2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 29 ◽  
Mary Sandra Landim Pinheiro ◽  
Jacqueline Lima Dourado

RESUMOEste trabalho tem como objetivo trazer uma discussão teórica da Comunicação Pública e da Cidadania sob o viés da Economia Política da Comunicação, um campo que abrange questões relacionadas entre o mercado de comunicação, Estado e sociedade. A partir do conceito trabalhado por alguns estudiosos que ampliam as discussões sobre as temáticas é traçada uma definição de Comunicação Pública e Cidadania, posteriormente são elencadas pesquisas que aliam a lógica do público ao jornalismo diante de questões econômicas em meio aos produtos que circulam no espaço televisivo, levando em consideração a comunicação pública como um mecanismo de resistência na esfera comunicacional.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Economia Política da Comunicação; Comunicação Pública; Cidadania.  ABSTRACTThis work aims to bring a theoretical discussion of Public Communication and Citizenship under the bias of the Political Economy of Communication , a field that addresses issues between the communication market , state and society. From the concept worked by some scholars that expand discussions on the issues is drawn a definition of Public Communication and Citizenship , they are subsequently listed research that combine the logic of public journalism on economic issues among the products circulating in the television space taking into account public communication as a mechanism of resistance in the communication sphere. KEYWORDS: Political Economy of Communication; Public communication; Citizenship.  RESUMENEste trabajo tiene como objetivo reunir una discusión teórica de Comunicación Pública y Ciudadanía bajo el sesgo de la Economía Política de la Comunicación , un campo que se ocupa de situaciones entre el mercado de la comunicación , el estado y la sociedad. Desde el concepto trabajado por algunos estudiosos que amplían las discusiones sobre los temas hasta la  proyección de una definición de Comunicación Pública y Ciudadanía , que posteriormente se enumeraran en la  investigación que combinan la lógica del periodismo público sobre temas económicos entre los productos que circulan en el espacio de la televisión teniendo en cuenta la comunicación pública como un mecanismo de resistencia en la esfera de comunicación . PALABRAS CLAVE: Economía Política de la Comunicación;  Comunicación  Pública; Ciudadanía.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-158
James A. Harris

AbstractMy point of departure in this essay is Smith’s definition of government. “Civil government,” he writes, “so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.” First I unpack Smith’s definition of government as the protection of the rich against the poor. I argue that, on Smith’s view, this is always part of what government is for. I then turn to the question of what, according to Smith, our governors can do to protect the wealth of the rich from the resentment of the poor. I consider, and reject, the idea that Smith might conceive of education as a means of alleviating the resentment of the poor at their poverty. I then describe how, in his lectures on jurisprudence, Smith refines and develops Hume’s taxonomy of the opinions upon which all government rests. The sense of allegiance to government, according to Smith, is shaped by instinctive deference to natural forms of authority as well as by rational, Whiggish considerations of utility. I argue that it is the principle of authority that provides the feelings of loyalty upon which government chiefly rests. It follows, I suggest, that to the extent that Smith looked to government to protect the property of the rich against the poor, and thereby to maintain the peace and stability of society at large, he cannot have sought to lessen the hold on ordinary people of natural sentiments of deference. In addition, I consider the implications of Smith’s theory of government for the question of his general attitude toward poverty. I argue against the view that Smith has recognizably “liberal,” progressive views of how the poor should be treated. Instead, I locate Smith in the political culture of the Whiggism of his day.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58 ◽  
Ana Maria Conceição Veloso ◽  
Fabíola Mendonça de Vasconcelos ◽  
Laís Ferreira

RESUMO A forma como a mídia brasileira retrata a mulher no campo político é um dos aportes deste artigo, que analisa as reportagens de duas revistas semanais, a Veja e a IstoÉ: enquanto a primeira tenta mostrar uma vice-primeira-dama, Marcela Temer, como “bela, recatada e do lar”, a segunda traz uma presidenta da República, Dilma Rousseff, histérica, destemperada, cuja manchete de capa é “As explosões nervosas da presidente”. As duas edições são veiculadas no contexto da votação do impeachment da presidenta Dilma Rousseff (PT), votado na Câmara Federal em  abril de 2016 e, no Senado, em maio e em agosto do mesmo ano. Utilizando como referenciais teóricos a Economia Política da Comunicação, o trabalho mostra o caráter patriarcal, misógino e preconceituoso das publicações, que reproduzem valores consoantes a formações ideológicas sexistas.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mídia; Economia Política da Comunicação; Dilma Rousseff; Marcela Temer; Sexismo.   ABSTRACTThis paper aims to show how Brazilian media portrays women in politics. Articles about two public female figures published by Brazilian weekly news magazines, Veja and IstoÉ, were analyzed. While Veja tried to show the Second Lady Marcela Temer as a “beautiful, demure housewife”, IstoÉ portrayed the President of the Republic, Dilma Rousseff, as hysterical, intemperate, and published the headline “The nervous explosions of the President”. Both editions were published in the context of Dilma Rousseff (PT) impeachment trial. Between April and August 2016, the lower chamber voted for impeachment and the Senate voted to begin the trial, resulting in Rousseff’s suspension. Using the Political Economy of Communication as theoretical reference, this paper shows the patriarchal, misogynist and prejudiced character of the magazines, which reproduce sexist ideas.   KEYWORDS: Media; Political Economy of Communications; Dilma Rouseff; Marcela Temer; Sexism.     RESUMEN La forma que los medios de comunicación brasileños retratan las mujeres en la política es una de las aportaciones de este artículo, que analiza los temas de portada de dos revistas semanales, Veja y IstoÉ: mientras la primera publicación  intenta mostrar una vice-primera-dama como "hermosa, recatada y el hogar", el segundo periódico aporta una presidenta de la República, Dilma Rousseff,  histérica, destemplada, cuyo titular de la capa es "Las explosiones nerviosas de la presidente ". Ambas ediciones datan de antes de la votación de destitución de la presidenta Dilma Rousseff (PT), votada en el Congreso en el més de abril de 2016 y el Senado en mayo y agosto del mismo año. Utilizando referentes teóricos de la economía política de la comunicación, este trabajo muestra el carácter patriarcal, misógino y de prejuicios de las revistas, reproduciendo los valores de formaciones ideológicas sexistas.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Media; Economía Política de la Comunicación; Dilma Rousseff; Marcela Temer; Sexismo.

M. Safa Saraçoglu

This chapter focuses on the official correspondence between Vidin’s administrative council and the provincial capital, Ruse. These reports pertaining to events in Vidin County were a part of the political procedures of the local judicio-administrative sphere. As such, politics of local administration influenced the official correspondence and our understanding of the events in Vidin County. The writing of reports and petitions and other provincial administrative/judicial practices (such as interrogations) constituted a significant part of Ottoman governmentality. Those who could shape how the official correspondence was constructed gained advantage in local political economy. Such correspondence was an essential component of how provincial Ottoman government functioned; therefore, reports, petitions, false accusations, and interrogations became important tools for agents and groups who were engaged in hegemonic negotiations. Both elite and non-elite agents were able to utilize Ottoman governance to pursue their own strategies against other local agents or imperial government. People who refused to use these bureaucratic tools in making claims and negotiating were presented in this correspondence as defiant stubborn and violent. This perspective is critical of the state–society divide, as the case studies reveal a more complex singular government of state and society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-249 ◽  
Rosolino A. Candela

AbstractHow did the evolution of the rule of law become stunted in Sicily during the 19th century? The work of economist Yoram Barzel, particularly his property-rights approach to understanding the political economy of state formation, is uniquely suited to understanding the failure of Italy's unification process to secure the rule of law in Sicily during the 19th century. This failure can be explained by a lack of a credible commitment to the rule of law in the state formation process. I argue that this lack of credible commitment manifested itself in the abolition of previously existing parliamentary institutions as an independent collective action mechanism, as well as prior constitutional agreements that existed in the Kingdom of Sicily. The resulting uncertainty over the security and legal definition of property rights over land raised the transaction costs of competing for resources through productive specialization and market exchange. In turn, it reduced the relative costs of competition for land ownership and the use of enforcement through other means, such as rent seeking or organized crime.

2005 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 181-198 ◽  
James M Poterba

Steve's Clark Medal citation mentions his path-breaking contributions to the economics of crime and to the political economy of campaign finance. This paper describes Steve's research in each of these areas, as well as his contributions on a range of other topics. It identifies the substantive themes as well as the methodological patterns that run through Steve's research, and it describes the economic issues that have been informed by his analysis.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 306-326 ◽  
Thomas Clarke

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to trace the evolution of corporate governance through a series of changing paradigms in response to wider transformations in the political economy, business and society. The different eras of governance, and the dominant theoretical and practical paradigms are highlighted. In a context where the adequacy of the dominant paradigms of corporate governance is increasingly challenged, the search for coherent new paradigms is a vital task in corporate governance. Design/methodology/approach – This paper is a conceptual analysis of evolving paradigms in corporate governance. Findings – To meet the imminent challenge of social and environmental sustainability in a post-carbon economy, further rethinking of corporate purpose, corporate governance and directors duties will be essential. This sustainability revolution has only just commenced, but in the course of the twenty-first century, it will transform both business and society. Research limitations/implications – The implications of the research concern the importance of conceptualising corporate governance through different eras and paradigms, and appreciating that further paradigm shifts will occur in response to transformations in the political economy and ecology. Practical implications – This paper informs on the importance of the transformation of business purpose and objectives in response to the imminent dangers of environmental and social collapse. Social implications – This paper emphasises the social and environmental dimensions of corporate activity, and how these must be considered in the definition of wealth generation. Originality/value – The contribution of this paper is to focus upon the increasing integration of corporate governance and corporate sustainability, and how this is essential for the reformulation of corporate purpose and objectives.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 391
Juciley Silva Evangelista Freire

O artigo objetiva apreender os fundamentos da crítica de Marx aos postulados liberais da relação indivíduo e sociedade, evidenciando seus desdobramentos para a constituição do ser social e histórico e suas influências para a concepção de formação humana numa perspectiva emancipadora. Para alcançar esse objetivo recorrem-se aos debates travados por Marx com os economistas políticos e às suas controvérsias filosóficas com Feuerbach e Hegel, expressos nos Manuscritos de 1844 e nas Teses sobre Feuerbach; aos textos A Ideologia Alemã, escrito conjuntamente com Engels, e Contribuição à crítica da economia política. Nesse conjunto de textos, Marx expõe as bases da relação indivíduo e sociedade ao fazer a crítica tanto à forma como esta aparece e é pensada sob o capitalismo quanto ao seu conteúdo ontológico, que só se revelará numa outra forma social, humanamente constituída.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Trabalho; Formação humana; Marx.     ABSTRACT The article aims at apprehending the fundamentals of Marx's critique of the liberal postulates of the relation between individual and society, showing its unfolding for the constitution of the social and historical being and its influences on the conception of human formation in an emancipatory perspective. In order to achieve this goal, Marx's debates with the political economists and their philosophical controversies with Feuerbach and Hegel, expressed in the Manuscripts of 1844 and in the Theses on Feuerbach, are used; to the texts The German Ideology, written jointly with Engels, and Contribution to the critique of political economy. In this set of texts, Marx exposes the bases of the relationship between individual and society in making criticism both to the way it appears and is thought under capitalism as to its ontological content, which will only reveal itself in another socially, humanly constituted form.   KEYWORDS: Job; Human formation; Marx.     RESUMEN El artículo objetiva aprehender los fundamentos de la crítica de Marx a los postulados liberales de la relación individuo y sociedad, evidenciando sus desdoblamientos para la constitución del ser social e histórico y sus influencias para la concepción de formación humana en una perspectiva emancipadora. Para alcanzar ese objetivo se recurren a los debates de Marx con los economistas políticos y sus controversias filosóficas con Feuerbach y Hegel expresados en los Manuscritos de 1844 y en las Tesis sobre Feuerbach; a los textos La Ideología Alemana, escrito conjuntamente con Engels, y Contribución a la crítica de la economía política. En este conjunto de textos, Marx expone las bases de la relación individual y sociedad al hacer la crítica tanto a la forma como ésta aparece y es pensada bajo el capitalismo en cuanto a su contenido ontológico, que sólo se revelará en otra forma social, humanamente constituida.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Trabajar; Formación humana; Marx.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 383
Heloiza Helena Matos e Nobre ◽  
Jorge Pereira Filho

Mobilizada por diversos discursos contemporâneos, a participação constitui-se em um campo de estudo amplo, cuja definição é proposta em variados referenciais teóricos, às vezes de modo conflitivo. Tema de relevância crescente, tem sido discutido por diversos autores para refletir sobre os impasses do sistema político das democracias modernas e constitui-se também em um conceito-chave da comunicação pública. Como iremos abordar, o fundamento da comunicação assenta-se em procedimentos, que precisam estar abertos à participação ativa da sociedade, e em objetivos, que têm o interesse público como pano de fundo. Este artigo procura, assim, discutir teoricamente o conceito de participação, tecendo algumas relações possíveis entre essa reflexão e o conceito de comunicação pública.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Participação; Comunicação pública; Democracia.     ABSTRACT Mobilized by various contemporary discourses, participation is on a broad field of study, whose definition is proposed in different theoretical frameworks, sometimes conflicting mode. Subject of growing relevance has been mobilized by several authors to discuss impasses of the political system of modern democracies and also constituted in a key concept of public communication. How will we address the communication plea in procedures that need to be open to the active participation of society, and objectives that have the public interest as a backdrop. This article therefore seeks to theoretically discuss the concept of participation, weaving some possible links between that thought and the concept of public communication.   KEYWORDS: Participation; Public communication; Democracy.   RESUMEN Movilizados por diversos discursos contemporáneos, la participación es en un amplio campo de estudio, cuya definición se propone en diferentes marcos teóricos, a veces manera conflictiva. Tema de creciente relevancia, ha sido discutido por varios autores para reflexionar sobre los callejones sin salida del sistema político de las democracias modernas, y que también ha constituido en un concepto clave de la comunicación pública. ¿Cómo vamos a abordar el motivo de comunicación en los procedimientos que deben estar abiertos a la participación activa de la sociedad, y los objetivos que tienen el interés público como telón de fondo. Por tanto, este artículo se discute teóricamente el concepto de participación, tejiendo algunas posibles vínculos entre el pensamiento y el concepto de comunicación pública.  PALABRAS CLAVE: Participación; comunicación pública; Democracia.

2019 ◽  
pp. 227-240
Angela J. Aguayo

This chapter centers on the idea of the documentary commons as a framework for understanding documentary’s engagement with social change. In the developing public commons, the documentary impulse is a way of life and articulation of political information that produces a kind of democratic exchange with new patterns of public communication. With the pervasive use of cameras and live broadcasts, the documentary impulse is realizing its potential to create participatory media cultures. Among the topics in this chapter are the possibilities for future research and contributions to theories of social change, participatory media cultures, collective identification, and agency. This chapter also addresses the political economy of social change documentary, the ideological glass ceiling of mass media, and the role of professional opportunity and education in shaping social change expectations.

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