scholarly journals Game Graph and Formats Approach for Mixlingual Data Ontology for Geological and Marketing Tasks

Ekaterina S. Skornyakova ◽  
Dmitry V. Lichargin ◽  
Pavel V. Polunian

The paper introduces a new concept – trans-forest. A forest is a complex of additional connected trees. The skeleton of the graph is the basic multi-hierarchy. Subjects and “forces” are sources of moves on the playing field of the trans-forest based on the rules of the generative grammars of Montague. Each move of all generative grammars is synchronized with the meta-generative grammar – the “daemon of time”. Each turn over a trans-forest can be done by moving the present marker on the time tree to the “Next” position. Particular attention is paid to the format tree and trans-connections between trees and its levels, since it is the format tree that determines human behavior in certain situations. An algorithm of evolutionarily justified expansions is proposed, the purpose of which is to ensure well-being for the subject himself and other subjects. The proposed trans-forest model is intended for modeling educational, language IT marketing, geological and other situations from the point of view of graph theory and game theory

1995 ◽  
Vol 34 (4III) ◽  
pp. 971-984
Muhammad Rafiq

There are three principal reasons for undertaking the present paper. First, although all the dimensions of diffusion of drug abuse are still uncertain and the existence and extent of Drug Abuse Networking (DAN) is certainly not the only factor determining the likelihood of the spread of drug abuse. Nevertheless, one of the prime modes of its spread is through DAN. The extent of DAN and the diffusion of drug abuse in society are closely related to each other [Brook, Nomura and Cohen (1989, 1989a, 1992); Kornhauser (1978); Elliott, Huizinge and Dunford (1983); Delemarre (1993)]. Second, the network analysis provides an important instrumental element to deal with social problems and to uncover the information for intervention in specific groups of the community for the well-being of its members [Uehara (1990); Wellman and Scott (1990); Brook, Nomura, and Cohen (1980); Coombs (1973); Thompson (1973); Eggert, Thompson, Herting, Nicholas and Dicker (1994); Gould (1991)]. Last, the issues of DAN’s dynamics and its control have received little attention in literature relevant to Pakistan or elsewhere. It is also considered important from the policy point of view to determine the dynamics of DAN in Pakistan on the basis of experimental research.1 It is hoped that this paper will help in the attainment of these goals. It addresses the subject from different perspectives, but the major aim is to help develop and establish methodologies in the context of Pakistan. Such research may help those involved in making the policies and in controlling the diffusion of drug abuse in Pakistan. In recent

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-120
И.А. Константинов ◽  
В.А. Гончарова

Одним из наиболее значимых институтов общества в любой стране мира является институт высшего образования. Именно система образования в целом и структуры высшего образования в частности непосредственно связаны с благосостоянием граждан страны. Однако, технический и технологический прогресс не стоят на месте, ежегодно создаются и развиваются новые предприятия, которые требуют новые компетенции от своих сотрудников. В свою очередь система высшего образования должна соответствовать быстро меняющейся цифровой отрасли. Проблема заключается в том, что система образования, как контролируемая Государством структура является куда более инертной структурой, чем предприятия, силами которых осуществляется цифровая трансформация. Бездействие в части реализации реформ в сфере высшего образования неизбежно повлечет разрыв между требуемыми компетенциями в отрасли и теми компетенциями, которыми будут фактически обладать выпускники. Увеличение этого разрыва сделает высшее образование нерелевантным со всеми вытекающими от сюда последствиями. В данной работе подробно рассмотрен процесс защит выпускных квалификационных работ магистров (ВКР), этот процесс сведен в термины теории игр, с формализацией ролей, мотиваций и стратегиями поведения участников этого процесса. После рассмотрения проблемы с позиции теории игр выделены слабые стороны процессов и рассмотрены меры по их устранению. One of the most important institutions of society in any country in the world is the Institute of Higher Education. It is the education system in general and the structures of higher education in particular that are directly related to the well-being of the country's citizens. However, technical and technological progress does not stand still, every year new enterprises are created and developed, which require new competencies from their employees. In turn, the higher education system must meet the rapidly changing digital industry. The problem is that the education system, as a state-controlled structure, is a much more inert structure than the enterprises that are engaged in digital transformation. Inaction in the implementation of reforms in the field of higher education will inevitably lead to a gap between the required competencies in the industry and the competencies that graduates will actually have. An increase in this gap will make higher education irrelevant, with all the consequences that follow. In this paper, the process of defending the final qualifying works of masters (WRC) is considered in detail, this process is reduced to the terms of game theory, with the formalization of roles, motivations and strategies of behavior of participants in this process. After considering the problem from the point of view of game theory, the weaknesses of the processes are identified and measures to eliminate them are considered.

Eric L. Stocks ◽  
David A. Lishner

The term empathy has been used as a label for a broad range of phenomena, including feeling what another person is feeling, understanding another person’s point of view, and imagining oneself in another person’s situation. However, perhaps the most widely researched phenomenon that goes by this label involves an other-oriented emotional state that is congruent with the perceived welfare of another person. The feelings associated with empathy include sympathy, tenderness, and warmth toward the other person. Other variations of empathic emotions have been investigated too, including empathic joy, empathic embarrassment, and empathic anger. The term altruism has also been used as a label for a broad range of phenomena, including any type of helping behavior, personality traits associated with helpful persons, and biological influences that spur protection of genetically related others. However, a particularly fruitful research tradition has focused on altruism as a motivational state with the ultimate goal of protecting or promoting the welfare of a valued other. For example, the empathy–altruism hypothesis claims that empathy (construed as an other-oriented emotional state) evokes altruism (construed as a motivational state). Empathy and altruism, regardless of how they are construed, have important consequences for understanding human behavior in general, and for understanding social relationships and well-being in particular.

Celeste Oranges

Malice, crime and madness have in themselves an intrinsically fascinating nature, which has led scholars of all kinds to question on their relationship, on their genesis, but also on their same semantic meaning. For some time, the legal professions are discussing on the original or derived essence of the wickedness and its incidence of the same mental health of the “bad” individual, without leading to certain answers. After all, a rigid and univocal solution of complex problems can lead to erroneous and dangerous conclusions since the human behavior does not lend to simplistic explanations. Our inborn inclination in the need to achieve clarifying answers and that will undermine our need to distinguish the world in good and bad, right and wrong, healthy or crazy, bad or good, leads to the creation of watertight concepts, meaningless of real results. Paradoxically we more persist in the search for clear and define solutions the more we move away from the reality of the facts. This being the case does not involve the renunciation of investigating the mechanisms that regulate the human behavior, but sets the basis to make a realistic investigation. The human act is not determined by a single factor, whether biological, psychological or environmental, but from multiple reasons and also from an intangible component of randomness. So, also the action of the villain or the criminal cannot be explained through a blind causal determinism, but through the use of medicines, of the psychology, of the anthropology and all others sciences useful to provide additional factors to our research. However, the neuroscientific approaches are interesting, which have shown that there is a real correlation between special genes (which for example, the MAOA, Monoamine Oxidase A) or between the brain loops linked to the emphatic answer (such as the anterior cingulate cortex, the insula and the amygdala) and the attitude to crime, understood as greater violent acts by the subject examined. These objectives reached in the science must be remain unenforceable and can certainly provide a valuable contribution even to decide in the judicial matters, in order to equip the Court of more elements to decide of the guilt and of the imputability of the subject accused of a crime. Special attention must be given to the science that it is not allowed to be a guru that uncritically analyses the bases of the free will, while excluding the others probative results on which the Court must expressed his conviction, for the purpose of the judgement. In this context we place also the perennial dilemma of the vices of the human mind and the imputability. Indeed, the concept of “mental infirmity” gets a different meaning depending on whether we are considering the same medical or legal point of view.   Unique is the interpretative evolution about the concept of the mental infirmity suffered by the legal point of view, rapidly widening gap compared with the clinic concept of the mental pathology and opening doors also to so called “personality disorders”. An essential contribution to the problem arising from the Law of 23rd June 2017, n. 103, as called Orlando Reform, which introduced some amendments to the Criminal Code, to the Criminal Procedure Code and to Penitentiary system. Among the points of the Reform, of peculiar interest it’s the choice of the legislator to fill a gap in the system in terms of imputability and mental infirmity, addressing personality disorders and finally affixing the seal of legality to the doctrinal and jurisprudential theses on the subject. These theoretical principles have provided into action in the analysis of certain cases concerning blood offences, after having given a starting point on concept of free will, of mental infirmity, of determinism behavior, and on the relationship between science and Law, in a helpful interest.

Daniela Lucini ◽  
Massimo Pagani

The current literature contains multiple examples of exercise interventions to foster health and to prevent/treat many chronic non-communicable diseases; stress and functional syndromes. On the other hand, sedentariness is increasing and to transform a sedentary subject into a regular exerciser is not only very difficult but considered by some unrealistic in current clinical practice. Ideally a physical activity intervention may be considered actually efficacious when it outgrows the research setting and becomes embedded in a system, ensuring maintenance and sustainability of its health benefits. Physicians need specific skills to improve patients’ exercise habits. These range from traditional clinical competencies, to technical competencies to correctly prescribe exercise, to competencies in behavioral medicine to motivate the subject. From a behavioral and medical point of view, an exercise prescription may be considered correct only if the subject actually performs the prescribed exercise and this results in an improvement of physiological mechanisms such as endocrine, immunological and autonomic controls. Here we describe a model of intervention intended to nurture exercise prescription in everyday clinical setting. It aims to a tailored prescription, starts from the subject’s assessment, continues defining clinical goals/possible limitations and ends when the subject is performing exercise obtaining results.

Anton B. Didikin

Reconsideration of legal phenomena by legal language means is a typical feature of analytical tradition in the legal philosophy, since legal regulations are expressed not only in language, but are inextricably linked with the linguistic content of rules whilst applying them. Language as a form of communication and representation of the world is a holistic and specific phenomenon, that is localized in speech acts that form subject’s intentions and his further actions. It is necessary to count the meaningful use of signs for the reality perception, that form the language. Legal reality and its language forms are inseparable, and thus, we can learn more deeply the essence of legal phenomena by interpreting legal texts and speech acts that illustrate legal intentions and actions. So in the speech acts theory of J.L. Austin introduces the category of com missives, denoting the obligations declared by the intentions of the person (promise, agree, intend, plan, provide, allow, swear, etc.). In legal language speech acts are used with the purposes of execution, prohibition, coercion for maintenance of a social order, therefore legal discourse has performative character. Performative expressions in legal language are characterized by speech stereotypes due to repetitive procedures (for example, procedural actions in criminal proceedings or court hearings). If it is a question of acts of application of the right, from the point of view of their performative form they have declarative character, that is contain instructions and obligations of legal character. The illocutionary function of these proposals is to form a respectful attitude to the established norms, and the perlocutive force is to impose compliance with these norms. The question of the relation of speech acts and actions in a different context was considered by Gilbert Ryle. Ryle’s key thesis is that the workings of consciousness should not be described as a complex of some point operations, but rather should be understood in the context of observed human behavior. Consciousness is determined by the actions of the subject, not by the construction of metaphysical entities. As a man thinks, so he acts. If the researcher inspects the scene of the accident, the notary certifies the authenticity of the documents drawn up, and the judge gives arguments for the adoption of a legitimate judicial decision, they do not need the whole set of causality relationships in nature, or an explanation that human behavior is completely determined, that he is not free, because he can not control the mental processes in consciousness. H.L.A. Hart defines the essence of legal statements and their ascription of attributing legal value of a particular performative speech acts. The arguments on the specific features of legal statements in the context of the existing concepts of J.L. Austin, J. Searle, H. Hart and their critics.

Beata Grzyl ◽  
Magdalena Apollo ◽  
Adam Kristowski

The subject of this article is the application of game theory (GT) to solve the problem occurring in the management of construction contracts. One of the fundamental reasons for disputes between the investor (IN) and the general contractor (GC) is payment for supplementary works—an additional expenditure incurred by GC that was not planned at the tender stage. If IN delays signing the annex to the contract and rejects any financial and timeframe-related claims, GC usually considers one of the two strategies: to stop works or to continue works without the annex and the guarantee of payment for additional works. IN also analyzes the consequences of adopting one of the two strategies: not to sign the annex, or to sign the annex and pay for the additional work. The aim of the presented game is to indicate the optimal strategy from the GC point of view in the conflict situation with IN. The article defines the background of the problem, the cause of the dispute, and formulates a theoretical model of the game.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Bijan Bidabad

We will study the concept of equilibrium in conventional and ethic economics in this paper. By a general review of the subject of equilibrium from basic sciences' point of view, we will study the meaning of equilibrium at different levels of micro, macro, and international economics; and by considering the lust and anger powers of human being, the concept of optimizing human behavior in Neoclassical theory will be studied. The hypothesis of “rational behavior” and philosophical and the root of thoughts and human behavior modeling in neoclassical economics will be analyzed from pleasure or utilitarianism-based point of view. By putting forward the concept of “perfection” as materializing innate power of creatures, we introduce the concept of ethic science so that we will review the correctness and goodness of actions and qualities of the human being in the process of optimizing economic behavior. Level of equilibrium in the powers as prescribed by ethic science with the meaning of preventing overindulgence and under-indulgence will be discussed. The meaning of equilibrium in ethic economics is a global optimum and in the form of utility point of view, has a broader domain of qualities and intellectualities and human being spirituals always at least is in a position that is better than Neoclassical optimized behavior (which is a local optimum).Some qualities related to economic behavior and overindulgence and under-indulgence and their equilibrium have also been considered. Equilibrium in ethic economics means using resources and locating everything in its right position and in the direction of obtaining human being perfection. Putting things in their right position is the optimal use of them from a mathematical point of view, and perfection is defined as reaching the ultimate innate of every creature. This means that in order to maximize the utility, resources should be used in a manner that in addition to ensuring human being material needs, assure the necessary background for maximizing mental and spiritual growth and elevation of him.  DOI:

Beata Grzyl ◽  
Magdalena Apollo ◽  
Adam Kristowski

Recently there has been growing interest in the application of game theory (GT) to solve many diverse problems in the field of construction, including i.a.: tender preparation, selection of a contractor for construction works, negotiating terms and conditions of cooperation of the parties to the contract, analysis and modeling of investment risk. In the authors opinion, the use of GT by general contractor (GC) of construction works to indicate the best strategy leading to winning court proceedings in a situation of conflict with investor (IN), so far has not been the subject of research. Taking into account the above, the aim of the presented paper is to indicate the optimal strategy from the GC point of view in the conflict situation with IN. The article presents a list of the most common causes of conflicts between parties of the construction works' contract, defines the background of the problem and the cause of the dispute, and on its basis, the authors generate the theoretical model of the game. Based on the analyzed game model, expected payoffs for players were calculated and the probability border value at which GC should apply the indicated strategy determined. The results of the study show that in the case when the probability of issuing a judgment favorable for GC is at least equal to 69.23%, it is justified to use an aggressive strategy. The analysis also confirms that from the financial perspective, litigation in most cases of conflicts in the area of construction should be the last choice.

1976 ◽  
Vol 15 (05) ◽  
pp. 246-247
S. C. Jain ◽  
G. C. Bhola ◽  
A. Nagaratnam ◽  
M. M. Gupta

SummaryIn the Marinelli chair, a geometry widely used in whole body counting, the lower part of the leg is seen quite inefficiently by the detector. The present paper describes an attempt to modify the standard chair geometry to minimise this limitation. The subject sits crossed-legged in the “Buddha Posture” in the standard chair. Studies with humanoid phantoms and a volunteer sitting in the Buddha posture show that this modification brings marked improvement over the Marinelli chair both from the point of view of sensitivity and uniformity of spatial response.

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