tectonic structures
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2022 ◽  
Marcus Herrmann ◽  
Ester Piegari ◽  
Warner Marzocchi

Abstract The Magnitude–Frequency-Distribution (MFD) of earthquakes is typically modeled with the (tapered) Gutenberg–Richter relation. The main parameter of this relation, the b-value, controls the relative rate of small and large earthquakes. Resolving spatiotemporal variations of the b-value is critical to understanding the earthquake occurrence process and improving earthquake forecasting. However, this variation is not well understood. Here we present unexpected MFD variability using a high-resolution earthquake catalog of the 2016–2017 central Italy sequence. Isolation of seismicity clusters reveals that the MFD differs in nearby clusters, varies or remains constant in time depending on the cluster, and features an unexpected b-value increase in the cluster where the largest event will occur. These findings suggest a strong influence of the heterogeneity and complexity of tectonic structures on the MFD. Our findings raise the question of the appropriate spatiotemporal scale for resolving the b-value, which poses a serious obstacle to interpreting and using the MFD in earthquake forecasting.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (01) ◽  
pp. 12-32
Ibrahima Gassama ◽  
Moussa Dabo ◽  
Emmanuel Tama Samoura ◽  
Mamadou Ndiaye

Warta Geologi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-203
Nik Adib Yaaziz ◽  
Mohd Hariri Arifin ◽  

Geophysics play a vital role in the constructions of any major manmade structures in the world. One of those being the tunnels. In depth understanding of geophysical methods and a lot of information are needed in order to design a tunnel construction project. Comprehensive investigation on the ground condition has to be done before the field preparation study that will determine the stand-up time and the groundwater condition that may disrupt the tunnel construction. For tunnel stability assessment, an integration of geophysical methods is a must in order to obtain the most accurate results. Satellite imaging interpretation emphasizes on the structural tracing of negative lineament while field mapping emphasizes on location of underground seepage and major tectonic structures such as faults, joints and shear zones. Geoelectrical resistivity tomography survey is able to identify the differences in resistivity of Earth’s materials based on the water content inside of them. The best course of remediation could only be chosen once the output from all these studies are made available.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2(31)2021 (2(31)) ◽  
pp. 84-91
Yuriy Andrushchenko ◽  
Oleksandr Liashchuk ◽  

The aim of the work is to determine the possibility of using local seismological networks of nuclear power plants as elements of the seismological monitoring system of the territory of Ukraine. Estimation of local seismicity and specification of quantitative parameters of seismological influences is carried out on the basis of materials of seismological observations. Operational processing and analysis of seismic signals registered on the elements of local seismological networks of NPPs is carried out by the Main Center for Special Control of the State Space Agency of Ukraine (MCSC SSA of Ukraine). In the process of implementation of the “Seismic Hazard Assessment and Seismic Resistance Action Plan” of existing NPPs, seismic monitoring networks were deployed at Ukrainian NPPs. To date, the MCSC receives data from the local seismological networks of Rivne, Khmelnytsky and Zaporizhzhya NPPs in a continuous mode. The processing of geophysical information coming from the NPP to the FSC is carried out by the operational next shift of the center with the help of FSC hardware and software and provides reliable data on the parameters of seismic sources registered by stations, their location and energy characteristics. In total, in the period from 2017 to 2021, 36 local earthquakes were registered by NPP seismic networks in Ukraine. The epicenters of the vast majority of them are located within the Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Lviv regions. The experience of conducting instrumental observations at NPP seismic stations testifies to their high efficiency and possibility of use as full-fledged elements of the seismological monitoring system of the territory of Ukraine. According to the results of primary processing of seismic data of 2017-2021, a catalog of seismic events registered by NPP seismic stations was created. The system of interpretation of the obtained results was improved, which allowed to determine equally well local, regional and teleseismic events of different nature and energy level. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in their direct focus on solving a number of practical problems of processing and interpretation of seismological data. The use of NPP seismic stations as elements of the general system of seismological monitoring of Ukraine will increase the reliability of detection and localization of sources and the probability of correct identification of the nature of seismic phenomena, which in turn will improve the assessment of tectonic structures in Ukraine.

Victor S. Konishchev ◽  
Andrei M. Kovkhuto

The article describes the history of studying the diamond content of tectonic structures of the territory of Belarus. Based on the results of magnetometric, mineralogical, tectonic studies carried out by industrial geologists and scientists over the past 50 years, new scientifically substantiated criteria for the search for explosion pipes have been developed using Clifford’s rule, according to which kimberlite explosion pipes are developed within the Archean cratons, where the thickness of the lithosphere is 175–270 km, and are absent in the zones of Early Proterozoic stabilisation and tectonomagmatic activation. Explosion tubes on the African-Arabian, East Siberian, Sino-Korean and East European platforms demonstrate their confinement to the Archean cratons and may be associated with zones of paleosubduction of the Proterozoic oceanic crust beneath the Archean cratons. Based on this, the authors scientifically substantiated the hypothesis that during the closure of the Early Proterozoic paleoocean separating the Fenno-Scandinavian craton from the Volga-Ural and Sarmatian cratons, subduction of the younger crust took place under these cratons, the southwestern corner of which on the territory of Belarus is the Vitebsk granulite massif. The article concludes that the Vitebsk granulite massif is the most promising in terms of diamond-bearing on the territory of Belarus, and within its limits – the Smolensk regional deep fault at the intersection of this fault of northeastern striking with the Odessa-Gomel regional deep fault of submeridional striking south of the city of Orsha. Recommendations are given for further study of promising areas in order to determine their diamond content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 741-753
Olena A. Sirenko ◽  
Olena A. Shevchuk

The article presents an analysis of a large array of results of palynological studies of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of Ukraine and adjacent regions of Belarus and Russia. Numerous literature data on the palynological characteristics of Meso-Cenozoic sediments and the materials of the authors are summarized according to the results of spore-pollen analysis of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments within the main tectonic structures of Ukraine. It has been established that the genus Pinus (Pinaceae) is an integral part of the Meso-Cenozoic flora of Ukraine. Although, the participation in the flora and vegetation of the genus Pinus and its species diversity in different periods of geological time were different. Despite the long history and significant achievements of palynological research of Meso-Cenozoic sediments of Ukraine, no attention has been paid to the historical aspect of Pinus development in the Meso-Cenozoic flora. This work is presented as the first stem to fill this gap. The genus Pinus has a large stratigraphic range, but its species diversity and quantitative changes in the composition of Mesozoic and Cenozoic flora of different ages are markedly different. The analysis of these changes made it possible to trace the emergence and main levels at which the species composition was renewed and the role of Pinus in flora increased during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. According to the results of the research, 5 levels of increasing the participation of the genus Pinus and changes in its species affiliation in the Mesozoic flora were established: Aalenian period of the Middle Jurassic (appearance of the first representatives of Pinus); Oxfordian time of the Late Jurassic; Valanginian – Early Barremian times of the Early Cretaceous; Albian time of the Early Cretaceous; Late Campanian time of the Late Cretaceous. 5 levels of increasing the role of Pinus and its species diversity for the flora and vegetation of the Cenozoic were also established: Oligocene time of the Paleogene, Konkian-early Sarmatian time of the Middle Miocene; early Pontian (Ivankov) time of the Late Miocene; early Kimmerian time (early Sevastopol) of the Early Pliocene and Martonosha time of the Early Neopleistocene. Certain levels have been traced for the similar age of Cenozoic flora of Belarus and Russia.

2021 ◽  
Talat Kangarli ◽  
Tahir Mammadli ◽  
Fuad Aliyev ◽  
Rafig Safarov ◽  
Sabina Kazimova

The stress state of the earth’s crust in the Eastern Caucasus, located in the zone of collision junction of the North Caucasian, South Caucasian, and Central Iranian continental massifs, is a consequence of the inclusion of the Arabian indenter into the buffer structures of the southern framing of Eurasia at the continental stage of alpine tectogenesis. This evidenced from the results of geophysical observations of the structure and seismic-geodynamic activity of the region’s crust. The latter, at the neotectonic stage, was presented as underthrust of the South Caucasian microplate under the southern structures of Eurasia. The analysis and correlation of historical and recent seismic events indicate the confinement of most earthquake foci to the nodes of intersection of active faults with various orientations or to the planes of deep tectonic ruptures and lateral displacements along unstable contacts of material complexes of various competencies. The focal mechanisms of seismic events reveal various rupture types, but in general, the earthquake foci are confined to the nodes of intersection of faults of the general Caucasian and anti-Caucasian directions. Based on the observed weak seismicity, active areas of deep faults were identified, which are accepted as potential source zones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11606
Sergey Agayan ◽  
Shamil Bogoutdinov ◽  
Dmitriy Kamaev ◽  
Vladimir Kaftan ◽  
Maxim Osipov ◽  

The article addresses the issue of clustering of multidimensional data arrays with a noise using the methods of discrete mathematical analysis (DMA clustering). The theory of DMA clustering through the logical densities calculus is detailed, and the new algorithm Linear Discrete Perfect Sets (LDPS) is described. The main objective of the LDPS algorithm is to identify linearly stretched anomalies in a multidimensional array of geo-spatial data (geophysical fields, geochemistry, satellite images, local topography, maps of recent crustal movements, seismic monitoring data, etc.). These types of anomalies are associated with tectonic structures in the upper part of the Earth’s crust and pose the biggest threat for integrity of the isolation properties of the geological environment, including in regions of high-level radioactive waste disposal. The main advantage of the LDPS algorithm as compared to other cluster analysis algorithms that may be used in arrays with a noise is that it is more focused on searching for clusters that are linear. The LDPS algorithm can apply not only in the analysis of spatial natural objects and fields but also to elongated lineament structures.

2021 ◽  
Anna Gülcher ◽  
Laurent Montési ◽  
Taras Gerya ◽  
Jessica Munch

In the absence of global plate tectonics, mantle convection and plume-lithosphere interaction are the main drivers of surface deformation on Venus. Among documented tectonic structures, circular volcano-tectonic features known as coronae may be the clearest surface manifestations of mantle plumes and hold clues to the global Venusian tectonic regime. Yet, the exact processes underlying coronae formation and the reasons for their diverse morphologies remain controversial. Here, we use 3D thermomechanical numerical simulations of impingement of a thermal mantle plume upon the Venusian lithosphere to assess the origin and diversity of large Venusian coronae. The ability of the mantle plume to penetrate into the Venusian lithosphere results in four main outcomes: lithospheric dripping, short-lived subduction, embedded plume and plume underplating. During the first three scenarios, plume penetration and spreading induce crustal thickness variations that eventually lead to a final topographic isostasy-driven topographic inversion from circular trenches surrounding elevated interiors to raised rims surrounding inner depressions, as observed on many Venusian coronae. Different corona structures may represent not only different styles of plume-lithosphere interactions, but also different stages in evolution. A morphological analysis of large existing coronae leads to the conclusion that least 37 large coronae (including the largest Artemis corona) are active, providing evidence for widespread ongoing plume activity on Venus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (12) ◽  
pp. 1373-1384
V.V. Mukhametshin

Abstract —Using image recognition methods (principal component method (PCM) and discriminant analysis) made it possible to group and identify more than 500 research objects developed in five oil and gas areas of the West Siberian oil and gas province (WSOGP), which are confined to 13 large tectonic structures and 10 productive horizons. The grouping was made according to 19 parameters characterizing the mode of oil and gas occurrence and the geologic–physical and physicochemical properties of the reservoirs and hosted fluids exerting a prevailing influence on the recovery of oil reserves and used on projecting the development of research objects. The performed study has identified 19 relatively homogeneous groups of objects, each having a specific set of geologic–physical properties. It is shown that the parameters reflecting the geologic–physical and physicochemical properties of the reservoirs and fluids within the identified groups of objects exert different effects on the recovery of oil reserves. This requires differentiation and grouping of the objects during the solution of various development problems. It has been established that the specific features of groups of objects are determined primarily by areal, tectonic, and stratigraphic factors and that grouping must be performed separately in each stratigraphic system. Algorithms are proposed for grouping the developed oil and gas fields and for searching for groups of analogous objects in fields out of exploration that are most similar to the developed ones. The performed grouping and the results obtained provide the necessary information about the research objects and increase its reliability, thus making it possible to improve the efficiency of managing the oil company assets, i.e., the WSOGP oil fields.

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