soviet socialist republic
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Вячеслав Александрович Иванов

Статья посвящена проблеме анализа материально-технического обеспечения в годы Великой Отечественной войны партизан и подпольщиков Крыма, которая недостаточно изучена в отечественной историографии. На основе вводимых в научный оборот неопубликованных материалов из фондов Государственного архива Республики Крым автор исследует причины, побудившие Совет Народных Комиссаров Крымской АССР и военное командование Северо-Кавказского фронта организовать помощь «народным мстителям». В статье рассмотрены основные мероприятия Крымского обкома ВКП(б) по оказанию помощи антифашистскому сопротивлению: подготовка баз снабжения, авиационной техники, летного состава, подвоз продовольствия, организация аэродромов. Акцентируется внимание на факторе содействия советских ВВС в перевозке участников разведывательно-диверсионных и подпольных организаций с баз Северного Кавказа на территорию оккупированного Крыма и в передаче секретной информации в расположение советского командования. Автор приходит к выводу, что благодаря проводимым советским руководством мероприятиям был организован мощный воздушный мост между Северным Кавказом и партизанскими базами Крыма. Это позволило обеспечить партизан и подпольщиков Крыма необходимыми запасами продовольствия, медикаментов, оружия, боеприпасов в переломный момент Великой Отечественной войны. The paper is devoted to the problem of analyzing the material support during the Great Patriotic War of the partisans and underground fighters of the Crimea, which has not been sufficiently studied in Russian historiography. On the basis of unpublished materials from the funds of the State Archives of the Republic of Crimea introduced into scientific circulation, the author examines the reasons that prompted the Council of People’s Commissars of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the military command of the North Caucasian Front to organize the help for the “people’s avengers”. The publication discusses the main activities of the Crimean Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to provide assistance to the anti-fascist Resistance: the preparation of supply bases, aircraft, flight personnel, the supply of food, the organization of airfields. Attention is focused on the factor of assistance of the Soviet Air Force in the transportation of members of reconnaissance, sabotage and underground organizations from the bases of the North Caucasus to the territory of the occupied Crimea, and in the transfer of classified information to the location of the Soviet command. The author arrives at the conclusion that thanks to the measures carried out by the Soviet leadership, a powerful air bridge was organized between the North Caucasus and the partisan airfields of the Crimea. This made it possible to provide the partisans and underground fighters of the Crimea with the necessary supplies of food, medicines, weapons, ammunition at the turning point of the Great Patriotic War.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 778-795
G. N. Kondratyuk

The article examines confessional politics in one of the most diffi cult periods for religious organizations that are the 20–30s of the XX century. At this time, active anti-religious work was carried out, so there were created some special organizations supposed to get rid of any manifestations of religious consciousness among the Soviet citizens. All the diversity of this policy is discussed on the example of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The policy that revealed the relation to the Orthodox and Muslim populations and took into account the national specifi cs of the region varied from relatively loyal attitude towards religious organizations in the 1920s to the events of the Great Terror of 1937–1938. The Crimean ASSR was multi-confessional. The authorities faced the need to compromise between the fi ght against religion and the desire not to aggravate confl icts with national minorities. The anti-religious policy was not supposed to confl ict with the policy of indigenousization. Throughout the pre-war twenty years, anti-religious work in the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was not fully implemented and was poorly organized. The slowdown in the implementation of the anti-religious line was caused by both unsuccessful selections of the personnel and insuffi cient funding of the anti-religious activities carried out.

Natalia N. Bushmeleva ◽  
Lev L. Shubin

Introduction. The article examines the state of protection of mothers and children in the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the post-war period of 1945–1950. The article analyzes the quality of medical care and services for the protection of mothers and children, the equipment of medical institutions with medical personnel and the staffing of departments with beds and the necessary equipment for providing medical care to children and mothers. Materials and Methods. The work used the data from the central Republican archive of the Udmurt ASSR. It carried out a market analysis on the state and development of the network of obstetric and gynecological care. The materials contained in research that give an idea of the problem under consideration, as well as legal documents have been investigated and summarized. Results and Discussion. In this period under review, a network of antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, obstetric and gynecological departments is being created. The number of beds for pregnant women and women in labor increased. A specialized department of pregnancy pathology was organized. The rates of maternal mortality, stillbirth and neonatal mortality have dropped significantly. An exchange card has been introduced in hospitals. With the creation of a methodological office, work began on the development of programs for preschool education, cluster and regional conferences began to be held. The conferences dealt with deaths, with special attention paid to issues of late hospitalization. Since 1949, the method of serving children according to the “single pediatrician” system were practiced. Conclusion. Protecting the interests of mother and child, the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the postwar years provided great assistance to pregnant women and mothers, fulfilling the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of July 8, 1944. Employees of the Childhood Department, doctors of Izhevsk and employees of the department childhood diseases of the Izhevsk Medical Institute traveled to the regions of the Republic to provide practical assistance and control the work on childhood in the field.

Maleka N. Gasanova ◽  
Elena K. Mineeva

The article characterizes the statutory and regulatory enactments that determined the activities of the People’s Commissariat for Education of the Chuvash ASSR in the second half of the 1920s. The most important among them were the “General Regulations on the People’s Commissariats of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” (November, 1925) and the “Regulations on the People’s Commissariat for Education of the Chuvash ASSR” (May, 1929). The functions of the People’s Commissariat for Education are shown to include not only the problems of improving the state of affairs at all levels of education in the republic, but many issues related to the population’s social welfare, the development of science and culture as well. The main attention in the article is focused on showing the structure of the People’s Commissariat for Education as a special body of state power, whereas previously the scientific literature mainly covered the specific results of the activities performed by the People’s Commissariat for Education, when it was mentioned mainly in connection with adoption of a certain resolution on public education. The article considers the matters of separate structural subdivisions of the People’s Commissariat for Education of the Chuvash ASSR, including the organizational and planning part, the Academic Center, the supervisors. On the basis of documents from the funds of the State Historical Archive of the Chuvash Republic which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, general trends of changes in the organizational structure of the People’s Commissariat for Education in the second half of the 1920s are traced. It is concluded that there were significant problems with personnel replacement of full-time positions in the period under review, which was mainly explained by two reasons: low wages and a general shortage of qualified workers in the necessary areas of work. The personnel problem negatively affected implementation of tasks faced by the People’s Commissariat for Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Sergey V. Homyakov ◽  
Anastasia N. Soboleva

In the 1920s, throughout the USSR, there were well-known processes of unification of a heterogeneous social structure, ultimately designed to create a unified Soviet society. The attitude of the Old Believers of Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and Chita District of the Far Eastern Territory to what was happening during this period became one of the most problematic in terms of the introduction of Communist principles. This was recognised by almost all local Party officials and cultural workers. Formally reproducing the structures of Soviet political and economic institutions, adopting technical innovations and the specifics of the "cultural revolution" in their lives – in reality, the Semeiskie Old Believers often did not seek to change their views on the world, religious identity for the sake of forming the Soviet type of personality. The purpose of the work is to analyse the relationship between the authorities and the Old Believers, as well as the everyday perception of the Communist ideology by the latter. Hence, the main problem can be considered the identification of the reaction of the Semeiskie (including the Communists) to the intensified in their community anti-religious propaganda by the late 1920s – the main condition for changing the paradigm of the worldview. Another problem is to research the ideological (educational) aspect of the new way of life and people's attitudes towards it. As a brief conclusion it should be noted that the process of the formation of the Soviet type of personality in the Old Believers’ environment of Transbaikalia by the early 1930s had a formal character of development: the ideologisation of the population with atheistic propaganda were not tied in the minds of people as an indispensable prerequisite for their new cultural life.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  

В статье предлагается анализ Конституции Северо-Осетинской АССР 1978 г., отразившей этап развития ее государственности в советский период. Научное осмысление правовых аспектов истории Северной Осетии в статусе автономной республики, анализ ее места и роли в системе советской государственности во многом объясняет противоречия в реализации органами государственной власти республики функций политического самоуправления в эпоху «застоя» и «кризиса социализма». Анализ показывает, что декретированный ранней советской властью национальный суверенитет народов, населяющих советскую Россию, не нашел правового подтверждения в Конституции СССР 1977 г., на основе и в соответствии с которой были разработаны и приняты Конституции РСФСР и входящих в нее автономных республик, в том числе и СОАССР. Фиксация статуса автономной республики в качестве государственного образования без признания ее государственного суверенитета ограничивало пределы компетенции республиканских органов власти и управления и ставило их в фактическую зависимость от вышестоящих властно-управленческих структур даже в решении вопросов, отнесенных к ведению автономной республики. Все это вместе взятое превращало автономную республику в «квазигосударственное образование», высшие государственные органы которой действовали в режиме «местной власти». Противоречивые конституционные положения 1977-1978 гг., закрепленные в Основных законах СССР, РСФСР и СОАССР, стали одним из факторов деструкции советской власти и социалистической системы и последующего затем «парада суверенитетов» бывших автономных образований в пределах РСФСР. The article analyzes the 1978 Constitution of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which reflected the stage of development of its statehood relevant to the Soviet period. Scientific comprehension of the legal aspects of the history of North Ossetia in the status of an autonomous republic, an analysis of its place and role within the system of the Soviet statehood largely accounts for the contradictions in the implementation by the republican state institutions of the functions of political self-government in the era of "stagnation" and "crisis of socialism". Analysis shows that the national sovereignty of the peoples inhabiting Soviet Russia, that was decreed by the early Soviet government, did not find legal confirmation in the USSR Constitution of 1977, on the basis and in accordance with which the Constitution of the RSFSR and its autonomous republics, including NOASSR, were elaborated and adopted. Fixing the status of the autonomous republic as a state entity without recognizing its state sovereignty limited the competence of the republican authorities and made them in fact dependent on the higher power structures even in resolving issues attributed to the jurisdiction of the autonomous republic. All this taken together turned the autonomous republic into a "quasi-state entity", the highest state bodies of which operated in the regime of "local power". Contradictory constitutional provisions of 1977-1978, enshrined in the Fundamental Laws of the USSR, RSFSR and NOASSR, became one of the factors of the destruction of the Soviet power and the socialist system and the subsequent “parade of sovereignties” of the former autonomous entities within the RSFSR.

Al-Farabi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 154-167
А. Aitenova ◽  
S. Kairatuly ◽  

The authors of the article make an attempt to analyze the events that took place on December 17–18, 1986 in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, using the methodology of “cultural trauma”. The December events are defined as a multifaceted social and humanitarian problem. It is shown that the December events must be assessed comprehensively as a historical, social, humanitarian phenomenon. The reasons for the December events were determined by the dismissal of Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich Kunayev, the crisis of communist political ideology, the political, economic voluntarism of totalitarian power, the narrowing of the scope of the Kazakh language, the ecological crisis of Soviet Kazakhstan, the emergence of the history of the third generation of the Soviet people. In general, the December events are viewed as an open form of healing the mental wounds of the Kazakh people inflicted by the administrative decisions of the Soviet red empire. Despite the fact that the December events as a social phenomenon are more than a quarter of a century old, the Decembrists and their activity do not leave the agenda in the public consciousness. The importance of using the December events as a universal tool in the formation of various forms of social practice is growing. The conceptualization of this point of view in the article is determined by the representation of the lessons of the December events in contemporary Kazakh art (sculpture, cinema, literature, theater). At the same time, the article also shows that the representation of the December events in art is the form and content of the “healing” of the trauma of the December events.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-33
Leonid Timofeev

The book talks about healthcare workers who received the 15 Years of the ASSR badge, the highest award of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

2021 ◽  
pp. 156-177

В статье анализируется Конституция СОАССР 1937 г. как один из важнейших документов по Новейшей истории Северной Осетии, впервые определивший ее самостоятельный государственно-политический статус в качестве советской автономной республики в составе РСФСР. В поиске форм национального самоопределения Северная Осетия несколько раз меняла свой статус: будучи рядовой территориально-административной единицей в административной системе позднеимперской России, Осетия и после утверждения советской власти оказалась включена в окружную модель территориального устройства Горской АССР. Лишь после упразднения Горской республики Северной Осетии был придан статус автономной области в составе России с несколько расширенной административной самостоятельностью, хотя и довольно ограниченным объемом полномочий, распространявшихся преимущественно на хозяйственно-культурную сферу. Однако именно тогда Северная Осетия впервые сформировала собственные устойчивые и жизнеспособные органы власти и управления, деятельность которых регулировалась союзным и республиканским (РСФСР) законодательством. Новый этап развития североосетинской государственности пришелся на вторую половину 1930-х гг., когда новая Конституция СССР объявила ряд бывших национальных автономных областей, в том числе и Северо-Осетинскую АО, автономными республиками и предоставила им правовые основания для принятия собственных конституций, наделив их таким образом государственно-политическим статусом. Сравнительный анализ конституций СССР, РСФСР и СОАССР показывает, что организационно-правовые основы национальной государственности, закрепленные в конституции СОАССР, формулировались исходя из приоритета общесоюзной и российской конституций, хотя и с учетом местных особенностей. В то же время первая советская конституция Северной Осетии, принятая ее собственным законодательным органом и определяющая правовые основы политической автономии, ознаменовала завершение процесса становления национальной государственности Северной Осетии и открыла новую страницу ее социально-политической истории. The article analyzes the Constitution of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of 1937 as one of the most important documents on the recent history of North Ossetia, which firstly defined its independent state-political status as a Soviet autonomous republic within the RSFSR. In the search for forms of national self-determination, North Ossetia changed its status several times: being an ordinary territorial-administrative unit in the administrative system of late imperial Russia, Ossetia, even after the approval of Soviet power, was included in the district model of the territorial structure of the Mountain ASSR. Only after the abolition of the Mountain Republic, North Ossetia has got the status of an autonomous region within Russia with somewhat expanded administrative self-dependence, albeit with a rather limited scope of powers that extended mainly to the economic and cultural sphere. However, just then North Ossetia for the first time formed its stable and viable power and administrative institutions, the activities of which were regulated by union and republican (RSFSR) legislation. A new stage in the development of North Ossetian statehood fell on the second half of the 1930s, when the new Constitution of the USSR declared the granting of the status of autonomous republics to the former national autonomous regions, including the North Ossetian Autonomous Region, and provided them with legal grounds for adopting their own constitutions, and so endowed them of state and political status. A comparative analysis of the constitutions of the USSR, RSFSR and NOASSR shows that the organizational and legal foundations of national statehood, enshrined in the Constitution of the NOASSR, were formulated based on the priority of the all-Union and Russian constitutions, albeit taking into account local specifics. At the same time, the first Soviet constitution of North Ossetia, adopted by its legislative institution and defining the legal foundations of political autonomy, marked the end of the process of formation of the national statehood of North Ossetia and opened a new page in its socio-political history.

E. N. Bikeykin ◽  
P. S. Uchvatov

In the article the senior management of the regional executive and administrative authority as an example of the supreme body of State governance of an autonomous republic the Council of Ministers of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is considered. The changes in the Council of Ministers in the last years of the existence of the USSR is analyzed. The reforms initiated by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M.S. Gorbachev affected practically all sectors of society, including the functioning of public administration. Meanwhile, the system of power in Mordovia had some peculiarities, largely associated with the conservatism and external cohesion of the regional elites, which have had to respond to processes in the country at the same time. In the chronological period selected in the article, there were two compositions of the Council of Ministers, which were formed on March 15, 1985 at the first session of the MASSR Supreme Council of the 11th convocation and on April 10, 1990 at the first session of the MASSR Supreme Council of the 12th convocation. The authors provide information about age, social origin, nationality, educational level, tenure for members of the MASSR Government. In preparing the article, materials from the funds of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Mordovia, the regional press, published memoirs of participants in the events, as well as biographical information about the Soviet, Party and economic leaders from open sources were used.

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