2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-156
Sina Sofariah ◽  
Edi Hendri Mulyana ◽  
Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah

Early Childhood Education has the principle of learning to play while learning. PAUD has a specificity in the assessment process. The assessment process is an integral part of the learning process. The assessment is holistic and includes all aspects of early childhood development. For the purpose of assessment to be achieved, educators should have knowledge of various assessment techniques. Assessment techniques in PAUD include observation, performance, work, and anecdotes. Assessment of early childhood covers all aspects of development tailored to the objectives, learning process, and learning experience of children. Assessment can be used as a tool to detect early when there are children who have problems in progress, so that will get a handlers early. Based on the underlying problem of the research, researchers chose the Educational Design Research (EDR) method that is considered to be related to the needs. The EDR method used refers to the MCKenney model Reeves, consisting of three stages of research i.e. analysis and exploration phase, design and construction phase and evaluation and reflection stages. As mentioned earlier, the required assessment should be in accordance with the needs of the field. So these needs are the basic idea of development. The products developed are further validated by the expert validator and are deemed worthy to be used in learning activities, especially in educational institutions that become research venues. Pendidikan anak usia dini memiliki prinsip dalam pembelajaran yaitu bermain sambil belajar. PAUD memiliki kekhususan dalam proses asesmen. Proses asesmen merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari proses pembelajaran. Asesmen bersifat menyeluruh (holistik) yang mencakup semua aspek perkembangan anak usia dini. Agar tujuan asesmen dapat tercapai, hendaknya pendidik memiliki pengetahuan tentang berbagai teknik penilaian. Teknik asesmen di PAUD antara lain observasi, unjuk kerja, hasil kerja, dan anekdot. Asesmen pada anak usia dini mencakup semua aspek perkembangan yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan, proses pembelajaran, serta pengalaman belajar anak. Asesmen dapat dijadikan sebagai alat untuk mendeteksi sejak dini ketika ada anak yang mengalami permasalahan dalam perkembangan, sehingga akan memperoleh penangan sejak dini. Berdasaarkan pokok permasalahan yang menjadi dasar penelitian, peneliti memilih metode Educational Design Research (EDR) yang dianggap relavan dengan kebutuhan. Metode EDR yang digunakan mengacu pada model MCKenney Reeves, terdiri dari tiga tahapan penelitian yakni tahap analisis dan eksplorasi, tahap desain dan kontruksi serta tahap evaluasi dan refleksi. Sebagaimana telah dijelaskan sebelumnya bahwa asesmen yang dibutuhkan harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan dilapangan. Maka berbagai kebutuhan tersebut dijadikan ide dasar pengembangan. Produk yang dikembangkan selanjutnya divalidasi oleh validator ahli dan dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, khususnya di lembaga pendidikan yang menjadi tempat penelitian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-80
Davut Gül ◽  
Bayram Costu

Gifted students get bored of reading authoritative and descriptive multimodal texts. They need coherent, explanatory, and interactive texts. Moreover, because of the pandemic, gifted students took courses online, and teachers had to conduct their lessons on digital online tools with multimodal representations. They posted supplementary teaching materials as multimodal texts to the students. Hence, teachers of gifted students should pay attention to inner and intermodal relations to meet the needs of gifted students and support their learning experience. The research aims at examining to what extent teachers of gifted students identify inner and intermodal relations because before designing these relations, the teacher should recognize these types of relations. The educational descriptive case study was applied. Six experienced primary school teachers were involved. The data were analyzed via content analysis. The results showed that teachers just identified the primitive level of inner and intermodal relations. The conclusion can be drawn that several educational design research should be increased to construct professional development courses for teachers about this issue. Learning and applying inner and intermodal relations are crucial for teachers of gifted students, in addition to having curiosity, they have a high cognitive level in different areas, thus they demand advanced forms of multimodal texts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-196
Wasilah Nur Adawiyah ◽  
Edi Hendri Mulyana ◽  
Elan Elan

Research and development has been carried out, which aims find out the basic needs of developing scienceoriented learning activity plans on the water sub theme to optimize early childhood observation skills. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode pengembangan, model pendekatan mix method dengan teknik Educational Design Research mengacu pada model menurut McKenney dan Reeves. This article only explains the Educational Design Research engineering research in the first stage, namely the exploration and analysis of research problems. Data collection was carried out with preliminary studies, namely field studies with initial observations and literature studies. The field study was conducted at Raudhatul Athfal AT-Taufiq which is located in Cibeureum Sub-district, Tasikmalaya City. Literature study is carried out by examining the journals and the results of previous research related to problems and science-oriented books in early childhood. Thus, the results of the study indicate various basic needs for developing science-oriented learning activity plans to optimize observational skills, which will later be used as a reference or guideline for designing research development products in the form of learning activity plans. Telah dilakukan penelitian dan pengembangan, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui dasar kebutuhan pengembangan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran berorientasi sains pada sub tema air untuk mengoptimalkan keterampilan mengamati anak usia dini. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode pengembangan, model pendekatan mix method dengan teknik Educational Design Research mengacu pada model menurut McKenney dan Reeves. Artikel ini hanya menjelaskan penelitian teknik Educational Design Research pada tahap pertama yaitu tahap eksplorasi dan analisis masalah penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pendahuluan yaitu studi lapangan dengan observasi awal dan studi literatur. Studi lapangan dilaksanakan di Raudhatul Athfal AT-Taufiq yang beralamat di Kecamatan Cibeureum Kota Tasikmalaya. Studi  literatur dilakukan dengan mengkaji jurnal dan hasil penelitian terdahulu terkait permasalahan serta buku-buku berorientasi sains pada anak usia dini. Sehingga, hasil penelitian menunjukan berbagai kebutuhan dasar untuk mengembangkan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran berorientasi sains untuk mengoptimalkan keterampilan mengamati, yang nantinya akan dijadikan sebagai acuan atau pedoman untuk perancangan produk pengembangan penelitian berupa rencana kegiatan pembelajaran.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-117
Resa Pujiaswati ◽  
Edi Hendri Mulyana ◽  
Sima Mulyadi

The form of a child’s worksheet generally contains evaluation questions that serve as a child’s cognitive assessment. But actually worksheets are used to facilitate children to do learning activities in understanding a concept/ knowledge. The 2013 curriculum is present as a guide in determining learning and requires teachers to educate students through various activities in order to have scientific skills. Whit the 2013 curriculum, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic) learning is expected to facilitate integrative learning activities that apply to early childhood education. This study aims to develop worksheets for STEM child models to facilitate children’s scientific skills. In this stufy, the researcher will explain the basic needs and design the development of STEM model worksheets for floating concept of drowning to facilitate children’s scientific skills after early age. The method used in this research is the development of Educational  Design Research. Then based on the needs and findings in the field, the researcher will develop the STEM Model Worksheet for the Drowning Floating Concept to Facilitate Scientific Skills of Early Childhood, so that it can be implemented in early childhood.  Bentuk lembar kerja anak pada umumnya berisi mengenai soal evaluasi yang dijadikan sebagai penilaian kognitif anak. Namun sebenarnya lembar kerja digunakan untuk memfasilitasi anak melakukan kegiatan belajar dalam memahami suatu konsep/pengetahuan. Kurikulum 2013 hadir sebagai pedoman dalam menentukan pembelajaran dan mengharuskan guru untuk mendidik siswa melalui berbagai aktivitas agar memiliki keterampilan saintifik. Dengan adanya kurikulum 2013 tersebut pembelajaran STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic) diharapkan dapat memfasilitasi kegiatan pembelajaran integratif yang berlaku pada pendidikan anak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dasar kebutuahn penggunaan lembar kerja anak dan mengembangkan lembar kerja anak model STEM untuk memfasilitasi keterampilan saintifik anak. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti akan menjelaskan mengenai dasar kebutuhan dan membuat rancangan pengembangan lembar kerja anak model STEM pada konsep terapung melayang tenggelam untuk memfasilitasi keterampilan saintifik anak usia dini.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan Educational Design Research. Penerapan pembelajaran STEM dengan menggunakan LKS akan menjembatani pembelajaran tematik integratif yang menerapkan pada 4 bidang keilmuan, kemudian akan menghasilkan suatu produk memfasilitasi keterampilan saintifik anak. Pembelajaran sains pada usia dini masih dirasa cukup sulit, namun dengan media dan bahn ajar yang memadai, maka hal tersebut dapat diatasi. Berdasarkan studi literatur ditemukan bahwa banyak lembar kerja anak yang tidak sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak. Maka berdasarkan kebutuhan dan penemuan dilapangan tersebut, peneliti akan melakukan Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Anak Model STEM pada Konsep Terapung Melayang Tenggelam untuk Memfasilitasi Keterampilan Saintifik Anak Usia Dini, sehingga dapat diimplementasikan pada anak usia dini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-92
Sarah Fauziah ◽  
Edi Hendri Mulyana ◽  
Sima Mulyadi

Media, in general, is a means of providing information to the recipient of the message, namely the child. The game is a medium that is used as a medium of play for children that can be used as a means of learning. This game uses a problem-solving learning method, namely problem-solving. It is hoped that this method can find solutions in fostering children’s creativity. Therefore, this research is to improve children’s cognitive abilities in solving a problem (problem-solving). Thus, this research develops problem-solving game media to facilitate children’s creativity by using cardboard box lego game media. In designing this game media, it refers to the 2013 curriculum. The 2013 curriculum is expected to facilitate aspects of children’s cognitive development for their creativity. This study aims to describe the basic needs of game media and develop a cardboard box lego problem-solving science game to facilitate early childhood creativity. The method used in this research is the Educational Design Research (EDR) floating method. Learning science in early childhood is still considered quite tricky, but this will be easy to overcome with the right and appropriate and adequate media and teaching materials. Based on the literature study that has been done, many science game media are not by the child’s development stage, which should adjust to aspects of child development that refer to the 2013 curriculum. So based on the needs and findings in the field, researchers will develop a cardboard box kego problem-solving science game to facilitate early childhood creativity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-106
Winda Safitri ◽  
Sumardi Sumardi ◽  
Heri Yusuf Muslihin

The teaching generally refers to the curriculum that is applied to the school. Teachers are not yet able to develop their own teaching materials. Learning given to children at a young age is focuses on the direction of physical growth and development, language, intellectual, social, emotional, and all intelligence. The problem is that in the learning process it generally reveals only one - way materials by a teacher or teacher center, and the lecture study model. Where the child just sat listening while the teacher explained. Learning is more meaningful if the learning process is carried out experiental learning - that children do tightening in learning. In playing teachers need a manual on a game scenario to be given to learners. The purpose of this study to describe a design for material development a fun outbound game in search of treasure. The method used in this study is educational design research (edr). Data collection techniques interviews, documentation, and expert validation. Data subjects obtained from TK PGRI Lendrasari group b teacher, and validation by the expert validator. Expert validation becomes the product revision. Then the lesson would be a fun outbound book guide for a treasure in the early childhood. Bahan ajar pada umumnya mengacu pada kurikulum yang diterapkan di Sekolah. Guru belum mampu mengembangkan bahan ajar sendiri, guru masih berpacu pada satu bahan ajar yaitu kurikulum 2013. Pembelajaran yang diberikan kepada anak usia dini bukan berorientasi pada akademis saja, melainkan menitik beratkan kepada arah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik, bahasa, intelektual, sosial, emosi serta seluruh kecerdasan. Permasalahan yang terjadi yaitu dalam proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan di dalam kelas, pada umumnya hanya mengungkapkan materi- materi satu arah oleh guru atau teacher center, dan model pembelajaran ceramah. Dimana anak hanya duduk mendengarkan ketika guru menjelaskan. Pembelajaran akan lebih bermakna jika proses pembelajaran dilakukan secara experiental learning yaitu anak melakukan pengindraan dalam belajar. Hampir semua aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh anak adalah bermain. Dalam bermain guru memerlukan buku panduan mengenai skenario permainan yang akan diberikan kepada anak didik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan rancangan desain pengembangan bahan ajar  permainan Fun Outbound mencari harta karun. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Educational Design Research (EDR). Penelitian ini berbasis desain atau rancangan produk dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, dokumentasi, dan validasi ahli. Subjek data diperoleh dari guru kelompok B TK PGRI Lendrasari, dan validasi oleh validator ahli. Hasil validasi ahli menjadi bahan revisi produk. Dengan demikian kesimpulannya Bahan ajar berupa buku panduan permainan Fun Outbound mencari harta karun di PAUD layak digunakan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Nur Laila ◽  
Maulidya Ulfah ◽  
Ahmad Yani

Drawing Activities is one form of learning that serve as aspects of early childhood development. This activity is often applied in RA Qurrata A'yun Kuningan. Drawing activities can run smoothly with stimulus provided by educators, so it is important for teachers to have a standard as a teacher who has creativity and has the ability to compete as a professional early childhood educator. This research is motivated by teachers who have difficulty in conditioning class, problems in this activity often occur because of lack of spirit and confidence of children to the work of drawing. This study aims to increase creativity in the development of children's talent interest in children's fine motor The type of research used is qualitative descriptive. Subjects in this study were children in RA Qurrata A'yun Kuningan. The means used to collect this using Observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The results of the research have shown that the role of teachers in stimulating children's drawing ability, they have role as learning seminar, manager, facilitator, manager, demonstrator, mentor, motivator, evaluator, mediator. Evident from the results of the teacher's assessment of the supervisor with a description of Good, the assessment is derived from the daily learning process of teacher which has been observed by the madrasah supervisor. From the results of the observed research, in the process of drawing activity in the children get the results well in the field of art competence. Although, among them there are some children who still find it difficult in drawing. But it can be concluded with the role of appropriate early childhood teachers will achieve the level of child development achievement, especially in the process of drawing activities to support the development of aspects of the development of art, motor and knowledge of what is seen and known that will be expressed through the art images in early childhood.   Keywords: teacher, stimulate, drawing and early childhood   Kegiatan Menggambar merupakan salah satu bentuk pembelajaran aspek perkembangan anak usia dini. Kegiatan ini diterapkan di RA Qurrata A’yun Kuningan. Kegiatan ini dapat berjalan lancar dengan diberikannya stimulus oleh pendidik, untuk itu guru harus memiliki standar kreatif dan kemampuan kompetensi sebagai pendidik anak usia dini yang profesional. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh guru yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mengelola kelas dan kepercayaan diri anak terhadap hasil karya menggambar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas dalam pengembangan seni  dan motorik halus anak. Jenis penelitian adalah dekriptif kualitatif. Subjek adalah anak di RA Qurrata A’yun Kuningan. Cara yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peran guru dalam menstimulasi kemampuan menggambar pada anak yaitu sebagai sember belajar, pengelola, fasilitator, pengelola, demonstrator, pembimbing, motivator, evaluator, mediator. Terbukti dari hasil penilaian guru dari pengawas dengan keterangan baik, penilaian tersebut diperoleh dari proses pembelajaran sehari-hari guru yang  telah diamati oleh pengawas madrasah. Proses kegiatan menggambar pada anak mendapatkan hasil dengan baik dalam bidang kompetensi seni. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya peran guru yang sesuai maka akan tercapainya tingkat capaian perkembangan anak khususnya dalam  proses kegiatan menggambar pada aspek perkembangan seni, motorik terhadap apa yang dilihat dan diketahui yang akan diekspresikan melalui seni gambar pada anak usia dini.     Kata Kunci: guru, stimulus, menggambar dan anak ssia dini

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 9 ◽  
Lorayne Excell

<p>Within the South African context, early childhood development (ECD) is receiving increasing attention at both government and civil society levels. This has resulted in children accessing ECD services in increasing numbers. But although access may open the doors to learning, it does not ensure a quality early learning experience for children. The pivotal factor is quality. Quality ECD has the potential to drive redress and realise the promise inherent in the South <br />African Constitution. The study draws on the three dimensions of a community of practice, to explore how new dialogic spaces are emerging, spaces that have the potential to generate innovation, reflection and new understandings of what could constitute quality ECD throughout South Africa. Using an action research design, this study will trace how understandings of what constitutes quality ECD in South Africa have already begun to be interrogated by a number of different stakeholders.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-30
Rachel Macdiarmid ◽  
Rhona Winnington ◽  
Eamon Merrick

The Master of Nursing Science (MNSc) has been developed as a Graduate Entry to Nursing (GEN) programme. It is an accelerated, intensive two-year degree involving the completion of 1100 clinical practice hours to meet New Zealand Nursing Council registration requirements, together with achieving a level of critical thinking that will support excellence in clinical practice. GEN programmes are well known to attract diverse, motivated graduates often with successful careers that want a change of direction (Stacey, Pollock & Crawford, 2016; Pellico, Terrill, White & Rico, 2012). In 2019 the MNSc was in its first iteration, therefore the three lecturers involved had scope to consider the design and delivery of the learning to best support student understanding and engagement. Together with institutional teaching and learning development mentors we brainstormed different approaches to teaching and learning. There is dearth of evidence regarding the development of clinical reasoning and critical thinking for post-graduate nursing students in Australasia. The aim was to develop teaching approaches that encouraged students to engage with the content and foster the development of critical thinking and clinical reasoning. Meyers and Nulty’s (2009) adoption of Biggs (2003) 3P Model of learning and teaching influenced the development of content across multiple discrete units of study. An evolving case study approach supported with podcasts was developed. The first evolving case study focused on a client with a rural New Zealand address and health status common to his age group and life experience. The podcasts aligned with the weekly development of the case. International content experts participated in topics as varied the management of analgesia, history of consent, and assisted dying and others. To iteratively explore and understand the effectiveness of this teaching approach the authors concurrently undertook research. Informed by educational design research (EDR) methodology we explore the process of constructing an authentic learning experience for students. Educational design research (EDR) evolved from design-based research and is recognised as being practical and eminently suitable to explore a small teaching and learning project (Jetinikoff, 2015; McKenney & Reeves, 2018). The aims of this research were to 1) explore and describe the process of constructing an authentic learning experience enabled by technology; and 2) understand and reflect on student learning using an evolving case-study with podcasted content. The research team is currently undertaking the reflection, adaption, and evaluation stage of the EDR methodology. The results of this and the theory stage will be resented at SoTEL. In this presentation, the analysis of the teaching teams’ reflections will be explored. Key to our discussion with the audience will be sharing our reflections and in turn seeking their advice to explore how to engage students in technology enhanced delivery in a fast-paced course. References: Biggs, J.B. (2003). Teaching for quality learning at university. (2nd ed.). Maidenhead: Open University Press. Jetnikoff, A. (2015). Design based research methodology for teaching with technology in English. English in Australia, 50(3), 56-60. McKenney, S., & Reeves, T. (2018). Conducting Educational Design Research (2nd ed.). Routledge: Meyers, N. M., & Nulty, D. D. (2009). How to use (five) curriculum design principles to align authentic learning environments, assessment, students approaches to thinking and learning outcomes. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34, (5), 565–577. Pellico, L.H., Terrill, E., White, P., & Rico, J. (2012). Integrative review of graduate entry programs. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(1), 29-37. http://dx.doi:10.3928/01484834-20111130-01. Stacey, G. Pollock, K., & Crawford, P. (2016). The rules of the game in graduate entry nursing: A longitudinal study. Nurse Education Today, 36, 184-189.

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