scholarly journals The Optimum Plant Density for Vigorous Seed Production in Safflower

İsmail Özaşık ◽  
Mehmet Demir Kaya ◽  
Engin Gökhan Kulan

Seed viability and vigor have been influenced by several factors including soil and climatic conditions, plant nutrition, fertilization, irrigation, plant population and post-harvest storages. The study was conducted to determine the appropriate plant density for vigorous seed production in safflower. The effects of row spacing (14 and 28 cm) and seeding rate (40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 seeds m-2) on yield, yield components and seed quality of safflower were detected in the study. The results showed that increased seeding rates resulted in enhanced seed yield and the highest seed yield was obtained from 14 cm and 200 seed m-2 with 3320 kg ha-1. The row spacing and seeding rate did not cause a significant difference in oil and protein contents. Laboratory emergence, germination after accelerated ageing (AA) and electrical conductivity tests were suitable for determining seed quality among the seed lots, while standard germination, cool and cold tests were not appropriate. The highest laboratory emergence percentage and germination after AA were determined in 80 seed m-2 but field emergence percentage in 120 seed m-2. It was concluded that the 14 cm row spacing and seeding rate of 120 seed m-2 should be advised for high yielding seed production regardless of seed vigor in safflower.

2002 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 687-692 ◽  
B. D. Gossen ◽  
J. J. Soroka ◽  
H. G. Najda

Little information is available on the management of turfgrass species for seed production in the Canadian prairies. The objective of these studies was to assess the impact of residue management and row spacing on seed yield under irrigation. A factorial experiment was seeded at Saskatoon, SK, in 1993 to assess the impact of burning or scalping (very close mowing with residue removal) vs. mowing, and 20- vs. 40-cm row spacing on seed yield of Kentucky bluegrass (KBG) (Poa pratensis), creeping red fescue (CRF) (Festuca rubra subsp. rubra) and creeping bentgrass (CBG) (Agrostis palustris). Also, a residue management trial on KBG was seeded at Brooks, AB, in 1993. At Saskatoon, yield was higher at 20-cm spacing across all three species in 1994, but spacing had no impact on winter survival, stand density, tiller growth or yield in subsequent years. Burning and scalping consistently resulted in earlier spring green-up, a higher proportion of fertile tillers, and higher seed yield than mowing. Even with residue management, yield declined after one harvest in CBG and CRF, and after two harvests in KBG. At Brooks, residue management had a similar impact on yield of KBG. A second trial at Brooks examined the impact of row spacing (20, 40, 60 cm) and seeding rate (0.5 to 6 kg seed ha-1) on KBG. Seed yield was highest at 40-cm spacings in 1994, at 60 cm in 1995, and at 40 to 60 cm in 1996. Seeding rate did not have a consistent effect on yield. We conclude that a combination of residue management and 20- to 40-cm spacings provide the highest, most consistent seed yields for these turfgrass species in this region. Key words: Burning, clipping, turfgrass, seed production, row spacing, Poa, Festuca, Agrostis

1999 ◽  
Vol 79 (4) ◽  
pp. 535-541 ◽  
N. A. Fairey ◽  
L. P. Lefkovitch

A field study was conducted with tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreber) to determine the effect of the initial population density and spatial arrangement of plants on crop development and seed yield. Individual seedling plants were transplanted at seven densities (1.6, 3.1, 6.3, 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 plants m−2) and three row spacings (20, 40, and 80 cm), and characteristics of seed production were determined for 3 yr (1991–1993). Over the 3 yr, heading commenced at dates differing by 15 d and was delayed, as density increased, by 8, 6, and 2 d, respectively, in the first, second, and third production years. The time of seed maturity differed among years (21 July to 4 August) but was generally unaffected by density or row spacing. In the first production year, seed yield increased with density up to 25 plants m−2 for each row spacing, then remained constant to at least 50 plants m−2 with both 20- or 40-cm rows; it decreased slightly at 100 plants m−2 with 20 cm rows. In the second production year, seed yield was relatively independent of plant density except that it decreased when the initial density was less than 6 plants m−2 with a row spacing of 80 cm, and tended to be greatest with the 40-cm row spacing at 6–25 plants m−2. In the third production year, seed yield was much lower than in the previous 2 yr but the pattern of response to the density and row spacing treatments was similar to that in the second production year. The seed yield of tall fescue can be optimized for at least 3 consecutive years by establishing an initial density of 20–100 plants m−2 in rows spaced 20–60 cm apart. If the maximization of first-year seed yield is a priority, then the initial establishment should be at a density of 25–50 plants m−2 in rows spaced 20–40 cm apart. Key words: Tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea Schreber, population density, plant spacing, seed production

1990 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-137 ◽  
P. B. E. McVETTY ◽  

To determine the effects of varying plant densities on summer rape (Brassica napus L.), the cultivar Westar was seeded in 15- and 30-cm row spacings at seeding rates of 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, and 12.0 kg ha−1. Plants seeded in 15-cm rows yielded more per area, produced more pods per plant and lodged less than those in 30-cm rows. Higher yields were associated with a more even plant distribution and a lower degree of intra-row competition. There were no significant protein, oil and chlorophyll concentration differences between the row spacing treatments. The highest yields (kg ha−1) were achieved with the 1.5 and 3.0 kg ha−1 seeding rates. Summer rape compensated for lower plant densities with the production of more branch racemes. As seeding rate increased, competitive mortality increased, resulting in greater etiolation at bolting, and greater lodging at harvest. Seed oil and protein concentrations were not affected by seeding rate. However, seed chlorophyll concentration decreased with increased seeding rate.Key words: Brassica napus, plant density, seed quality, rape (summer)

1999 ◽  
Vol 79 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-549 ◽  
N. A. Fairey ◽  
L. P. Lefkovitch

The population density and spatial arrangement of plants may influence the productive life and performance characteristics of a perennial grass-seed crop. A study was conducted to determine the effects of the initial density (1.6, 3.1, 6.3, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 plants m−2) and row spacing (20, 40, and 80 cm) of plants on reproductive yield components and seed characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreber), over 3 consecutive production years (1991–1993) in the Peace region of Canada. The weight proportion of cleaned-to-uncleaned seed was 85–86% for the three lowest plant densities and then decreased, as density increased, to 82% at 12.5 plants m−2 and 66% at 100 plants m−2. The 1000-seed weight decreased as density increased and ranged from 1.68 to 2.22 g (i.e., 595 000 to 450 000 seeds kg−1). The specific seed weight ranged from 18 to 31 kg hL−1; it differed among years, but the effect of plant density was inconsistent. The germination capacity of the seed was unaffected by plant density, but differed among years; it averaged 87%, 88% and 59% in 1991, 1992 and 1993, respectively. The seed yield/plant, the number of panicles/plant, and the number of seeds/plant decreased exponentially as plant density increased. The number of clean seeds/panicle decreased, as plant density increased, in the first year but was less affected subsequently, particularly with the 20-cm row spacing. The seed yield was correlated closely with the number of panicles m−2 (r = 0.659***). An initial density no greater than 25 plants m−2 in rows spaced 20–40 cm apart enhanced seed quality by producing a greater proportion of clean seed which had a higher 1000-seed weight. Such a plant density, however, is at the low end of the optimum range for maximizing seed yield per unit land area. Key words: Tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea Schreber, population density, plant and row spacing, yield components, seed quality

2007 ◽  
Vol 87 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-403 ◽  
K. F. Chang ◽  
H. U. Ahmed ◽  
S. F. Hwang ◽  
B. D. Gossen ◽  
R. J. Howard ◽  

Field trials to assess the impact of chickpea type (desi vs. kabuli), row spacing and seeding rate on ascochyta blight of chickpea were conducted over 2 yr at Brooks, Alberta. A compound-leaved desi chickpea cultivar and unifoliate kabuli cultivar were sown at 20, 30 and 40 cm row spacing, and at three seeding rates (20, 40 and 60 seeds per 3 m row). Most of the variation in disease severity was associated with differences between the cultivars. Seeding rate, row spacing and their interactions had substantially smaller effects on ascochyta blight in comparison with cultivar effects. Late in the growing season, blight severity was consistently lower in the desi than the kabuli cultivar. Wide row spacing and low seeding rate reduced ascochyta blight severity and increased seed yield per plant. Wide row spacing in the first year reduced the seed yield per hectare, but row spacing did not significantly affect yield in 2005. Low in-row seeding rates increased yield only in 2004. There was a positive linear relationship between plant density and blight severity, and a negative relationship between yield per plant and both plant density and disease severity. We conclude that reduced plant population density could be one tool in a program to manage ascochyta blight of chickpea. Key words: Cicer arietinum, plant population density, ascochyta blight, yield

2002 ◽  
Vol 127 (5) ◽  
pp. 855-859 ◽  
Haim Nerson

Field experiments were conducted in 1996 and 1997 to examine the effects of plant density on yield and quality of fruit and seeds of muskmelons (Cucumis melo L.). Two open-pollinated cultivars, Noy Yizre'el (Ha'Ogen type) and TopMark (western U.S. shipper type), were grown at plant densities ranging from 0.5 to 16.0 plants/m2 under commercial conditions. The highest marketable fruit yields were achieved with plant densities of 2 to 4 plants/m2. In contrast, the highest seed yields were obtained at 8 to 12 plants/m2. Seed yield index [seed yield (g)/fruit yield (kg)] was used as a parameter to define seed production efficiency. High seed yield was closely related to high value of the seed yield index. High seed yield indexes resulted from high plant densities (up to 12 plants/m2), at which the crops produced many, but relatively small fruit. In all cases, the seed yield per fruit (seed number and seed size) increased with increasing fruit weight. However, the sum of the seed yield of two small fruit was always greater than the seed yield of one, double-sized fruit. There was a clear exception with extremely small fruit (<500 g), which produced both low seed yields and poor seed quality. A positive relationship was found between fruit size and seed size in both cultivars. Nevertheless, relatively small seeds (25 to 30 mg) extracted from relatively small fruit (500 to 1000 g) showed the best performance in terms of germination and emergence percentages and rates, and in the vegetative development vigor of the seedlings.

M.J. Hickey

Roa tall fescue was sown at Gore to study the effects of viable seeding rate (2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 kg/ha) and row spacing (30 and 60 cm) on seed yield and seed quality over 3 harvest seasons. In the first year after mid-February sowing, seed yields were low (260 kg/ha), owing to slow establishment and weed competition. The 30-cm row spacing had the highest seed yield in this year, but there were no differences between viable seeding rates. In the second year the highest seed yields (800 kg/ha) were from the viable 2.5 and 5.0 kg/ha seeding rates, but there were no differences between row spacings. In the third year there were no differences in seed yield between viable seeding rates and row spacing. The cool, moist summer conditions had no adverse effect on seed development; seed weights (3.3 g/1000 seeds) were high for all treatments each year. Keywords: 'Grasslands-Roa' tall fescue, seed-yields, seed quality, seed rates, row spacings, lodging

B.R. Guy

A series of seed production trials was established at Kimihia Research Centre, Lincoln, Canterbury to investigate row spacing sowing date and sowing rate requirements for Endura, the hexaploid cultivar of caucasian clover. In 1991 a trial with 30 cm or 45 cm row spacings with a sowing rate of 8 kg/ha coated inoculated seed was used. Although there were no significant differences in the first year (101 kg/ha cf. 111 kg/ha), the 45 cm row spacing yielded significantly higher than the 30 cm row spacing, in the second year (709 kg/ha cf. 371 kg/ha). Wider rows produced more flowers per unit area - 448 m-2 for 45 cm compared with 288 for 30 cm. In 1992 a sowing rate trial was established using 2 kg or 6 kg/ha of coated and inoculated seed in 45 cm row spacings. The lower sowing rate treatment of 2 kg/ha produced a significantly higher seed yield, of 208 kg/ha. The effect of sowing date (December, January, February) on seed yields was investigated. All sowing date treatments were sown at 6 kg/ha in 45 cm rows. The highest seed yield of 126 kg/ha was from January sowing. Weed seed content in the field-dressed samples harvested was associated with sowing date and decreased with each progressive sowing. The results indicate a strong negative correlation between plant density and seed yield. With early sowing, weed control is vitally important for successful seed production. Keywords: row spacing, seed yield, sowing date, sowing rate, Trifolium ambiguum

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 605
Peder K. Schmitz ◽  
Hans J. Kandel

Planting date (PD), seeding rate (SR), relative maturity (RM) of cultivars, and row spacing (RS) are primary management factors affecting soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) yield. The individual and synergistic effects of PD, SR, RM, and RS on seed yield and agronomic characteristics in North Dakota were herein investigated. Early and late PD, early and late RM cultivars, two SR (408,000 and 457,000 seed ha−1), and two RS (30.5 and 61 cm) were evaluated in four total environments in 2019 and 2020. Maximizing green canopy cover prior to the beginning of flowering improved seed yield. Individual factors of early PD and narrow RS resulted in yield increase of 311 and 266 kg ha−1, respectively. The combined factors of early PD, late RM, high SR, and narrow RS improved yield by 26% and provided a $350 ha−1 partial profit over conventional practices. Canopy cover and yield had relatively weak relationships with r2 of 0.36, 0.23, 0.14, and 0.21 at the two trifoliolate, four trifoliolate, beginning of flowering, and beginning of pod formation soybean growth stages, respectively. Producers in the most northern soybean region of the USA should combine early planting, optimum RM cultivars, 457,000 seed ha−1 SR, and 31 cm RS to improve yield and profit compared to current management practices.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 126
Judit Barroso ◽  
Nicholas G. Genna

Russian thistle (Salsola tragus L.) is a persistent post-harvest issue in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Farmers need more integrated management strategies to control it. Russian thistle emergence, mortality, plant biomass, seed production, and crop yield were evaluated in spring wheat and spring barley planted in 18- or 36-cm row spacing and seeded at 73 or 140 kg ha−1 in Pendleton and Moro, Oregon, during 2018 and 2019. Russian thistle emergence was lower and mortality was higher in spring barley than in spring wheat. However, little to no effect of row spacing or seeding rate was observed on Russian thistle emergence or mortality. Russian thistle seed production and plant biomass followed crop productivity; higher crop yield produced higher Russian thistle biomass and seed production and lower crop yield produced lower weed biomass and seed production. Crop yield with Russian thistle pressure was improved in 2018 with 18-cm rows or by seeding at 140 kg ha−1 while no effect was observed in 2019. Increasing seeding rates or planting spring crops in narrow rows may be effective at increasing yield in low rainfall years of the PNW, such as in 2018. No effect may be observed in years with higher rainfall than normal, such as in 2019.

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