spiritual world
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Huaiqin Mu

Due to the rapid development of society and economy, people have more and more urgent needs for a better life and coordinated development between regions. However, research on people’s good life and coordinated development based on new era technologies such as intelligent communication is not sufficient. The future of smart communications technology will be all over the place, from television to mobile phones and the Internet, and ICT is making the world look new, helping hundreds of millions of people to live, work, and play in the most creative ways. At the same time, ICT is managing cities in innovative ways, especially in an increasingly integrated information society, exchanging information knowledge and communicating on the move. In order to understand the impact of intelligent communication on people’s good life and coordinated development research, this paper uses intelligent communication and k-means algorithm-based methods to study people’s good life and coordinated development and conducts questionnaire surveys and constructs corresponding evaluation indicators analysis. The results showed that 36% of the respondents were satisfied with the housing environment, 24% were relatively satisfied, 76% were satisfied with the greening environment, and 13% were relatively satisfied. 41% of people are satisfied with their health, and 32% are satisfied with their work status. This shows that people’s good life and coordinated development are inseparable from rapid economic development, but rapid economic development alone is far from enough because rapid economic development can improve people’s material living conditions, but not necessarily promote people’s life coordination in the spiritual world. Therefore, for people’s good life and coordinated development, the improvement of material economy and the construction of spiritual level are indispensable.

V. D. Emelyanenko ◽  
E. M. Yanenko

In the article the problem of transformation of the information received by the user on the Internet into his knowledge is investigated. The paper uses the main special scientific and logical research methods used in the social and humanitarian sciences. At the same time, the methods of systematic and value-worldview analysis of the phenomena of the spiritual world of a person are distinguished by the degree of significance, which allow us to study the problem of the dialectic of knowledge and information on the Internet not in isolation, but in connection with the main phenomena of the spiritual life of people, taking into account the priority of value-worldview structures. The goal of the work is to find a priority factor that provides a higher degree of accuracy in the transformation of information from the Internet into human knowledge. It is shown that the nature of the world wide web to a certain extent complicates the process of translating information coming to a person into his knowledge. It is concluded that the condition for the transformation of information received by the user on the Internet is the cognitive activity of a person, due primarily to the development of its value and ideological sphere. If the cognizing person has sufficiently developed and stable value – ideological foundations of personality (beliefs, ideals, principles, worldview), he successfully realizes himself as a developing subject, an active participant in knowledge. On the contrary, insufficiently stable value-worldview sphere can lead to passive perception of information by the individual, adaptation to reality, simplification of personality. Information from the Internet in the most adequate form is transformed into a person’s knowledge on the basis of his own cognitive activity, in the presence of intellectual and volitional capabilities (especially value-worldview qualities) for verifying the information available on the Network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-154
Mikhail V. DUTSEV

The article is devoted to the reality of the modern historical city in the totality of the actual values of the valuable heritage, traces of the past, mental codes, archetypal images and the memory of civilization. The place of history in today’s socio-cultural fi eld and in the professional context is not clearly defi ned. Together with the understanding of the need to preserve the heritage, traces and memory of the past, there are global trends that mediate the features of the glocal in architecture. However, even this compromise cannot fully demonstrate the complexity of the historical city viability. According to the author, it is necessary to search for reasons that sometimes appear outside the material reality, but address directly to the spiritual world and mental space of a person, which is the main purpose of the article. The emphasis is placed on the artistic dimension of environmental realities, which allows us to determine the living connections of history and modernity on the basis of the author’s concept of artc integration. The article is illustrated by some results of cooperation between the Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano) in the fi eld of reconstruction and renovation of historically valuable territories and author’s photographs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 65-98
Jennifer Walker

Following the immensely successful premiere of Maurice Bouchor and Paul Vidal’s Noël, ou le Mystère de la Nativité at Paris’s Petit-Théâtre de la Marionnette in 1890, numerous critics observed an increasing fondness for religiously themed theatrical productions on the city’s popular stages. Though these works have received scant musicological attention, scholars often credit the success of these works to the rise of Symbolism during the 1880s, citing the Symbolists’ fondness for the realm of the metaphysical as a step toward a universally spiritual world that could be revealed only through non-representational signs. Contemporaneous reception of these works, however, suggests that audiences understood them not as exemplars of a burgeoning aesthetic movement, replete with idealistic suggestion, but rather as a nostalgic return to the Catholicism of their youth, regardless of—and likely despite—their skepticism of the Church as an institution. This chapter provides new readings of Maurice Bouchor and Casimir Baille’s Tobie and Bouchor and Paul Vidal’s Noël, ou le Mystère de la Nativité that reveals how Symbolism, as an interpretive framework, falls short of the musical and political complexities within these works. Through analyses of poetic texts, musical scores, and critical responses, this chapter examines the roles that such puppet productions played in the enfolding of Catholicism into the “secular” Republican mindset.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-237
Yudi Jatmiko

Abstract. Jesus’ baptism does not only refer to His divine role, but moreover to His divine identity. This is a theological declaration that He is God. However, Marcus J. Borg asserted that Jesus’ baptism was Jesus’ deep spiritual awareness toward spiritual world and the presence of God’s Spirit in His life. This does not indicate His divinity at all. Based on these two contradictory views, a problem remains to be solved: Is Borg’s assumption correct? What is actually Jesus’ true intention in His baptism? This was the focus of the research. This writing exerted to describe particularly Borg’s view on Jesus’ baptism, analyzed and responded to his view according to evangelical perspective. Despite the fact that Borg’s view on Jesus’ baptism has widely garnered support from modern theological readers, his theology is still far from orthodox theology because it was too socio-anthropological based analysis and ignored the Bible as God’s revelation.Abstrak. Baptisan Tuhan Yesus bukan hanya merujuk kepada fungsi jabatan-Nya, tapi lebih daripada itu, yaitu kepada identitas ilahi-Nya. Ini merupakan sebuah deklarasi teologis bahwa Ia adalah Allah. Tetapi Marcus J. Borg menyatakan bahwa baptisan Yesus sebagai sebuah kesadaran spiritual Yesus yang mendalam akan dunia roh dan kehadiran Roh Allah dalam hidup-Nya. Hal ini sama sekali tidak mengindikasikan keilahian-Nya. Mengaitkan kedua pandangan yang bertolakbelakang ini, muncul permasalahan: benarkah asumsi Borg di atas? Apakah sebenarnya yang menjadi intensi Yesus dalam peristiwa baptisan tersebut? Inilah yang menjadi fokus penelitian penulis. Tulisan ini berusaha untuk memaparkan secara khusus pandangan Borg dalam peristiwa baptisan Yesus dan menganalisis serta menanggapi pandangannya menurut perspektif injili. Terlepas dari pandangan Borg yang digemari di kalangan pembaca teologi modern tentang baptisan Yesus, pemikirannya masih jauh dari teologi ortodoks oleh karena terlalu berpijak pada analisis secara sosio-antropologis dan mengabaikan Alkitab sebagai wahyu dari Allah.

2021 ◽  
pp. 383-394
Jin Chen ◽  
Qingqian Wu

The conflict between traditional Chinese culture and Western cultures has long been one between an archaic, outdated culture and a modern, new culture. Traditional Chinese culture is deemed synonymous with backwardness, decrepitude, and decadence and doomed with the passage of time, particularly since social Darwinism swept across the late Qing Dynasty and captured the spiritual world of Chinese intellectuals. Despite differences in culture types, both traditional Chinese culture and Western culture contribute to innovative buildup. It is of great significance to deeply explore the innovative factors in traditional Chinese culture and to explore both the modernization road and innovation modes with Chinese characteristics. This chapter analyzes and explores the innovative factors and values in Chinese traditional culture from the aspects of traditional modes of thinking, traditional ideas and beliefs, traditional organizations and institutions, and traditional implementations and technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (9(73)) ◽  
pp. 22-25
L. Abdullina

The article analyzes the enlightenment and translation work of the Bashkir poet Safuan Yakshigulov. World perception, political activity, civic position of the poet is revealed through the analysis of works. The scientific text compares the works of Russian poets with the translator's Bashkir fables. Thoughts, open statements of writers have also been translated into Russian by the educator. Examples of new poetic images, with the help of which poets revealed the spirit of the times, and the spiritual world, and the problems of the people, are given. This is the first work in Bashkir literary criticism, where the poet-educator S. Yakshigulov reveals himself as a translator, a carrier of new cultural information for his people. If in his works the author acts as the successor of oriental poetry, then in translations he appears before the reader as the creator of a bridge between cultures. The article also describes the fact that the poet turned to fable creativity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (02) ◽  
pp. 279-289
L. Sokolyuk ◽  

M. Rayevska-Ivanova (1840–1912), born in Kharkiv region, was the first female artist in the entire Russian Empire. For five years (1863–1868) she studied the art profession abroad, in particular from Dresden Professor L. A. Ergardt. Being well guided in the then directions of the development of art education and understanding the role of the movement of arts and crafts, in 1869 she opened the only art-industrial school on the Ukrainian territory, in Kharkiv. She constantly kept in touch with another enthusiast of this time-demanded type of art education from St. Petersburg – Dmytro Grygorovych. For over 27 years she taught free of charge at her school, making it public. She prepared about 900 pupils. Her significant contribution to the development of art education in Ukraine is still underestimated. However, the National Art Museum of Ukraine in Kyiv preserves the insufficiently studied and unpublished memoirs of this ascetic, which represented a unique document of that era, revealing the spiritual world of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, its ideals and aspirations. Some fragments of these memoirs are offered below, which can become a serious addition to the study of the role and place of Maria Rayevska-Ivanova in the history of Ukrainian art. As confirmation, some reproductions of educational works of students of Rayevska-Ivanova’s school are given, which are preserved in the library of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. I used the embroidery “Landscape” by S. Yarotsky from my family archive, which is indirectly related to the artistic environment of Rayevska-Ivanova, in order to draw attention to the support of crafts as one of special merits of the school founder.

Eshmanov Gafur ◽  

The functions of literature are diverse. However, the main task of strong interaction is educational, aesthetic and enlightenment. The educational function of fiction refers to the influence of moral and related qualities on the formation of the spiritual world of the reader, which will find its direct or indirect expression in each work. However, the role of morality in the literature should not be understood as merely a matter of advice. In this regard, it also includes the education of the reader in the spirit of humanity, patriotism, nationalism, justice. The following article looks into the educational role literature.

2021 ◽  
pp. 113-130
Alexander Paul Isiko ◽  
Paulous Serugo

Numerous studies on death in African societies with no doubt have been successfully conducted though their preoccupation has been with the religious and spirituality perspectives. There has been a great deal of theologizing about the spiritual connection between the life here and life after death. Most studies in the humanities have zeroed on burial rituals and rites as means of transition to the spiritual world. Others have concentrated on how different societies cope with the misfortune of death; through grieving, mourning, choosing an heir or heiress and the succession disputes that are always part and parcel of such a culturally acknowledged process. Death is largely constructed as a challenge and misfortune, and many a scholar in the humanities are concerned with how different societies define, perceive, handle and cope with this catastrophe. Most scholarly works have paid a deaf ear to the social value that comes with the demise of an individual. One such social value is the definition and shaping of moral order in society, in which death occurs. Busoga traditional society of Uganda is used as the case study. Busoga is both a geographical reality and cultural entity, found in the eastern part of Uganda. The authors argue that rather than militating life, death promotes and perpetuates moral values on one hand and discourages vices that destabilize society on the other.

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