scholarly journals Legal Certainty

Viktor Smorodynskyi

Legal certainty is considered in the paper not only as one of the general principles of law and one of the requirements of the Rule of Law, but also as a fundamental feature and condition of the significance of law and its instrumental value in general. In this regard, the definitions of the Rule of Law conception and the lists of its components proposed by Western philosophers and theorists of law and by the Venice Commission are analyzed. Elements of the principle of legal certainty such as legislation and case law accessibility, legal acts’ predictability, principles of case law unity, legitimate expectations, res judicata, the European concept of autonomous interpretation and the American doctrine of uncertainty of law are covered. By analyzing and synthesizing theoretical concepts of the principle of legal certainty, the practice of its interpretation and application by European and national courts, the connections between it and other general principles of law (in particular – principles of legality and reasonableness), this principle plays a key role in the Rule of Law implementation in the national legal system.

Kotuby Charles T ◽  
Sobota Luke A

The purpose of this chapter is to define the general principles of law as they have been applied in national courts and international tribunals. For instance, the very concept of the law requires good faith adherence to contractual obligations (pacta sunt servanda) and the good faith exercise of legal rights. States as well as private parties are also precluded from contradicting their actions (estoppel) or abusing their rights, thereby defeating the legitimate expectations of another. Nor may they benefit from their own wrong or be unjustly enriched at another’s expense. All parties are liable for acts caused by and attributable to them, and the concept of responsibility requires that the consequences of their wrongful act be wiped out. In their various iterations and permutations, these exemplary principles are the logical consequences of the rule of law and the foundation of every legal order.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (31) ◽  
pp. 151-162
Adam Szymacha ◽  
Kamil Rogalski

The purpose of the article/hypothesis: The presented article focuses on a new resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court I FPS 1/21. In this resolution an assessment of instrumental initiation of criminal fiscal proceedings in order to suspend the running of the limitation period of a tax liability has been undertaken. The Supreme Administrative Court assessed that administrative courts have the right to examine the legitimacy of initiation of such proceedings. This position is important insofar as it also touches upon the issue of the right to a fair trial, as well as the right to property and legal certainty. The main aim of this article is to check the impact of this resolution on described fundamental rights. Methodology: This article will use the comparative law method. Especially the case law of different courts will be shown. The dogmatic-legal method will also be used as an auxiliary. Results of the research: This resolution is crucial for the fundamental right for fail trial. It has also impact on the right to property and principle of legal certainity. It may also be some element that strengthens the rule of law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 585-603
Marta Dragičević Prtenjača

The inconsistent case law seems to be a relatively big problem because it affects confidence in justice and legal certainty. The background of this problem is process of sentencing. In Croatia there is no methodology for determining the punishment. Of course, the Croatian Penal Code has the norms which regulate the purpose of punishment and it, in some generic form, stipulates the circumstances which can be relevant for determining the punishment. However, it does not say anything about the process itself nor does it define the methodology to carry it out. During this process the court has to bear in mind the purpose of sentencing and the perpetrators guilt, in order for punishment to be proper and would correspond to the severity of the committed offense. Hence, as here is no methodology no one can be sure whether or not this process was lege artis. In that regard author give their proposition of possible solution to this matter. They are suggesting the introduction of non-mandatory ‘formula’ for sentencing into the Croatian criminal law system. The formula would now be improved And more appropriate than the previous one. Author believe ‘the formula’ should contribute to the harmonization of case-law in Croatia and to the preservation of the principle of legal certainty and finally the rule of law. Similar solutions already exist in some countries. The Republic of North Macedonia, which incorporates the civil or continental law system, introduced the special Law for the Determination of the Type and Duration of Sentence in 2015, while the United States have been applying the Sentencing Guidelines since 1987.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-94
Qerim Qerimi

AbstractThis article will seek to operationalize and measure rule of law primarily relying on the “Rule of Law Checklist,” developed by the Venice Commission, composed of the following five elements: (1) Legality; (2) Legal certainty; (3) Prevention of abuse or misuse of powers; (4) Equality before the law and non-discrimination; and (5) Access to Justice. Each of these elements will be operationalized in the context of Kosovo – the leading case study – with an ultimate aim of obtaining an enhanced understanding of the Rule of Law framework and its measurement in transitional contexts more generally. The underlying circumstances of the selected case are defined by an almost unparalleled involvement of the international community, in particular the UN and the EU, which forms a relatively significant part of the observable context.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Ellada Balayan

Introduction. In modern legal science, the category of “legal certainty” is understood and interpreted in different ways. Opinions and approaches of scientists differ in designating the type, nature, elements, regulatory burden and the full content of the idea of legal certainty. The significance of the principle of legal certainty in the context of the protection of human rights cannot be considered without taking into account the influence of Roman law on it. The idea of establishing the rule of law for the “expulsion of all injustice” and contradictions is relevant in modern law. Without a broad interpretation of the principle of res judicata, human rights violations cannot be avoided. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the nature, content of the normative burden of the category “legal certainty”, various theories and approaches to determining its place in the doctrine of constitutional law, in general, in the context of protecting human rights and freedoms, in particular. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is scientifically developed and applied in practice, the main scientific methods, such as the dialectical method of cognition, which allows you to analyze all phenomena and processes in their development, the relationship and interdependence, as well as general scientific and private scientific methods, analysis, specific historical, logical historical, systemic, comparative legal and other methods. The theoretical basis of the study is the work of domestic and foreign experts of constitutional law, the theory of state and law, international law, as well as other areas of legal science. The material of a scientific article is based on the study of various scientific sources: monographs, dissertations, scientific articles, materials of scientific and practical conferences, etc. Results. The category of “legal certainty” in the doctrine is considered in different contexts. The unity of opinion in the legal doctrine exists solely to indicate the important role and significant place of the principle of legal certainty in law-making and law enforcement activities of the state. The normative burden of legal certainty is interpreted more meaningfully, since it covers not only the elements of the supposed stability and clarity of the current legal regulation or the essence of the principle of res judicata, but also the consistency, clarity of the entire system of law, the constancy of law enforcement, the practice of the activities of the judiciary, the integrity and compliance of prescriptions law and legal culture and consciousness of all subjects of legal relations to these requirements. Conclusion. To avoid violations of the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as non-compliance with the constitutional guarantees of their state, including judicial, defense, to ensure the most harmonious state of legal stability of the individual, society and the rule of law is possible only with the application of this approach.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-236 ◽  
Goran Sladic ◽  
Stevan Gostojic ◽  
Branko Milosavljevic ◽  
Zora Konjovic ◽  
Gordana Milosavljevic

Public access to case law is a required prerequisite for the legal certainty and the rule of law. Nevertheless, according to the law, only authorized persons can access judgments in their non-anonymized and unredacted form. This paper proposes a computer aided method for anonymization and redaction of judgments, with an aim to improve efficiency of overall process. The anonymization and redaction procedure is based on the access control mechanism for XML documents. AKOMA NTOSO is chosen as an XML format in order to facilitate integration with other (legal) information systems, but the proposed method can be easily adapted to different document types and different XML formats. The method is verified by a prototype implementation which is validated by employees in a court of law.

H. Ostapenko ◽  

The article addresses the analyses of adherence to the legal certainty principle while the local government exercises its powers, which are enlarged during the reform of decentralization. It is stated that while the powers belonged to state government, the adherence of the legal certainty principle was found as very important to protect citizens from unpredictable and unequal treatment. So as soon as the powers were handed over to local government the protection of legal certainty principle still remains actual. Legal certainty requires clarity and legibility of legal provisions, limitation of discretive powers, promulgation and publication of legal acts in advance etc. These elements must be adhered realizing local powers. One of the elements legal certainty requires is protection of the legitimate expectations of citizens. A number of court decisions which are analyzed in the article prove that breaking of legitimate expectations happens frequently. Emphasis is made on preventing such practices and on the need to respect legal certainty as a mandatory requirement of the rule of law. The necessity of observance of the requirements of legal certainty at promulgation of acts by local self-government bodies and making the citizens know about them is determined.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147

Поняття легітимних очікувань (англ. legitimate expectations) увійшло у вітчизняний науковий обіг завдяки практиці Європейського суду з прав людини (ЄСПЛ). Водночас в офіційних/автентичних перекладах його рішень, а також у науко вій літературі трапляється низка варіантів перекладу терміна на позначення цього поняття (“законне сподівання”, “правомірне очікування”, “виправдані очікування”, “легітимні сподівання” тощо), що створює ілюзію, немов би йдеться про різні юридичні явища. Неузгодженість термінології, а також потреби юридичної практики актуалізують спроби з’ясувати сутність і зміст цього юридичного феномену. Метою статті є виокремлення за результатами аналізу рішень ЄСПЛ у ключових справах, у яких ЄСПЛ розкривав концепцію легітимних очікувань, низки критеріїв, що дають змогу стверджувати про наявність в особи легітимних очікувань, які б охоплювалися сферою дії Конвенції про захист прав людини і основоположних свобод (Конвенція). У практиці ЄСПЛ концепція легітимних очікувань вироблена у процесі розгляду скарг щодо ст. 1 Першого протоколу до Конвенції, і є набагато вужчою, аніж у документах Європейської комісії “За демократію через право” (Венеційська комісія), зокрема Доповіді Report on the Rule of Law 2011 р. і “Мірилі правовладдя” 2016 р., у яких легітимні очікування розглядаються як складова принципу юридичної визначеності, поряд із res judicata, обов’язковістю виконання остаточних судових рішень та іншими елементами цього принципу, і у яких ніщо не вказує на те, що вимога виконання державою обіцяного, що становить суть поняття легітимних очікувань, стосується лише майнових, економічних аспектів. Враховуючи, що Конвенція захищає існуючі права, і ст. 1 Першого протоколу до Конвенції не гарантує право на одержання майна в майбутньому, тобто захищає не гіпотетичну можливість, а наявний актив, конкретні майнові вимоги, ‘необхідно, щоб “легітимне очікування” мало більш конкретний характер, аніж просто надія’ (“Гратцінгер і Гратцінгерова проти Чеської Республіки”, § 73, “Копецький проти Словаччини”, § 49). Аналіз практики ЄСПЛ дає змогу дійти висновків, що про наявність легітимних очікувань в особи можна стверджувати лише тоді, коли на момент втручання у гарантовані Конвенцією права вже існували певні умови, яким особа відповідала. Перша група умов пов’язана із наявністю чітких і безумовних законодавчих приписів, які не є бланкетними та не потребують ухвалення додаткових законодавчих положень; якщо ж законні вимоги, які мають бути дотримані, чітко не визначені, певна правова норма не може бути застосована для обґрунтування легітимного очікування. Так само не створює легітимних очікувань зупинення дії норми, її зміна чи скасування. Наприклад, починаючи з 1 січня 2015 р. і до рішення Конституційного Суду України від 13 грудня 2019 р. № 7-р(II)/2019, в Україні жоден закон не визначав ані умов (підстав), ані порядку перерахунку пенсій за вислугу років, призначених на підставі Закону України “Про прокуратуру”. Водночас, якщо такі умови законодавчо визначені, то нестача процедур чи відсутність механізму реалізації визначеного законом права не підриває легітимних очікувань. Окрім наявності чіткого підґрунтя у національному законодавстві, для легітимного очікування необхідно, щоб особа відповідала встановленим законодавчим вимогам, і з цим пов’язана друга група умов. Третя група критеріїв стосується судової практики – зокрема, усталеною практикою національних судів може підтверджуватися існування у національному законодавстві достатнього підґрунтя для легітимних очікувань, а вимоги, підкріплені судовими рішеннями, які набули статусу остаточного, створюють борг, і відповідно – “майно” для цілей застосування ст. 1 Першого протоколу до Конвенції. Водночас справи, де вимоги заявників підтверджені рішеннями національних судів, слід відрізняти від ще не вирішених спорів, особливо за відсутності усталеної судової практики їх вирішення – незважаючи на застосовність ст. 6 Конвенції, такі вимоги найімовірніше, не охоплюватимуться сферою дії ст. 1 Першого протоколу до Конвенції.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Emmanuel Obikwu

This article argues on the continued significance of Kelsen’s theory of the grundnorm and revolution in international law. It urges that revolutions and coups d’etat will continue to occur in the international legal order. That criticisms of Kelsen’s thought on this issue notwithstanding, Kelsen’s arguments on successful revolutions and the shift in the grundnorm is still as relevant today as it was when first propounded. A case of study of Nigeria is used, however this is carried out against a backdrop of developments internationally. Military take-over of governments have occurred internationally and though not adhering to the rule of law and human rights  in the strict sense, national courts and the international legal order must continue to take account of them.  Nigeria under military from 1966 to 1999 underwent several coups. Based on this developments across the globe, the received wisdom of Kelsen is aptly defended in this article through an examination of case law and jurisprudence.  

ICL Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-69
Eszter Polgári

AbstractThe present article maps the explicit references to the rule of law in the jurisprudence of the ECtHR by examining the judgments of the Grand Chamber and the Plenary Court. On the basis of the structured analysis it seeks to identify the constitutive elements of the Court’s rule of law concept and contrast it with the author’s working definition and the position of other Council of Europe organs. The review of the case-law indicates that the Court primarily associates the rule of law with access to court, judicial safeguards, legality and democracy, and it follows a moderately thick definition of the concept including formal, procedural and some substantive elements. The rule of law references are predominantly ancillary arguments giving weight to other Convention-based considerations and it is not applied as a self-standing standard.

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