Inherent Power of High Courts To Quash Criminal Proceedings In Company Cases: A Study in the Light of Supreme Court's Decision In Sushil Suri's Case

2012 ◽  
Mukund Sarda
2000 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-271 ◽  
Enefiok Essien

The jurisdiction of State High Courts in Nigeria is to be found in section 236(1) of the 1979 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The section provides:“236(1). Subject to the provisions of this constitution and in addition to such other jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it by law, the High Court of a State shall have unlimited jurisdiction to hear and determine any civil proceedings in which the existence or extent of a legal right, power, duty, liability, privilege, interest, obligation or claim is in issue or to hear and determine any criminal proceedings involving or relating ot any penalty, forfeiture, punishment or other liability in respect of an offence committed by any person.”

Justicia ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (27) ◽  
Maximo Vicu ◽  
Sergio Hernando Castillo Galvis

ResumenEl articulo 361 del Código de Procedimiento Penal prohibe de manera ab- soluta al juez del conocimiento decretar pruebas de oficio, restringiendo la bus- queda de la verdad y la justicia; y por ello, en esta investigación, se pretende establecer la incidencia de los derechos sociales a la verdad y la justicia, por cuenta de la limitación de la prueba oficiosa en el proceso penal; utilizando la hermenéutica y el análisis documental sobre libros, artículos y sentencias de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y la Constitucional previamente clasificados. Se identificaron criterios encontrados entre las Altas Cortes frente a la prohibición de la practica de la prueba de oficio en el sistema adversarial. La posición to- mada por la Corte Constitucional quiebra el sistema jurídico mixto, porque con la prohibición impuesta al juez del conocimiento desconoce los principios a la verdad y la justicia plasmados en el preambulo de la Norma Superior. AbstractThe Article 361 of Criminal Procedure Code absolutely prohibits the order of evidence by the judge, restricting the search for truth and justice. Objective: To establish the incidence of the social rights to the truth and justice by the limitation of the officious evidence in criminal proceedings. We used herme- neutic and documentary analysis of books, articles and judgments of Constitu- tional and Supreme Court Justice previously classified. Results: We identified the criteria exposed by the High Courts in front of the prohibitions of officious evidence in the adversarial system. Conclusions: The position taken by the Constitutional Court brakes the mixed legal system because the prohibition imposed on the judge on the case is unknown principia of truth and justice enshrined in the preamble to the higher standard.

В. В. Король ◽  
В. Д. Юрчишин

У статті зазначається, що серед учасників кримінального провадження суд посідає ви­ключне становище, оскільки тільки він є єдиним державним органом, що здійснює судову владу у визначених законом процесуальних формах. При цьому вказується, що суд по­трібно вважати встановленим законом лише за умови, що він утворений безпосередньо на підставі закону, діє в межах своєї предметної, функціональної й територіальної юрисдикції та в законному складі суду.   The article notes that among the participants in criminal proceedings the court occupies a unique position, because only it is the only governmental body which exercises the judicial power as defined by law procedural forms. It is submitted, that the court should consider the law only when it is formed directly on the basis of the law, acting within their subject, func­tional and territorial jurisdiction and legal composition of court.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 59-75

The work deals with implementation of electronic monitoring of sentenced persons in the Slovak Republic. It is divided into eight sections. The first section introduces restorative justice as a prerequisite of electronic monitoring in criminal proceedings. While the second section points out at the absence of legal regulation of electronic monitoring of sentenced persons at European level, the third section points out at recommendations of the Council of Europe addressed to European States. The fourth section analyses relevant alternative punishments in Slovak criminal justice. The fifth section introduces early beginnings of implementation of concerned system - the pilot project “Electronic Personnel Monitoring System” of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic. While the sixth section is focused on Slovak national law regulating electronic monitoring of sentenced persons - the Act No. 78/2015 Coll. on Control of the Enforcement of Certain Decisions by Technical Instruments, the seventh section is focused on further amendments of Slovak national law - namely the Act No. 321/2018 Coll. and the Act No. 214/2019 Coll. The last eight section introduces costs of system implementation and its operation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-108
Jarosław Marciniak

Discontinuation of proceedings under Article 59a of the Criminal Code is a new institution in Polish criminal law. This article discusses selected issues relating to the premises for the application of Article 59a of the Criminal Code in practice. In view of the use by the legislator in Article 59a of the Criminal Code of concepts with vague meanings, their possible interpretations were proposed. It has been suggested that a rephrasing of the provision in question should be considered, in order to ensure the possibility of applying the said institution to a wider range of misdemeanours, as compensatory discontinuation is intended by the legislator to fulfil the redress function of proceedings and ensure the effectiveness and speed of criminal proceedings

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