Reduction of Musty Odor Substances in Drinking Water – A Pilot Plant Study

1988 ◽  
Vol 20 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 275-281 ◽  
K. Terashima

The reduction of the musty odor substances 2-methylisoborneo1 (MIB) and geosmin, was investigated using a 60m3/day scale pilot plant. The ozone dose rate of 2-5mg/l was sufficient for the reduction of MIB and geosmin, and their reduction rates were between 75-100%. Two rapid sand filtrates, one pre-chlorinated and the other not pre-chlorinated,were introduced to the granular activated carbon (GAC) filters. Depending on which influent was used, the reduction rates were different and the GAC filter which filtered the water without pre-chlorination maintained its effectiveness in removing MIB and geosmin longer than the other. On the basis of these results, a 2000m3/day scale demonstration plant was constructed. The results of 1 year operation demonstrated the effectiveness of the method in removing musty odor substances from a large city water supply.

1995 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 449-462 ◽  
T.K. Kainulainen ◽  
T.A. Tuhkanen ◽  
T.K. Vartiainen ◽  
P.J. Kalliokoski

В.А. Гвоздев ◽  
Л.В. Леонов ◽  
О.Н. Рублевская

Качество услуг водоснабжения и водоотведения за первые двадцать лет XXI века вывело на новый уровень развития ГУП «Водоканал Санкт-Петербурга» благодаря внедрению инновационных технологий в системах водоснабжения и водоотведения. Использование технологий, таких как двухступенчатое обеззараживание питьевой воды, дезодорирование полигонов, геотубирование, применение центрифуг «Флоттвег», порошкообразного однокомпонентного флокулянта, порошкообразного активированного угля, внедрение системы измерения осадков, осуществлялись при активном участии Федора Ивановича Лобанова – помощника генерального директора ГУП «Водоканал Санкт-Петербурга» по работе с промышленностью, которому в ноябре 2021 г. исполнилось 80 лет. The quality of water supply and wastewater disposal services over the first twenty years of the 21st century has brought SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» to a new level of development owing to the introduction of innovative technologies in water supply and wastewater disposal systems. The use of technologies, such as two-stage disinfection of drinking water, odor control of landfills, geotubing, the use of Flottweg centrifuges, powdered one-component flocculant, powdered activated carbon, the introduction of a precipitation measurement system, were carried out with the active participation of Fedor Ivanovich Lobanov, Assistant to the General Director of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» on dealing with industries, who turned 80 in November 2021.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Mihail Kocubovski ◽  
Aleksandra Stambolieva ◽  
Aneta Kostova ◽  
Elena Chibisheva ◽  
Zarko Karadzovski

Healthy and safe drinking water in sufficient quantities provided to consumers improves living conditions, raises health culture at a higher level and promotes the environment as a whole. The aim is to see if there is a correlation between irregular water samples with intestinal infectious diseases related to drinking water. Materials and method. The preparation of the Republic Computer Program (1996) for issuing laboratory findings (RCP) from the analyses of samples of drinking water (physico-chemical and bacteriological), in accordance with the methodology for application of ID numbers in the computer system in the Public Health Centers has created the possibility of complete health records of drinking water supply facilities under health surveillance for the territory of the entire Republic. Evaluation has been made of the results of basic physicо-chemical and bacteriological analyses of drinking water in the settlements of the Republic of North Macedonia and the water-related diseases – waterborne intestinal infectious diseases in the period 2014-2018. Results. Drinking water from city water supply in the examined period in terms of physico-chemical analysis ranged 2.9-4.3%, while in relation to bacteriological analysis 0.9-2.6%.. Waterborne intestinal infectious diseases show a decline in their incidence in 2018. Conclusion. The registered data from the physicо-chemical and bacteriological analysis showed that the drinking water from the city water supply systems in the period 2014-2018 was safe. According to the processed data, access to safe drinking water for the population was 97% by 2018, which ranks the country in the group of countries in the world with the highest access to safe drinking water, and there is no significant connection with drinking water related diseases.

2002 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-146 ◽  
P.A.C. Bonné ◽  
J.A.M.H. Hofman ◽  
J.P. van der Hoek

Since March 1995 Amsterdam Water Supply has applied biological activated carbon filtration (BACF) in the treatment process of the Leiduin plant. In this plant (capacity 70 × 106 m3/y) pretreated River Rhine water is infiltrated in the dune area, west of Amsterdam, for artificial recharge. Post treatment comprises rapid sand filtration, ozonation, hardness removal, biological activated carbon filtration and slow sand filtration. At the start the carbon reactivation frequency was set at 18 months, based on removal efficiencies for AOX (adsorbable organic halogens), DOC, pesticides and micropollutants. After four years of operation of a pilot plant (10 m3/hour) in parallel with the full-scale plant, the remaining removal capacity and the break-through profile of the carbon filters was investigated. In contrast to the full-scale plant, no carbon reactivation was applied in the pilot plant during the operation of 4 years. Spiking experiments were carried out after ozonation, in the influent of the biological activated carbon filtration with a cocktail of different pesticides after 1.5, 3 and 4 years. Influent concentrations varied between 2 to 10 μg/l. Without carbon reactivation the filter effluent still complies with the Dutch drinking water standards and guide lines, as well as with the Amsterdam Water Supply standards: DOC is less than 2 mg/l (actually 1.2 mg/l) and AOX remains below 5 μg/l. After four years, with spiking concentrations of 2 μg/l still no pesticide break-through was observed in the two-stage biological activated carbon filtration process. It can be concluded that a running time of 3 years between two reactivations in the two stage biological active carbon filtration is achievable, without negatively affecting the finished water quality. Average DOC concentrations will increase up to 1.2 mg/l, from 1 mg/l with running times of 2 years. After four years or 100,000 bedvolumes the AOC content is equal to or lower than 10 μg/l after biological activated carbon filtration. With slow sand filtration at the end and as polishing step AOC will be less than 10-5 μg/l. With every extension of six months duration time a saving of Euro 305,000 on reactivation costs is possible. With every 6 month extension of the running time of the carbon filters a saving of €610,000 is realised on the reactivation costs of the Leiduin treatment plant.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-88
Juan Carlos García Prieto ◽  
Patricia Pérez Galende ◽  
Juan Manuel Cachaza Silverio ◽  
Manuel García Roig

This study reports a procedure for the evaluation and comparison of the adsorption and filtration capacities of commercial activated carbons in the treatment of drinking water and the design and operation of a pilot plant to simulate the behavior of fast open filters made of granular activated carbon. The milestone of this experimental work was to determine the adsorption and filtration capacities and the physicochemical properties of five commercial activated carbons with a view to determining which activated carbon might replace the open sand filters of the drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) of the city of Salamanca (western Spain). Compliance with the requirements and physicochemical characteristics stipulated in the EN 12915 European standard for the different activated carbons tested was analyzed, and studies of the prewashing and behavior of the carbons operating in the filters were performed. In this sense, filtration tests to study the saturation of the bed, the variations in pressure drop and the performance of the removal of organic matter in suspension were carried out. Furthermore, the optimal time and rate of the countercurrent washing of the filters and the expansion of the filter bed were evaluated. In the adsorption assays, the specific surface area, porosity, useful lifetime and capacity of adsorption of the dissolved organic matter –especially humic acids, the major precursors of water chlorination by-products – of the activated carbons were determined. The results not only provided an overview of the actual behavior of different types of commercial activated carbons from their initial installation up to the end of their useful life, but also permitted optimization of the filtration and adsorption processes that could lead to the corresponding economic savings and energy reduction in the use of such activated carbon filter-adsorbers.

1984 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-86 ◽  
Wayne F. Lorenz ◽  
K. Daniel Linstedt ◽  
Edwin R. Bennett

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 28-32
N. A GRUN ◽  

The experimental research is made and calculated dependences of tertiary treatment on filter-cycles duration at filters with birch activated carbon modified by fullerenes are got.

1988 ◽  
Vol 20 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 261-267 ◽  
K. Ashitani ◽  
Y. Hishida ◽  
K. Fujiwara

Geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) are two of the causative compounds responsible for the musty odor problem in drinking water. Geosmin and MIB in raw water were present both in solution and in a suspended form mostly associated with the host cyanobacteria. Geosmin and MIB in suspended form were well removed by coagulation and sedimentation alone. Geosmin present in solution could be removed almost to an undetectable level in the rapid sand filter of the pilot plant where no pre-chlorination was practiced. Breakpoint pre-chlorination, however, forced geosmin and MIB present inside of the host algae to leak into the water. The concentration of MIB decreased in a sedimentation basin during the daytime, but not at night in the plant practicing breakpoint pre-chlorination. Geosmin and MIB were both decomposed under sunlight in the presence of free residual chlorine.

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