design research
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Adoption and user perceptions are dominant on personal health records literature and have led to a better understanding of what individuals' behaviors and perceptions are about the adoption of personal health records. However, these insights are descriptive and are not actionable to allow creating personal health records that will overcome the adoption problems identified by users. This study uses action design research to provide actionable knowledge regarding user perceptions and adoption and their application in the case of the digital allergy card. To achieve this, we conducted interviews with patients and physicians as part of the evaluation of the digital allergy card mock-up and the first prototype. As results, we provided some research proposals regarding the benefits of, levers for, and barriers to adoption of the digital allergy card that can be tested for several other personal health records.

2022 ◽  
Ward Verbakel

Climate change in the Andes is affecting the relation between urban development and the landscape. Design-led explorations are reframing landscape logics and urbanisation patterns within the Cachi River Basin of Ayacucho, Peru. A co-production of students, researchers and designers, the book suggests alternative futures, crossing scales of landscape systems to new settlement typologies. Urban Andes marks the start of the new series LAP on innovative design research in architecture, urbanism, and landscape. It is the result of a two-year collaboration (2018–2020), initiated by the CCA in cooperation with KU Leuven and various partners, including local organisations and the VLIR-UOS.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (GROUP) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Jesse Josua Benjamin ◽  
Christoph Kinkeldey ◽  
Claudia Müller-Birn ◽  
Tim Korjakow ◽  
Eva-Maria Herbst

During a research project in which we developed a machine learning (ML) driven visualization system for non-ML experts, we reflected on interpretability research in ML, computer-supported collaborative work and human-computer interaction. We found that while there are manifold technical approaches, these often focus on ML experts and are evaluated in decontextualized empirical studies. We hypothesized that participatory design research may support the understanding of stakeholders' situated sense-making in our project, yet, found guidance regarding ML interpretability inexhaustive. Building on philosophy of technology, we formulated explanation strategies as an empirical-analytical lens explicating how technical explanations mediate the contextual preferences concerning people's interpretations. In this paper, we contribute a report of our proof-of-concept use of explanation strategies to analyze a co-design workshop with non-ML experts, methodological implications for participatory design research, design implications for explanations for non-ML experts and suggest further investigation of technological mediation theories in the ML interpretability space.

Tim Weinert ◽  
Matthias Billert ◽  
Marian Thiel de Gafenco ◽  
Andreas Janson ◽  
Jan Marco Leimeister

AbstractThe increasing digitalization and automatization in the manufacturing industry as well as the need to learn on the job has reinforced the need for much more granular learning, which has not yet impacted the design of learning materials. In this regard, granular learning concepts require situated learning materials to support self-directed learning in the workplace in a targeted manner. Co-creation approaches offer promising opportunities to support employees in the independent design of such situated learning materials. Using an action-design research (ADR) approach, we derived requirements from co-creation concepts and practice by conducting focus group workshops in manufacturing and vocational training schools to develop design principles for a co-creation system that supports employees through the creation process of work-process-related learning material. Consequently, we formulate four design principles for the design of a collaborative learning and qualification system for manufacturing. Using an innovative mixed methods approach, we validate these design principles and design features to demonstrate the success of the developed artifact. The results provide insights regarding the design of a co-creation system to support learners in the co-creation of learning material with the consideration of cognitive load (CL). Our study contributes to research and practice by proposing novel design principles for supporting employees in peer creation processes. Furthermore, our study reveals how co-creation systems can support the collaborative development of learning materials in the work process.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anna Fauziah ◽  
Ratu Ilma Indra Putri ◽  
Zulkardi Zulkardi

Collaborative learning through lesson study has become one of the promising methods for improving the quality of education and improving teachers' quality, likewise with the PMRI approach. The combination of the two in the training for primary school pre-service teachers, specifically in the second simulation session, was observed and reported. This article aims to describe the collaboration process in the second session of the simulations about polygon learning at PMRI training for primary school pre-service teachers. A design research method of the development type was used in this study, only at the preliminary and development or prototyping phase. The research subjects are students of Primary School Pre-service Teachers of Sriwijaya University that consisted of eight students for the small group and 32 students for the field test. Data was collected through documentation, observation, and field notes. The result showed that there were good collaboration occurs between researcher-lecturer, lecturer-student, and between students at the plan-do-see-redesign stage of the lesson study.

2022 ◽  
pp. 073563312110656
Feray Ugur-Erdogmus ◽  
Recep Çakır

The purpose of this study was to examine a gamified mobile application’s effect on students’ achievement, and whether the player types of the students predicted their achievement scores. A “pretest-posttest control group design” research was conducted with 65 undergraduate students taking a compulsory online course. In the study, a gamified mobile app was developed by the researchers and then applied within an online History I course. The results of the study showed no significant difference between the achievement scores of the Experimental Group and Control Group students. However, multiple linear regression analysis results showed that the Experimental Group’s students’ achievement scores were significantly predicted by the player types they used and their mobile app performance. It is argued, therefore, that this result underlines the importance of player type in designing effective mobile gamification apps for the purpose of learning. Suggestions for further studies are also provided.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Congcong Tang ◽  
Lei Zhao

Public art planning and design in the context of smart cities need to keep pace with the times, but the integrity of the original scene needs to be maintained in the process of public art design. Therefore, this paper combines the elements of the scene and integrates the Internet of Things smart city to conduct public art planning and design research. Moreover, based on the multimedia Internet of Things environment, this paper analyzes the effects of virtual reality technology in urban public art planning and design and gives the overall optimization ideas for the organization and rendering of VR scene data. Then, this paper studies the organization and rendering optimization methods of the terrain scene model and the scene model, respectively. The experimental research results show that the smart city public art planning and design system under the multimedia Internet of Things environment designed in this paper has a good smart city public art planning and design effect.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Stephanie Carnell ◽  
Anna Miles ◽  
Benjamin Lok

Previous research in educational medical simulation has drawn attention to the interplay between a simulation’s fidelity and its educational effectiveness. As virtual patients (VPs) are increasingly used in medical simulations for education purposes, a focus on the relationship between virtual patients’ fidelity and educational effectiveness should also be investigated. In this paper, we contribute to this investigation by evaluating the use of a virtual patient selection interface (in which learners interact with a virtual patient via a set of pre-defined choices) with advanced medical communication skills learners. To this end, we integrated virtual patient interviews into a graduate-level course for speech-language therapists over the course of 2 years. In the first cohort, students interacted with three VPs using only a chat interface. In the second cohort, students used both a chat interface and a selection interface to interact with the VPs. Our results suggest that these advanced learners view the selection interfaces as more appropriate for novice learners and that their communication behavior was not significantly affected by using the selection interface. Based on these results, we suggest that selection interfaces may be more appropriate for novice communication skills learners, but for applications in which selection interfaces are to be used with advanced learners, additional design research may be needed to best target these interfaces to advanced learners.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Michella Asfinivia

This examination is awakened by low learning outcomes of science content that has not yett reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). One variable that contributes is the low learning outcomes of practice, especially in science learning. Therefore, the right learning strategy is needed which affects the results of easy-to-understand learning. The aim in this study was to understand how much impact the demontrasion method on the results of learning in class IV at SDN 102 / II Kerjan River in Science learning. This type of research is a type of Pre Experimental Design research with a quantitative methodology. Design that uses the type of One Group Pretest Posttest Design. The subjects of this study were 27 students at SD Negeri 102/II Sungai Kerjan. In this examination, the data collection instrument of the researcher used an instrument in the form of test questions. The data collection technique utilizes up to 20 pretest and posttest questions. The data analysis technique used a statistical test, namely the Paired Samples T-Test test because the data were normally distributed. Information handled using SPSS 22.

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