scholarly journals Smart Methane Emission Detection System Development Final Report

2021 ◽  
Heath Spidle ◽  
Jonathan Esquivel ◽  
Andrew Schaub ◽  
Jake Janssen ◽  
Carolina I. Restrepo ◽  
Po-Ting Chen ◽  
Ronald R. Sostaric ◽  
John M. Carson

2009 ◽  
Gil A. Tidhar ◽  
Ori Aphek ◽  
Martin Gurovich

2017 ◽  
Van D. Baxter ◽  
C. Keith Rice ◽  
Jeffrey D. Munk ◽  
Moonis R. Ally ◽  
Bo Shen ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 936 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
Bangun Muljo Sukojo ◽  
Diya Rochima Lisakiyanto

Abstract Forest and land fires are a disaster that occurs almost every year on Sumatra Island. Ogan Komering Ilir is one of the regencies in South Sumatra Province with a high number of hotspots causing forest and land fires every year. Prevention efforts are important to reduce the impact caused by forest and land fires on various aspects of life. One of them is by building a web-based Geographic Information System (WebGIS) for the distribution of hotspots as a form of early warning and detection system by utilizing VIIRS Nightfire (VNF) data from the remote sensing technology of the Suomi-NPP satellite which has Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) active sensors which have been processed with the Nightfire algorithm. The Leaflet JavaScript library plays an important role in adding to the functionality of WebGIS with a wide selection of available plugins and easy-to-read source code to make web-based spatial information more interactive. The prototype of WebGIS with the name OKIApi has been successfully developed and has several key features such as displaying information on the distribution of hotspots that have been classified by temperature; the priority level of firefighting areas and the vulnerability level of flammable areas based on the type of land cover; route to the hotspot or the fire department locations; a chart of the estimated burned area from the source footprint of hotspot; and a chart of the number of hotspots per day that have been classified by temperature. The percentage value of the web feasibility for the functionality test to 13 WebGIS features is 100% with a very good predicate, the usability test is 91.5% with a very good predicate, and the portability test on 18 web browsers applications is 100% with a very good predicate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Siti Husnul Bariah ◽  
Mochammad Irsad Putera

Abstract  —This study aims to develop an information system of data processing of elementary school student grades by applying the waterfall method. Based on the preliminary analysis, there are several obstacles faced by class teachers in collecting student grades for one semester for the management of the final report card grades because all the assessment process documentation is still manual by handwritten and stored in a ledger so that it inhibits the management of final grades. The system development method used is the waterfall model which consists of several stages including analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. Based on the results of the study it was found that the manual method was burdensome and took a long time. Information system test results conducted by the blackbox method and based on the percentage value of the results of this black box test get a percentage value of 100% valid, and testing directly by the Class Teacher with quite satisfied resultsKeyword — system, information, grade, waterfallAbstrak  — Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah sistem informasi pengolahan data nilai siswa sekolah dasar dengan menerapkan metode waterfall. Berdasarkan analisis pendahuluan terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh guru kelas dalam mengumpulkan nilai-nilai siswa selama satu semester untuk pengelolaan nilai akhir raport dikarenakan semua proses dokumentasi penilaian masih manual dengan cara ditulis tangan dan disimpan pada buku besar sehingga menghambat pengelolaan nilai akhir. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu model waterfall yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan diantaranya analysis, design, coding, testing, dan maintenance. Beradsarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa dengan cara manual memberatkan dan memakan waktu cukup lama. Hasil pengujian sistem informasi yang dilakukan dengan metode blackbox dan berdasarkan nilai presentase dari hasil pengujian black box ini mendapatkan nilai Presentase sebanyak 100% valid, dan pengujian secara langsung oleh Guru Kelas dengan hasil cukup puasKata Kunci— sistem, informasi, nilai, waterfall

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