human existence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-192
Rita Akele Twumasi

Death is part of human existence. When a person hears the news of someone’s death, it is very common for that person to express their feelings about it. This feeling is in the form of condolences which express the speaker’s sorrow, and condolences fall into the category of speech act. Semantically, condolences have a social meaning which refers to language use. Identities are created in relationships with others, and condolences are major platforms for the construction of identities, in that, existing relationships are, clearly, manifested in the messages that sympathizers expressed. Using a qualitative approach, the study analyzed twenty condolence messages which were purposely sampled from condolence messages posted in the portals of International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), when one of its members passed away. The analysis of the data revealed two main identity types enacted for the deceased: role identity and Social Identity. The major Role identity enacted, metaphorically, was Father while the least role was Achiever. Second, identity as an International Figure was dominant with the Social roles, but Good Personality was used less frequently. The present study adds to studies in identity construction, in general, and studies in condolence messages, in specific.

Meliora ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Maggie Toole

This thesis explores the ways in which we as humans are alienated by the fundamental social structures of our world and how the novels of Jenny Offill offer a possible remedy. With a specific focus on the psychological and evolutionary aspects of womanhood and motherhood, this text attempts to illustrate the ways in which these novels address the imposing weight of such fundamental structures in the 21st century. Through an analysis of the nuclear family, this thesis examines the debilitating and profound existence of women, and more specifically, mothers. Offill’s novels present a profoundly clear picture of the modern world as it depicts the reality and ramifications of psychoanalytic and evolutionary theory. This work demonstrates how Offill’s texts attempt to remedy the core dissonance of our binary-laden human existence with clarity and realization rather than acceptance of an oversimplified past and a debilitating future.

Radiant ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 220-227
Aditya Yoga Purnama ◽  
Agnesi Sekarsari Putri ◽  
Ragil Saputri

The philosophy of existentialism emerged driven by the uncertain world conditions due to world wars. So existentialism is present as a thought movement that emphasizes human subjectivity and freedom. This study has a purpose for reflection. Reflection means the process of understanding events in the mind or experience that is owned. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. This study utilizes a literature search. The literature search process begins with key phrases such as “existentialism”, “education” and “awareness”. Man must exist, which means realizing that he exists to control himself and act on his behalf. The philosophy of existentialism talks about human existence, while talking about humans means questioning educational issues. Each person is unique, which is different from one another. Realizing this is important for students, parents, teachers, principals, board members, and all those involved in education. Education is expected to realize the "intensity of awareness" of students. So that they are aware of their responsibility to determine the life they will live themselves.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 159-182
Felicitas Opwis

Al-Ghazālī’s articulation that the purposes of the divine Law (maqāṣid al-sharīʿa) are to attain maṣlaḥa for the five necessary elements of human existence was not only novel but had long-lasting influence on the way Muslim jurists understood the procedure of analogy (qiyās). The correctness of the ratio legis was determinable by its consequences in bringing about maṣlaḥa. This shift was possible only by intellectual shifts in understanding the relationship between ethics and law. This paper traces the development in conceptions of ethics and its impact on the procedure of analogy in three 5th/11th century predecessors of al-Ghazālī, namely al-Baṣrī, al-Dabbūsī, and al-Juwaynī. It shows that al-Ghazālī’s definition of the purposes of the Law was developed based on previous conceptual shifts in the ratio legis from being a sign for the ruling to reflecting the ethical content of the divine injunction.

Forum ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-216
Yovinus Andi Nata ◽  
Antonius Denny Firmanto ◽  
Nanik Wijiyati Aluwesia

The focus of this study is on theological reflection on the myth of Plai Long Diang Yung which is contained in the culture of the Dayak Wehea people. This myth has a special and central place in the life of the local people and is the origin of the Lom Plai celebration which is the culmination of all traditional celebrations and rituals. This myth has an important meaning in people's lives and talks about many things related to human existence, nature and God. With this fact, the myth can become a locus theologic that can enrich the reflection of the Church's faith and root the faith in culture and culture in the light of faith. The method used in this paper is based on the results of critical reading of the mythical text of Plai Long Diang Yung and the Christian Tradition text. This study found that the myth of Plai Long Diang Yung contained a very rich theological meaning which spoke of Christ, salvation and God who is not limited to human sexuality.

2022 ◽  
pp. 236-251
Eric Ratovonomenjanahary ◽  
Marc Ravelonantoandro

The pandemic has badly affected the world without exception. All the domains of human existence have been impacted. Poor countries have suffered in specific and general ways for many reasons to do with a systemic lack of infrastructure, endemic poverty, and lack of appropriate resources. Action is required to find new and innovative ways to adapt education to the needs of developing societies in addressing crises such as this. The connection between conflict transformation theories and post-pandemic higher education challenges is explored with specific reference to indigenous paradigms in shaping alternative structures. This reflection is threefold: The authors reflect on how the concept of conflict transformation is relevant to the post-pandemic higher education and how the pandemic impacts Madagascar. Then, they focus on how Madagascar dealt with the pandemic through adoption of a more traditional approach. Finally, they discuss the concept of Teny ierana as a solution to the global crisis, not only in Madagascar but globally.

2022 ◽  
pp. 367-377
Victor ‘Tunji Taiwo

Communication is a vital aspect of human existence. It pervades man's existence and society, forming an integral part of human life. Communication is the means through which human beings express their feelings. Indigenous communication serves as the traditional means of conveying messages, all social and value exchanges of indigenous practice like the health practices. Traditional health practices include the use of knowledge skills, practices based on indigenous belief, experiences of culture used in maintenance of health-prevention, treatment and diagnosis in traditional health practices. This chapter examines and documents traditional health practices on how Yorùbás care for pregnancy, child delivery, and their babies. Such traditional health practices have existed since before the advent of modern health practices, thereby using indigenous communication for preservation and dissemination of valuable information that is significant for Yorùbá generations.

Specifics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 57-64
Andrea Cejka

Vishesh Jakhar

Abstract: Man-made consciousness innovations are starting to be effectively utilized in human existence, this is worked with by the appearance and wide scattering of the Internet of Things (IOT). Independent gadgets are becoming more intelligent in their manner to communicate with both a human and themselves. New limits lead to making of different frameworks for mix of savvy things into Social Networks of the Internet of Things. One of the important patterns in man-made brainpower is the innovation of perceiving the normal language of a human. New experiences in this theme can prompt new method for normal humanmachine cooperation, in which the machine would figure out how to comprehend human's language, changing and connecting in it. One of such devices is voice associate, which can be incorporated into numerous other shrewd frameworks. In this workshop, the standards of the working of voice collaborators are depicted, its principle weaknesses and restrictions are given. The strategy for making a neighborhood voice colleague without utilizing cloud administrations is depicted, which permits to altogether grow the pertinence of such gadgets later on.

Taras Pastukh

In her drama Cassandra (1903–1907) Lesia Ukrainka pays considerable attention to language and demonstrates its two defi ning forms and functional paradigms. One of them is language that appeals to the essential components of being. It is language that refl ects human existence in all its acuity and fullness of appearance. This language is complex and diffi cult to understand, but is the only real language of the age of modernism. Another language is superfi cial, appealing not to the depths of life and universal categories, but to temporary human needs and aspirations. Its task is to identify the ways and means of achieving a desired goal. Such language is manipulative, because its speakers tend to hide their personal interests under claims of the common good. Also, in the drama, Lesia Ukrainka innovatively raises a number of questions related to the internal laws of world development, the processes of human cognition, the functioning of language, and the understanding and interpretation of the word. The formulation and presentation of these issues demonstrate the clear modern attitude that the writer professed and embodied in her drama.

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