scholarly journals Pengembangan Paket Pembelajaran Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Critical Thinking

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Ismail Ismail

The research aimed at developing packet on critical thinking based for learningand teaching in islamic education philoshophy. The materials designed by using the Dickand Carey models (2009). The model development steps begins by identify instructionalgoals, conduct instructional analysis, analyze learner and contexs, write performance objectives,develop assessment instrument, develop instructional strategy, develop and selectinstructional materials, design and conduct formative evaluation of instructional, revising,and design and conduct summative evaluation. The development process applied expextand empirical validation. Empirical validation conducted three field, one-to-one learnertreatment 3 students, small group treatment which is cover 9 students, and large treatment35 students. The research resulted that packet purposed could be effective on critical thinkinglearning and teaching in islamic education philosophy.Keywords: critical thinking, development, packet, philoshophy, islamic education. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangangkan paket pembelajaran FilsafatPendidikan Islam berbasis Berpikir Kritis. Pengembangan dilakukan dengan menggunakandesain instruksional Dick and Cerey (2009). Tahapan-tahapan pengembanganmodel dimulai dari mengidenfikasi tujuan pembelajaran, dilanjutkan dengan analisis instruksional,analisis peserta didik dan konteks, penulisan tujuan pembelajaran, pengembanganinstrumen penilaian, pengembangan strategi instruksional, seleksi dan pengembanganbahan instruksional, desain evaluasi formatif, revisi, dan desain evaluasi sumatif.Proses pengembangan menggunakan validasi ahli dan validasi empiris. validasi empirismenggunakan uji perorangan melibatkan 3 orang mahasiswa, uji kelompok kecil melibatkan9 orang mahasiswa, dan kelompok besar melibatkan 35 orang mahasiswa. Hasilriset menunjukkan paket pembelajaran filsafat pendidikan Islam berbasis berpikir kritisefektif mewujudkan tujuan pembelajaran.Kata kunci: penelitian dan pengembangan, model pembelajaran, konseling kelompok, konstruktivistik

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Norma Diana Fitri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan video sex education untuk menstimulasi kemampuan sosial dan emosional anak usia dini. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Borg and Gall (2007) yang terdiri sepuluh langkah. (1) Asses Needs To Identity Goal, (2) Conduct Instructional Analysis, (3) Analyze Learners And Context, (4) Write Performance Objectives, (5) Develop Assessment Instrument, (6) Develop Instructional Strategy, (7) Develop And Select Instructional Materials  , (8) Design And Conduct Formative Evaluation Of Instruction, (9) Revise Instruction, (10) Design And Conduct Summative Evaluation. Desain uji coba produk dalam penelitian ini melalui tiga tahap yaitu (a) validasi ahli, (b) uji coba kelompok kecil, (c) uji coba kelompok besar. Hasil uji coba selanjutnya diuji dengan Uji t yaitu untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan kemampuan sosial dan emosionalanak usia dini dari hasil belajar antara memakai media dengan tidak memakai media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa video sex education dapat menstimulasi kemampuan sosial dan emosional anak. Dari hasil analisis data memperoleh memperoleh nilai signifikasi 0,000 < 0,005 maka H0 ditolak. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan adanya perbedaan pada rata-rata perlakuan sebelum dan sesudah dan rata-rata skor perlakuan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada proses pembelajaran sex education dengan menggunakan video yang telah dikembangkan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-115
Putri Purwaning ◽  
Retno Widyaningrum ◽  
Cecep Kustandi

This development research aims to develop an appropriate training program about module writing which intended to the Instructors of BPSDM Jakarta in order to increase ones’ knowledge and competencies in module writing. The program development refers to the Instructional Development Model by M. Atwi Suparman. Basde on these models, research and developmenta has been through the stages of assess needs to identify instructional goal, conduct instructional analysis, analyze learners and contexts, write performance objectives, develop assessment instrument, develop instructional strategy, develop and select instructional, and design and conduct formative evaluation. This research also developed a book of training program for Instructors, training module, and presentation media, in order to assist the training process. The evaluation of the training program includes two phases which consist of expert review and one-to-one evaluation. The evaluation scores from expert review phase by Instructional Design Expert is 3.73 which considered as very good, also the scores from media expert for learning source module is 3.88 which considered as very good and for presentation media 3.17 which considered as very good either. The one-to-one evaluation phase involved 3 Instructors and the scores obtained is 3 which considered as good. Based on the results of evaluation, it can be concluded that this training program is appropriate to be implemented in order to increase the competencies of module writing for the Instructors of BPSDM DKI Jakarta.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-59
Siti Rofi'ah ◽  
Kurniatun Nailatin

Bahan ajar yang sering digunakan di sekolah adalah Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) kerena harganya yang terjangkau membuat sekolah hanya memberikan LKS sebagai penunjang pembelajaran siswa. Kebanyakan bentuk LKS hanya berwarna hitam putih sehingga siswa kurang menarik dan kurang menyenangkan dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk bahan ajar berupa hanout mind mapping materi shalat jum’at mata pelajaran fiqih untuk kelas IV madrasah Ibtidaiyyah. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian R&D (Research and Development). Penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian model desain Dick and Carey, yaitu: Analysis Instrutional Goal, Conducting Instructional Analysis, Identifying Entry Behaviors, Writing Performance Objectives, Developing Criterion-Referenced Test, Developing Instructional Strategy, Developing and Selecting Instruction, Designing and Conducting Formative Evaluation, Revising Instruction, Designing and Conducting Summative Evaluation. Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan produk ini menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan membuat siswa menjadi aktif. Produk ini selain berisi gambar yang sesuai dengan tema, mind mapping yang lucu juga terdapat kuis belajar sambil bermain, sehingga siswa dapat belajar sambil bermain agar pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan.

BMC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Oscar Arrogante ◽  
Gracia María González-Romero ◽  
Eva María López-Torre ◽  
Laura Carrión-García ◽  
Alberto Polo

Abstract Background Formative and summative evaluation are widely employed in simulated-based assessment. The aims of our study were to evaluate the acquisition of nursing competencies through clinical simulation in undergraduate nursing students and to compare their satisfaction with this methodology using these two evaluation strategies. Methods Two hundred eighteen undergraduate nursing students participated in a cross-sectional study, using a mixed-method. MAES© (self-learning methodology in simulated environments) sessions were developed to assess students by formative evaluation. Objective Structured Clinical Examination sessions were conducted to assess students by summative evaluation. Simulated scenarios recreated clinical cases of critical patients. Students´ performance in all simulated scenarios were assessed using checklists. A validated questionnaire was used to evaluate satisfaction with clinical simulation. Quantitative data were analysed using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 24.0 software, whereas qualitative data were analysed using the ATLAS-ti version 8.0 software. Results Most nursing students showed adequate clinical competence. Satisfaction with clinical simulation was higher when students were assessed using formative evaluation. The main students’ complaints with summative evaluation were related to reduced time for performing simulated scenarios and increased anxiety during their clinical performance. Conclusion The best solution to reduce students’ complaints with summative evaluation is to orient them to the simulated environment. It should be recommended to combine both evaluation strategies in simulated-based assessment, providing students feedback in summative evaluation, as well as evaluating their achievement of learning outcomes in formative evaluation.

2017 ◽  
Arab World English Journal ◽  
Youssef Nadri ◽  
Adil Azhar

The Critical Thinking (CT) component has by now secured a key place within EFL curriculum aims and objectives. The integration of a CT dimension into the teaching of the writing skill in particular has received considerable attention in research. However, research has also pointed to the failure of assessment practices to evaluate CT development. It is within this context that the present work advocates a standard based approach to the assessment of CT in EFL writing that aligns assessment criteria to the critical abilities articulated in the learning outcomes (i.e., standards). This fosters a conception of CT measures that associates components of CT with higher order writing skills. Accordingly, the first objective of the study is to empirically test the relationship between CT dispositions and metacognitive strategy use in an attempt to establish a model of writing (self-)assessment that combines these two dimensions. As assessment is viewed as a formative evaluation process subservient of learning, the study also targets the students’ self-assessment strategies during the writing process. To this purpose, a questionnaire has been designed, and administered to 100 students at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Rabat to tap their perceptions and use of CT skills. The data analysis revealed that critical thinking development and assessment are metacognitive in nature; it follows that metacognitive skills such as planning, self-evaluating and reflecting are to be used as an essential vehicle in the development of Critical Thinking skills. This points to the paramount role of CT-informed formative (self-)assessment practices in benefiting ELT writing learners.

2021 ◽  
Oscar Arrogante ◽  
Gracia María González-Romero ◽  
Eva María López-Torre ◽  
Laura Carrión-García ◽  
Alberto Polo

Abstract BackgroundFormative and summative evaluation are widely employed in simulated-based assessment. The aims of our study were to evaluate the acquisition of nursing competencies through clinical simulation in undergraduate nursing students and to compare their satisfaction with this methodology using these two evaluation strategies.Methods218 undergraduate nursing students participated in a cross-sectional study, using a mixed-method. MAES© (self-learning methodology in simulated environments) sessions were developed to assess students by formative evaluation. Objective Structured Clinical Examination sessions were conducted to assess students by summative evaluation. Simulated scenarios recreated clinical cases of critical patients. Students´ performance in all simulated scenarios were assessed using checklists. A validated questionnaire was used to evaluate satisfaction with clinical simulation. Quantitative data were analysed using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 24.0 software, whereas qualitative data were analysed using the ATLAS-ti version 8.0 software.ResultsMost nursing students showed adequate clinical competence. Satisfaction with clinical simulation was higher when students were assessed using formative evaluation. The main students’ complaints with summative evaluation were related to reduced time for performing simulated scenarios and increased anxiety during their clinical performance.ConclusionThe best solution to reduce students’ complaints with summative evaluation is to orient them to the simulated environment. It should be recommended to combine both evaluation strategies in simulated-based assessment, providing students feedback in summative evaluation, as well as evaluating their achievement of learning outcomes in formative evaluation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 309
Suci Nurlailah ◽  
Ghullam Hamdu

Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi masih kurang pahamnya guru di sekolah dasar mengenai penilaian sikap berbasis Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) dengan kompetensi berpikir kritis. Dalam pembelajaran penilaian sikap sangat penting untuk membentuk sikap peserta didik yang baik untuk membentuk sikap berpikir kritis secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan dari adanya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerapan penilaian sikap yang digunakan oleh guru sekolah dasar terutama di kelas tinggi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru kelas di Sekolah Dasar. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Penggunaan instrumen assessment sikap masih minim digunakan. 2) belum terdapat instrumen assessment sikap berupa rubrik terutama menyangkut dengan ESD. 3) Instrumen assessment sikap yang perlu dikembangkan yaitu terkait dengan sikap berpikir kritis dengan basis ESD.   The background of this research is that teachers in elementary schools still understand the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) based assessment with critical thinking competence. In learning attitudes, it is very important to form good student attitudes to form critical thinking attitudes on an ongoing basis. The purpose of this study was to determine the attitude assessment used by elementary school teachers, especially in high grades. The subjects of this study were classroom teachers in elementary schools. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the study show that 1) The use of attitude assessment instruments is still minimally used. 2) there is no attitude assessment instrument in the form of a rubric, especially regarding ESD. 3) Attitude assessment instruments that need to be developed related to critical thinking attitudes based on ESD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-182
Guntur Cahyono

This research aims to develop interactive learning media for adobe flash-based prayer procedures/Tara (Tata Cara Shalat). Interactive media can develop prayer skills that are taught in the habituation process since the first grade of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI).  This research used development research (RD) methods.  The development process in this study reached the stage of the formative evaluation process consisting of three steps, namely individual prototype material trials, small group trials, and field tryouts.  This field trial involved subjects in a larger class, involving 15-30 (a whole class of learners) or larger groups, namely the available classes.  The results of this field trial were used to make a product, material, or final design revisions. Interactive learning media can solve the problem of prayer skills regarding recitation and movement of prayer.  Thus, interactive learning media made it easier for students to understand the procedures for prayer quickly; besides, the learning process will be more enjoyable

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Syu'aib Nawawi

Science given by God to man through his brain an integral part of the values of divinity as essential sources of knowledge, is of God. Apart from the paradigm that reduces intuition and metaphysical things, al-Qur'an as unceasingly called for people to continue reviewing, researching, studying, thinking and examine all of the phenomena that exist, because nothing in this world that is created in vain. The motivation given, is nothing for man to know and realize the power of his mind in order to add to the faith in God. Fortunately models such as the way of thinking so that the characteristics of 2013. The curriculum is a danger that a scientific approach that uses the methods of scientific thinking stands by itself without any control limit values contained wise in religion (Islam). Make learning Islamic education students based on a logical approach to improve critical thinking and motivation of achievement in SMK and SMK Bhakti We Raden Patah Mojosari be an interesting learning model and help teachers to improve learning effectiveness. This study used a qualitative approach through case studies. Researchers conducted this study to determine "how" (how) Implementation of Islamic religious education teaching third grade students based on a logical approach to improve critical thinking and motivation of achievement in SMK and SMK Bhakti We Mojosari Raden Patah. This study tends toward descriptive because its purpose is to describe and analyze the data obtained in depth with the hope to find out in detail the implementation of Islamic religious education third grade student learning based on a logical approach to improve critical thinking and motivation of achievement at SMK We Bhakti and vocational Raden Patah Mojosari. From in-depth analysis can be summarized as follows: 1) We approach learning in SMK and SMK Bhakti Raden Patah Mojosari logical approach emphasizes the processes and skills in accordance with the learning materials. materials adapted to the level of development of learners learn. 2) Implementation of the learning curriculum implemented in 2013 at SMK and SMK Bhakti We Raden Patah Mojosari using a scientific approach. The learning process touches three domains, namely the attitude, knowledge and skills. 3) Questions or both written and oral evaluation of teaching is based on a logical approach to improve critical thinking and motivation of achievement in SMK and SMK Bhakti We Raden Patah Mojosari good and inspire learners to give a good answer and true anyway. 4) Study of Islamic education is based on a logical approach becomes more meaningful and real. This means that students are required to be able to capture the relationship between the experience of learning in school to real life. However, in this context, of course, teachers need extra attention and guidance to students so that learning objectives in accordance with what was originally applied

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