scholarly journals Preocupação e insatisfação com o corpo, checagem e evitação corporal em pessoas com transtornos alimentares

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (53) ◽  
pp. 375-381 ◽  
Angela Nogueira Neves Betanho Campana ◽  
Maria da Consolação Gomes Cunha Fernandes Tavares ◽  
Celso Garcia Júnior

Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar aspectos da imagem corporal em uma amostra de pessoas com anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa e transtorno alimentar não-especificado. A amostra foi composta por 14 voluntárias atendidas pelo Ambulatório de Transtornos Alimentares da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. O Software de Avaliação Perceptiva foi utilizado para avaliar a insatisfação com o corpo. A preocupação com o corpo, checagem e evitação corporal foram avaliadas pelo Body Shape Questionnaire, Body Checking Questionnaire e Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire, respectivamente. A análise descritiva e as correlações entre as medidas mostraram elevados níveis de insatisfação, checagem, evitação e preocupação com o corpo, com associações significantes. Estes achados evidenciaram a importância dos parâmetros investigados na dinâmica dos transtornos alimentares. Conhecer esses componentes da imagem corporal favorece a ampliação das possibilidades de melhor compreender como se organiza a representação mental do corpo dessas pacientes e planejar mais cuidadosamente as intervenções no decurso do tratamento.

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (03/04) ◽  
pp. 126-136 ◽  
Beate Steinfeld ◽  
Manuel Waldorf ◽  
Anika Bauer ◽  
Thomas Huber ◽  
Karsten Braks ◽  

ZusammenfassungKörperbezogenes Vermeidungsverhalten wird als behaviorale Manifestation einer Körperbildstörung konzeptualisiert und beschreibt Anstrengungen, der Auseinandersetzung mit dem eigenen Körper aus dem Wege zu gehen. Während Studien Hinweise darauf liefern, dass körperbezogenes Vermeidungsverhalten im Erwachsenenalter zur Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Essstörungen beiträgt, existieren bisher keine entsprechenden Befunde für das Jugendalter. Der Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ) ist der international am weitesten verbreitete Fragebogen zur Messung des körperbezogenen Vermeidungsverhaltens. Da seine deutschsprachige Version bisher nur an einer Stichprobe aus Erwachsenen validiert wurde, ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie, den Fragebogen an Jugendlichen mit Essstörungen teststatistisch zu überprüfen. Insgesamt N=127 weibliche Jugendliche, davon n=57 mit einer Anorexia Nervosa und n=24 mit einer Bulimia Nervosa (BN) sowie n=46 gesunde weibliche Jugendliche beantworteten den BIAQ und verschiedene Instrumente zur Erfassung der Körperbild- und Essstörungssymptomatik. Die für die englischsprachige Originalversion angenommene Faktorenstruktur von dem Faktor höherer Ordnung „Körperbezogenes Vermeidungsverhalten“ und den 4 Subfaktoren „Kleidung“, „Soziale Aktivitäten“, „Gezügeltes Essverhalten“ sowie „Pflegen und Wiegen“ konnte durch eine konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse bestätigt werden. Mit Ausnahme der Skala „Pflegen und Wiegen“ weisen alle Skalen eine überwiegend akzeptable interne Konsistenz, Test-Retest-Reliabilität, differenzielle Validität sowie Konstruktvalidität auf. Aufgrund ihrer befriedigenden psychometrischen Kennwerte ist der Einsatz der BIAQ-Skalen „Kleidung“, „Soziale Aktivitäten“ und „Gezügeltes Essverhalten“ auch für das Jugendalter in Forschung und Praxis zu empfehlen.

2010 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 251-260 ◽  
Karolin Neubauer ◽  
Caroline Bender ◽  
Brunna Tuschen-Caffier ◽  
Jennifer Svaldi ◽  
Jens Blechert

Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Empirische Befunde zeigen, dass körperbezogenes Kontrollverhalten und die zugrunde liegenden Kognitionen eine zentrale Rolle in der Aufrechterhaltung von Essstörungspsychopathologie spielen. Fragestellung: Eine deutschsprachige Version der Body Checking Cognitions Scale (BCCS) soll teststatistisch überprüft werden. Methode: Frauen mit Anorexia Nervosa (n = 19), Bulimia Nervosa (n = 22) und Binge-Eating Störung (n = 28) sowie eine weibliche nicht-klinische Vergleichsgruppe (n = 195) füllten die BCCS sowie weitere Fragebögen zur Essstörungspsychopathologie aus. Ergebnisse: Das 4-Faktorenmodell der englischsprachigen Originalversion zeigte in Faktorenanalysen die beste Passung. Die deutschsprachige BCCS erwies sich als intern konsistent und zeigte eine zufriedenstellende konvergente und diskriminante Validität. Schlussfolgerungen: Die deutschsprachige BCCS ist ein reliabler und valider Selbstbeurteilungsfragebogen. Sie stellt ein vielversprechendes Instrument zum Einsatz in der Essstörungstherapie und -forschung dar.

2019 ◽  
Vol 216 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-96 ◽  
Yu Wei Chua ◽  
Gemma Lewis ◽  
Abigail Easter ◽  
Glyn Lewis ◽  
Francesca Solmi

BackgroundTwo longitudinal studies have shown that depressive symptoms in women with eating disorders might improve in the antenatal and early postnatal periods. No study has followed up women beyond 8 months postnatal.AimsTo investigate long-term trajectories of depressive symptoms in mothers with lifetime self-reported eating disorders.MethodUsing data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children and multilevel growth curves we modelled trajectories of depressive symptoms from the 18th week of pregnancy to 18 years postnatal in women with lifetime self-reported anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or both anorexia and bulimia nervosa. As sensitivity analyses we also investigated these trajectories using quintiles of a continuous measure of body image in pregnancy.ResultsOf the 9276 women in our main sample, 126 (1.4%) reported a lifetime diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, 153 (1.6%) of bulimia nervosa and 60 (0.6%) of both anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Women with lifetime eating disorders had greater depressive symptoms scores than women with no eating disorders, before and after adjustment for confounders (anorexia nervosa: 2.10, 95% CI 1.36–2.83; bulimia nervosa: 2.28, 95% CI: 1.61–2.94, both anorexia and bulimia nervosa: 2.86, 95% CI 1.81–3.90). We also observed a dose–response association between greater body image and eating concerns in pregnancy and more severe trajectories of depressive symptoms, even after adjusting for lifetime eating disorders which also remained independently associated with greater depressive symptoms.ConclusionsWomen with eating disorders experience persistently greater depressive symptoms across the life-course. More training for practitioners and midwives on how to recognise eating disorders in pregnancy could help to identify depressive symptoms and reduce the long-term burden of disease resulting from this comorbidity.

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 348-356 ◽  
Fátima Palha de Oliveira ◽  
Maria Lúcia Magalhães Bosi ◽  
Patrícia dos Santos Vigário ◽  
Renata da Silva Vieira

O ambiente esportivo pode ser um meio ampliador de pressões socioculturais motivadas pelo ideal de corpo magro. A presente investigação teve o objetivo de verificar a presença de comportamentos sugestivos de transtornos do comportamento alimentar (TCAs), de alterações na imagem corporal e de disfunções menstruais em atletas da EEFD-UFRJ. Foram avaliadas 12 atletas do sexo feminino (20 ± 2,0 anos) com 4,6 ± 2,3 anos de treinamento (13,8 ± 2,9h/semana) e seus resultados foram comparados com os de 32 jovens não-atletas (15,0 ± 1,4 ano). A avaliação de atitudes e comportamentos relacionados com a alimentação e o controle de peso foi realizada pelo Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), a existência de comportamentos sugestivos de bulimia nervosa pelo Bulimic Investigatory Test Edimburgh (BITE) e o grau de insatisfação com a imagem corporal pelo Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). Esses são instrumentos de auto-aplicação e foram usados na versão em português. As atletas apresentavam massa corporal total de 59 ± 7,3kg, estatura de 1,65 ± 0,03m, percentual de gordura corporal (%G) 23,1 ± 4,1% e índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 21,6 ± 2,3kg/m². O BSQ apontou que 33% das atletas apresentam leve distorção da imagem corporal mesmo estando com valores para gordura corporal dentro de padrões esperados para a idade e sexo. O BITE apontou 16,6% das atletas com padrão alimentar não-usual na escala de sintomas, sem que estas apresentassem expressão na escala de gravidade. As atletas com padrão alimentar não-usual estão incluídas no total sugestivo de distorção de imagem corporal. O EAT-26 exibiu resultado negativo para todas as atletas. Os resultados encontrados na análise sugerem a presença de sintomas que não caracterizam, precisamente, a bulimia nervosa ou a anorexia nervosa, mas ressaltam a necessidade de avaliação e vigilância mais criteriosas da existência de TCA e seus precursores no ambiente esportivo, como forma de prevenção.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
Enrica Marzola ◽  
Matteo Panero ◽  
Fabio Cavallo ◽  
Nadia Delsedime ◽  
Giovanni Abbate-Daga

Abstract Background. Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe mental disorder. Body shape disturbances are key in the development and maintenance of AN. Only few data are available on inpatients with life-threatening AN. Therefore, we aimed to investigate if body shape difficulties—with a focus on both body checking and avoidance—could improve during hospitalization in both subtypes of AN and to ascertain eventual associations between body shape concerns upon admission and clinical outcome. Methods. Upon hospital admission and end of treatment (EOT), 139 inpatients with AN completed Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ), and Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ) in addition to measures of eating and general psychopathology. Results. Patients with severe AN reported improved BSQ and BIAQ scores at EOT while BCQ did not significantly change. Diagnostic subtypes differed only in baseline BSQ scores and had an impact on the improvement in BSQ at EOT. Baseline BCQ was associated with patients’ clinical improvement at EOT, even after controlling for age, duration of illness, Body Mass Index, depression, and anxiety scores. Conclusions. Data on body shape concerns and their trajectory during hospitalization for severe AN are lacking; our findings provide support to the effectiveness of hospitalization in improving body shape concerns and body avoidance, but not body checking. Also, baseline body shape concerns (especially body checking) impacted on clinical improvement. Future research is needed to identify treatments that could further improve the therapeutic approach to severe patients of AN in the acute setting.

Hannah Biney ◽  
Sarah Astbury ◽  
Amanda Haines ◽  
Jessica Grant ◽  
Nicola Malone ◽  

Abstract Purpose To determine the potential effectiveness of a novel 10-week manualised Practical Body Image therapy (PBI) with mirror exposure (ME), when used as an adjuvant to an intensive treatment package (TAU) in adolescent inpatients with Anorexia Nervosa (AN). To evaluate the effectiveness of ME in an adolescent population. Methods Using a randomised control design, 40 girls aged 11–17 years with AN were assigned to PBI with TAU (n = 20) and TAU alone (n = 20). Both groups completed self-report measures of body image at week 1 and week 10 of the study to measure the potential effectiveness of PBI. The PBI group completed measures at week 7 to evaluate the ME component. Results 31 participants completed the study; 16 TAU, 15 PBI. PBI participants had greater improvement in all outcomes than TAU participants. Medium effect sizes were seen for self-reported weight concern, body image avoidance in terms of clothing and body image anxiety. ME produced effect sizes in self-reported body image avoidance in terms of clothing and grooming that were greater than 0.40, n = 14. Conclusion The findings demonstrate that PBI supports an intensive inpatient treatment package and addresses elements of negative body image. PBI was beneficial for addressing body image dissatisfaction with improvements in weight concerns, body image avoidance and physical appearance trait anxiety following the ME component. The magnitude of the effect sizes is comparable to previous studies. Positive qualitative feedback indicated the intervention was acceptable to users. PBI is a promising new adjuvant treatment for AN. EMB Rating Level I: randomized controlled trial.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (S2) ◽  
pp. 741-741
U. Volpe ◽  
S. Galderisi ◽  
A. Mucci ◽  
A. Vignapiano ◽  
V. Montefusco ◽  

Body image distortion represents a key clinical feature of eating disorders (EDs), but its neurobiological underpinnings are poorly understood. Previous functional imaging studies yielded inconsistent findings, indicating a possible involvement of fronto-temporal and/or limbic abnormalities. Since these putative regions are highly interconnected and participate into functional networks, it might be useful to study the temporal evolution of their activation during the processing of body images.The present study was aimed to explore the neurobiological correlates of body image processing in subjects with bulimia nervosa (BN), using the high-time resolution, electrical neuroimaging technique called LORETA.Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 30 unipolar channels in 10 subjects with BN and 10 matched healthy controls, during the performance of an emotional counting Stroop task, in which the distorted, non-distorted and scrambled image of their own body and an unfamiliar body image were randomly presented on a computer screen.Using the LORETA source imaging technique, we found that subjects with BN had a greater activation in frontal areas and anterior cingulate during late phases of body image processing, with respect to healthy controls.Our results indicate that patients with BN need to allocate a greater amount of attentive and executive resources, than healthy controls, during the integrative stage of body shape processing.

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