scholarly journals Administración electrónica y comercio electrónico como instrumentos para un envejecimiento activo / E-Administration and e-commerce as tools for active aging

Aula Abierta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Carmen Llorente-Barroso ◽  
Marilé Pretel-Jiménez ◽  
Leopoldo Abad-Alcalá ◽  
María Sánchez-Valle ◽  
Mónica Viñarás-Abad

RESUMENEl envejecimiento progresivo de la sociedad española intensifica la necesidad de proponer políticas activas que motiven una mayor autonomía de los mayores. Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), y especialmente Internet, posibilitan el desarrollo de gestiones administrativas, trámites y compras online, pero su uso no está extendido entre las personas mayores. Por ello, el objetivo de esta propuesta es profundizar en las razones que explican este limitado uso. Así, se propone una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura científica y de informes institucionales y empresariales que han explorado las motivaciones y los frenos en la utilización de Internet y las TIC para el desarrollo de tales tareas por parte de los mayores. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran una aceptación del uso de los medios electrónicos, por parte de este colectivo, para el desarrollo de tareas administrativas, trámites y compras sencillas y habituales online; además, se percibe un incremento en la sensación de autonomía, lo que conlleva la satisfacción por parte de este grupo social. No obstante, también se aprecian elementos que frenan su uso, especialmente vinculados al miedo y la inseguridad que los mayores sienten al desarrollar algunas de las mencionadas actividades, particularmente, aquellas relacionadas con el comercio electrónico.Palabras Clave: Envejecimiento activo, personas mayores, Administración electrónica, comercio electrónico, inclusión digital.ABSTRACTThe progressive aging of Spanish society intensifies the need to propose active policies that encourage the independence of older people. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and especially the Internet, allow the development of administrative procedures, process and online purchases, but its use is not widespread among the elderly. Therefore, the purpose of this proposal is to deepen on the reasons that explain this limited use. Thus, this work puts forward a thorough review of the most relevant scientific literatura and institutional and business reports that have analysed the motivations and problems senior citizens have when they manage internet and ICTs in these kind of tasks. The results show an acceptance of the use of electronic media by this group, for the development of administrative tasks, procedures and simple and habitual purchases online; in addition, an increase in the sense of autonomy is perceived, which entails satisfaction on the part of this social group. However, there are some elements which slowing down its use, especially linked to fear and insecurity that senior citizens feel when developing some of aforementioned activities, particularly those related to e-commerce.Keywords: Active aging, the elderly, e-Administration, e-commerce, digital inclusion.

Comunicar ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (39) ◽  
pp. 193-201 ◽  
Susana Agudo-Prado ◽  
Ángeles Pascual-Sevillana ◽  
Javier Fombona

A «multiage» society needs the design and creation of new areas of learning and communication to manage the digital demands of the elderly. In this article, the relation of the elderly to information and communication technologies (ICT) is approached and two objectives are considered: to discover the technological resources they use and to objectively describe the types of usage that senior citizens make of ICT. To that end, a survey technique is used, with the results validated by means of discussion groups. The study participants consisted of 215 elderly people, all ICT users, and 7 discussion groups of 5 people each. The results indicate that the resources most widely used by the elderly are computers and the Internet, and the type of usage is grouped into 4 categories: education, information, communication and entertainment. There were no significant differences in gender or age although differences were found in the availability of these resources for private use based on the level of education. Una sociedad «multiedades» supone diseñar y crear nuevos espacios de aprendizaje y comunicación, capaces de gestionar la demanda existente por parte de las personas mayores. En este artículo, se aborda la relación de las personas mayores con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y para ello se plantean dos objetivos: el primero va dirigido a conocer los recursos tecnológicos que utilizan y el segundo, a describir objetivamente los tipos de uso que estas personas hacen de las TIC. Para ello, se utiliza la técnica de encuesta, cuyos resultados son contrastados mediante grupos de discusión. En el estudio participaron 215 personas mayores usuarias de las TIC y siete grupos de discusión de cinco personas cada uno. Los resultados encontrados indican que los recursos que más utilizan los mayores son, los ordenadores e Internet y el uso que hacen de los mismos se ha agrupado en cuatro grandes categorías: formación, información, comunicación y entretenimiento, no encontrándose diferencias significativas en función del género o de la edad y sí se encontraron diferencias en cuanto a la disponibilidad de dichos recursos para uso particular en función del nivel de estudios.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Cesar Augusto Cusin ◽  
Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti

Resumo A natureza atual da web, que destaca a participação colaborativa dos usuários em diversos ambientes informacionais digitais, conduz ao desenvolvimento de diretrizes que enfocam a arquitetura da informação digital inclusiva para diferentes públicos nas mais diversas ambiências informacionais. A pesquisa propõe e objetiva um ambiente informacional digital inclusivo, visando apontar os elementos de acessibilidade que permitam a promoção da inclusão informacional digital, de forma a destacar os referenciais da Arquitetura da Informação Digital, de recomendações internacionais, com o olhar da Ciência da Informação e das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC).Palavras-chave inclusão digital; web; acessibilidade; ciência da informação; arquitetura da informação.Abstract The current nature of the web, which highlights the collaborative participation of users in various digital informational environments, leads to the development of guidelines that focus on the digital inclusive information architecture for different audiences in diverse informational environments. The study proposes an inclusive digital information environment, aiming to establish the elements of accessibility that  enable the promotion of digital inclusion information in order to highlight the references of digital information architecture, the international recommendations, with the perspective of Information Science and the new information and communication technologies (ICT).Keywords digital inclusion; web; accessibility; information science; information architecture.

Aline Jaime Leal ◽  
Lenira Maria Nunes Sepel

Resumo: Os Laboratórios Virtuais de Aprendizagem (LVA) são páginas web, softwares ou CD-ROM que contêm um conjunto de objetos de aprendizagem, os quais possibilitam a realização de atividades experimentais, preferencialmente, através da simulação de equipamentos, materiais e variáveis. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de descrever características relevantes para que um LVA auxilie o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Ciências. Para isso, foram selecionados 30 artigos científicos, publicados entre 2001 e 2015, que aplicaram LVA no Ensino de Ciências, compreendendo as três subáreas: Biologia, Física e Química. Esses artigos abrangeram três idiomas (Espanhol, Inglês e Português) e foram selecionados por apresentarem pesquisa de opinião dos usuários e/ou avaliação da aprendizagem dos alunos após o uso do LVA. Analisou-se os LVA quanto a conteúdo abordado, nível de ensino a que foi destinado, recursos didáticos disponíveis, formato, metodologia empregada na sua aplicação e tipo de avaliação a que foi submetido (opinião do usuário e/ou aprendizagem dos alunos). Desta forma, a partir da opinião dos usuários (alunos e professores), bem como das concepções dos autores dos trabalhos analisados, identificou-se que determinadas características são consideradas relevantes para um LVA facilitar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Ciências. Dentre elas, destacam-se: apresentar o conteúdo teórico de forma clara e sucinta; ser fácil de usar para promover a inclusão digital de seus usuários; ser atrativo e interativo para despertar o interesse e motivação dos alunos, bem como a comunicação entre seus usuários; apresentar vários métodos avaliativos para acompanhar o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos.Palavras-chave: Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. Atividades práticas experimentais. Laboratório Virtual de Aprendizagem.  DIGITAL INCLUSION IN SCIENCE TEACHING: ANALYZING VIRTUAL LEARNING LABORATORIESAbstract: Virtual Learning Labs (LVA) are web pages, softwares or CD-ROM which contain a set of learning objects which allow carrying out experimental activities, preferably through simulation of equipment, materials and variables. This work was conducted with the aim of describing relevant features for which a LVA helps the process of teaching and learning of Science. For this purpose, 30 scientific articles have been selected, published between 2001 and 2015, applied LVA in Science Teaching, comprising three sub areas: Biology, Physics and Chemistry. These articles covered three languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese) and were selected for containing users opinion survey and/or learning evaluation of the students after using LVA. LVA was analyzed relating to the content, teaching level to what it was intended, available didactic resources, format, used methodology in your application and type of assessment to that it was submitted (opinion of the user and/or students' learning). In this way, from the opinion of users (students and teachers), as well as the authors' conceptions of analyzed works, it was identified that certain characteristics are considered relevant for LVA facilitates the process of teaching and learning Science. Among these features it can be highlighted: to introduce the theoretical content in a clear and succinct way; to be easy to use to promote digital inclusion of users; to be attractive and interactive to awaken students’ interest and motivation, as well as the communication between their users; to introduce several evaluation methods to monitor the learning process of the students.Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies. Practical experimental activities. Virtual Learning Lab.

Ronald M. Baecker

J. C. R. Licklider, Vannevar Bush, Doug Engelbart, Ted Nelson, and Alan Kay optimistically and exuberantly imagined how computers could better the lives of people. Much of this has come to pass. The Internet supports learning by ‘students’ at all levels. Information on laws, procedures, diseases, and medical care may be found on the web. The Internet now provides the easiest, or in some cases the only, way to pay bills or order items such as books, groceries, and even clothing. It is a means of communication with family, friends, individuals one would like to meet, individuals with whom one could share insights, and potential employers. Music, films, and other means of entertainment stream to our digital devices. This implies that those for whom digital technology is not available are at a disadvantage. The gap between the technology-haves and the technology-have-nots became known in the 1990s as a digital divide. The concept is nuanced; we can speak of availability or scarcity of hardware, such as personal computers (PCs) and mobile phones; of infrastructure such as cellular networks; of communications bandwidth that enables a smooth media viewing experience; of expertise in using the technology; of commitment to its use; and of engagement in the process. Some only consume information; others contribute their ideas via methods such as blogging and tweeting. Yet a better way to describe digital technology widely accessible is the goal of social inclusion, to allow all individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status, location, race, gender, or ability or disability, to take advantage of the benefits of modern computing and telecommunications. To have terminology that is even more evocative, we shall use the more modern and descriptive term of digital inclusion. This has been defined by the International Telecommunications Union as ‘empowering people through information and communication technologies (ICTs)’. The term ‘people’ is meant here to imply all people throughout the world. This chapter will first examine the digital divide between the haves and the have-nots (often the rich and the poor) within several nations. Examples of the benefits of digital inclusion will be cited.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 206
José Paulo Lousado ◽  
Sandra Antunes

The pandemic declared by the World Health Organization due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) awakened us to a reality that most of us were previously unaware of—isolation, confinement and the massive use of information and communication technologies, as well as increased knowledge of the difficulties and limitations of their use. This article focuses on the rapid implementation of low-cost technologies, which allow us to answer a fundamental question: how can near real-time monitoring and follow-up of the elderly and their health conditions, as well as their homes, especially for those living in isolated and remote areas, be provided within their care and protect them from risky events? The system proposed here as a proof of concept uses low-cost devices for communication and data processing, supported by Long-Range (LoRa) technology and connection to The Things Network, incorporating various sensors, both personal and in the residence, allowing family members, neighbors and authorized entities, including security forces, to have access to the health condition of system users and the habitability of their homes, as well as their urgent needs, thus evidencing that it is possible, using low-cost systems, to implement sensor networks for monitoring the elderly using the LoRa gateway and other support infrastructures.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 503-521 ◽  
Tim Barlott ◽  
Tammy Aplin ◽  
Emma Catchpole ◽  
Rebecca Kranz ◽  
Damian Le Goullon ◽  

This study aimed to investigate the experiences of people with intellectual disability (ID) using information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the ways these technologies foster social connectedness. In partnership with a community mental health organization, this qualitative descriptive study explored the experiences of 10 people with ID using ICTs. Participants described how ICTs Opened the Door to Possibilities in their life – ICTs provided an avenue for connecting with other people, a means to pursue personal interests and a tool for organizing everyday life. Opening the door to possibilities was further understood as movement towards digital inclusion for people with ID, conceptualized as the fit between social opportunity and personal skills. We have identified the prominent role social supports play in creating (and constraining) opportunities for digital inclusion, and that digital inclusion has the potential to enable social connectedness and the development of agency. Consideration of the complex interaction between social opportunity and personal skills, and the mediating influence of supports, will enhance the inclusion of people with ID.

2017 ◽  
Vol 237 ◽  
pp. 1412-1417 ◽  
David Padilla-Góngora ◽  
Remedios López-Liria ◽  
María del Pilar Díaz-López ◽  
José Manuel Aguilar-Parra ◽  
María Estela Vargas-Muñoz ◽  

First Monday ◽  
2014 ◽  
Steven Corbett

This paper explores the hacker work ethic in a case study of Access Space, a free media lab in Sheffield, United Kingdom, which provides free access to information and communication technologies (ICTs). It is suggested that the hacker work ethic allows participants at Access Space to become socially and digitally included in an empowering way. This aspect of ICT culture is explored in the context of social and technological changes from a public sphere perspective (Habermas, 1989). Access Space is described as part of a hacker counter-public sphere that challenges the dominant trend towards the commodification of ICTs by engaging the principles of the hacker work ethic in social practice. With a move towards informationalism as the ideology of the techno-capitalist age (Castells, 1996; Kellner, 1989), adopting the hacker work ethic in wider social practice may promote empowerment, social and digital inclusion, and critical engagement with ICTs and wider society.

Claudinei Frutuoso ◽  
Eliane de Araújo Teixeira

ResumoO presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as contribuições dos laboratórios de informática educacional (LIE) nas escolas públicas da rede estadual do município de Ariquemes, Rondônia, investigando a maneira e o quanto estes promovem a inclusão digital dos sujeitos da escola na sociedade da informação. Estabelece-se um paralelo entre o conceito de sociedade da informação e de inclusão digital, compondo um quadro tecnológico-socioeducacional, com a compreensão da importância dos laboratórios de informática para a promoção da inclusão digital, bem como da superação das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos sujeitos frente às suas necessidades para a produção subjetiva e material na sociedade da informação. Metodologicamente, trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo efetivada por meio de aplicação de questionário com os coordenadores dos LIE, visando apresentar análise das discussões e problemáticas suscitadas pela pesquisa. O embasamento teórico tem por fundamento autores como Takahashi (2000), Melo Neto (2007), Castells e Cardoso (2005) e Chaves (1998). Como resultados, afirma-se que os LIE, embora sem o devido apoio e cuidado que requerem, têm tido papel relevante na inclusão digital.Palavras-chave: Sociedade da informação. Laboratório de informática educativa. Tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Inclusão digital.ICT and digital inclusion: the role of laboratories educational computingAbstractThis paper presents a study on the contributions of educational computer labs (LEL) in the public schools of the state system in the city of Porto Velho, RO, investigating the way and how they promote digital inclusion of subjects from school in the information society. It will establish a parallel between the concept of the information society and digital inclusion, composing a technological and socio-educational framework, with the understanding of the importance of computer labs for promoting digital inclusion, as well as of the difficulties faced by the subjects in front of your needs to the subjective production and equipment in the information society. The structure of the work seeks a theoretical background about the technologies and the information society with authors like Takahashi (2000), Neto (2007), Castells and Cardoso (2005) and Keys (1998), through field research by applying questionnaire with the coordinators of the LIE, seeking to present analysis of the discussions and issues raised by research.Keywords: Information society. Laboratory of educational computing. Information and communication technologies. Digital inclusion.Las TIC y la inclusión digital: el papel de los laboratorios de informática educativaResumenEn este trabajo se presenta un estudio de las contribuciones de los laboratorios de computación educativos (LEL) en las escuelas públicas del sistema estatal en el municipio de Ariquemes, RO, la investigación de la forma y la forma de promover la inclusión digital de las materias escolares en la sociedad de la información. Un paralelo entre el concepto de la sociedad de la información y la inclusión digital se – establece, componiendo un marco socio-tecnológico – educativa en la comprensión de la importancia de los laboratorios de computación para promover la inclusión digital, así como de las dificultades enfrentado por los sujetos frente a sus necesidades de la producción subjetiva y material en la sociedad de la información. La estructura del trabajo busca una base teórica sobre las tecnologías y la sociedad de la información con autores como Takahashi (2000), Neto (2007), Castells y Cardoso (2005) y Chaves (1998), a través de la investigación de campo mediante la aplicación de cuestionario con los coordinadores de la mentira, a fin de presentar el análisis de los debates y las cuestiones planteadas por la investigación.Palabras clave: Sociedad de la información. Laboratorio de informática educativa. Información y la comunicación tecnologías. La inclusión digital.

Clayton Augusto Fontana Izoton ◽  
Douglas Manoel Antonio de Abreu Pestana dos Santos ◽  
Marcio Cézar Diehl

Distance education is a term that has been developing for many years, but it only reached great dimensions in the beginning of the 20th century, mainly, with the use of information and communication technologies online. Through bibliographic research it is intended to present the advancement of distance education in the world and in Brazil, describe the evolution, showing that it started by exchanging correspondences until reaching the use of the internet, with synchronous or asynchronous interaction, verifying the most used platform for distance education, demonstrate the increase in the number of people enrolled in this teaching modality in addition to the main trends that the authors expect for the coming years. Distance education has great chances of gaining acceptance in the academic environment, however it is necessary that people know how to work with the technologies involved in the process, that is, be part of digital inclusion, and that both institutions and the State provide cultural and financial incentives for this alternative of knowledge transmission, because only in this way will we be able to achieve the goal of education, which is to eliminate people’s social exclusion.

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