scholarly journals An artistic landscape of the newest kazahkstani novel

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (Extra-B) ◽  
pp. 149-154
Rezeda Mukhametshina ◽  
Kadisha Nurgali ◽  
Svetlana Ananyeva

In the context of the new bi- and polylingual picture of the world, the novel continues to hold leading positions as the leading genre of prose. The Kazakh novel generalizes the aesthetically immanent factors of identity and is created in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Ethno-national identity is important for both the author and the characters. The modern phenomenology of perception actualizes not only the role of the anthropological turn, but also the role of the subjective factor - the reader. Comparative analysis allows you to look at the novel from different conceptual points of view. Transnational tendencies are intensely manifested in the work of prose writers. The search for answers to the most important questions of our time, the challenges of globalization contributes to the disclosure of the ethnocultural world. Opposition one's own/other, one's/another's allows to convey the national attitude and reveal the national image.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (Extra-B) ◽  
pp. 149-154
Rezeda Mukhametshina ◽  
Kadisha Nurgali ◽  
Svetlana Ananyeva

In the context of the new bi- and polylingual picture of the world, the novel continues to hold leading positions as the leading genre of prose. The Kazakh novel generalizes the aesthetically immanent factors of identity and is created in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Ethno-national identity is important for both the author and the characters. The modern phenomenology of perception actualizes not only the role of the anthropological turn, but also the role of the subjective factor - the reader. Comparative analysis allows you to look at the novel from different conceptual points of view. Transnational tendencies are intensely manifested in the work of prose writers. The search for answers to the most important questions of our time, the challenges of globalization contributes to the disclosure of the ethnocultural world. Opposition one's own/other, one's/another's allows to convey the national attitude and reveal the national image.    

1993 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-278
David M. Wilson

At a time when nationalism grows more strident, the role of national museums assumes great importance. National museums encourage not only an understanding of national identity, but also patriotism. While this is natural, it has dangers in that the museum can be used politically to endorse racial and other charged emotions. The great international museums have provided an antidote to such tendencies by providing a universal view of the culture and natural history of the world from the earliest times. Because these museums have important material from other countries they are often attacked as odious relics of colonialism. Rather they should be seen as representative of internationalism and encouraged to collect as widely as possible—within the law. They should not be pressurized into returning material to its country of origin for narrow nationalistic purposes. National museums should themselves collect outside their own national boundaries so that countries can see themselves against the background of other cultures. As nationalism grows, internationalism must be stressed in national museums so that countries may understand each others' culture and points of view.

2021 ◽  
pp. 121-134
N. M. Ilchenko ◽  
Yu. A. Marinina

The motive of revenge is analyzed on the basis of the French topos, considered as a space of crime and punishment. It is noted that the novel by E. T. A. Hoffmann and the novel by J. Janin are united by attention to fate as a catastrophic concept inscribed in the picture of life in France. The relevance of the study is associated with the problems of the formation of national identity, national image by romantics of Germany and France. It is shown that the German romantic, who relied on fantasy as a means of understanding and cognizing life, became a model for J. Janin in the perception of “observed material”. Special attention is paid to the artistic embodiment of life as an “ugly abyss” in which the heroines of E. T. A. Hoffmann and J. Janin find themselves. The results of a comparative analysis of the novel, the action of which belongs to the second half of the 17th century are presented in the article. But the writer discusses the morals of the heroes from the point of view of the romantic canon, and the novel, the action of which is attributed to the end of the 20s of the 19th century. The novelty of the research is connected with the fact that the drama of human existence (female) is viewed as a result of the fragility of earthly existence, the loss of faith in the rationality of the universe. This approach made it possible to analyze the national forms of romanticism, the individual approach of Hoffmann and Janin to understanding the moral and the sinful.

2020 ◽  
pp. 5-20
Larisa I. Cheremisinova ◽  

In the modern research on Afanasy Fet, questions of “prosaic” Fet studies remain poorly investigated: the poetics of Fet’s prose, the specifics of its narrative, the genre features of the works, the comparative analysis of Fet’s narrative practice and contemporary writers’ works. Examination of ways of implementing the narrative strategy in the story The Golts Family requires clarification of the genre features of this work since the principles of narration largely depend on the genre. The volume of this text, the coverage of the events depicted in it, the presence of several plot lines, the abundance of static narrative elements, the constructive role of the narrator, the organization of the narration mainly by descriptions and arguments rather than by event series make The Golts Family a story. The differences of subjects and types of narrative divide the story into two parts. The first part (Chapters 1–3) presents an objective narrative on behalf of an “omniscient” narrator. Starting from Chapter 4, the narrative type changes to “Inarration”, which continues until the very end of the story. A special lyrical atmosphere, an intimate tone, the warmth of memories cocoon the “cuirassier” pages of the story. Fet was faced with a difficult creative task: to depict the fate of the vet Golts and his family against the background of documentary episodes of the life of the cuirassier regiment. The search for the solution entailed a special way of implementing a narrative strategy, in particular, a change in the types of narration. The “interchangeability” of the storyteller and the narrator, changes in the perspectives of the image, in the points of view, and, at the same time, in the types of narration are artistically justified in Fet’s story for they fulfill a certain super-task. The “mediation” of the narrator allows the reader to enter the depicted world and look at the events through the eyes of the characters. In The Golts Family, views “from the outside” and “from the inside”, subjective and objective narratives intertwined. This allowed the author to capture a broad picture of life, to create a multidimensional live image that combines various character traits and possesses individuality and integrity. The author shows Golts’ tragic fate as if “from the outside”, on behalf of the narrator. The appearance of the narrator—the regimental adjutant—changes the point of view in the story and gives a different perspective of the image. The reader now perceives the world of artwork through the character’s consciousness. The position of narrating endows the story with lyricism and cordiality, “revives” it “from the inside”. Thus, the author unwittingly balances the internal and external positions, binds together the whole story.

Н. Алтыкеева ◽  
Б. Ниясалиева

Аннотация. Макалада романдын мазмунунан орун алган пейзаждык сүрөттөөлөр талкууланат. Пейзаждык сүрөттөөлөр чыгарманын көркөмдүүлүгүн, эстетикалык баалуулугун арттыруу менен катар эле каармандардын образын тереңден ачып берүүдө, окуялардын өнүгүп-өсүшү жана алдыда боло турган окуялар тууралуу окурманга маалымат берүүдө кошумча каражат катары колдонулат. Жазуучу романда пейзаждык сүрөттөөлөрдү өтө кылдат колдонгону байкалат. Алсак, тоо адамдагы улуулук жана бийиктикти айгинелейт, толукшуган ай жан- дүйнөнүн бөксөрбөй толуп турушун көрсөтөт, ачык асмандын алай-дүлөй түшкөн көрүнүшкө айланышы - каармандын ички сезими, уйгу-туйгу ойлонуусу, жан дүйнөсүнүн бурганак болушун ачып көрсөтүүдө маанилүү болсо, чабалекейлердин тынымсыз учуп чабалакташы, жан алакетке түшүп чыйпылдашы – алдыда боло турган кырсыктуу окуя тууралуу кабар берсе, согуштун апааты жашыл шибердин, бак-дарактардын күлгө айланышы, чымчык-куштардын күздү күтпөй кайдадыр учуп кетип жатышы менен түшүндүрүлөт. Tүйүндүү сөздөр: пейзаж. роман, идея, легенда, эпилог, каарман, негизги окуялар. Аннотация. В статье дается пейзажное описание. Пейзажное описание используется в произведении как дополнительное средство эстетических ценностей и помогает раскрыть образы героев, и действия произведения. Писатель в романе тонко использует пейзажное описание. Например горы возвышенное и самое ценное в человеке, а полная луна – счастливое душевное состояние человека, а превращение безоблачного неба в бущующий вид – указывает, как неспокойно в душе главного героя, его беспокойные мысли, как бушует его внутренний мир, а ласточки неспокойно летающие, предвещают несчастье, птицы улетающие раньше времени, превращение зелёной травы, деревьев в пепел предвещают ужасы войны. Ключевые слова: пейзаж. роман, идея, легенда, эпилог, герой, главное событие Annotation. The article discusses the landscape description. The landscape description is used in the work as an additional tool for aesthetic values and helps to reveal the images of heroes, and in the development of the action of the work/ The writer in the novel subtly uses the landscape description. The mountains are the sublime and the most valuable in a person, and the full moon is a happy state of mind of a person, and the transformation of a cloudless sky into a raging view indicates how restless the soul of the protagonist is, his restless thoughts. How his inner world is raging, and the swallows are restlessly flying, foreshadow the misfortune, the birds flying away ahead of time, the transformation of green grass, trees in the forehead the horrors of war. This article describes the idea of the story "Do not kill" which is given instead of the epilogue in the novel "When the mountains fall" which was written by Ch.Aitmatov. It considers the role of a story that calls to live in peace and to end wars that are occurring in the world. Keywords: Landscapе, novel, idea, legend, epilogue, hero, main event.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 193-197
Alan Glasper

In light of the emergence in China of COVID-19, the novel corona virus, emeritus professor Alan Glasper, from the University of Southampton discusses the role of the World Health Organization and other public health institutions in responding to potential new global pandemics and deliberates on the role of NHS staff in coping with infectious disease in clinical environments.

2021 ◽  
P.J. Mc Keever ◽  
G.M. Narbonne

In 2005, IUCN published a report entitled Geological World Heritage: A Global Framework (Dingwall et al., 2005). The aim of that report was to discuss and advise on the role of the World Heritage Convention in recognising and protecting geological and geomorphological heritage. The aim of the present report is to fully revise and update the 2005 report and to look at the potential impact of the new UNESCO Global Geopark designation on future inscriptions to the World Heritage List under criterion (viii). This aim has been achieved through a thorough review of the 2005 report, and in particular the thematic approach to geology that the report used. This has led to the proposal of a rationalised set of 11 themes to guide the application of criterion (viii). This report also examines the processes of comparative analysis and questions of site integrity in relation to properties listed for geological and geomorphological values.

2019 ◽  
pp. 89-100
Mubashira BAROTOVA

Эркин Аъзам асарлари дунё тилларига ўгирилмоқда. Мақолада ёзувчининг “Шовқин” романининг инглиз тилига таржимасида миллий хусусиятларнинг берилиши аслият билан қиёслаб ўрганилган.“Шовқин” романи миллий руҳияти билан ажралиб туради. Асар Аъзам Обидов томон идан инглиз тилига таржима қилинган. Муаллиф асарнинг инглизча таржимасига хос хусусиятларни умумлаштиради. Қиёсларшуни кўрсатадики, мутаржим аслиятни етказшга ҳаракат қилган. Бу, хусусан, ўзбек характерига хос хусусиятлар ифодасида кўринади. Бироқ романтаржимасида айрим ноқисликлар ҳам кузатилади. Бу портрет ва характерлар тасвирида, сўз ва иборалар таржимасида кўпроқ кўзга ташланади. Асар таржимасидан мақсад – ўзбек халқи ҳаёти саҳифаларини дунё китобхонларига етказиш, халқлар, адабиётлар, маданиятлараро алоқаларни мустаҳкамлашга қаратилган. Работы Эркина Азама переведены на разные языкимира . В частностина английский язык, перевод на который литературных произведений автора является своеобразным. В статье исследуются особенности перевода национальных особенностей романа «Шовкин» («Шум») на основе сравнительного анализа.Роман Эркина Азама «Шум»отличается своим национальным духом. Это произведениебыл опереведенона английский язык Агзамом Обидовым, котороеявляется одним из больших достижений переводчика. Перевод романа и сравнительный анализ показывают, что переводчик Азам Обидов стремился передать оригинальность работы, особенно это касается характерных черт узбекского характера. Тем не менеероман содержит некоторые недостатки, которые наблюдаются впереводе изображения портретов и персонажей, определенных слов и фраз. Цель перевода романа — донести читателю особенности жизни узбекского народа, укрепить узыдружбы народов, узнать литературуУзбекистана. The works by Erkin Azam are being translated into many world languages. Specifically, there are unique characteristics of the English translation of the literary works by Erkin Azam. The article deals with the translation of the national features of the novel on the basis of a comparative analysis. One of the most prominent representatives of the modern Uzbek literature, Erkin Agzam's work, "Shovqin", is distinguished by its national-cultural spirit. The work has been translated into English by Agzam Obidov. The article summarizes the national features of the novel. The interpretation and a comparative analysis shows that the translator Azam Obidov did his best to message the readers the originality of the work, which is observed in particular on the features of the Uzbek character. However, there are some drawbacks, in terms of the description of the portraits and characters in the translation of particular words and phrases. The purpose of the translation is to introduce the Uzbek people’s lifestyle to the readers of the world; to strengthen the communication among people, literature, and intercultural society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
Alexei N. Krouglov

The sources of Kant’s term Gesinnung and a review of the problems of its translation into English were presented in the first part of this article; the second part examines the novel features that Kant brings to the interpretation of this concept in the critical period. In the Critique of Practical Reason these include the questions of manifestation of Gesinnung in the world, apprehended through the senses, the method of establishing and the culture of truly moral Gesinnung, as well as the problem of the immutability of Gesinnung in the progress towards the good. The new theses that appear in Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason are Gesinnung as the internal subjective principle of maxims, on virtue as evidence of the presence of Gesinnung, on act as a manifestation of Gesinnung, on the unintelligibility of Gesinnung in its noumenal, suprasensible character, on the innateness of Gesinnung in the sense that it exists not in time, but in the form of its acceptance by free expression of the will, on the singleness of Gesinnung and its indivisibility into periods, on revolution in Gesinnung as distinct from empirical reform, on the creation of the new human being as distinct from the ancient one as a result of the revolution of Gesinnung, on the link between the revolution in Gesinnung and “conversion” or second birth. After discussing the problem of distinguishing the terms Gesinnung and Denkungsart in translation as well as a review of all the existing variants of translating Kant’s concept of Gesinnung into Russian (aspiration, inclination, intention, virtue, virtuousness, conviction, attitude, mode of thinking, thoughts, mood, disposition and umonastroenie), the author comes to the conclusion that the uniform variant umonastroenie is best suited for Russian translations of Kant’s works.

Natal'ya Ivanovna Tribunskikh ◽  
Daria Chuprasova

The subject of this research is the yet poorly studied topic of representation of the female images in military media sources, namely movies and TV series of the 2010s. The choice of sources is substantiated by the new approaches towards delivery of information, new characters and patterns that correspond to the modern media trends; as well as by a wide range of projects timed to the centenary of the World War I. The key tasks of this article lie in determination of the role of women and characteristics of female images in a number of movies and TV shows of the 2010s about the World War I. The author carries out a comparative analysis of reflection of the Western and Russian cinematography associated with the representations on the gender hierarchy that is seen through interaction between men and women in the material under review. The article reveals the main patterns that are most commonly used for describing the role of women in war. The conclusion is made that a certain variety of female images that have recently appeared in cinematography indicates the interest of historians and researchers dealing with memory, gender, media and visual culture. The comparative analysis of sources demonstrated that the representation of female images in movies of the 2010s about the World War I reflects a certain difference in the officially broadcasted sociocultural and ideological perception of women and their role characteristic to modern Russian and Western society. The Russian movies are oriented towards expressing the official state concept of traditional values and women's affiliation to family and the country; while Western movies create the images typical for their cultural reality, which do not neglect the role of wives and mothers, however allow the heroines to transcend family interests.

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