scholarly journals 中國傳統醫學模式對西方醫學的重要補足——讀李瑞全教授〈中國文化中的人論與醫學: 儒家之醫學模式〉有感

Xiang WAN

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract in English only.This short review summarizes the major opinions of Professor Lee Shui Chuen’s recent article. First, pre-Song Dynasty traditional Chinese medicine, which was championed by Sun Simiao, is an amalgam of Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian ways of thinking, in addition to traditional materia medica. Further research is required to determine how Buddhist and Taoist thought influenced the development of Chinese medicine. Second, Sun Simiao was considered a sage physician because his practices were in accord with both contemporary and later criteria for a Confucian sage, although his doctrines were not typically Confucian. Third, Professor Lee’s argument that Confucian views on medicine pave the way for supplementing contemporary medical practice with traditional Chinese medicine in the subfield of psychiatry, and the hitherto new area of bioethics, pays too much attention to technological medical innovations, overlooking the spiritual dimension of medical activities.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 175 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

Jinhai YAN ◽  
Yanjie PENG ◽  

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.東漢時代的張仲景是中醫歷史最重要的醫家之一,被稱之為中國的希波克拉底。其名著《傷寒雜病論》成為中華醫學最重要的經典。在該書的序言中,張仲景系統闡述了其醫學倫理思想和行醫原則。認為醫師行醫的前提是實踐對自我與族群生命的熱愛;行醫的橋樑是用人類理性去發現健康與疾病的規律及控制的手段;行醫的準則是對醫術的認真與創新的態度。就其醫學倫理思想而言,張仲景醫學倫理的基本框架與中國傳統的儒家思想相吻合,反映了醫儒同道的精神。其思想對宋代以後“醫學儒化”的風尚具有一定的影響。作者認為,張仲景醫學倫理學亦對構建當代中國生命倫理學的構建具有啟發意義。Zhang Zongjing (150-219), known as the Chinese Hippocrates, was one of the most eminent physicians in China during the Han Dynasty. In the Shanghailun, a famous treatise on cold pathogenic diseases, Zhang not only described past medicinal discoveries but provided regulations for contemporary medical practice. The Shanghailun is thus an important text for scholars of the history of traditional Chinese medicine. The treatise was privately transmitted with no public acknowledgment until the Jin Dynasty (265-420), when it was re-edited and rearranged. The treatise received more attention and became increasingly popular during the Song Dynasty, when a Confucian basis for medical practice was endorsed by the government. Zhang has since been regarded as a sage of Chinese medicine. The Shanghailun also became part of the compulsory curriculum at China’s Imperial Medical Academy. Zhang has a special status in the history of Chinese medicine due to his efforts to create an orthodox system of medical practice in line with the Confucian (Ru) tradition.In this paper, Zhang Zongjing’s major ideas on medical ethics and practice are explored. The author illustrates the critical role played by Zhang’s approach to medicine in the later Confucianization of medicine during the Song Dynasty, which in turn created the ideal of the traditional Confucian physician. The author also compares the ethical views of Zhang Zongjing with those of Sun Simiao (541-682), another key figure in the history of traditional Chinese medicine, who combined Confucian ethics with the moral teachings of Daoism and Buddhism.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 237 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

Jian Liang ◽  

Ritual is one of the most classic research topics in the field of Anthropology, and rituals have close connection with medial practice. However, the research on this topic from the experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine is limited. This paper presents the whole story that a patient suffering from infertility got cured got cured by a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) and finally became a mother. With the detailed description of each medical practice, including pulse-taking, traditional Chinese herb therapy, and postpartum confinement, this paper analyzes the ritualized elements in the whole process, interprets how ritual play a role in the practice of TCM, and points out ritual’s essential significance in contributing to human’s well being and adjusting the relationships between individual and the world.

Chengzhong LIU

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.經絡現象主要指循經感傳。它的表現形式是當向人體上施加一點刺激時,其所產生的定位覺會緩慢地移動走行,或者走行到軀體的病灶 處,或者走行到頭頂。它的走行軌跡呈現為特殊的分佈形式,在中華醫學中被稱為經絡。從現代醫學的角度來看,循經感傳的科學稱呼應該是移動性定位覺或知覺延伸。這是一個很常見但卻不被人們所認識的高等臨床神經學現象。多年來,誤認為循經感傳的軌跡是一個有結構的管道,曾經投入大量的人力與財力企圖找到它的實物或物質基礎,但卻是遠遠失敗,使中國的經絡現象研究陷入沉寂。《臨床經絡現象學》與《高等臨床神經學》兩本書的出版;季鍾樸學術思想的成熟與彰明;以經絡現象為研究對象與「透過現象看本質」的正確路線的被承認;經絡研究新一輪五年計劃的啟動。中國的經絡現象研究正在走向出新。Channel-phenomenon (or jingluo phenomenon, in Chinese) is a special sensational phenomenon discovered by traditional Chinese medicine over two thousand years ago. When stimulating certain points on a patient's skin, the patient will have a sensation moving along specifiable routes, terminating at the location of disease or the top of the head. With a definite distribution pattern on the human body, such specifiable routes are named jingluo by traditional Chinese medicine and constitute the theoretical and practical basis for the treatment of acupuncture. In modern medicine, this propagated sensation along channels can be called "moving topesthesia", or "perceptual extension."For many years researchers on channel-phenomenon had concentrated their efforts on attempting to discover a concrete tubing structure below the specified routes. They wanted to find an observable anatomical structure or particular physical basis so as to ground the channel-phenomenon on a solid basis. According to their understanding, the essence of channel-phenomenon had to lie in particular anatomical tubes as a physical basis. Without such a physical basis, the channel-phenomenon could not have real objective existence. However, although tremendous amount of labor and energy were invested in the hope of finding particular anatomical tubes for channels, it was done in vain. Consequently, Chinese intellectual research on channel-phenomenon came to silence.However, it is mistaken to believe that the essence of channel-phenomenon has to lie in a particular physical basis. The propagated sensation along channels as a phenomenon has been there for thousands of years and continue to be confirmed by patients in the present time. Why must research on channel-phenomenon be separated from patients’ vivid experiences and instead be focused only on looking for special anatomical structures? On reflection, it happened that some had held a very narrow-minded and simplified notion of objectivity. Indeed, objectivity does not always require a particular physical basis. Patients’ experiences and feelings are equally objective facts for intellectual research.Fortunately, as we can learn from the lessons and experiences we had in the past, we will readjust our research orientation. With the recent publication of the two new books about higher clinical neurology in the field, it looks that the research on channel-phenomenon will encounter its renaissance.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 38 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

Shaozong CHEN

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.本文簡要介紹針灸學現代化研究的三個成就:交叉學科全息生物醫學、現代時間針失學和現代針灸學的產生;針刺信號的傳導通路和針刺鎮痛的生理學基礎;經終實質的重新認識。在此基礎上,本文對相關的理論探索和發展進行討論和評價。This essay introduces and assesses some major achievements that have been made in scientific research concerning modernizing acupuncture, a main discipline of traditional Chinese medicine. These achievements include the development of interdisciplinary subjects such as holographic bio-medicine, modern tempera-acupuncture, and modern acupuncture; the account of the propagating route of the signs caused by acupunctural stimulates and the physiological basis for acupunctural analgesia; and the new thought on the essence of jingluo (channel).There are some special acupunctural points in the body, such as the points in the ear, hand, and foot, which cannot be accounted for through the traditional Chinese medical theories. Unlike general acupunctural points, these special points in a particular location (like the ear) reflect the situation of the whole body. They are like miniature of the body. Only the new theory of holographic bio-medicine can appropriately account for physiological and pathological phenomena of these special points. Moreover, it has long been found that stimulating the same points at different time of the day generates different effects. This fact is also confirmed by contemporary research. The development of modern tempera-acupuncture attempts to discover rules in employing acupunctural treatment to the patient in the best time.For many years Chinese researchers have been trying to find a basic anatomical structure for acupunctural channels. They had confidence in the belief that "structure determines function." For them, this means that if there is a particular function, there must be a specific structure "behind" it to make this function possible. However, the series of efforts in disclosing a specific structure for the channel have failed one after another. The failure indicates the defect of the claim that a particular structure determines a particular function. From an epistemic perspective, it may well be the case that function suggests structure. The channel system in traditional Chinese medicine may be a supra-anatomical structure; in other words, it is not sustained directly by any particular anatomical structure, but by a network of the whole body in relation to a number of anatomical aspects.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 31 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

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