scholarly journals Role of Lezgin Folk Riddles in the Structure of Everyday Fairy Tales

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-132
Aida R. Gasharova

The article deals with Lezgi folk riddles. They can be a constituent element of many genres of folklore, although they exist in folk art as an independent genre. The analysis is focused on folk riddles in the “fairy tale” speech, as well as the use of various kinds of “mysterious” elements in the creation of folk tales. The riddle participates in the complication of many fairy tales. The role of the riddle in a fairy tale is controversial. Basically, the function of riddles in a folk tale is entertaining, but their role in fairy tales is also very significant for the formation of the plot. Riddles are firmly entrenched in a number of fairy tales to complicate them. Both folk tales and folk riddles are metaphorical. We study the traditional plots of Lezgi folk tales, in which we find riddles. The purpose of our study is to identify the multi-aspect interdependence of the Lezgin folk riddle as a plot-forming element in various types of fairy tales. Creative imagination often introduces a riddle into the plot of social and everyday tales “about wise answers” (“about guessing”), which most often contain the origins of difficult riddle problems. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the lack of study of this issue in the Lezgi oral and poetic creativity.

Jack Zipes

This book explores the legacy of the Brothers Grimm in Europe and North America, from the nineteenth century to the present. The book reveals how the Grimms came to play a pivotal and unusual role in the evolution of Western folklore and in the history of the most significant cultural genre in the world—the fairy tale. Folklorists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm sought to discover and preserve a rich abundance of stories emanating from an oral tradition, and encouraged friends, colleagues, and strangers to gather and share these tales. As a result, hundreds of thousands of wonderful folk and fairy tales poured into books throughout Europe and have kept coming. The book looks at the transformation of the Grimms' tales into children's literature, the Americanization of the tales, the “Grimm” aspects of contemporary tales, and the tales' utopian impulses. It shows that the Grimms were not the first scholars to turn their attention to folk tales, but were vital in expanding readership and setting the high standards for folk-tale collecting that continue through the current era. The book concludes with a look at contemporary adaptations of the tales and raises questions about authenticity, target audience, and consumerism. The book examines the lasting universal influence of two brothers and their collected tales on today's storytelling world.

Neophilology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 164-169
Coumba Cisse

The research is about the most ancient symbolism of a bear in Russian folk tales, the analysis of the bear image anthropocentrism in these fairy tales is carried out, the results of the bear’s study as a totemic symbol and a Russian fairy tale character are presented, an attempt to prove cult significance of the bear for the society of the entire ancient Slavic ethnos and its status as an elder of the ancient Slavic ancestral family is made. In ancient times, people believed in the existence of a kinship between a human and a bear, since the behavior and appearance of a bear resembled a person more than other representatives of the animal world (this is because the Slavs were not familiar with primates, as in ancient India): according to a folk-belief, the bear loves and nurses his children, eats the same food as a man, he does not have a tail, like other animals; he walks on his hind legs and can dance, so in fairy tales he is assigned the role of a landowner and a defender. However, he is deceived in many fairy tales, because the bear is the owner, the king of the forest, so he is associated with the chief and the landowner, and according to Russian folk ideas, the chief, in fact, is more stupid than a simple man.

2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (29) ◽  
pp. 194-202
Eleonora Lassan

This article focuses on one of the most popular plots in fairy tale culture (the plot involving the protagonist Tom Thumb), and tries to explain this popularity through the cultural archetypes that are expressed in the fairy tale. The author analyzes fairy tales of different nations involving this particular character and draws a boundary between the literary fairy tale, which is a transformation of old French fairy tales written by Charles Perrault, and different variations of literary fairy tale written by the brothers Grimm. The research shows that it is impossible to apply Propp’s method, which allows the plot to be analyzed in regard to functions and character types, to the analysis of this fairy tale. The author assumes that the fairy tale about Tom Thumb may not be regarded as magic for various reasons. On the other hand, it may be treated as an animal tale, which in Propp’s approach is assumed to have a different structure from a magic fairy tale. The researcher draws a conclusion about the different archetypes that serve as the basis for Perrault’s literary fairy tales, and the numerous variations of the plot which we may relatively denominate as “Grimms’ plot.” Furthermore, in folk tales having Grimms’ plot, Tom Thumb simultaneously performs the role of cultural hero and the role of a trickster. This is absent from Perrault’s fairy tale, because the propaganda of moral values and a distinct didactic character are traditional features of French fairy tales.

M.P. Shustov ◽  

Тhe article is devoted to the role of information culture in the analysis of I. A. Bunin's artistic creativity. The purpose of the article is to study the role of fairy-tale poetics in the formation of the original style of the writer, the influence of fairy tales on the in-depth disclosure of the inner world of Bunin's hero and the formation of a specific Russian character based on the fairy-tale worldview. Materials and methods: The novelty of the work lies in a new approach to the work of I. A. Bunin. Based on comparative, literary and informational research methods, the author of the article proves the advantage of literary analysis based on information culture. Research results: analyzing the works of I. A. Bunin, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the success of the writer in creating his original author's style is directly related to the use of normative fairy-tale poetics, which has been formed by folk tales for centuries. Discussion and conclusion: I. A. Bunin, relying on fairy-tale poetics, creates his own unique style. On the one hand, he creates his own literary fairy tales, on the other, using poetic techniques of the fairy-tale genre, turning them into an effective tool.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-148
Liuba Zlatkova ◽  

The report describes the steps for creating a musical tale by children in the art studios of „Art Workshop“, Shumen. These studios are led by students volunteers related to the arts from pedagogical department of Shumen University, and are realized in time for optional activities in the school where the child studies. The stages of creating a complete product with the help of different arts are traced – from the birth of the idea; the creation of a fairy tale plot by the children; the characterization of the fairy-tale characters; dressing them in movement, song and speech; creating sets and costumes and creating a finished product to present on stage. The role of parents as a link and a necessary helper for children and leaders is also considered, as well as the positive psychological effects that this cooperation creates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-100
Akmal Akhmatovich Jumayev ◽  

Background. The article focuses on specific similarities of the peoples of the world in their views on the crow. Also in myths, in German and Uzbek fairy tales, the portrayal of the crow in positive and negative images was analysed comparatively. All folk tales lead to good. The same lesson is also reflected in the article on the educational significance of the two folk tales. Methods. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the peoples of the world have certain similarities in their views on the crow. The image of the Crow also moved to fairy tales based on Legends. Results. In the fairy tale, it is not explained why the hero became a crow. It is known that in fairy tales the evolution of children to different birds (often owl or crow) is described either because of some side work of their father, or because of his own senselessness. Discussions. In German fairy tales Interesting is that in “Die sieben Raben“ “The seven ravens”, “Die Rabe“ ‘The raven” fairy tales, a crow is not just an ordinary bird, but a symbol of children. In Uzbek fairy tales, the image of birds is focused on fostering such positive personal qualities as industriousness, honesty and friendliness.

2020 ◽  
pp. 100-104
Volodymyr Yatchenko, Oksana Oliinyk Volodymyr Yatchenko, Oksana Oliinyk ◽  
Volodymyr Yatchenko, Oksana Oliinyk Volodymyr Yatchenko, Oksana Oliinyk

The article analyzes the existential problems of life, death and immortality in Ukrainian folklore (based on Ukrainian fairy tales). In the corpus of Ukrainian folk tales there are widely used topics, which in European philosophy and literature are called "tragic foundations of human existence" - awareness of the inevitability of death in the earthly existence of man, the search for forms of individual immortality. In Ukrainian fairy tales there is a dual attitude of the individual to the inevitability of his own death. On the one hand, there is the motive of reconciliation with the fate of human destiny, and in order to relieve the painful feeling of one's own finitude, the instruction on the higher meaning of the existence of death is forced. Death is justified because it appears as the prevention of the absurdity of infinite human existence or as an obstacle to the debauchery of the whims and dangerous wishes of the individual, or ultimately as the punishment of people for violating the commandments of the Supreme Spiritual Creature. In other words, death appears in a number of fairy tales as the expression of the highest world justice. At the same time, death mostly appears in fairy tales as an objectified pagan idea of Death as a concrete living creature with its whims, sympathies and weaknesses. The problem of finding ways to achieve immortality is traced in Ukrainian fairy tales in two ways. Most often, this search unfolds in the plane of the victory of the hero of the fairy tale over death, or through the imprisonment of death, or through the marriage of the hero to a divine being. This is a very common motive in the tales around the world. Less common is the motive of achieving immortality through the moral self-improvement of the hero, his compliance to the moral commandments of God. This is already a reflection in fairy tales of the influence of Christianity on the spiritual world of the ancestors of modern Ukrainians.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-101
Зоряна Мацюк ◽  
Марія Фенко

У складних суспільних умовах дедалі більше розширюється коло проблем, які потребують педагогічного вирішення. Дієвий метод – казкотерапія, використовують для безпосереднього впливу на емоційно-почуттєву сферу особистості для зміни моделей поведінки, аналізу прихованих можливостей дітей. У статті обґрунтовано теоретичні засади використання казкотерапії в психолого-педагогічній практиці. Зокрема було визначено критерії та показники мовленнєвого розвитку дошкільників в ігрових казкових ситуаціях: 1) обізнаність із казками; уміння розповідати знайомі казки; уміння оцінювати свою розповідь і розповідь товариша; 2) самостійність складання дітьми сюжетів казкових ситуацій; оригінальність вигаданого казкового сюжету; наявність засобів творчого самовираження. Особливий акцент зроблено на творчому мовленнєвому самовиражені дітей, чому безпосередньо сприяє використання казкотерапії: відбувається занурення дітей у світ казки, що поглиблює максимальну мовленнєву активність дітей на навчально-виховному просторі дитячого навчального закладу; наявність позитивних емоційних стимулів у складанні творчих розповідей; створення ситуацій успіху в мовленнєво-ігровій діяльності; стимулювання мовленнєвого самовираження і творчої ініціативи дошкільників в казкових ситуаціях. Результати проведеного дослідження свідчать, що використання методу казкотерапії є доцільним і виправданим. Література References Алексеенко В. В. Играем в сказку. Воспитание и развитие личности ребенка 2–7 лет. – М.: РИПОЛ.Aleksеіenko, V.V. (2008). Igraem v skazku. Vospitanie i razvitie lichnosti rebionka 2–7 let. [Playing Fairy-Tale. Educating and Developing Personality from 2 -7]. Moscow: RYPOL. Бурчик О. В. Групова казкотерапія в особистісно-орієнтованому вихованні дітей // Высник Житомирського державного ун-ту ім. Івана Франка. – 2005, № 25. – С. 203-205.Bourchyk, O.V. (2005). Grupova kazkoterapia v osobystisno-orientovanomu vyhovanni ditej [Group Fairy-Tale Therapy in Personality-oriented Education of Children]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni I. Franka, 25, 203-205. Давыдова Т. Т. Сказка // Лит. Учеба. – 2003., № 1.Davуdova, T. T. (2003). Skazka [Сказка]. Lyt. Ucheba, 1. Деркач О. О. Педагогіка творчості: Арт-терапія та казкотерапія на допомогу вчителю, вихователю, праткичному психологу. Вінниця, 2003.Derkach, O. O. (2009). Pedahohika tvorchosti: Art-terapiia ta kazkoterapiia na dopomohu vchyteliu, vykhovateliu, praktychnomu psykholohu]. Vinnytsia. Кирилюк О. С. Універсалії культури і семіотика дискурсу : казка та обряд. – Одеса: ЦГО НАНУ, 2003. Kyryliuk, O. S. (2003). Universalii kultury i semiotyka dyskursu: kazka ta obriad [The Cultural Universals and Semiotics of Discourse: Fairy-Tale and Rite]. Odesa: TsHO NANU. Мелетинский Е. М. От мифа к литературе. – М.: РГГУ, 2000.Meletynskyij, E. M. (2000). Ot Mifa k Literature [From Myth to Literature]. Moscow: RGGU. Нассруллаева Н. Н. Влияние содержания и языковых средств народной сказки на образность и выразительность речи старшего дошкольника. – К.: Рад. школа, 1982.Nassrullaeva, N. N. (1982). Vlyianie soderzhansiia i yazykovykh sredstv narodnoij skazki na obraznost i vyraziytielnost rechy starsheho doshkolnyka [The Impact of Content and Linguistic Means of Folk-Tale on the Imagery and Expressiveness of Older Pre-schooler Speech]. Kyiv: Rad. Shkola. Померанцева Э. В. Русское народное поэтическое творчество. – М.: Учпедгиз, 1956.Pomerantseva, Е. V. (1956). Russkoe narodnoe Poetiycheskoe Tvorchestvo [Russian Folk Poetic Art]. Moscow: Uchpedgiz. Пропп В. Морфология волшебной сказки. Исторические корни волшебной сказки. – М.: АСТ, 1998.Propp, V. (1998). Morfolohyia volshebnoij skazki. Istoricheskie korny volshebnoij skazki [The Morphology of Fairy-Tale]. Moscow: AST. Соколов Д. Сказки и сказкотерапия. –М.: Экcмо-Пресс, 2001.Sokolov, D. (2001). Skazki i skazkoterapiia [Fairy-Tales and Fairy-Tale Therapy]: Moscow: Eksmo-Press. Вачков Я. Сказкотерапия: Развитие самосознания через психологическую сказку. –М.: Ос-89. – С. 144.Vachkov, Y. V. (2001). Skazkoterapiia: Razvitie samosoznanyia cherez psykholohycheskiju skazku [Fairy-Tale Therapy]. Moscow: Os-89. Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови/ Укл. і гол. ред. В. Т. Бусел. – К.; Ірпінь: Перун, 2004.Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy (2004). V. Busel, Ed. [Great Explanatory Dictionary of Modern Ukarinain]. Kyiv; Irpin: Perun. Якименко С. І. Формування основ світогляду у дітей молодшого шкільного віку засобами казки: теорія і практика. – Київ: Знання, 1999.Yakymenko, S. I. (1999). Formuvannia osnov svitohliadu u ditej molodshoho shkilnoho viku zasobamy kazky: teoriia i praktyka [Формування основ світогляду у дітей молодшого шкільного віку засобами казки: теорія і практика]. Kyiv: Znannia. Зинкевич-Евстигнеева Т. Формы и методы работы со сказками. – СПб: Речь, 2006.Zynkevych-Evstyhneeva, T. D. (2006). Formy i metodu raboty so skazkami [Forms and Methods of Working with Fairy-Tales]. S.-Petersburg: Rech.

Jack Zipes

This chapter focuses on the significance of Madame Catherine-Anne d'Aulnoy and the French writers of fairy tales in the 1690s. d'Aulnoy coined the term “fairy tale” in 1697, when she published her first collection of tales. But it was not until 1750 that the term “fairy tale” came into common English usage. The chapter explores the historical importance of the term “fairy tale” in greater depth by discussing the role of the fairies in d'Aulnoy's works. It also looks at how fairies were part of a long oral and literary tradition in French culture, and how d'Aulnoy's employment of fairies in her tales owes a debt to Greek and Roman myths, the opera, theatrical spectacles, debates about the role of women in French society, and French folklore.

Via Latgalica ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 80
Toms Trasūns

As modern science is increasingly seeking to look across the boundaries of one branch and become interdisciplinary, linguacultural approach, comprising more than one scientific discipline, makes research more widespread and more practical, and with the increase of the role of technologies in human life, the way of life changes and the need for anthropological research arises that directly or indirectly enables modern man to maintain the system of values and to create an orderly environment, understanding the regularities of its formation. Exploring the cultural landscape, the human connection with the environment is studied, and such approach is both anthropocentric and interdisciplinary, and today it has gained a broad perspective. The article is based on the understanding of linguacultural concept, and bird is viewed as a concept of cultural identity of Latgale, analysed in its semantic and symbolic manifestations in the context of the cultural landscape of Latgale. Although the study has been carried out on several species of birds (crane, mallard, stork, raven and hawk), this article will focus on the concept of crane. To discover the concept of crane in its diversity, it is seen at three levels, according to the perception of the lexeme crane in folklore, Latgalian literature and the modern social sphere, mainly in place names or names of organizations. In the sources of folklore crane was identified 35 times. Of these, 18 times it was mentioned in folk songs, it was present only in two fairy tales (in one fairy tale the word crane may be repeated many times), as well as in 3 parables, which include one belief and two proverbs. In folk songs, to describe crane, the external characteristics of the bird are emphasized, the physical field of verbs dominates, characteristic features – the long beak and legs. In folk songs the beauty of crane is often used as a comparison to describe an externally handsome young woman or man who lives a life that does not match the morality of the time: if they do not want to marry; if they do not live with honour; or if they live unwisely, etc. This exclusion of a person is described in comparison with the frequent location of cranes (most often young women, less often young men) – a swamp, a marshland. In other folk songs, the long legs of the crane are praised, which help it to wade through the bog. It should be noted that in folklore crane very rarely (only in two units) is referred to as a bird of passage. In folk tales (lexeme crane found in 2 folk tales) the meaning of this lexeme changes: the bird teaches the fox a lesson; also a motif appears in which a boy makes a wooden crane that serves as a vehicle. In general, in folk songs, the meaning of this bird is much more extensive in comparison to other genres, not only the lexical meaning appears but also the meaning transfer, therefore it is possible to acknowledge the formation of the concept of crane. In the sources of Latgalian literature, lexeme crane was identified in 24 word uses in eight sources of literature, suggesting that in literature this is a relatively commonly used image or artistic language means. In the excerpted material, the word crane appears 17 times in the semantic function of the subject, four times in the function of the object and three times in the semantic function of a sign. It is possible to find that in the contemporary Latgalian literature the perception of crane has lost its exactness, at the same time there is a vast emphasis on the meaning of the semantics of the bird of passage in the image of crane, which has not been emphasized in folklore, also there is an obvious association with exiles returning to Latvia after the restoration of independence. This image in action semantically has kept the same fields – the physical and the social, which are also evident in folklore, however, by analysing it in more detail, there are changes of the abovementioned meanings at the symbolic and allegorical level. The signs also indicate that perception of the image of crane in contemporary Latgalian literature, which was found in folklore, has basically been lost. The name of crane is quite often used in the names of companies and place names. It is not evident that in this sphere crane has any symbolic meaning, as the main reason for its use is crane’s habitat, but the variety of its names indicates that the image of crane is lively and changeable.

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