2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Agung Setianto ◽  
Tamia Triandini

Analysis that is based on geostatistics eliminates many corresponding defects and limitations compared to classical statistics which have been developed by random distribution theory of processes and variables. Interpolation is important for local analysis by GIS, because many maps used for GIS operation are made by interpolation. In this research, two different methods which is Kriging method and Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method was examined for developing Digital Elevation Model image. Each method’s advantages and disadvantages were considered. The study are, Kepil, is within Kulon Progo physiographic and stratigraphic area, located in the western part of Yogyakarta city. This area is located close to the Java Island Subduction Zone, hence influence of tectonic plate movement is relatively dominant. Geological structures become a main factor that shapes the recent morphology. This study area also has many settlements and has high weathering and erosion rate. Lineaments are extracted based on Digital Elevation Model to provide assistance in delineating geological structures. The structural geology analysis and an understanding of tectonic phase of the area provide useful information for geological map- ping. Accuracy of lineament depends on extraction and imagery parameters used. In this study, the extraction was conducted by two different raster methods, namely Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) with the same resolution of 30 meters. Lineament extracted automatically (digitally) with certain parameter settings. Keywords: Kriging, inverse distance weighted, interpolation, lineament, random distribution, digital elevation model.

2019 ◽  

Informasi ketinggian suatu tempat di permukaan bumi (elevasi) merupakan hal yang sangat penting di dalamanalisis geospasial. Data elevasi tersebut umumnya disimpan dalam bentuk Digital Elevation Model (DEM).DEM selanjutnya diintegrasikan dengan data geospasial lainnya di dalam GIS untuk berbagai keperluan.Lembaga formal seperti USGS, NASA, METI secara aktif melakukan pengambilan data DEM melaluiteknologi satelit dan menyediakan data DEM secara global dan dapat diperoleh secara online. Namundemikian, umumnya DEM yang tersedia secara gratis adalah DEM dengan ketelitian piksel 30 m atau lebihbesar. Khusus untuk wilayah Indonesia, ketersediaan data DEM dengan resolusi yang lebih tinggi masihsangat minimal. Padahal data DEM resolusi tinggi dibutuhkan untuk berbagai macam aplikasi misalnyasebagai data input dalam pemodelan debris flow. Pembuatan DEM dengan resolusi yang lebih tinggi dapatdilakukan melalui interpolasi titik ketinggian. Data digital berupa ketinggian yang didapat dari DEM SRTM30 m dalam bentuk format raster diekstrak di ArcMap kemudian diubah menjadi data format point sebagaiinput untuk proses interpolasi. Pada penelitian ini, akan dilakukan pembuatan DEM resolusi 5 mmenggunakan metode interpolasi Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada daerahyang rawan longsor di Jawa Barat. Akurasi hasil interpolasi dilakukan dengan membandingan DEMsebelum interpolasi baik secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Tingkat akurasi hasil interpolasi data DEM secarakuantitatif dinyatakan dalam RMSE (Root Mean Square Error).

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 116-126
Israa Jameel Muhsin

DEMs, thus, simply regular grids of elevation measurements over the land surface.The aim of the present work is to produce high resolution DEM for certain investigated region (i.e. Baghdad University Campus\ college of science). The easting and northing of 90 locations, including the ground-base and buildings of the studied area, have been obtained by field survey using global positioning system (GPS). The image of the investigated area has been extracted from Quick-Bird satellite sensor (with spatial resolution of 0.6 m). It has been geo-referenced and rectified  using 1st order polynomial transformation. many interpolation methods have been used to estimate the elevation such as ordinary Kriging, inverse distance weighted (IDW) and  natural neighbor methods. The mosaic  algorithm has then been applied between the base and building layers of studied area in order to perform the final DEM. The accuracy assessments of the interpolation methods have been calculated using the root-mean-square-error (RMSE) criterion. Finally, the estimated DEMs have been used to constructing 3-D views of the original image.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 713
Danilo Da Silva Dutra ◽  
André Ricardo Furlan ◽  
Luís Eduardo De Souza Robaina

O relevo é a base onde todas as populações vivem e desenvolvem suas atividades, derivando dessa relação vantagens e desvantagens, daí a importância de conhecê-lo através do estudo de suas diferentes formas e elementos. Nesse contexto insere-se a importância de metodologias para o seu estudo, sendo que atualmente vivencia-se a expressividade de dados disponíveis para aplicação de geoprocessamento. A partir das geotecnologias pode-se empreender diversas análises sobre o relevo, destacando-se nesse contexto, a proposta dos geomorphons a qual foi aplicada na bacia hidrográfica do arroio Pantanoso. O objetivo da pesquisa é a identificação e análise dos elementos do relevo definido por geomorphons, quais sejam: 1) Planos, 2) Picos, 3) Cristas, 4) Ressaltos, 5) Crista secundária, 6) Encostas, 7) Escavado, 8) Base de encosta, 9) Vales e 10) Fosso. A determinação dos geomorphons foi a partir do processamento em ambiente SIG do Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) do Shuttle Radar Topograph Mission (SRTM) com resolução espacial 3 arcsec (90 metros), “L” Lookup (distância em metros) definiu-se como de 20 pixels (1800 metros) e o “T” Theresholdt (nivelamento em graus) definiu-se em 2º. Para visualização do comportamento dos elementos do relevo na área de estudo realizaram-se trabalhos de campo, o que contribuiu para evidenciar a padronização desses elementos. Os quatro elementos geomorphons mais representativos são encostas, vales, cristas e planos. Subdivision of relief elements through the proposal of geomorphons: river basin of arroio Pantanoso - Canguçu/RS A B S T R A C TRelief is the basis where all populations live and develop their activities, deriving from this relation advantages and disadvantages, hence the importance of knowing it through the study of its different forms and elements. In this context, the importance of methodologies for its study is inserted and geoprocessing application for data available for is currently experienced. From the geotechnologies one can undertake several analyzes on the relief, highlighting in this context, the proposal of the geomorphons which was applied in Pantanoso stream basin. The objective of the research is to identify and analyze the elements of the relief defined by geomorphons, namely: 1) Flats, 2) Peaks, 3) Ridges, 4) Shoulders, 5) Spurs, 6)Slopes, 7) Hollows, 8) Footslope, 9) Valley and 10) Pits. The determination of the geomorphons was based on the GIS environment of the Shuttle Radar Topograph Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with spatial resolution 3 arcsec (90 meters), "L" Lookup (distance in meters) was defined as of 20 pixels (1800 meters) and the "T" Theresholdt (leveling in degrees) was defined in 2º. In order to visualize the behavior of the relief elements in the study area, fieldwork was carried out, which contributed to the standardization of these elements. The four most representative geomorphons, which are: Slopes, Valleys, Ridges and Flat.Keywords: SIG, Geomorphons; Canguçu/RS; relief

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 190-202 ◽  
Maan Habib ◽  
Yazan Alzubi ◽  
Ahmad Malkawi ◽  
Mohammad Awwad

AbstractThere is no doubt that the tremendous development of information technology was one of the driving factors behind the great growth of surveying and geodesy science. This has spawned modern geospatial techniques for data capturing, acquisition, and visualization tools. Digital elevation model (DEM) is the 3D depiction of continuous elevation data over the Earth’s surface that is produced through many procedures such as remote sensing, photogrammetry, and land surveying. DEMs are essential for various surveying and civil engineering applications to generate topographic maps for construction projects at a scale that varies from 1:500 to 1:2,000. GIS offers a powerful tool to create a DEM with high resolution from accurate land survey measurements using interpolation methods. The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of estimation techniques on generating a reliable and accurate DEM suitable for large-scale mapping. As a part of this study, the deterministic interpolation algorithms such as ANUDEM (Topo to Raster), inverse distance weighted (IDW), and triangulated irregular network (TIN) were tested using the ArcGIS desktop for elevation data obtained from real total station readings, with different landforms to show the effect of terrain roughness, data density, and interpolation process on DEM accuracy. Furthermore, comparison and validation of each interpolator were carried out through the cross-validation method and numerous graphical representations of the DEM. Finally, the results of the investigations showed that ANUDEM and TIN models are similar and significantly better than those attained from IDW.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Dida Kusnida ◽  
Tommy Naibaho

Model elevasi digital sistem parit-prisma akresi selatan Pulau Jawa menggambarkan keterwakilan topografi dasar laut seperti elevasi, lereng dan lain sebagainya secara tepat dan dengan mudah dapat dikuantifikasikan serta digambarkan sebagai output images. Sistem parit-prisma akresi selatan Pulau Jawa terletak di sebelah tenggara tepian Paparan Sunda dan diperkirakan dialasi oleh kerak samudera terakresi dan berada pada tahap awal evolusi. Analisis topografi rinci data model elevasi digital (DEM) dari daerah ini menunjukan hubungan yang erat antara struktur geologi dan batas satuan batuan. Kata kunci : parit, prisma akresi, DEM, topografi, lereng. Digital elevation model of the trench-accretionary prism system off south Java Island displays an accurate representation of seafloor topographic such as elevation, slope, etc and can easily be quantified and is displayed as output images. The trench-accretionary prism system off south Java Island lies on the southeast Sunda Shelf continental margin and it is suggested to be underlain by the basement of accreted oceanic crust, which is still in an early stage of evolution. Detailed topographic analysis of the digital elevation model (DEM) data from the area reveals a strong correlation between geological structures and rock unit boundaries. Keywords : trench, accretionary prism, DEM, topography, slope.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Muhammad Yanis ◽  
Nazli Ismail ◽  
Laura Vadzla Hermansyah ◽  
Muhammad Nanda ◽  
Faisal Abdullah

Pulau Weh merupakan pulau vulkanik yang dilalui jalur sesar aktif the Great Sumatran Fault. Keberadaan jalur sesar aktif pada suatu kawasan berimplikasi pada ancaman bahaya gempa bumi. Kami telah menggunakan data Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dari Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) untuk pemetaan jalur-jalur sesar di Pulau Weh. Data DEM yang diproduksi oleh SRTM diekstrak menjadi hillshade dengan memberikan variasi sudut penyinaran matahari dan altitude 45o. Analisis topografi permukaan bumi memberikan penampakan gerusan-gerusan sesar dan rekahan. Selanjutnya kelurusan-kelurusan ditarik secara manual berdasarkan analisis sesar dan rekahan untuk tiap perbedaan sudut elevasi matahari pada hillshade. Kelurusan-kelurusan yang diperoleh dari tiap hillshade kemudian di-overlay. Berdasarkan jenisnya, kelurusan yang dianggap sebagai sesar dan rekahan diinterpretasi dengan memberikan grid 500 x 500 m. Dengan menggunakan metode FFD, didapatkan kelurusan-kelurusan yang berasosiasi dengan struktur atau merupakan refleksi gambaran topografi berupa kelurusan sungai, kelurusan lembah, struktur sesar maupun rekahan, kontak batuan dan kemunculan manifestasi panas bumi. Terdapat empat lokasi yang memiliki nilai anomali densitas kelurusan tinggi. Dominasi kelurusan yang terdapat di Pulau Weh yaitu Barat Laut-Tenggara. Arah dominan ini bersesuaian dengan arah Sesar Sumatera. Weh Island is a volcanic island crossed by the Great Sumatran Fault. Presence of such active fault may trigger seismic hazard on the island. We have applied Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data to delineate fault distribution in Weh Island. The DEM data produced by SRTM were extracted as hillshade using variation of sun irradiation angels and altitude 45 o. Surface topographic analysis provided fractures and faults signatures on the study area. The faults and fractures lineament were drawn manually for each angle on the hillshades. The lineaments for each hillshade were overlaid. Using Fault Fracture Density (FFD) method we found lineaments associated as geological structures reflected from rivers, valleys, faults, fractures, rock contacts, and geothermal manifestations. There are four locations with high density lineaments on the island. The lineaments mostly directed in Northwest-Southeast which is same direction as the Great Sumatran Fault. Keywords: DEM, SRTM, geomorphology, the Great Sumatran Fault. 

Irriga ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-28
Luciana Corpas Bucene ◽  
Célia Regina Lopes Zimback

COMPARAÇÃO DE MÉTODOS DE INTERPOLAÇÃO E ANÁLISE ESPACIAL EM DADOS DE pH, EM BOTUCATU-SP1 Luciana Corpas BuceneFaculdade de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP. CP 6011, CEP 13083-970. E-mail: [email protected]élia Regina Lopes ZimbackDepartamento de Recursos Naturais ,Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas,Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, SP. CP 237, CEP 18603-970. E-mail: [email protected]  1 RESUMO  O termo Modelo Numérico do Terreno (MNT) é utilizado para denotar a representação quantitativa de uma grandeza que varia continuamente no espaço. Podem ser utilizados para modelar informações relativas às propriedades do solo, como pH do solo. Nesse sentido, a análise espacial oferece uma complexa quantidade de ferramentas que fornecem estimativas para locais não amostrados, servindo-se de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG’s). Algumas técnicas de interpolação de dados são comumente utilizadas para interpolação de dados pontuais para locais não amostrados. Neste trabalho, comparou-se dois métodos de interpolação de dados, através de técnicas de geoestatísticas, avaliando o método da Krigagem e o método do Quadrado do Inverso da Distância, utilizando-se do interpolador Interpol, ambos disponíveis no SIG IDRISI, para a obtenção do Modelo Numérico do Terreno. Os resultados indicam que o método pela Krigagem é mais acentuado por representar uma superfície contínua e com boa distribuição, numa estrutura de semivariância que permitiu um ajuste cuja correlação entre valores observados e preditos foi de 0.9001, sugerindo uma possibilidade de estimar valores não amostrados de forma confiável.  UNITERMOS: Interpolação de dados, geoestatística, quadrado do inverso da distância e Krigagem.  BUCENE, L. C., ZIMBACK, C. R. L. COMPARISON OF INTERPOLATION AND SPACIAL ANALYSIS METHOD IN PH SOIL DATA, IN BOTUCATU-SP  2 ABSTRACT  The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) term has been used for a greatness quantitative representation which varies continuously in the space. It can be used for information modeling related to soil properties such as pH soil . Thus, spatial analysis offers a complex number of tools which provide estimates for non-sampled places through Geographical Information System (GIS). Some data interpolation techniques have been usually used for punctual data in non-sampled places. In this work two data interpolation methods have been compared using geostatistics techniques in order to evaluate the Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting methods. The Interpol interpolator has been used to have the Digital Elevation Model, both available at SIG IDRISI. The results showed that the Kriging method is more accentuated due to a continuous surface representation and good distribution. The 0.9001 correlation between estimated and observed data has been obtained suggesting a reliable data estimating possibility for non-sampled values.  KEYWORDS: Data interpolation, geostatistics, inverse distance weighting and Kriging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 75-86

The digital elevation model and the earthquake focal mechanism are utilized to define the geological structure of the Pho Lu area, northwestern Vietnam. The results allow the identification of lineaments and recognition of the correlation between the lineaments and geological structures directed in the study area. The digital elevation model (DEM) was used in the methodology of interpretation trends of lineaments derived from various enhancing techniques to show that the most lineament trend in the NW‒ SE direction. Further more, the interpreted lineament map demonstrates the NW‒SE system is correlated with the Red River fault zone, which is interpreted as a positive flower structure combined with the focal mechanism of earthquake. The results also demonstrate the capacity to used the digital elevation model and focal mechanism of the earthquake to identify deep geological structures.

E. Butenko ◽  
K. Borovyk ◽  
A. Gerin ◽  
B. Gubkin ◽  

Research of certain aspects of using a digital elevation model (DEM), their classification and methods of obtaining in the Civil 3D software is presented in this article. A land plot with vegetation and the building of the educational building of the NULES of Ukraine was used as an object for the study. The analysis of aerial photography materials of the territory of the research object is carried out. A digital point cloud was created, which was taken as a basis for the further construction of digital elevation models. Сlassification of surfaces in the Civil 3D software is offered in article. An algorithm for the formation of plane components and data filling is considered. Highlighted the problems that arise in a robot with a cloud of points and surface formation using Autodesk ReCap and Civil 3D. The main advantages and disadvantages of building a relief on the basis of point clouds formed on the basis of aerial photography of the terrain are shown. Attention is focused on the main ways to reduce the identified shortcomings. The functionality and capabilities of Civil 3D and Autodesk ReCap software, as well as the features of constructing surfaces based on different initial data, are considered. The comparison of the DEM (generated using the Autodesk Civil 3D software) and the topographic plan (generated as a result of tacheometric survey) is given.

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