2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-176
Hendra Bayu Suseno ◽  
Muhammad Fahri ◽  
Anif Hanifa Setyaningrum

ABSTRAK Berdasarkan wawancara yang dilakukan penulis dengan mubaligh sebagai narasumber, Al Lu’lu’ Wal Marjan adalah kitab yang menjadi referensi utama di kalangan mubaligh dan umat muslim karena tingkat keshahihannya yang tinggi. Walaupun kitab Al Lu’lu’ Wal Marjan menjadi refensi utama, kuesioner yang penulis sebar menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak umat muslim yang belum mengenal hadits – hadits di dalamnya. Pada umumnya penceramah selama ini menggunakan kitab sebagai dasar ceramahnya. Hal ini dirasa mempersulit penceramah karena kitab membutuhkan ruang, berat dan tidak praktis dalam melakukan pencarian. pemakalah bermaksud mendigitalisasikan kitab Al Lu’lu’ Wal Marjan kedalam aplikasi untuk membantu mubaligh menyampaikan dalil dan Juga mengenalkan hadit–hadits muttafaqun alaih kepada umat muslim pada umumnya. jumlah hadits di dalam kitab Al Lu’lu’ Wal Marjan mencapai 1906 hadits, maka dibutuhkan metode pencarian kata dengan hasil pencarian yang cepat serta dapat menyajikan urutan kemiripan untuk memberikan pilihan. Algoritma Weighted Tree Similarity yang mengelompokan indikator pencarian dengan bobot, algoritma Boyer Moore yang mencocokan keyword dengan teks Serta rumus consine yang menghitung nilai kesamaan antara tree berbobot dari keyword dengan tree database, mampu menghasilkan urutan kemiripan dengan total bobotyang diurutkan secara decending dari data yang mendekati pencarian sampai yang jauh dari data pencarian.ABSTRACT Based on interviews conducted by the author with a preacher as a resource, Al Lu'lu 'Wal Marjan is a book that became the main reference in the Muslim and Muslim preachers because of high level of highness. Even the book of Al Lu'lu 'Wal Marjan became the main reference, the questionnaire writers spread, indicating that there are still many Muslims who have not know hadith - hadith didi. In general, preachers have been using the book as the basis of his speech. This makes it difficult for speakers because the book needs space, weight and is not practical in searching. the devil's devotees digitized the book of Al Lu'lu 'Wal Marjan to the application to help preachers submit their theorem and also introduce the hadits of muttafaqun alaihong Muslim in general. the number of hadiths in the book of Al Lu'lu 'Wal Marjan reached 1906 hadith, then used to find the choice. Algorithm Moving Tree Similarity that categorizes the search indicator by weight, the Boyer Moore algorithm matching the keyword with text And the consine formula that calculates the price between the weighted tree of the keyword with the tree database, is able to generate a sequence of similarities with the accurately ranked total weight of the remote data from search data. 

HortScience ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-253 ◽  
Yusuf N. Tamimi ◽  
Dennis T. Matsuyama ◽  
Kimberly D. Ison-Takata ◽  
Richard T. Nakano

Pollution of the environment, especially groundwater, may be reduced by proper fertilizer management, based in part on crop removal. The weights and concentrations of nutrients in tissue components of cut-flower roses (Rosa hybrida L.) were determined to assist in developing a fertilizer management system that sustains a high level of production but also is environmentally friendly. Harvested flower stalks of the cv. Royalty were cut to 45-cm length, and sectioned into 15-cm units, from which blossom, leaf, and stem components were separated, weighed, and analyzed for nutrients. The flower represented 28.5%, leaves 46.0%, and stem 25.5% of the total weight of the stalk. Upper leaves had the highest levels (g·kg-1) of N (29.3), Ca (21.8), and Mg (3.0), and (mg·kg-1) Fe (74) and Mn (71). The flower was highest in K (18.4 g·kg-1), P (3.0 g·kg-1), Zn (29 mg·kg-1), and B (23 mg·kg-1). Annual removal of nutrients by 45-cm flower stalks totaled: 256.2, 187.5, 116.3, 30.0, 26.0, and 21.1 kg·ha-1 of N, K, Ca, P, Mg, and S, respectively. Micronutrients removed per annum totaled 700, 470, 260, 200, and 190 g·ha-1 of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and B, respectively. Assuming 50% recovery of applied N and 80% of K, a total annual application of N at 512 kg·ha-1 and K at 234 kg·ha-1 may replace the amounts removed. However, actual rates of N and K, as well as other nutrients applied, should be adjusted based on soil and tissue analysis results. Removal of nutrients will be greater if stalks harvested are >45 cm in length, which may necessitate additional nutrient application, depending on soil conditions.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Halim Yosephine ◽  
Somya Ramos ◽  
Fibriani Charitas

Abstract The aim of this thesis is to give the simplicity in cooking with limited ingredients for the users by using mobile technology (J2ME). The aim of this thesis can be done by using Extended Weighted Tree Similarity Algorithm, a calculation to find out the highest weight similarity between the menu which has been inputted in the application as a database; and the inputted ingredients from the users of this application. The conclusion of this thesis is that Algorithm Extended Weighted Tree Similarity can be implemented into mobile technology (J2ME).  Keywords: extended weighted tree similarity, cooking smart, J2ME Abstrak Tujuan dari penelit ian ini adalah   memberikan kemudahan dalam memasak dengan bahan yang terbatas bagi pengguna  dengan menggunakan  teknologi  mobile  (J2ME).  Tujuan dari  tesis ini  dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan  Algoritma  Extended Weighted Tree Similarity, perhitungan  untuk mengetahui  kesamaan  bobot  tertinggi antara menu  yang telah  diinput  dalam aplikasi  sebagai  database, dan  bahan-bahan  dimasukkan  dari  pengguna  aplikasi ini.  Kesimpulan dari  tesis ini  adalah bahwa  Algoritma Extended Weighted Tree Similarity dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam teknologi mobile (J2ME).  Kata Kunci : extended weighted tree similarity, cooking smart, J2ME

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 111 ◽  
Rachel Edwards ◽  
Archie Campbell ◽  
David Porteous

Background: Generation Scotland (GS) is a population and family-based study of genetic and environmental health determinants. Recruitment to the Scottish Family Health Study component of GS took place between 2006-2011. Participants were aged 18 or over and consented to genetic studies, linkage to health records and recontact. Several recontact exercises have been successfully conducted aimed at a) recruitment to embedded or partner studies and b) the collection of additional data. As the cohort matures in age, we were interested in surveying attitudes to potential new approaches to data collection and recruitment. Methods: A ten-question online survey was sent to those participants who provided an email address. Results: We report a high level of positive responses to encouraging relatives to participate, to remote data and sample collection and for research access to stored newborn dried blood spots. Conclusions: The majority of current and prospective GS participants are likely to respond positively to future requests for remote data and sample collection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 435
Suratno Suratno ◽  
Zahriza Purnadayanti ◽  
Hilda Novianty ◽  
Selvia Oktaviyani

The high level of fish consumption was the main factor in the vulnerability of Hg exposure to the human body. The preliminary information of the total mercury (THg) concentration of Indian scad (Decapterus russelli) and Torpedo scad (Megalaspis cordyla) from Binuangeun fish auction in Lebak, Banten, Indonesia, was presented in this research. The objective of this research was to understand the distribution of THg in each organ of D. russelli (muscle, gut tissues, gonad, and eggs) and M. cordyla (muscle, liver, and gut contents). The results showed that THg in all samples were below the National Regulation limit from the National Agency of Drug and Food in mg/kg ww. THg gonad from D. russelli was showed highly significant (P < 0.01) lower compare THg in muscle, gut tissues, and eggs. Pearson’s correlation from THg in each organ of D. russelli compare to total weight and total length showed that concentration of THg in gonad highly significantly (p < 0.01) correlated with total body weight (r2 = 0.97) and total length (r2 = 0.96). M. cordyla was showed no correlation of THg in muscle compare to total length and total weight. The present study showed that D. russelli could accumulate higher mercury compare to M. cordyla and need caution while consuming this fish.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Abdurrosyiid amrullah ◽  
Indra Gita Anugrah

As more and more documents we manage, the more difficult it is in the search process, and the need to use information retrieval becomes important. With the information retrieval system, it can help in searching for documents that match the similarity of keywords. Usually document searches usually only see the name of the document (file) being searched for by the user without paying attention to the content or metadata of the document, so that it cannot meet their information needs. Document search has several approaches, including full-text search, plain metadata search and semantic search. This study uses the Weighted Tree Similarity algorithm with the Cosine Sorensen Dice algorithm to calculate the semantic search similarity. In this study, document metadata is represented in the form of a tree that has labeled nodes, labeled branches and weighted branches. The similarity calculation on the subtree edge label uses Cosine Sorensen Dice, while the total similarity of a document uses the weighted tree similarity. The metadata structure of the document uses the taxonomy owner, description, title, disposition content and type. The result of this research is a document search application with taxonomic weight on file storage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-114
Muhamad Aldi Rifai ◽  
Indra Gita Anugrah

The activity of writing scientific articles by academics at universities is one of the activities that is often carried out, but when writing scientific articles problems arise regarding the difficulty of finding ideas, literature studies, and reference sources that you want to use as references when writing. Sometimes when searching on a search engine, we have trouble finding the right document, because usually, the keywords we are looking for are not in the title section but another part of the structure. Since most search engines only match titles, other structures are usually excluded from matching. So that the search results that we do sometimes don't match what we want. In addition, usually, each scientific article has many language differences in its structure as found in the abstract section. To detect similarities through the structure of scientific articles, an algorithm is used, namely weighted tree similarity, and to detect language using the N-gram algorithm, then the cosine similarity algorithm can be used to check the level of similarity in keyword text with text in scientific articles.

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