2017 ◽  
Vol 137 (5) ◽  
pp. 1198-1207
Andrij Furdyczko
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
Chadwick Auriol Gaspard

Hip Hop is a cultural phenomenon that is constantly evolving and has made a worldwide impact in a short time. While it continues to change Hip Hop at its core remains the same. Victor Quijada artistic director of the Rubberband Dance company posed the question of “What more could Hip Hop be”. With those words in mind the focus of my research is to examine the movement and concepts/ideologies of the breakdancing subculture of Hip Hop; to create a fusion with contemporary dance. As such a brand-new system of movement with its own concepts and life could be created. The dance world is continuously shifting, and different skill sets, as well as ideologies, have been valued at different times and places. This exploration will challenge the mainstream ideals of what is currently considered “technique” and “foundation”

2017 ◽  
Vol 0 (13) ◽  
pp. 199-206
Дарія Чембержі

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Жанна Шкляренко

Стаття присвячена дослідженню шляхів вивчення перформансу як культурного явища. Зростаюча увага до цього феномену зумовлена відсутністю лінії розмежування його з життям, створенню особливої реальності, спроможністю викликати потужні емоційні стани та взаємоемпатії. Проблематичність у вивченні його полягає у складності архівування, хиткий своєрідний наратив, що вислизає зі сприйняття непідготовленого глядача, міграція з виставкових зал у соціальну сферу, супроводжувана жанровими новоутвореннями. Даним дослідженням зроблено спробу аналізу шляхів пізнання культурного явища перформансу, визначені особливості побутування, виявлено закономірності проявів та варіативність в сучасній культурі. The article is devoted to the study of ways to research performance study as a cultural phenomenon. The growing interest in the phenomenon of performance art is due to the lack of a dividing line with our life, the creation of a special reality, the ability to cause strong emotional states and mutual empathy. The difficulty of study is also in trouble archiving it, shaky kind of narrative which escapes the perception of the unprepared viewer, the migration of the exhibition halls and in the social media sphere, followed by the creation of new genres. This analyzes the ways of understanding the cultural phenomenon of performance art. The features of being are determined, patterns and a variety of its manifestations in modern culture are revealed.

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Юлія Чуприна

Проаналізовано явище війни у межах соціокультурної динаміки, а також етапи становлення даного феномену, на який все більшою мірою впливають культурні, соціальні та психологічні фактори. Досліджено поняття війни як феномену (анти) культури, яке розглядається у специфічному, антропологічному значенні з використанням матеріальних засобів (культурних артефактів), замкнутому в конкретному соціокультурному просторі та спрямованому на реалізацію конкретних цілей в етносоціальних, історичних, ментальних параметрах. Саме у процесі соціодинаміки культури, явище війни набуває антагоністичних форм: від глобальної взаємодії до локальної розпорошеності, що у свою чергу зумовлює використання нових методів та засобів у військових протистояннях. The article covers the phenomenon of war within the framework of socio-cultural dynamics, as well as the stages of the formation of this phenomenon, which is increasingly influenced by cultural, social and psychological factors. The concept of war investigated as a (anti) cultural phenomenon, which is considered in a specific, anthropological sense using material means (cultural artefacts), closed in a specific sociocultural space aimed at realizing specific goals in ethno-social, historical and mental factors. It is in the process of the sociodynamics of culture that the phenomenon of war takes on antagonistic forms: from global interaction to local spred, which in turn leads to the use of new methods in military confrontation.

Eva Mārtuža

An innovative view to theological texts as a literary genre has been established in research of the modern religions and designated as theopoetics, because, irrespective of whether a theological text is written in the poetic genre, in the form of a story or the style of a more dense, theoretical prose, it is based on the poesis: innovative, intuitive and an imaginary composition of the authors where the central figure is God. Therefore, approximately ten thousand recorded and published folk songs, as well as other Latvian folklore texts about God, are equal to theopoetics as a genre of creative writing with its specific expression tools. Folk songs are a product of purposeful human spiritual/intellectual activity and imagination, a typical cultural phenomenon of the relevant society, which helps to study the public’s views about the perception of God. To approach adequately to analysis and interpretation of such texts, in the late 20th century, a new method of research on religious texts – theopoetics – was established. Theopoetics is a method of analysing religious texts that encourages us to look at the ancient metaphors of God from another angle. It explores the language possibilities of figuratively creating God’s patterns, unlike the previous “scientific” God’s theories as the systematic attempt of theology to find God through the living (“incarnated”) God. Theopoetics theorists accept reality as a source of divine revelation as well as personal experience and metaphor-influenced divine understanding in various religions. This method allows to establish the essence and possible interpretations of the basic metaphors used in every individual religion: 1) critically weigh up the previous explanations of God; 2) study the interaction of applied metaphors, models and concepts within religion; 3) offers the potential of transformative, revolutionary models, using the language and metaphor layer that is widely understandable and used by people in everyday life. Research of metaphors does not impose objective or general criteria for assessing understanding of God; therefore, the aim of theopoetical discourse is not to prevent competing interpretations but to multiply the number of perceptions of God, to extend the emotional feeling, and to reveal new opinions. Folk songs figuratively represent God in metaphors and comparisons, but the theopoetics method has not been applied in the previous studies of God either because it is a relatively new methodological system, or because God’s perception in the folk songs has not been the focus of researchers of contemporary religions.

С.И. Сулимов

статья посвящена социально-философскому рассмотрению такого историко-культурного явления как псевдоморфоза. Под данным термином понимается господство развитого в культурном плане общества над более молодым соседом, находящимся на более низкой ступени общественного развития. Опираясь на исследования немецкого философа О. Шпенглера и многочисленные исторические примеры, автор выделяет такие агенты эффективного создания псевдоморфозы как государственный язык, импортная модель образования и социальная сегрегация. the work is devoted to the socio-philosophical consideration of such a historical and cultural phenomenon as pseudomorphosis. This term refers to the dominance of a culturally developed society over a younger and more primitive neighbor. Based on the research of the German philosopher O. Spengler and numerous historical examples, the author identifies such agents for the effective creation of pseudomorphs as the state language, the import model of education and social segregation.

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