scholarly journals Optimized cutting of yellow passion fruit and its potential for unstaked or trellised cultivation

Carlos Augusto Santos de Jesus ◽  
Lucas Kennedy Silva Lima ◽  
Everton Vieira de Carvalho ◽  
Raul Castro Carriello Rosa ◽  
Onildo Nunes de Jesus ◽  

Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate types of cuttings, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) concentrations, and potting media on the rooting of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) cultivars, and to compare the initial performance of flowering-competent cuttings cultivated in a trellising system or in a nonstaking method on ground covered with plastic mulch. The passion fruit cultivars evaluated were BRS Gigante Amarelo, Isla Redondo Amarelo, and FB 200 Yellow Master were evaluated. The assessed treatments were: softwood or semi-hardwood cuttings; five concentrations of IBA (0, 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 mg L-1); and the pine bark or phenolic foam potting media. Initial growth, fruit yield, and bacteriosis severity were evaluated in the field in flowering-competent cuttings and seedlings, both in the trellising system and in the nonstaking method on mulched ground. For the evaluated cultivars, a high rooting rate (>90%) was observed for both softwood and semi-hardwood cuttings grown in phenolic foam or decomposed pine bark for potting media, regardless of the IBA concentration. In the espalier system, 14 months after transplanting, fruit yield was 45% higher for cuttings than for seedlings. Unstaked plants had a low number of flowers and fruit set, and a great damage by bacteriosis according to the used cultivar. The evaluated cultivars can be propagated either by softwood or semi-hardwood cuttings, in phenolic foam or decomposed pine bark, without IBA application. Flowering-competent cuttings have the potential to anticipate the production in the trellised cultivation of yellow passion fruit.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 853-859 ◽  
Julián Cárdenas ◽  
Carlos Carranza ◽  
Diego Miranda ◽  
Stanislav Magnitskiy

Passiflora seeds germinate erratically presenting difficulties for their handling in a greenhouse. The effect of removing of basal point of seeds (RB) and pre-imbibition of seeds of sweet granadilla and yellow passion fruit in 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg mL-1 solutions of gibberellic acid (GA3) or 0.1% KNO3 solution was studied. The experiment was conducted in greenhouses in La Plata, Colombia. Two accessions PrJ1 and PrJ2 of sweet granadilla were evaluated. There were calculated the final percentage of germination (PG), mean germination time (MGT), and the mean germination rate (MGR). The leaf area and dry mass of seedlings were measured 22 days after sowing (das); with this data, specific leaf area and relation root/shoot were calculated. In all cases, the highest germination percentages were achieved treating seeds with KNO3 (89, 92, and 87% for yellow passion fruit, PrJ2, and PrJ1, respectively), but the increase in MGR (3.3 germinated seeds per day) and the decrease in MGT (16 days) were only significant for PrJ1. RB had a significant reduction of PG in all cases (28, 12, and 33% for passion fruit, PrJ2 and PrJ1, respectively). With the increase in the concentration of GA3, PG was reduced for two accessions of sweet granadilla, for yellow passion fruit this trend was not clear, no treatment with GA3 showed significant differences with the control. Leaf area (24.07 cm2) and dry mass of seedlings (135 mg) were significantly higher than seeds previously treated with KNO3 only for PrJ1.The solution of KNO3 0,1% is recommended to improve the germination and initial growth of granadilla seedlings.

Irriga ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 505-518 ◽  
Lourival Ferreira Cavalcante ◽  
Francisco Rodolfo Júnior ◽  
José Roberto de Sá ◽  
Carmen Rosa da Silva Curvelo ◽  
Evandro Franklin de Mesquita

INFLUÊNCIA DA ÁGUA SALINA E MATÉRIA ORGÂNICA NO DESEMPENHO DO MARACUJAZEIRO-AMARELO E NA SALINIDADE DO SUBSTRATO  Lourival Ferreira Cavalcante1; Francisco Rodolfo Junior2; José Roberto de Sá3;Carmen Rosa da Silva Curvelo2; Evandro Franklin de Mesquita21Departamento de Solos e Engenharia Rural, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Areia, PB, [email protected] de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Areia, PB 3Universidade Federal de Lavras  1 RESUMO             No período de agosto de 2001 amarço de 2002, foram avaliados, os efeitos das águas salinas de condutividade elétrica 0,5; 1,5; 2,5 dS m-1 e dos volumes de matéria orgânica: 0, 5, 10 e 15 L adicionados ao material dos primeiros 20 cm de um solo de textura arenosa, sobre o desempenho vegetativo e produtivo do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg) e o acúmulo de sais no substrato. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em blocos casualizados com três repetições e doze plantas por parcela. O plantio foi conduzido em sacos de polietileno com36 cm de diâmetro e60 cm de altura, acondicionando40 L do substrato. O crescimento avaliado pelo diâmetro do caule e número de ramos produtivos não foi influenciado pela salinidade da água e nem pela adição da matéria orgânica. Apesar da água salina e a adição de matéria orgânica interferir positivamente na emissão dos botões florais a produtividade foi muito baixa. A salinidade do substrato aumentou drasticamente com a salinidade das águas de irrigação e, em menor proporção, com o aumento da matéria orgânica adicionada. O maracujazeiro-amarelo foi mais sensível à salinidade na fase de produção que durante o crescimento inicial das plantas. UNITERMOS: salinidade do solo, irrigação, Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg, sistema de cultivo  CAVALCANTE, L. F.; RODOLFO JUNIOR, F.; SÁ, J. R.; CURVELO, C. R.S.; MESQUITA, E. F. INFLUENCE OF SALINE WATER AND ORGANIC MATTER ON YELLOW PASSION FRUIT PLANT BEHAVIOR AND SUBSTRATUM SALINITY  2 ABSTRACT             From August/2001 to March/2002, the effects of saline waters were evaluated in Remígio County Paraíba State, Brazil, for electrical conductivity of  0.5; 1.5 and 2.5 dS m-1 organic matter volumes at levels 0, 5, 10 and 15 L incorporated to soil material on the first 20 cm of an Oxysol sandly on vegetative and productive behavior of yellow passion fruit plants (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg), and on salts increment in the substratum. The treatments were distributed in randomized blocks using three replications and twelve plants by plot. The planting was not carried out in traditional form of cultivation, but in mineral fertilizer bags with36 cm of diameter and60 cm of height using40 L of the substratum. The plants growth evaluated by stem diameter and emission of productive branches was not influenced by irrigation water salinity nor addition of organic matter to substratum. Although saline water and the organic matter had positive effects on floral buttons emission, they inhibited the productive capacity of plants. The yellow passion fruit plant was more sensitive to salt effects during the production phase than during its initial growth. KEYWORDS: soil salinity, irrigation, Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg, planting system.

Irriga ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-190
Ana Alexandrina Gama da Silva ◽  
Antonio Evaldo Klar

DEMANDA HÍDRICA DO MARACUJAZEIRO AMARELO (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.)   Ana Alexandrina Gama da SilvaEmbrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros, CP 44, CEP 49025-040, Aracaju, SE. E-mail: [email protected] Evaldo KlarDepartamento de Engenharia Rural, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, CP 237, CEP 18603-970, Botucatu, SP. E-mail: [email protected] Científico do CNPq   1 RESUMO  Determinou-se à demanda hídrica e o coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) do maracujá amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.), seleção Sul-Brasil, cultivado sob irrigação localizada, no município de Botucatu-SP (22o 51’ S,  48o 26’ W). A evapotranspiração máxima da cultura (ETc) e a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) foram medidas em lisímetros de nível de lençol freático constante, durante o período de 29 de setembro de 2000 a 20 de julho de 2001. Os valores da ETc e ETo foram de 954,98 mm e  1.069,21 mm, respectivamente, durante todo o período medido. Os valores de Kc variaram de 0,42 a 1,12, com os valores máximos registrados entre 150 e 210 dias após o transplantio das mudas no campo (DAT), período correspondente aos estádios fenológicos de florescimento e formação dos frutos.  UNITERMOS: Passiflora edulis, evapotranspiração, coeficiente de cultivo (Kc).   SILVA, A.A.G. da, KLAR, A.E.  YELLOW PASSION FRUIT (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.) CROP: WATER DEMAND.   2 ABSTRACT  Crop water demand and crop water coefficient (Kc = ETc/ETo) of yellow passion fruit were evaluated in constant level lysimeters under drip irrigation from September 21, 2000 to July 31, 2001 in Botucatu-SP. The maximum crop water demand (ETc) and the Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo), measured by lysimeters, were 954.98 mm and 1,069.21 mm, respectively, during all period measured. The values of Kc varied from 0.42 to 1.12  with maximum values registered from 150 to 210 days following transplanting during flowering and fruit formation  phases.  KEYWORDS: Passiflora edulis, evapotranspiration, crop coefficient (Kc). 

Irriga ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 727-740 ◽  
Lourival Ferreira Cavalcante ◽  
Clodoaldo Júnior Oliveira Santos ◽  
José Simplício de Holanda ◽  
Antonio João de Lima Neto ◽  
Antônio Gustavo de Luna Souto ◽  

PRODUÇÃO DE MARACUJAZEIRO AMARELO NO SOLO COM CALCÁRIO E POTÁSSIO SOB IRRIGAÇÃO COM ÁGUA SALINA     LOURIVAL FERREIRA CAVALCANTE1; CLODOALDO JÚNIOR OLIVEIRA SANTOS1; JOSÉ SIMPLÍCIO DE HOLANDA2; ANTONIO JOÃO DE LIMA NETO3; ANTÔNIO GUSTAVO DE LUNA SOUTO4 E TONY ANDRESON GUEDES DANTAS5     1 Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Departamento de Solos e Engenharia Rural, Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12, 58.397-000, Areia, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]  2 Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte, Av. Eliza Branco Pereira dos Santos, s/nº, Parque das Nações, 59.158-160, Parnamirim, RN, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Fitotecnia, Campus do Pici, Av. Mister Hull, 2977, Bloco 805, 60.356-001, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 4 Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Departamento de Fitotecnia e Ciências Ambientais, Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12, 58.397-000, Areia, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 5 Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará, Rodovia CE-187, s/n, Aeroporto, 62.320-000, Tianguá, CE, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]     1 RESUMO   O experimento foi conduzido no município de Coronel Ezequiel, Rio Grande do Norte, para avaliar os efeitos do calcário calcítico e doses de K2O, na forma de cloreto de potássio, nos componentes de produção do maracujazeiro amarelo e no aumento da salinidade do solo provocado pela irrigação com água salina de 3,6 dS m-1 durante o período da aridez e na lixiviação dos sais do ambiente radicular das plantas promovida pelas águas do período chuvoso. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em delineamento em blocos casualizados usando arranjo fatorial 3 × 2, referente as doses de calcário de 1,4; 2,5 e 3,6 t ha-1, 80 e 160 kg ha-1 de K2O na forma de cloreto de potássio. Pelos resultados, a irrigação com água salina (3,6 dS m-1), em comparação com dados da literatura de plantas irrigadas com água de boa qualidade, não comprometeu a capacidade produtiva do maracujazeiro amarelo. Dentre os tratamentos, a combinação de 80 kg ha-1 de K2O com 3,6 t ha-1 de calcário calcítico proporcionou os maiores valores de massa média dos frutos, produção por planta e produtividade da cultura. Apesar da alta salinidade da água de irrigação elevar o caráter salino do solo no ambiente radicular das plantas durante o período da estiagem, as águas do período chuvoso e as condições físicas do solo proporcionam a lixiviação dos sais e possibilitam o uso de água com restrições salinas na agricultura.   Palavras-chave: Passiflora edulis, calagem, lixiviação de sais     CAVALCANTE, L. F.; SANTOS, C. J. O.; HOLANDA, J. S.; LIMA NETO, A. J.; SOUTO, A. G. L.; DANTAS, T. A. G. YELLOW PASSION FRUIT PLANTS PRODUCTION ON SOIL WITH LIME AND POTASSIUM UNDER IRRIGATION WITH SALINE WATER       2 ABSTRACT   The experiment was carried out in Coronel Ezequiel county, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in order to evaluate the effects of limestone and chloride potassium in production components of yellow passion fruit plants and soil salinity, caused by irrigation with saline water of 3.6 dS m-1 during the dry season, and salt leaching of the soil promoted by waters of the rainy season. Treatments were arranged in randomized blocks using factorial design of 3 × 2, referring to three levels of limestone,  1.4, 2.5 and 3.6 t ha-1 and two potassium levels,  80 and 160 kg ha-1 in potassium chloride form. According to present results, irrigation with saline water (3.6 dS m-1), in comparison with data from the literature about plants irrigated with non-saline water, did no compromise the productive capacity of yellow passion fruit. Among the treatments, the combination of 80 kg ha-1 of K2O with 3.6 t ha-1 of limestone provided the fruits production with more mean mass, yield per plant and crop yield. Although the high salinity of the irrigation water increases the soil saline character on root environment of the plants during the dry season, the rainy season waters and the soil physical conditions provide the salt leaching and allow the use of water with saline restrictions in agriculture.   Keywords: Passiflora edulis, liming, salt lixiviation

2020 ◽  
Vol 261 ◽  
pp. 109032 ◽  
Marcos Eduardo Viana de Araujo ◽  
Eloiny Guimarães Barbosa ◽  
Augusto Cesar Laviola de Oliveira ◽  
Raquel Santana Milagres ◽  
Francisco de Assis de Carvalho Pinto ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1572-1577
Rodrigo Takashi Maruki Miyake ◽  
Fernanda de Paiva Badiz Furlaneto ◽  
Nobuyoshi Narita ◽  
William Hiroshi Suekane Takata ◽  

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