scholarly journals Genotype x Environment Interaction for reproductive traits in brazilian Nellore breed cattle

Caio Victor Damasceno Carvalho ◽  
Raphael Bermal Costa ◽  
Gregório Miguel Ferreira de Camargo ◽  
Thereza Cristina Calmon Bittencourt

SUMMARY The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the genotype-environment interaction (GEI) for scrotal circumference traits measured at different ages, 365 (SC365), 450 (SC450) and 550 (SC550) days of age, and age at first calving (AFC) for Nellore animals raised in different regions of Brazil. For the evaluation, the herds were grouped in the following regions of the country: North, Southeast and Central-west, using information from 26,619, 28,730, 14,476, 15,397 for the traits SC365, SC450, SC550 and AFC respectively. Genetic parameters, as well as the assessment of GEI were performed using Bayesian inference, using the programs of the BLUPF90. The estimated heritabilities were: 0.465 ± 0.021, 0.500 ± 0.022, 0.492 ± 0.026, 0.117 ± 0.017 for SC365, SC450, SC550 and AFC respectively. The results obtained in the analysis, indicated that this interaction was not significant for SC at different ages (genetic correlation, rg> 0.8). For AFC, significant effect of GEI was observed for combinations involving the Northern region (rg<0.8), indicating that this interaction should be considered by the genetic evaluation programs in this region.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (No. 6) ◽  
pp. 230-236 ◽  
J.O. Rosa ◽  
G.C. Venturini ◽  
T.C.S. Chud ◽  
B.C. Pires ◽  
M.E. Buzanskas ◽  

This study estimated the genetic parameters for reproductive and performance traits and determined which ones can be used as selection criteria for egg production in laying hens using the Bayesian inference. The data of 1894 animals from three generations of White Leghorn laying hens were analyzed for fertility (FERT), hatchability (HATC), and birth rate measurements at 60 weeks of age (BIRTH), body weight at 16 and 60 weeks of age (BW16 and BW60), age at sexual maturity (ASM), egg height/width ratio, weight, and density at 28, 36, and 40 weeks of age (RHW28, RHW36, RHW40, WEGG28, WEGG36, WEGG40, DENS28, DENS36, and DENS40, respectively) traits. The genetic parameters were estimated by the Bayesian inference method of multi-trait animal model. The model included the additive and residual genetic random effects and the fixed effects of generation. The a posteriori mean distributions of the heritability estimates for reproductive traits ranged from 0.14 ± 0.003 (HATC) to 0.22 ± 0.005 (FERT) and performance from 0.07 ± 0.001 (RHW28) to 0.42 ± 0.001 (WEGG40). The a posteriori mean distributions of the genetic correlation between reproductive traits ranged from 0.18 ± 0.026 (FERT and HACT) to 0.79 ± 0.007 (FERT and BIRTH) and those related to performance ranged from –0.49 ± 0.001 (WEGG36 and DENS36) to 0.75 ± 0.003 (DENS28 and DENS36). Reproductive and performance traits showed enough additive genetic variability to respond to selection, except for RHW28. This trait alone would have little impact on the genetic gain because environmental factors would have a higher impact compared to those from the additive genetic factors. Based on the results of this study, the selection applied on the BIRTH trait can be indicated to improve FERT and HATC of eggs. Furthermore, the use of the WEGG40 could improve egg quality in this population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 58 (11) ◽  
pp. 1996
S. Ribeiro ◽  
J. P. Eler ◽  
V. B. Pedrosa ◽  
G. J. M. Rosa ◽  
J. B. S. Ferraz ◽  

In the present study, a possible existence of genotype × environment interaction was verified for yearling weight in Nellore cattle, utilising a reaction norms model. Therefore, possible changes in the breeding value were evaluated for 46 032 animals, from three distinct herds, according to the environmental gradient variation of the different contemporary groups. Under a Bayesian approach, analyses were carried out utilising INTERGEN software resulting in solutions of contemporary groups dispersed in the environmental gradient from –90 to +100 kg. The estimates of heritability coefficients ranged from 0.19 to 0.63 through the environmental gradient and the genetic correlation between intercept and slope of the reaction norms was 0.76. The genetic correlation considering all animals of the herds in the environmental gradient ranged from 0.83 to 1.0, and the correlation between breeding values of bulls in different environments ranged from 0.79 to 1.0. The results showed no effect of genotype × environment interaction on yearling weight in the herds of this study. However, it is important to verify a possible influence of the genotype × environment in the genetic evaluation of beef cattle, as different environments might cause interference in gene expression and consequently difference in phenotypic response.

2014 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 582-592 ◽  
Liming Bian ◽  
Jisen Shi ◽  
Renhua Zheng ◽  
Jinhui Chen ◽  
Harry X. Wu

Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook) is the most commercially important conifer in China, and the Nanjing Forestry University – Fujian Province Chinese fir Cooperation (NJFU – Fujian Cooperation) breeding program has advanced it into the third cycle of selection and breeding. In this paper, we estimated genetic parameters from four sites for 80 half-sib families and summarized previous estimates of genetic parameters in Chinese fir with an objective to propose optimal breeding strategy. Heritability averaged 0.20 and 0.14 for height and diameter at breast height (DBH), respectively, for the four sites. A significant genotype–environment interaction (G × E) for growth was also observed among the four sites, with the greatest interactions between a marginal site and the three central sites in the Fujian Province Chinese fir plantation region. The average estimated type-B genetic correlation between the marginal site and the three central sites was 0.08 for height and –0.09 for DBH. However, the highly productive families were among the most stable across the four sites. The results from this study in combination with summarized genetic parameters from literature were used to discuss and propose an optimal breeding strategy for the third generation of the breeding program for Chinese firs in Fujian Province.

2006 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 246-254 ◽  
Paulo de Souza Gonçalves ◽  
Marcelo de Almeida Silva ◽  
Ligia Regina Lima Gouvêa ◽  
Erivaldo José Scaloppi Junior

Basic knowledge of genetic characteristics of populations is necessary to conduct effective breeding and selection. The objective of this paper is describing the genetic variation of rubber yield and the correlation with other traits, and estimating the genetic parameters for girth growth and total number of latex vessels. Sixty seven clones of Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.-Arg. were tested at five sites during 10 years. Characters girth growth at panel opening and rubber yield, showed broad sense heritability on plot mean level, from 0.32 to 0.66 and 0.59 to 0.92, respectively. Predicted genetic gains equal to 0.73 cm and 0.79 g increase respectively on girth and yield in the opening panel and mature phases seems realistic, even with moderate selection intensities. Genetic correlations with rubber yield, bark thickness and total number of latex vessels were very large, and almost no genotype-environment interaction was present for girth growth. High genotype-environment interaction was present for rubber yield with genetic and phenotypic correlations across the sites, ranging from 0.64 to 0.92 (genetic) and 0.63 to 0.89 (phenotypic). Total number of latex vessels rings had a high heritability, ranging from 20.0% to 64.0% in the sites E and B, respectively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 349
Julio Cesar de Souza ◽  
Fabio Rafael Leão Fialho ◽  
Marcos Paulo Gonçalves Rezende ◽  
Carlos Henrique Cavallari Machado ◽  
Mariana Pereira Alencar ◽  

The objectives of this work were to evaluate the genotype-environment interaction, and estimate genetic parameters, genetic trends, and performance dissimilarity-weight gain from birth to weaning (WGBW), adjusted weight to 205 days (W205), weight gain from weaning to 18 months of age (WG18), and adjusted weight to 550 days (W550)-in Nellore animals born between 1986 and 2012, and raised in pasture-based system in three different environmental gradients in Brazil. Data of 62,001 animals-11,729 raised in the Alto Taquari/Bolsão region (ATBR), 21,143 raised in the Campo Grande/Dourados region (CGDR) and 29,129 raised in the western São Paulo/Paraná region (SPPR) in Brazil-were used. The contemporary groups were defined by sex, location, and birth year and season, with at least nine individuals, two different environments, and breeding bulls with at least five progenies. The statistical model contained the direct additive and residual genetic effects (random effects), and environmental and contemporary group effects (fixed effects). Genetic parameters, genotype-environment interaction and genetic trends were estimates using animal model (uni- and/or bi- traits). The level of similarity between regions was evaluated using principal components. The animals raised in the CGDR had superior performance regarding the traits evaluated. The direct heritability estimates ranged from 0.39 to 0.44 (WGBW), 0.41 to 0.45 (W205), 0.42 to 0.55 (WG18) and 0.60 to 0.62 (W550). The maternal heritability of the traits ranged from 0.20 (WGBW), 0.12 to 0.18 (W205), 0.00 to 0.06 (WG18) and 0.02 to 0.22 (W550). According to the Spearman correlation, the ranking of the breeding bulls in the regions evaluated were different. The mean of Euclidean distance indicated low similarity between ATBR and CGDR (43.20), and ATBR and SPPR (29.24). CGDR and SPPR presented similarity of 17.84. The breed values increased over the years in the traits evaluated. The cumulative variance percentage of the first two main components explained 99.99% variation among the regions, and the weight gains of the animals were the most important to differentiate the regions. A genotype-environment interaction was found for the traits evaluated, thus, the breeding bull selected with superior genetic merit for one region might not be the best for others.

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (1-6) ◽  
pp. 113-124 ◽  
Brian. S. Baltunis ◽  
W. J. Gapare ◽  
H. X. Wu

Abstract The phenotypic response of genotypes across different environments can be quantified by estimating the genotype by environment interaction (GxE). In a practical sense, GxE means that the relative performance of genotypes does not remain constant under all test conditions. Genetic parameters and genotype by environment interactions for wood density, growth, branching characteristics and stem straightness were investigated in eight radiata pine progeny trials derived from a second generation breeding population in Australia. Five trials were on the mainland, while three trials were in Tasmania. Generally, ĥ2 for density > branch angle > stem straightness > tree diameter > branch size; and significant ĥ2 was observed for all traits and at all trials with only two exceptions. Genetic correlations were estimated among the five traits, and a large negative genetic correlation observed between wood density and tree diameter indicated that a selection strategy should be developed in dealing with this adverse genetic correlation in advanced generations of breeding for radiata pine. Interactions for density, branch angle, and stem straightness were small within the two regions. Overall, branch angle had the least GxE, followed by density and stem straightness. Growth traits (tree diameter and branch size) tended to be the most interactive with substantial GxE present. Genotype by regional interactions (Mainland versus Tasmania) revealed that density and branch angle had the least interactions (ȓB = 0.98 and ȓB = 0.95, respectively). Branch size and tree diameter had the highest interactions among the two regions (ȓB = 0.55 and ȓB = 0.63, respectively). Within Tasmania, only branch size and tree diameter had a sizable interaction within the three sites. In contrast, there was little interaction for tree diameter among the Mainland trials. Branch size in the Mainland trials had a similar size of interaction as in Tasmania. Further research is recommended in identifying the cause of GxE for tree diameter and branch size in radiata pine across the entire radiata pine estate in Australia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 303

 RESUMO – O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico e estabilidade fenotípica de híbridos topcrosses de milho oriundos do cruzamento com uma linhagem elite (testador), em quatro ambientes (Guarapuava- PR, Candói-PR, Guarda-Mor-MG e Paracatu-MG), utilizando os métodos Annicchiarico e AMMI para selecionar linhagens com elevado potencial genético. Foram avaliados 88 híbridos topcrosses e 12 híbridos comerciais (2B688, AG9010, AS1575, DKB390, GNZ2500, GNZ8132, GNZ9501, GNZ9505, P30F53, P30R50, P30F35 e Penta). O delineamento utilizado foi o látice triplo 10x10 e foram avaliadas as características agronômicas altura de planta (AP), altura de espiga (AE) e estabilidade produtiva de grãos (PG). Observou-se efeito significativo para genótipo, ambiente e interação genótipo x ambiente para a PG. A média de produtividade dos genótipos foi maior em Paracatu-MG (11.100 kg ha-1) que em Candói (9.654 kg ha-1), Guarapuava (9.456 kg ha-1) e Guarda-Mor (9.446 kg ha-1). Com base nos resultados de PG e estabilidade utilizando os métodos Annicchiarico e AMMI, o híbrido topcross HTC 136 mostrou ser o melhor para seguir no programa de melhoramento no processo de endogamia.Palavras-chave: Annicchiarico, AMMI, interação genótipo x ambiente, testador, Zea mayz L. AGRONOMIC PERFORMANCE AND STABILITY OF MAIZE TOPCROSSES IN MINAS GERAIS AND PARANÁ ABSTRACT – The objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance and phenotype stability of top cross maize hybrids originated by crossing with an elite line (tester), in four environments (Guarapuava-PR, Candói- PR, Guarda-Mor-MG and Paracatu-MG), using the methods Annicchiarico and AMMI to select lines with high genetic potential. Thus, 88 top cross hybrids and 12 commercial hybrids (2B688, AG9010, AS1575, DKB390, GNZ2500, GNZ8132, GNZ9501, GNZ9505, P30F53, P30R50, P30F35 and Penta) were evaluated. The 10x10 triple lattice design was used evaluating the agronomic characteristics plant height (PH), ear height (EH) and yield stability of grain (YG). Significant differences were observed for genotype, environment and genotype x environment interaction for YG. The average productivity of the genotypes was superior in Paracatu-MG (11,100 kg ha-1) compared to Candói (9,654 kg ha-1), Guarapuava (9,456 kg ha-1) and Guarda-Mor (9,446 kg ha-1). The data on YG and stability using Annicchiarico and AMMI methods showed that the top cross hybrid HTC 136 is suitable to continue in the inbreeding process of the breeding program.Keywords: Annicchiarico, AMMI, genotype-environment interaction, tester, Zea mayz L.

2020 ◽  
Vol 474 ◽  
pp. 118342
Rayssa Chaves Braga ◽  
João Gabriel Zanon Paludeto ◽  
Bruno Marchetti Souza ◽  
Ananda V. Aguiar ◽  
Maria Fernanda M. Pollnow ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 2007 ◽  
pp. 70-70
Sima Savar Sofla

Performance of one genotype in similar climates is approximately the same but if this genotype is introduced into a different climate, its performance will be affected, based on Nizamani and Berger (1996). The function that relates phenotype to environment is unique for each genotype. Hence, the response to changes in environment may vary from one genotype to the other, based on Mulder et al. (2004). Different selection responses between environments are generally attributed to two types of genotype by environment interaction. The first type occurs when the genetic correlation between performances in two environments is substantially less than 1.0, indicating a genetic difference basis for the trait in the two environments. The second type of genotype by environment interaction results from heterogeneous variances, based on Ojango and Pollott (2002). The goal of this study was to estimate genetic (co)variances, environmental variances, and genetic parameters of milk production and fat yield among different environments in Iran to determine variables that are useful indicators of genotype by environment interaction.

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