and natural parameters that determine the presence of the Maroon woman are established, with two representative case studies: that of Mother Melchora and that of Petrona Conga. The historical-logical methods, and the collection, ordering and documentary analysis of the primary sources, supported the results presented. It highlights as a conclusion, the role of women in the cimarronaje as carriers and transmitters of a culture of resistance, which contrasts with the scant attention on the matter in Cuban historiography.

1956 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 664
Ruth Shonle Cavan ◽  
Maurice Duverger

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-57
Vitalii Turenko

The article, based on classical ancient sources and the most modern fundamental scientific works, explores and reveals the specifics of the existence of women in the early Greek philosophical school, founded by Pythagoras. There are three key reasons that led to the full existence of women along with men in the Pythagorean tradition: socio-political, doctrinal and vital. Accordingly, such a high status of women for the Pythagoreans is due not only to certain socio-political conditions of Greater Greece, or rather even the city of Croton, but also to the fact that the founder of this school, Pythagoras, unlike other early Greek thinkers, received philosophical knowledge from a woman, the Delphic Pythia Themistoclea. The doctrinal reason has been shown to be that Pythagoras himself preached the equality of women. If he had preached the opposite of the socio-political role of women in a given geographical region, he would not only not have been accepted, but even expelled. It is substantiated that the presence of women in this philosophical tradition is not a late Hellenistic fiction, but a real fact, based on the available sources of Aristotle's disciples – Dicaearchus and Aristoxenus, which testify to a rather ramified system of attracting women to the functioning of Pythagoreanism The proposed author's dichotomy of the representatives of this philosophical school known to us: pseudo-epigraphic and agraphic. Accordingly, the agraphic ones are known to us only by mentioning in certain ancient sources, while we know about the pseudo-epigraphic ones not only the names, but also preserved works and letters that are attributed to the Pythagorean thinkers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 902-916
Irina Deretic

In this paper I will discuss Aristotle?s controversial philosophical views on women. I will critically examine three main interpretations of his claim that women have deliberative faculty ?without authority?. According to the first line of interpretation, Aristotle has in mind that women?s incapacity of advice-giving and decision-making in public affairs are determined by conventions in the political context of his time. I will attempt to point out the disadvantages of this kind of interpretation. Furthermore, I will put forward the reasons why is implausible the more recent interpretation, given by Marguerite Deslauriers. According to her reading, the lack of authority of deliberative faculty in women means nothing else than the tasks over which women have authority are for the purpose of the tasks put forth by men. The prevailing interpretation among scholars is that, in Aristotle?s view, women are naturally inferior to men, due to the fact that they are all too frequently overruled by the irrational ?forces? of their nature. I will argue that this line of interpretation elucidates what Aristotle presumably has in mind, although it makes his account of women and their rationality, if not inconclusive, then indisputably problematic. In other words, I attempt to prove that, if the prevailing line of interpretation is correct, such view of women produces some philosophically ?insurmountable? problems for Aristotle. The aim of the last section of the paper is to point out how some of these problems could eventually be resolved.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 309
Zaprulkhan Zaprulkhan

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong><strong><em> </em></strong><em>As if it never finished to talk about the role of women in the public sphere. This is because the role of women in the public sphere, particularly in their political role is considered to be less significant. Up to the third millennium, some scholars and intellectuals still had a negative view about the role of positive contribution of women in the political arena. They interpreted the Qor’an and the hadith (traditions of the Prophet, sayings of the Prophet)</em> <em>textually with which prohibited women involve in politics. Through constructive critics and holistic reconstruction, this study tried to explore the political role of women in the public sphere based on ‘notion’ of Musdah Mulia. According to Musdah, the important things that should be done was not only the reconstruction of the interpretation of the fundamental doctrines of Islam (Qur'an and Hadith), but also practical implementation in the fields of education, culture, and public policies. All reconstructions of woman</em> <em>role in political leadership should be carried out simultaneously in order to produce concrete changes. This is because there were a number of internal factors that had caused women not be able to play their role significantly in the political sphere that consisted of figure of women themselves who were unconfident and passive to the given opportunities they had. They also got lack of support; they were chained in stereotypes as guardians of household, and still confined by misogynistic tradition, as well as caused by the biased interpretation of religious doctrines related to the patriarchal values and gender domain.</em> <em></em></p><p dir="RTL"><strong>الملخص</strong> :كاد لا ينتهي الحديث عن دور المرأة في وسط المجتمع . وذلك لأن دورها فيه – وخاصة في المجال السياسي – قليل. وإلى هذا الحين لا يزال بعض العلماء والمثقفين نظروا إلى دور المرأة الإيجابي في وسط المجتمع نظرة سلبية.  فسّر هؤلاء الآيات القرآنية والأحاديث النبوية الناهية المرأة عن الاشتراك في المجال السياسي تفسيرا حرفيا. حاولت هذه الدراسة – بمدخل نقدي بنّاء شامل – دراسة الدور السياسي للمرأة وسط المجتمع فكرة موسدة موليا. ترى موسدة أن العمل الواجب قيامه به هو، ليس فقط إعادة طريقة تفسير القرآن والحديث بل كذلك إيجاد الحركات في مجال التربية، والثقافة، والقرارات الإجتماعية. وجميع إعادة بناء لدور المرأة لابد أن تقام جماعية لتحقيق التغيّر الواقعيّ. وهذا لأن هناك عوامل داخلية للمرأة تمنع المرأة للتدخّل في المجال السياسي، وهي عدم ثقتها بنفسها وعدم انتهازها للفرصة الموجودة. وكذلك التأييد لها قليل، محبوسة في ضوء المقولة " إنها ربّة البيت"،</p><p><strong>Abstrak: </strong><em>Membincang peran perempuan di wilayah publik, seakan tidak pernah selesai. Hal ini karena peran perempuan di wilayah publik ini, khususnya peran politik diyakini masih kurang signifikan. </em><em>Hingga memasuki milenium ketiga, masih terdapat sebagian ulama dan cendekiawan yang memandang negatif peran dan kontribusi positif kaum perempuan di ranah politik. Mereka melakukan interpretasi secara tekstual terhadap al-Quran dan hadis yang melarang kaum perempuan terlibat dalam politik. Melalui kritik konstruktif dan rekonstruksi holistik, kajian ini mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi peran politik kaum perempuan di ruang publik gagasan Musdah Mulia. Bagi Musdah, hal yang perlu dilakukan adalah tidak saja rekonstruksi interpretasi terhadap doktrin-doktrin fundamental Islam (al-Quran dan hadis), tapi juga gerakan praktis dalam bidang pendidikan, kebudayaan, dan kebijakan publik. Semua rekonstruksi terhadap peran kepemimpinan politik perempuan tersebut mesti dilakukan secara bersamaan agar menghasilkan perubahan secara konkret. Hal ini karena terdapat sejumlah faktor internal yang menyebabkan perempuan tidak bisa berperan secara signifikan dalam ranah politik yang mencakup pada sosok perempuan sendiri yang kurang percaya diri dan pasif terhadap peluang yang ada. Mereka juga kurang mendapat dukungan, terbelenggu stereotip sebagai penjaga ranah domestik, masih terkungkung tradisi misoginis, serta penafsiran agama yang bias nilai-nilai patriarki dan bias gender. </em></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>perempuan, publik, steorotip, patriarkhi, tafsir agama.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 7-18
L. B. Karelova

The book Philosophy as Metanoetics by the Japanese philosopher Tanabe Hajime written in the last year of WW2 marks an important turning point in his career which is interesting in terms of the influence of historical events on philosophical thought, the philosopher’s responsibility to society and rethinking of self-image, own existence and methods of philosophy, seemingly topical nowadays.The key topic of this study on late Tanabe is the focus on philosophy as on a self-critical process, taking place in parallel with the inner rebirth of philosopher.The result of the rethinking of the Western philosophy foundations of Tanabe in his inquiry on the subject, philosophy of history, absolute mediation, idea of freedom, problem of the Evil, dialectics was primarily critical. This rethinking manifested itself in Tanabe’s appeal to national spiritual tradition, a religious philosophy combining separate Buddhist doctrines, in particular the teachings of Shinran and the Jodo school.The example of Tanabe’s project of philosophy as a path of repentance shows how the modernized Buddhist worldview helps to find a philosophical resolution of the crisis. The study of the latest research on the political role of the Kyoto School during the WW2 and the analysis of primary sources contributed to a more balanced assessment on the historical signifiance of Tanabe philosophy.

خصيبة راشد اليماحي ◽  
الفاتح عبدالله عبد السلام

تهتم الورقة البحثية بدراسة دور المرأة في الحياة السياسية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة نظرا لتنامي تأثيرها في السنوات العشر الماضية، وفي الحقيقة يبدو أن التأثير كان إيجابيا في مجمله لأن منظور العملية السياسية المبنية على اشراك الطرفين الرجل والمرأة أثبتت فعاليتها في كثير من دول العالم، وفي الإمارات بالأخص، ولكن يبقى هناك بعض الإشكاليات التي ارتأى البحث أن تسعى إليها المرأة في دولة الإمارات العربية لتفعل من تأثيرها على مجمل الحياة السياسية؛ حيث إن مشاركتها في الحياة السياسية مقتصرة حتى الآن على انتظار التغيير من أعلى الهرم السياسي. خلص البحث إلى اهتمام دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بوضع مجموعة من التشريعات التي تضمن للمرأة حقوقها في كافة المستويات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية أثر بشكل واضح على قدراتها التأثيرية في العملية السياسية، واشراك المرأة في عمليات التمكين الاقتصادي والسياسي أثر بشكل كبير في تحقيق نشاط سياسي واضح للمرأة الإماراتية. الكلمات المفتاحية: المشاركة السياسية، الانتخابات، الدور السياسي، الوزارات. Abstract The paper examines the role of women in political life in the United Arab Emirates due to their growing influence in the last ten years. In fact, the impact seems to be positive in its entirety because the perspective of the political process based on the involvement of both men and women has proven effective in many countries of the world and in UAE in particular. However, there are still some problems that the research found such as the fact that women have to wait for change to cascade down from the top of the political hierarchy. The study concluded that the UAE has set a group of legislations that guarantee women their rights at all social, economic and political levels, clearly affecting their influential capacities in the political process, and involving women in economic and political empowerment. Keywords: Political participation, election, political role, ministers.

1994 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-248 ◽  
Tom Mieczkowski

The author examines the role of women in various crack sales venues. He reports basic sociodemographic data on women crack sellers derived from a convenience sample obtained in Detroit, Michigan. He also reports various descriptive experiences of these women and develops a series of role typologies that characterize the various experiences of the subjects. The article also describes a variety of role type transitions experienced over time by the subjects. Finally, he examines various coping strategies employed by the subjects in dealing with the challenges and dangers that are an aspect of drug selling, and contrasts these strategies with male crack sellers.

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