Correlation between Scores on the Beck Depression Inventory and the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale

1983 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 969-970 ◽  
Sharla A. Kerner ◽  
Keith W. Jacobs

The Beck Depression Inventory and the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale were administered to a stratified sample of 78 college students. The two measures of depression were significantly correlated .54. In addition, Beck scores were influenced by an interaction of year and college variables, and Zung scores were different for males and females. It is concluded that these two scales offer somewhat different measures of depression.

Shuo Cheng ◽  
Cunxian Jia ◽  
Yongjie Wang

This study explored the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms among college students and analyzed the associations between only children and anxiety and depressive symptoms in college students in China. A total of 645 college students, from three universities in Jinan, Shandong, China, were investigated by questionnaire. The self-designed general information questionnaire was used to collect the demographic information such as gender, age, only children or not and so on. The Self-rating Anxiety Scale and Self-rating Depression Scale were used to reflect the psychological state of college students. Binary logistic regression analysis was applied to analyze associated factors of anxiety and depressive symptoms. We have found that there were 25.7% college students with anxiety symptom, 22.2% college students with depressive symptom, and 18.3% college students with a comorbidity of anxiety and depressive symptoms. The prevalence of anxiety symptom, depressive symptom, and comorbidity of anxiety and depressive symptoms in only children was higher than those among non-only children. There were no differences between males and females in anxiety symptom, depressive symptom, and comorbidity of anxiety and depressive symptoms among all college students, only child college students and non-only child college students. Only children were associated with anxiety symptom, depressive symptom, comorbidity of anxiety and depressive symptoms after adjusting potential important confounding factors, such as professional category, grade, parental relationship, parenting style, interpersonal relationship, activity participation enthusiasm, sleeping time, and eating habits. The prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms among college students was high. We should pay more attention to the mental health of college students, especially that of only child college students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Ming-Qiang Xiang ◽  
Xian-Ming Tan ◽  
Jian Sun ◽  
Hai-Yan Yang ◽  
Xue-Ping Zhao ◽  

IntroductionDuring the COVID-19 outbreak, many citizens were asked to stay at home in self-quarantine, which can pose a significant challenge with respect to remaining physically active and maintaining mental health. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of inadequate physical activity, anxiety, and depression and to explore the relationship of physical activity with anxiety and depression symptoms among Chinese college students during quarantine.MethodUsing a web-based cross-sectional survey, we collected data from 1,396 Chinese college students. Anxiety and depression were assessed with the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), respectively. The data on physical activity were collected by types of physical activity and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF).ResultsDuring the COVID-19 outbreak, about 52.3% of Chinese college students had inadequate physical activity. The rates of anxiety and depression symptoms were 31.0 and 41.8%, respectively. A high level of physical activity (β = −0.121, P < 0.001) was significantly closely associated with low anxiety, while a moderate (β = −0.095, P = 0.001), or high (β = −0.179, P < 0.001) level of physical activity was significantly closely associated with reduced depression after adjusting confounding demographic factors. Moreover, specific types of physical activity, such as stretching and resistance training, were negatively correlated with both anxiety and depression; doing household chores was negatively correlated with depression.ConclusionOur findings highlight specific levels and types of home-based physical activities that need to be taken into consideration to protect the mental health of college students during the COVID-19 epidemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Yanmei Shen ◽  
Xingyue Jin ◽  
Yaru Zhang ◽  
Chunxiang Huang ◽  
Jianping Lu ◽  

Background: Internet addiction (IA) has gained more and more attention for its negative impact on the subjects' study and daily life. However, in a large sample, there is little research on the association between IA and insomnia in Chinese college students. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of insomnia and its related risk factors among Chinese college students with IA.Methods: A cross-sectional design was used to investigate 627 Chinese college students with IA. Each student completed a survey on demographic data, Internet addiction (Revised Chinese Internet Addiction Scale), depression (Self-Rating Depression Scale), insomnia (Athens Insomnia Scale), anxiety (Self-Rating Anxiety Scale), and suicidal behavior. Binary logistic regression analysis was employed to adjust for confounding factors.Results: The prevalence of insomnia among students with IA was 54.86%. Compared with IA students without insomnia, IA students with insomnia were more likely to be younger, smoking, drinking, have anxiety, depression, suicidal ideations, suicide plans, and suicide attempts (all p < 0.05). Moreover, drinking [OR, 1.664; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.139–2.431; p = 0.008], anxiety (OR, 2.321; 95% CI, 1.116–4.826; p = 0.024), and suicidal ideation (OR, 1.942; 95% CI:1.295–2.911; p = 0.001) were independently associated with insomnia in IA students.Conclusions: Insomnia is very common in Chinese IA students. Drinking, anxiety, and suicidal ideation are independently correlated with insomnia. This study provides valuable evidence for school counselors and clinical professionals to assess Internet addiction, insomnia, and suicide risk.

2014 ◽  
Χρήστος Μιχαλακέας

Εισαγωγή: Η κατάθλιψη αποτελεί συχνή συννοσηρότητα σε ασθενείς που πάσχουν από χρόνια καρδιακή ανεπάρκεια (ΧΚΑ). Έχουν προταθεί διάφοροι παθοφυσιολογικοί μηχανισμοί που συνδέουν τα δύο σύνδρομα. Η επίδραση της αντικαταθλιπτικής αγωγής σε ασθενείς με ΧΚΑ και κατάθλιψη δεν έχει μελετηθεί επαρκώς.Σκοπός: Στην παρούσα μελέτη ερευνήθηκαν τα επίπεδα στο αίμα δεικτών φλεγμονής, δεικτών οξειδωτικού στρες και μορίων κυτταρικής προσκόλλησης σε ασθενείς με κατάθλιψη και ΧΚΑ, και αξιολογήθηκε η επίδραση της αντικαταθλιπτικής θεραπείας με Σερτραλίνη, έναν εκλεκτικό αναστολέα επαναπρόσληψης της σεροτονίνης, στον υπό μελέτη πληθυσμό.Υλικό – Μέθοδοι: Ασθενείς με ΧΚΑ και θετικά ευρήματα σε διαγνωστικό έλεγχο για παρουσία καταθλιπτικής συνδρομής [Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score >10 και/ή Zung Self rating Depression Scale (Zung SDS) >40] υπεβλήθησαν σε ψυχιατρική συνέντευξη. Οι ασθενείς που πρωτοδιαγνώσθηκαν με κατάθλιψη έλαβαν φαρμακευτική αγωγή με Σερτραλίνη για τρεις μήνες (Ομάδα Α) και συγκρίθηκαν με ασθενείς που δεν συμμορφώθηκαν με την προτεινόμενη αγωγή (Ομάδα Β). Μετρήθηκαν δείκτες οξειδωτικού στρες, συμπεριλαμβανομένου της μηλονικής δυαλδεΰδης (MDA), των πρωτεϊνικών καρβονυλίων (PC) και της νιτροτυροσίνης (NT). Επιπλέον σε έναν αριθμό των υπό μελέτη ασθενών μετρήθηκαν τα επίπεδα των μορίων κυτταρικής προσκόλλησης διακυτταρικό μόριο προσκόλλησης 1 (ICAM-1) και αγγειακό μόριο προσκόλλησης 1 (VCAM-1).Αποτελέσματα: Πενήντα δύο από τους 254 ασθενείς με ΧΚΑ που υπεβλήθησαν σε διαγνωστικό έλεγχο διαγνώσθηκαν με παρουσία κατάθλιψης. Οι καταθλιπτικοί ασθενείς εμφάνιζαν σημαντικά υψηλότερα επίπεδα MDA σε σύγκριση με σταθμισμένους για την ηλικία και το φύλο μη-καταθλιπτικούς ασθενείς με ΧΚΑ (n=40) (3,2 ± 2,0 έναντι 2,8 ± 3,8 μmol/lt, p=0,02). Εικοσιοκτώ ασθενείς έλαβαν Σερτραλίνη (Ομάδα Α), ενώ 24 ασθενείς αρνήθηκαν να λάβουν αντικαταθλιπτική αγωγή επιπλέον της βέλτιστης αγωγής για την αντιμετώπιση της καρδιακής ανεπάρκειας (Ομάδα Β). Αν και τα αρχικά επίπεδα της MDA, των PC και της NT δεν διέφεραν ανάμεσα στις δύο ομάδες (p>0,05), μόνο οι ασθενείς της ομάδας Α εμφάνισαν σημαντική μείωση των επιπέδων της MDA (F=4,657, p=0,037), ενώ οι ασθενείς της ομάδας Β δεν εμφάνισαν μεταβολή μετά από τρεις μήνες. Όσον αφορά στα σκορ της κατάθλιψης, οι ασθενείς της ομάδας Α εμφάνισαν μείωση του BDI σκορ (23 ± 11 έναντι 19 ± 12, p=0,015), ενώ οι ασθενείς της ομάδας Β δεν εμφάνιζαν μεταβολή στο BDI στην επαναξιολόγηση (p>0,05). Οι ασθενείς της ομάδας Α επέδειξαν αύξηση της απόστασης βάδισης 6 λεπτών (291 ± 110 έναντι 361 ± 87 μέτρων, p=0,02), ενώ οι ασθενείς της ομάδας Β δεν εμφάνιζαν μεταβολή σε αυτή την παράμετρο (p>0,05). Επιπλέον, σε έναν υποπληθυσμό 25 καταθλιπτικών ασθενών αναλύθηκαν δείγματα ορού για μέτρηση των μορίων κυτταρικής προσκόλλησης ICAM-1 και VCAM-1 πριν και μετά τη θεραπεία με Σερτραλίνη (n= 13) ή με την καθιερωμένη θεραπεία καρδιακής ανεπάρκειας μόνο (n=12). Φάνηκε ότι η χορήγηση Σερτραλίνης για 3 μήνες σχετιζόταν με ελάττωση των επιπέδων ICAM-1 και VCAM-1 στον ορό σε σχέση με ασθενής που δεν έλαβαν αντικαταθλιπτική αγωγή (μεταβολή για το ICAM-1: -20% έναντι +23%, F=5,24, p=0,028, μεταβολή για το VCAM-1: -20% έναντι +17%, F=4,54, p=0,04).Συμπεράσματα: Τα αυξημένα επίπεδα οξειδωτικού στρες πιθανώς παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην παθοφυσιολογία της κατάθλιψης σε ασθενείς με ΧΚΑ. Η αντικαταθλιπτική αγωγή με Σερτραλίνη βελτιώνει την καταθλιπτική συμπτωματολογία και ελαττώνει τα επίπεδα δεικτών υπεροξείδωσης λιπιδίων στο πλάσμα καταθλιπτικών ασθενών με ΧΚΑ. Επιπλέον, ασκεί ευνοϊκή επίδραση στη φλεγμονή και στην ενδοθηλιακή λειτουργία οδηγώντας σε ελάττωση της έκφρασης των επιπέδων μορίων κυτταρικής προσκόλλησης και βελτίωση της ικανότητας προς άσκηση των υπό θεραπεία ασθενών.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Xingyue Jin ◽  
Mireille Twayigira ◽  
Wenjing Zhang ◽  
Xueping Gao ◽  
Xuerong Luo ◽  

Abstract Background Minimally invasive facial cosmetic surgery (MIFCS) is becoming more and more popular and acceptable in Chinese young people, and it influences people in many aspects. However, there is little research on the associations between MIFCS and psychopathology in Chinese college students. The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of MIFCS and its associated factors among Chinese college students. Methods A cross-sectional design was applied in this study. A total of 8089 students completed an online questionnaire on demographic data, depressive symptoms (Self-Rating Depression Scale), anxiety symptoms (Self-Rating Anxiety Scale) and MIFCS. Logistic regression was used to identify independent factors associated with MIFCS. Results The prevalence of MIFCS in Chinese college students was 2.7% (221/8098). Students with MIFCS were more likely to be from urban areas, from a single child household, experience depression or anxiety and have a history of smoking (all p < 0.05). They were also less likely to be right-handed or have a good relationship with father or mother (all p < 0.05). Binary logistic regression showed that older age (OR,1.162; 95%CI [1.061,1.273]), female sex (OR,1.837; 95%CI [1.352, 2.497]), community (urban) (OR,0.601; 95%CI [0.441,0.818]), right-handedness (OR,0.668; 95%CI [0.454,0.985]), depressive symptoms (OR, 4.708; 95%CI [1.690,13.112]), family income (30,000–70,000 yuan per year) (OR,0.572; 95%CI [0.403,0.812]) and smoking (OR,1.571; 95%CI [1.09,2.423]) were independently associated with MIFCS. Conclusions Minimally invasive facial cosmetic surgery (MIFCS) is very common in Chinese college students, indicating the importance of paying attention to MIFCS. This study provides valuable evidence for college counselors and doctors in the cosmetic department to provide better and healthier services to students who undergo MIFCS, especially those with depressive symptoms.

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