General Goals and Characteristic for PSEI Standards.

1992 ◽  
Carl Schmiedekamp ◽  
Thomas Shields
Tahir Tahir ◽  
Murniati Murniati

This research is based on learning in tertiary institutions which requires more active, independent and creative learners. of the importance of using appropriate learning methods in mathematics learning at the university level. SCAMPER is a technique that can be used to spark creativity and help overcome challenges that might be encountered in the form of a list of general goals with ideas spurring questions. This research aims to develop students' problem solving skills using the SCAMPER method in terms of student motivation. The population in this study were all semester V students of mathematics education study programs, which were also the research samples. From the analysis of the data it was found that the SCAMPER method was better in developing students' problem solving abilities with an average increase of 0.52 compared to conventional methods with an average increase of 0.45. In addition there is a difference between improving students' problem solving abilities when viewed from their motivation. But there is no interaction between motivational factors and learning methods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-71
Melissa Chakars

This article examines the All-Buryat Congress for the Spiritual Rebirth and Consolidation of the Nation that was held in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in February 1991. The congress met to discuss the future of the Buryats, a Mongolian people who live in southeastern Siberia, and to decide on what actions should be taken for the revival, development, and maintenance of their culture. Widespread elections were carried out in the Buryat lands in advance of the congress and voters selected 592 delegates. Delegates also came from other parts of the Soviet Union, as well as from Mongolia and China. Government administrators, Communist Party officials, members of new political parties like the Buryat-Mongolian People’s Party, and non-affiliated individuals shared their ideas and political agendas. Although the congress came to some agreement on the general goals of promoting Buryat traditions, language, religions, and culture, there were disagreements about several of the political and territorial questions. For example, although some delegates hoped for the creation of a larger Buryat territory that would encompass all of Siberia’s Buryats within a future Russian state, others disagreed revealing the tension between the desire to promote ethnic identity and the practical need to consider economic and political issues.

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 (1) ◽  
pp. 5000-5011
Brandon Cudequest

The architecture that surrounds an operable wall often determines its acoustical success. There are standard guides for detailing operable walls; however, these offer a rigid take on design aesthetics. Abstracting these principles into general goals, the designer can accommodate a variety of architectural styles. The surrounding construction should act as a safety net by providing labyrinths when seals fail or by blocking problematic flanking paths. The architecture should also ease system operation allowing users to deploy the operable wall with minimal fail rate. This paper compares several off-the-shelf and custom systems, highlighting the importance of construction details and coordination and their impact on the installed product performance. The architecture can only support these systems to a degree and the designer should select an operable system that works within the given conditions. By comparing design trends in operable walls from an acoustical consultant standpoint, this paper will spotlight architecturally harmonious systems as well as several system features to be aware of when evaluating options.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-60
Ria Lestari Pangastuti ◽  
Desi Kristanti

Organizations are systems and human activities that work together. In line with that, the organization is said to be a rational coordination of the activities of a number of people to achieve some general goals through the division of work and functions through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility. Analyzing the influence of motivation on job performance, analyzing the effect of job satisfaction on job performance, analyzing the influence of motivation on job satisfaction. This type of research is correlational analytic research. Correlation analysis is a statistical method used to measure the magnitude of the linear relationship between two or more variables. SEM, a complete modeling, basically consists of a measurement model (Measurement Model) and a Structural Model or Causal Model. This research is empirical evidence regarding the effect of motivation and OCB on achievement. This study uses a sample of 100 respondents who are employees of PT JNE Kota Kediri. The results showed that: motivation has an effect on OCB where effective motivation can increase or encourage an employee to feel satisfied, motivation has an effect on achievement. Where an employee who is committed to the organization will feel happy to be part of the organization, have trust and good feelings for the organization and have a desire to remain in the organization, and intend to do what is best for the organization.

Ambos Kai

This chapter lays the conceptual groundwork for the following chapters, and is written in a both philosophical and jurisprudential ink. It starts with a critical analysis of international criminal law as both concept, discipline and placeholder for an anti-impunity agenda. Certain types of crimes are separated into core crimes on the one hand and treaty-based/transnational crimes and supranational crimes on the other hand. The chapter then proceeds along the lines of the jurisprudential foundations of crime, criminal law and punishment. The author advocates for an autonomous punitive power of the international community as the basis of an autonomous international criminal law. Criminalization is based on the protection of fundamental legal interests or the prevention of serious harm. Punishment has an expressive, norm-stabilizing purpose and is intertwined with more general goals of International Criminal Justice. International Criminal Law’s sources range from customary international law over international treaty law to general principles. The DNA of the chapter is thus an amalgamation of comparative legal concepts with the peculiarities of a ius puniendi that lies at the hear of enterprise of international criminal law.

2020 ◽  
pp. 21-38
Yoni Furas

Chapter 1 examines the evolution of the Palestinian and Hebrew education systems from the late Ottoman period into the Mandate and brings forward key players and institutions in this process. The chapter highlights the differences and commonalities between the two systems. Under British rule, the Arab system was administered by the colonial Department of Education, headed by colonial officials, while the Hebrew system remained autonomous to determine its general goals and curriculum. The chapter underlines the importance of the British national home policy according to the Balfour Declaration and its influence on the education of Arabs in Palestine.

Pascal Richette

The general goals of gout therapy are to manage acute flares and to prevent recurrences and prevent or reverse the complications of urate deposition by lowering urate levels. The choice of drug should be made on the basis of the patient’s co-morbidities, other medications, and side effect profile. Treatment of flares can be achieved with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchicine, or corticosteroids (systemic or intra-articular). Interleukin-1 blockers could become an alternative in patients contraindicated for traditional anti-inflammatory agents. Lowering of urate levels below monosodium urate (MSU) saturation point with both a non-pharmacological and pharmacological approach allows to dissolve MSU crystals and to cure gout. Serum urate (SUA) levels should be maintained below 6 mg/dL (360 μ‎mol/L) or below 5 mg/dL (300 μ‎mol/L) in patients with severe gout to facilitate faster dissolution of crystals. Urate-lowering therapy (ULT) should be initiated close to the first diagnosis of gout. Allopurinol and febuxostat are the most widely used xanthine oxidase inhibitors to lower SUA levels. If the SUA target cannot be reached by these agents, uricosurics are indicated, either alone or in combination with a xanthine oxidase inhibitor. In patients with severe tophaceous gout in whom the SUA target cannot be reached with any other available drug, pegloticase is indicated. Since ULT initiation may trigger acute attacks of gout, prophylaxis with an anti-inflammatory agent is recommended, mostly with low-dose colchicine. Of note, patient education, appropriate lifestyle advice, and treatment of comorbidities are also important parts of the management of patients with gout.

Sarah Tahamont ◽  
Nicole E. Frisch

Correctional classification is at the core of the prison experience. Classification processes determine what, with whom, and how an inmate will spend his or her time while incarcerated. Classification designation influences virtually all dimensions of prison life, including the structure of inmate routines, ability to move about the facility premises, program eligibility, mandatory treatments, and housing location or style. Yet it is very challenging to speak about correctional classification in general terms, because there are 51 different classification schemes in the United States, one for each of the 50 states and the federal prison system. Correctional classification can be centralized or decentralized to varying degrees across institution, facility, and unit levels of prisons. Although often used interchangeably in correctional argot, the two predominant correctional classification types are security (referring to the characteristics of the prison) and custody (referring to the permissions of the inmate). Classification structures and processes shape much of the prison experience and, as such, are central to investigations of the effects of prison on inmate outcomes. Indeed, the extent of the deprivations inmates face during incarceration is largely determined by their institution, facility, unit, and custody levels. Discussing correctional classification across systems is challenging because classification designations take on a heterogeneous, nested structure, meaning that in some systems institution and facility are the same, in other systems facility and custody are the same, and in still other systems institution, facility, and custody are all distinct, with custody nested in facilities nested in institutions. In addition to classification structures, there are classification processes which are the set of procedures that correctional administrators use to determine security and custody levels. Classification criteria, processes, and timelines vary across departments of corrections. The general goals of classification procedures are to minimize the probability of escape and maximize the security of the department facilities, inmates, and staff, while housing the inmate at the least restrictive level possible and providing appropriate services. Correctional administrators must balance security and rehabilitative concerns in custody and security classification practices. In what is often described as a direct trade-off, most agencies prioritize the security and safety of inmates and staff over the treatment needs of inmates.

1967 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-38 ◽  
David Easton ◽  
Jack Dennis

In its broadest conception, a political system is a means through which the wants of the members of a society are converted into binding decisions. To sustain a conversion process of this sort a society must provide a relatively stable context for political interaction, a set of ground rules for participating in all parts of the political process. We may describe this context variously as a constitutional order, a set of fundamental rules, or customary procedures for settling differences. But however this context is defined, it usually includes three elements: some minimal constraints on the general goals of its members, rules or norms governing behavior, and structures of authority through which the members of the system act in making and implementing political outputs. To these goals, norms and structures we may give the traditional name “political regime” or constitutional order in the broadest, nonlegal sense of the phrase.We may hypothesize that if a political system is to persist, one of its major tasks is to provide for the input of at least a minimal level of support for a regime of some kind. A political system that proved unable to sustain a regime, that is, some relatively ordered and stable way of converting inputs into outputs, could not avoid collapsing. Each time a dispute arose it would have to seek to agree on means for settling differences at the same time as it sought to bring about a settlement of the substance of the issue, a virtually impossible combination of tasks for a society to engage in continuously.

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