political regime
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Sára Khayouti ◽  
Hubert János Kiss ◽  
Dániel Horn

Since trust correlates with economic development and in turn economic development associates with political regime, we conjecture that there may be a relationship between trust and political regime. Without looking for any casual inference, we investigate if trust aggregated on the country level correlates with the country's political regime. Specifically, we are interested whether trust correlates positively with the level of democracy in cross-sectional observations. We analyse data on trust from 76 countries using the Global Preference Survey and investigate the correlations with five separate democracy indices (Polity2, Economist Intelligence Unit’s Index of Democracy, Freedom House, MaxRange and Unified Democracy Score). We do not find any significant association, with or without taking into account other factors (e.g., regional location, economic development, geographic conditions, culture) as well. Trust does not correlate with cornerstones of democracy either, measured by five components of the EIU index. A robustness check using an alternative measure of trust from the World Values Survey reaches the same results. The present study supersedes the working paper version (Khayouti et al., 2020).

Upravlenie ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Tu Thi Thoa

Building the rule of law state (referred to as the rule of law) is an objective trend for democratic countries in the modern world, including Vietnam. Thoughts about the rule of law in Vietnam, related to the people’s desire to have an independent state that is organised and acts in accordance with the provisions of law, represents the will and aspirations of the people, protects human rights and citizens’ rights under law, have emerged since the early years of the 20th century. Along with the national liberation struggle, the rule of law state in Vietnam was officially established in 1945, after the victory of the August Revolution (August 19, 1945). It has its own characteristics related to the socialist political regime under the leadership of only one party – the Communist Party of Vietnam.As in many countries around the world, the promotion and expansion of democracy is one of the objectives of building the rule of law in modern Vietnam. The article clarifies some theoretical issues about the rule of law state, the rule of law ideology formation and the rule of law state characteristics in Vietnam. A number of issues that require attention when building a rule of law state to ensure democracy in modern Vietnam is considered

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 339-353
Marta Kłopocka-Jasińska

This article comments on the Spanish Constitutional Court’s order of 17 October 2019, ATC 119/2020, regarding the exhumation and transfer of the remains of Francisco Franco Bahamonde from the Valley of the Fallen. Franco’s relatives brought a constitutional complaint before the Constitutional Court against the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of 15 February and 15 March 2019, which concerned the exhumation of the dictator’s remains and their transfer to the Mingorrrubio Cemetery in El Pardo. This was done against the wishes of the family, who had indicated another location. The applicants submitted, inter alia, that their right to respect for private and family life had been violated. In fact, certain issues relating to the treatment of the body of a deceased person fall within the scope of the right to privacy. However, the Spanish Court did not accept the applicants’ plea and held that there was no violation of the constitutional right. It justified its decision on the grounds that the right to protection of private and family life is not absolute and is subject to limitations, and that the measures applied in this case were in line with a “constitutionally legitimate aim,” proportionate and necessary. The Court’s decision is correct, although its reasoning leaves much to be desired. The Court could have strengthened its argumentation with, first, a more in-depth analysis of proportionality, and, second, with reference to Strasburg standards. In particular, as the Court pointed out, the historical and political importance of the person at the head of the political regime established after the civil war and acting as head of state meant that the decision on where to bury his remains went beyond the dimension of an individual private matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-169
Laurence Whitehead

Abstract No political regime can be entirely immune from authoritarian temptations. This article focuses on the distinctive sources and dynamics that apply to post-revolutionary regimes. To prevail in bringing about radical and irreversible change they will require an effective security apparatus that overcomes the backlash that will arise from the previous order. These security requirements provide the first source of authoritarian temptation, but there are three more. Once the regime is firmly established the new rulers can choose what restraints on their conduct to accept. It is tempting to dispense with healthy channels of feedback. Moreover, even the most successful of revolutionary regimes polarise opinion between the old order and the new. And when material hardships arise loyalty may be rewarded above market rationality. In conjunction these amount to a serious set of authoritarian temptations. But there are also some countervailing considerations. A durably successful radical regime must counterbalance the requirements for unity and discipline against the need for creativity and adaptability. Initial emancipatory ambitions may be updated and renewed in order to inspire future generations and legitimise the revolutionary process. Such regimes can seesaw between authoritarian and empowering tendencies, rather than relying on repression alone to keep them in existence. Their legitimation strategy will contain three main components: i) reaffirming and updating their emancipatory origins; ii) downplaying/excusing any authoritarian “deviations”; iii) projecting future prospects for inclusionary development.

Maria An. Kurochkina ◽  
Svetlana L. Kushneruk

The authors of the article investigate the texts of the opposition Telegram channel “Belarus of the Brain” in order to identify the precedent phenomena (hereinafter PF) functioning in them. Political discourse is at the core of contemporary discourse research with the problem of strategies and tactics for manipulating public opinion occupying an important place among other aspects of its studies. PFs provide the basis for these strategies, which determines the relevance of the research being conducted. The article presents an analysis of the functional characteristics of PFs of two groups: 1) PFs representing the Belarusian national culture and society; 2) PFs exhibiting foreign cultural space. Based on the theory of precedence developed by V.P. Moskvin, V.I. Karasik and G.G. Slyshkin, the authors resort to the contextological and structural methods, elements of discourse analysis, in order to outline obvious accents in the functional differentiation of these PF groups. While national PFs have a positive connotation and participate in the creation of the national identity of Belarus and the Belarusians, PFs of foreign cultural spaces are marked by negative connotations and are used to discredit the existing political regime. The authors highlight common functions of the PFs of both groups such as creating vivid images and communicating credibility and authority to the information provided. PFs actualizing foreign cultural space show a tendency to participate in the didactic function of teaching the average reader the peaceful mechanisms of a democratic society. The study of structural features allows us to come to the conclusion about the word combination as the major form of PFs’ realization. The structural complexity and predominance of proper names in the morphology of PF signal their multidimensional semantic nature as well as their social essence. The authors also point out the formation of the PF corpus within political discourse with such dominant source spheres as history and culture. The research proves that PFs of our days are used as actively as PFs referring to the past. By and large PFs act as a means of analyzing, interpreting and categorizing the phenomena of public life in the political discourse.

Natalya A. Razlivinskaya ◽  
Irina V. Tivyaeva

The paper focuses on the potential of urban communicative space to transmit basic ideology paradigm and values of the current political regime in the course of interaction with city residents. Commemoration is regarded as one the key entities involved in transmitting ideologically charged information. The phenomenon of commemoration is understood as a collection of public practices aimed at creating government-approved values and behavioral models via regular reproduction schemes implemented on the basis of perception of past recognized in the society. The goal of the research was to examine verbalization of commemoration in urban space with regard to the historical-political context. The empirical basis of the study includes a corpus of commemorative texts collected by the authors. Commemorative texts were extracted from the open data portal developed and supported by the Government of Moscow. The total number of records registered in the corpus amounted to over 1700. The language data were processed via the AntConc software that allows obtaining information about word frequency and the contexts in which the relevant word occurs. In the next step conclusions about topical and conceptual dominants of commemorative texts were made. Further investigation allowed describing the structural scheme of commemorative texts, determining its zero variability in different temporal periods, identifying an obligatory structural element that displayed sensitiveness to political climate and specifying key discourse strategies correlated with the ideological paradigm of the current political regime.

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-62
Michael C. Hawley

This chapter explores Cicero’s republican political philosophy. It argues that Cicero’s political thought has two fundamental principles. First, Cicero argues that there are universally applicable moral duties—the natural law—that are binding on everyone always. These principles have their basis in humans’ nature as rational beings. Second, he argues that a legitimate regime will recognize the people as the ultimate source of authority. No political regime can be just without resting on this basis. But these two principles threaten to come into conflict whenever the people’s will contradicts natural law. The chapter examines Cicero’s attempt to mediate this conflict. It also explores Cicero’s conceptions of liberty, justice, property, and empire, all of which emerge out of the relationship between the claims of natural law and popular sovereignty.

2021 ◽  
pp. 148-158
Dominic Perring

The pace of urban growth in London appears to have slowed in the period immediately after Agricola’s governorship. At the end of the first century, however, London’s port saw extensive repair and enlargement. Harbour improvements commenced c. AD 94–8, perhaps under Nerva’s administration. It is argued that these works were part of a wider programme of support for the annona, designed to secure the army’s support for the new political regime. These harbour works were resumed under Trajan, when improvements were also made to the hydraulic engineering represented by wells and water-lifting devices. Several baths were built or improved at around this time, some of which may have been attached to temple precincts near the borders of the settlement.

V. Ulanchuk ◽  
E. Zharun ◽  
N. Korotieiev ◽  
A. Nepochatenko ◽  

In the given article it is noted that the level of forecasting of processes of social development is determined by the efficiency of planning and management of economy and other spheres. Social and economic forecasting of basic trends of social development allows use of special calculation and logic methods, giving the opportunity to determine parameters of functioning of separate elements of productive forces in their interrelation and interdependence. At the current stage of regional development of the state, the forecasting of the management of social-economic processes in the region is urgent, and the need for their improvement in order to obtain effective tools for determining the main guidelines and directions of regional policy. Predictions that include scientific justification should be central to the planned decisions of state authorities and the implementation of social-economic policies in the region, to determine the main directions of its future development, place and role in the national economy. The process of forming a modern system of forecasting regional development in Ukraine took place under conditions of a large-scale state transformation and reorganization. The change in the political regime and reform of the Ukrainian economy, which began in the 1990s, led to the inversion of the role of the territory in the system of public administration. Regions that previously had very limited rights in the agricultural sector, received the right to make political, economic, social, cultural and other decisions on their own. Economic forecasting is necessary for determining ways of society development and economic resources which provide its achievement, for revealing most likely and economically efficient variants of long-term, medium term and current plans, grounding main directions of economic and technical politics, forecasting the consequences of the made decisions and measures taken at present. Application of econometric models in economics gives the opportunity to distinguish and formally describe the most significant, the most essential relations of economic variables and objects, as well as to get new knowledge about the object in the inductive way. In such model, in the simplified form, by many assumptions, the main dependence between economic indicators is determined.

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