scholarly journals Tratados internacionais e implicações locais: A desertificação

GEOgraphia ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
Roberto Verdum

A partir do interesse de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre como o processo de desertificação vem  sendo concebido nos fóruns  internacionais e nos  documentos oficiais que deles surgem, pretende-se trazer uma reflexão sobre a temática, principalmente no que se refere a definição desse processo e o que está sendo proposto para minimizá-10. Neste sentido, resgata-se três documentos essenciais: a Agenda  21, em seu capítulo  12, como o resultado  da Convenção do Rio  de Janeiro,  em  1992; a Convenção de  Luta  Contra  a Desertificação da ONU, ratificada em  1994  e a Resolução 238/97, do Conama - Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Na avaliação desses documentos percebe-se de um  lado, uma série de conexão entre eles, não só do ponto de vista conceitual, mas das ações, das especulações e das abordagens científicas. Por outro lado, existe também, uma série de não conectividades entre eles. Assim, esses documentos apresentam-se polêmicos, tanto do ponto de vista conceitiial como, também, no que se refere as proposições de envolvimento da sociedade com a problemática.AbstractThe objective of  this work  is to offer thoughts over the debate, as to  the knowledge on  the desertification process, the definition of  this process and what  is being done to minimize  it, which has  been  conceived  in  the  international forums  and  official documents. Three essencial documents are  reviewed:  1) Chapter  12, from Agenda 21, which resulted  from  the Rio de Janeiro Convention,  in 1992; 2)  the Convention  for  the  Fight Against Desertification, from UN,  ratified  in  1994; and  3)  the Brazilian  legal act called Resolução 238197,  from Conselho Nacional  de Meio Ambiente - Conama. On  evaluating these documents, a series of connections are observed, not only from a conceptual point of view  but also relating to  the actions, speculations and scientific approaches that are proposed. On the other hand, there is a great number of  non-connectives among the same group of documents. Therefore, these charters are polemic in concept as well as when  they consider society involvement.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
Roberto Verdum

A partir do interesse de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre como o processo de desertificação vem  sendo concebido nos fóruns  internacionais e nos  documentos oficiais que deles surgem, pretende-se trazer uma reflexão sobre a temática, principalmente no que se refere a definição desse processo e o que está sendo proposto para minimizá-10. Neste sentido, resgata-se três documentos essenciais: a Agenda  21, em seu capítulo  12, como o resultado  da Convenção do Rio  de Janeiro,  em  1992; a Convenção de  Luta  Contra  a Desertificação da ONU, ratificada em  1994  e a Resolução 238/97, do Conama - Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Na avaliação desses documentos percebe-se de um  lado, uma série de conexão entre eles, não só do ponto de vista conceitual, mas das ações, das especulações e das abordagens científicas. Por outro lado, existe também, uma série de não conectividades entre eles. Assim, esses documentos apresentam-se polêmicos, tanto do ponto de vista conceitiial como, também, no que se refere as proposições de envolvimento da sociedade com a problemática.AbstractThe objective of  this work  is to offer thoughts over the debate, as to  the knowledge on  the desertification process, the definition of  this process and what  is being done to minimize  it, which has  been  conceived  in  the  international forums  and  official documents. Three essencial documents are  reviewed:  1) Chapter  12, from Agenda 21, which resulted  from  the Rio de Janeiro Convention,  in 1992; 2)  the Convention  for  the  Fight Against Desertification, from UN,  ratified  in  1994; and  3)  the Brazilian  legal act called Resolução 238197,  from Conselho Nacional  de Meio Ambiente - Conama. On  evaluating these documents, a series of connections are observed, not only from a conceptual point of view  but also relating to  the actions, speculations and scientific approaches that are proposed. On the other hand, there is a great number of  non-connectives among the same group of documents. Therefore, these charters are polemic in concept as well as when  they consider society involvement.

E.A. Zhdanova

The article is devoted to the analysis of semantic features that are noted in the verb жить in Russian dialects of Udmurtia. As the analysis of the material of the corpus of Russian dialects of Udmurtia showed, this verb is found in contexts indicating values different from those known in the literary language. In connection with the need to clarify the layout of the corpus and create a dictionary of Russian dialects in Udmurtia, a definition of the semantics of this verb is required. The semantic features of a dialect word can be established both by linguistic factors: the syntactic role and lexical compatibility, as well as extralinguistic factors: the range of specific uses of the verb, historical information about the settlement of this territory, religious and ideological features of dialect speakers. For analysis, material from various lexicographic sources, as well as etymological information, was used. As a result of the study, an idea about the possibility of double interpretation of the semantics of the analyzed dialect word was formed: on the one hand, from the point of view of its implementation in dialect, as a syncretic unit, on the other hand, from the point of view of its lexicographic representation, as a set of lexical-semantic variants.

2018 ◽  
Vol 95 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-53 ◽  
Ciro De Florio ◽  
Aldo Frigerio

The concept of soft facts is crucial for the Ockhamistic analysis of the divine knowledge of future contingents; moreover, this notion is important in itself because it concerns the structure of the facts that depend—in some sense—on other future facts. However, the debate on soft facts is often flawed by the unaware use of two different notions of soft facts. The facts of the first kind are supervenient on temporal facts: By bringing about a temporal fact, the agent can bring about these facts. However, on the one hand, the determination of the existence of these facts does not affect the past; on the other hand, assimilating divine knowledge into this kind of facts does not help the Ockhamist. The authors will argue that, to vindicate Ockhamism, another definition of “soft fact” is necessary, which turns out to be much more demanding from a metaphysical point of view.

1915 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 323-338
Francis J. McConnell

In one sense of the word there is of course no place in the ministry for the uneducated man. The preacher who is so ignorant as to be illiterate—illiterate in that he does not read and study and observe—is not to be thought of as a candidate for the ministry. If, on the other hand, we think of the educated minister as the student who has been graduated from college and from theological seminary, we rather narrowly limit our definition of education. Many men of unusual success in the ministry have preferred to take graduate work along certain specific lines rather than to pursue the course in the seminary. In this they may have been mistaken, but of course they belong by pre-eminent right in the ranks of the educated. Moreover, the fact of actually receiving a degree is not the chief essential. Perhaps for our purpose we may define the educated minister as one who has in a reputable college, university, or seminary mastered the point of view of the scholar, attained some success in the use of scholarly methods, and acquired scholarly habits. For our purpose the uneducated minister is one who has not received his training at such an institution. We assume, however, in our use of the word “uneducated” that the minister has studious habits, and that he does the best he can to make good by incessant effort the lack of early institutional training; otherwise we can hardly see what place he has in the ministry. We may be permitted further to drop from our consideration both the occasional pulpit “genius,” who comes to popular power without formal mental training, and also that bearer of scholastic degrees who is remarkable chiefly for his dulness.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Nur Hidayah

<p>Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan redefinisi ontologi aswaja dalam pendidikan ma`arif di era kontemporer. Pendekatan dalam peneltian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Makna Aswaja selalu mengalami pergeseran dari waktu ke waktu. Di sisi lain, konsep aswaja selalu memiliki makna yang berbeda ketika sudah berafiliasi dengan kelompok tertentu. Tak terkecuali, Nahdhatul Ulama sebagai organisasi kemasyarakatan juga memiliki konsep yang khas mengenai aswaja. Hal ini secara langsung berpengaruh pada lembaga-lembaga yang bernaung dibawahnya, seperti halnya Ma’arif. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, aswaja NU menjadi semakin ekslusif akibat dari pemahaman para pengikutnya. Banyak kritikan-kritikan dari para tokoh NU kontemporer yang muncul. Definisi aswaja kemungkinan besar akan kembali menjadi ekslusif di kalangan NU. Dari sini diperlukan definisi baru dari sudut pandang lain. Hasil dari kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sikap taat dan tunduk pada Allah secara total yang bermuara dari ilmu yang senantiasa diamalkannya adalah definisi baru dari Aswaja ditinjau dari sudut pandang ontologi yang penulis coba tawarkan dalam penulisan ini.</p><p>Kata kunci: ontologi aswaja, pendidikan ma’arif, kontemporer</p><p><em>RE</em><em>D</em><em>E</em><em>FINITION </em><em>O</em><em>F </em><em>A</em><em>S</em><em>W</em><em>A</em><em>JA ONTOLOGY </em><em>I</em><em>N THE CONTEM- PORARY ERA OF MA’ARIF  EDUCATION.  This study aims to describe the redefinition of aswaja ontology in ma’arif education in the contemporary  era. The approach of this study is library research. The meaning of Aswaja has always experienced a shift from time to time. On the other hand, the concept of aswaja has always had a different meaning when it was affiliated with a particular group. No exception, Nahdhatul  Ulama as a civic organization   also  has a distinctive concepts regarding aswaja. It is directly influential on the institutions which take shelter below, as does Ma’arif. Along with the development of the times, aswaja NU are becoming increasingly exclusive as the result of understanding his followers understanding. Much of the criticisms from the contemporary proponents of NU has been appeared. The definition of aswaja will most likely return to being exclusive among NU. Consequently, it takes a new definition from another point of view. The result of this study sum that attitude of obedience and submission to God in total that rises from the science that always be applied is the new definition of Aswaja reviewed from the viewpoint of ontology that the writer tries to offer in this writing.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>A</em><em>s</em><em>w</em><em>aja </em><em>o</em><em>n</em><em>t</em><em>o</em><em>logy, </em><em>m</em><em>a</em><em>’</em><em>a</em><em>r</em><em>i</em><em>f</em><em> </em><em>educat</em><em>ion, </em><em>co</em><em>n</em><em>t</em><em>em</em><em>p</em><em>o</em><em>r</em><em>a</em><em>r</em><em>y</em></p>

2005 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-132 ◽  
Reimer Kornmann

Summary: My comment is basically restricted to the situation in which less-able students find themselves and refers only to literature in German. From this point of view I am basically able to confirm Marsh's results. It must, however, be said that with less-able pupils the opposite effect can be found: Levels of self-esteem in these pupils are raised, at least temporarily, by separate instruction, academic performance however drops; combined instruction, on the other hand, leads to improved academic performance, while levels of self-esteem drop. Apparently, the positive self-image of less-able pupils who receive separate instruction does not bring about the potential enhancement of academic performance one might expect from high-ability pupils receiving separate instruction. To resolve the dilemma, it is proposed that individual progress in learning be accentuated, and that comparisons with others be dispensed with. This fosters a self-image that can in equal measure be realistic and optimistic.

Caroline Durand

Al-Qusayr is located 40 km south of modern al-Wajh, roughly 7 km from the eastern Red Sea shore. This site is known since the mid-19th century, when the explorer R. Burton described it for the first time, in particular the remains of a monumental building so-called al-Qasr. In March 2016, a new survey of the site was undertaken by the al-‘Ula–al-Wajh Survey Project. This survey focused not only on al-Qasr but also on the surrounding site corresponding to the ancient settlement. A surface collection of pottery sherds revealed a striking combination of Mediterranean and Egyptian imports on one hand, and of Nabataean productions on the other hand. This material is particularly homogeneous on the chronological point of view, suggesting a rather limited occupation period for the site. Attesting contacts between Mediterranean merchants, Roman Egypt and the Nabataean kingdom, these new data allow a complete reassessment of the importance of this locality in the Red Sea trade routes during antiquity.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
Márcio Piñon de Oliveira

A utopia do direito à cidade,  no  caso específico do Rio de Janeiro, começa, obrigatoriamente, pela  superação da visão dicotômica favela-cidade. Para isso, é preciso que os moradores da favela possam sentir-se tão cidadãos quanto os que têm moradias fora das favelas. A utopia do direito à cidade tem de levar a favela a própria utopia da cidade. Uma cidade que não se fragmente em oposições asfalto-favela, norte-sul, praia-subúrbio e onde todos tenham direito ao(s) seu(s) centro(s). Oposições que expressam muito mais do que diferenças de  localização e que  se apresentam recheadas de  segregação, estereótipos e  ideologias. Por outro  lado, o direito a cidade, como possibilidade histórica, não pode ser pensado exclusivamente a partir da  favela. Mas as populações  que aí habitam guardam uma contribuição inestimável para  a  construção prática  desse direito. Isso porque,  das  experiências vividas, emergem aprendizados e frutificam esperanças e soluções. Para que a favela seja pólo de um desejo que impulsione a busca do direito a cidade, é necessário que ela  se  pense como  parte da história da própria cidade  e sua transformação  em metrópole.Abstract The right  to the city's  utopy  specifically  in Rio de Janeiro, begins by surpassing  the dichotomy approach between favela and the city. For this purpose, it is necessary, for the favela dwellers, the feeling of citizens as well as those with home outside the favelas. The right to the city's utopy must bring to the favela  the utopy to the city in itself- a non-fragmented city in terms of oppositions like "asphalt"-favela, north-south, beach-suburb and where everybody has right to their center(s). These oppositions express much more the differences of location and present  themselves full of segregation, stereotypes and ideologies. On  the other  hand, the right to  the city, as historical possibility, can not be thought  just from the favela. People that live there have a contribution for a practical construction of this right. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-112
Michał Skoczyński

Abstract The article presents the military cooperation between the King of Galician-Volhynian Ruthenia, Daniel Romanowicz, and the Dukes of Mazovia, Konrad and his son Siemowit. The alliance, based as a counterweight for the cooperation between the King of Hungary and the Piast princes of Lesser Poland, who were trying to conquer Ruthenia and dominate all Piast principalities in then fragmented Poland. It lasted for several decades from the 1220’s to the 1260’s and was primarly aimed at mutual protection against the invasions of the pagan Yotvingians and supporting each other in armed conflicts. The text contains an analysis of war expeditions, tactics and ways of support that were given by both sides of the allianace. It is a new point of view on this aspect of political strategy of both sides that in some ways defined the regional situation. Ruthenians granted masovian Piasts some mobile and political uncommited support in fight with their relatives in Poland, and also secured their border with the Yotvingians. On the other hand, masovian knights were an additional strike force in ruthenian plundering expeditions to Yotvingia. The research was based on the analysis of preserved historical sources and scientific literature using historical methodology.

Topoi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Fredrik Svenaeus

AbstractIn this paper I explore health and illness through the lens of enactivism, which is understood and developed as a bodily-based worldly-engaged phenomenology. Various health theories – biomedical, ability-based, biopsychosocial – are introduced and scrutinized from the point of view of enactivism and phenomenology. Health is ultimately argued to consist in a central world-disclosing aspect of what is called existential feelings, experienced by way of transparency and ease in carrying out important life projects. Health, in such a phenomenologically enacted understanding, is an important and in many cases necessary part of leading a good life. Illness, on the other hand, by such a phenomenological view, consist in finding oneself at mercy of unhomelike existential feelings, such as bodily pains, nausea, extreme unmotivated tiredness, depression, chronic anxiety and delusion, which make it harder and, in some cases, impossible to flourish. In illness suffering the lived body hurts, resists, or, in other ways, alienates the activities of the ill person.

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