scholarly journals “Common Slavic Booklore: Unity and Diversity” (To the 1000th Anniversary of Repose of Prince Vladimir)

T. A. Isatchenko

The Russian State Library hosted the Third International Youth Conference “Common Slavic Booklore: Unity and Diversity”, dedicated to the Day of Orthodox Book and to the 1000th anniversary of repose of Prince Vladimir, which was attended by Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk. On March 12, at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior there was held a meeting of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with young participants of the conference, students of military boarding schools of Moscow and many fans of the book. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church corresponded to the congregation the Pastoral discourse, stressing that the Day of Orthodox Book, being governmentally celebrated each year, has acquired a deep historical understanding: “Books... convey to us information from the past, they are the carriers of some kind of heredity. ... In the best books this code is depicted, and one of such books is „Apostle“”. The conference was the first international youth event of the jubilee year, which, in accordance with the Order of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Events Dedicated to the Memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir - Christianizer of Russia”, will be held under the sign of the Holy Prince Vladimir.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 74-93

The main purpose of the article is to analyze the emergence of opposition to ecumenism in the Rus-sian Orthodox Church (ROC) in the post-perestroika period of Russia. The article examines the issues of interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC), the aspects of opposition to the ecumenist movement in the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet realities. The author comes to the conclusion that in the post-perestroika period, a number of representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church were negatively disposed towards ecu-menism and considered this movement a heresy. The issues of this kind caused disagreement not only at the international level, but also within the structure of the ROC itself.

2020 ◽  
pp. 253-263
Михаил Андреевич Зиновьев

В настоящее время мировая общественность с каждым днем всё больше отходит от традиционных христианских ценностей, выдвигает и принимает зачастую прямо антихристианские законопроекты. Современная политика Российской Федерации направлена на сохранение традиционных ценностей (11 пункт из Стратегии национальной безопасности РФ). В рамках возрождения духовно-нравственных ценностей остаётся неприемлемым наличие законодательства, легализующего детоубийство. Между тем, уже в Древней Церкви мы встречаем неоднократные постановления различных уровней, регламентирующие церковные епитимии для женщин, совершивших аборт, и тех, кто тем или иным образом был причастен к этому. И уже в новейшей истории Церковь реагируют на вызовы времени, рассматривает прежний опыт и издаёт новые постановления и документы. Современная официальная позиция Русской Православной Церкви на различные проблемы биоэтики, в частности аборта, излагается в «Основах социальной концепции», принятой Архиерейским собором Русской Православной Церкви 2000 г. Целью данной статьи является наиболее подробное рассмотрение канонов, посвящённых греху детоубийства, а также современной позиции Русской Православной Церкви, изложенной в «Основах социальной концепции». В ходе исследования автор проводит сравнительный анализ подходов известных канонистов, пытается проследить историческую мотивацию к принятию подобных постановлений и рассматривает современный взгляд и практику епитимий для людей, прямо или косвенно причастных к греху аборта. At present, the world community is increasingly moving away from traditional Christian values, putting forward and adopting, often directly anti Christian bills. The current pol icy of the Russian Federation is aimed at preserving traditional values? (paragraph 11 from the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation). Within the revival of spiritual and moralvalues, the existence of legislation legalizing infanticide remains unacceptable. Meanwhile, in the Ancient Church already we meet repeated resolutions of various levels regulating church penances for women who had got an abortion as well as for those who had been involved in it some how. And in recent history the Church responds to the time challenges, examines past experiences and issues new resolutions and documents. The Russian Orthodox Church’s current official position on various issues of bioethics, abortion in particular, is set out in the “Foundations of a Social Concept” adopted by the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000. The purpose of this article is the most detailed consideration of the canons dedicated to the sin of infanticide, as well as the current position of the Russian Orthodox Church set out in the “Foundations of a Social Concept”. In the course of the study, the author conducts a comparative analysis of famous canonists’ approaches, tries to trace the historical motivation for the adoption of such decisions and examines the modern view and practice of penance for people directly or indirectly in volved in the sin of abortion.

2019 ◽  
pp. 48-63
Наталия Сергеевна Семенова

Введение уголовной и административной ответственности за оскорбление религиозных чувств верующих в Российской Федерации вызвало неоднозначную оценку. В статье рассматривается необходимость введения указанной ответственности, понятие оскорбления религиозных чувств верующих, позиция Русской Православной Церкви, юридического сообщества, а также общества в целом. Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта №18-011-00292. The introduction of criminal and administrative liability for insulting the religious feelings of believers in the Russian Federation caused an ambiguous assessment. The article considers the necessity of introducing this responsibility, the concept of insulting religious feelings of believers, the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, the legal community, and society. The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of the research project No. 18-011-00292.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (4) ◽  
pp. 100-105

This article examines the dynamics of the registration of religious organizations in the Republic of Bashkortostan (according to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), as well as the ratio of religious organizations by the type of religion, belonging to the Administration of Muslims, the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, type of settlement, districts and cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan, districts of Ufa in the general composition of all religious organizations registered in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The research results given in this article demonstrate that one-fifth of religious organizations registered in the Republic of Bashkortostan to date formalized their activities in 2003; Muslim religious organizations accounted for 72.3% of all registered religious organizations; the predominance of Muslim religious organizations among the religious organizations registered annually in the Republic of Bashkortostan remains stable. The overwhelming majority of the Orthodox religious organizations belong to the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate (ROC-MP), among the Protestant religious organizations the Pentecostal organizations comprise more than half, i.e. about 61% (60.5%). This article can be used by public authorities, researchers, students and post-graduate students.

Natalia V. Gorina ◽  
Dmitry A. Kirillov

Bringing the religious space of Russia into conformity with the Constitution requires replacing the patience in the matters of faith as a principle of the organization of the religious sphere by religious tolerance. Among the religious communities of the country, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) should play an important role in this process. The study of the role of the ROC in the constitutionalization of the religious space of Russia was not of great interest to science. The special cultural, historical, and spiritual role of Orthodoxy for Russia creates the prerequisites for the leading place of the ROC in this process. Meanwhile, a number of obstacles prevents the ROC from taking this place. The purpose of the study is to identify such obstacles and propose approaches to overcome them. The basis of the research methodology is the dialectic, supplemented by elements of a number of other approaches. Research methods are historical, relatively legal and logical analysis, synthesis, surveys. During the study, the authors interviewed more than nine hundred respondents in six countries, including about 700 individuals who identified themselves as persons of faith. The study showed a reduced level of respectfulness from persons of a different faith for the ROC in comparison with their respectfulness to the Orthodox faith. To change the situation, the ROC should begin by recognizing the historical mistakes of Orthodoxy towards people of a different faith, refusing patience in matters of faith in favor of religious tolerance, and establishing the real number of observers of Orthodox faith in Russia. The relevance of the study is due to the accumulation of prerequisites in a society of disrespect for the ROC. In addition, with the adoption of the UN GA Resolution on Religious Tolerance, supported by Russia, the role of the ROC in bringing the religious space into accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation should increase. In conclusion, possessing the potential signs of a religious leader in bringing the religious space of Russia in accordance with the Constitution, the ROC is in fact not fully prepared for such a role. It is necessary to take a number of measures to change the situation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 34-46
Денис Владимирович Макаров

Основная цель исследования - сопоставление основных критериев получения ученых званий, присваиваемых Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации и Номинационной комиссией Учебного комитета Русской Православной Церкви, а также изучение мотивации и обоснование необходимости получения учёных званий руководящими, научными и научно-педагогическими работниками высших духовных учебных заведений Русской Православной Церкви. Главным противоречием в получении работниками духовных образовательных организаций государственных учёных званий на сегодняшний день является половинчатая позиция Министерства науки и высшего образования по отношению к богословским учёным степеням и званиям. Это выражается в том, что при прохождении процедуры государственной аккредитации богословские учёные степени и звания учитываются, а при присвоении учёных званий и при приёме на работу (на должности профессора и доцента) - нет. Однако, сам факт признания богословских степеней при прохождении процедуры государственной аккредитации является значимым фактором обоснования необходимости получения церковных учёных званий руководящими, научными и научно-педагогическими работника ми высших духовных учебных заведений Русской Православной Церкви. Сопоставление основных критериев получения учёных званий, присваиваемых Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации и Номинационной комиссией Учебного комитета Русской Православной Церкви, показывает, что основные различия в том, что Номинационная комиссия признаёт государственные учёные степени и звания, а Министерство образования и науки не признаёт богословские степени и звания. The main goal of the study is to compare the main criteria for obtaining academic titles assigned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Nomination Commission of the Study Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as to study the motivation and justification for the need to obtain academic titles by leading, scientific and scientific pedagogical workers of higher theological educational institutions Russian Orthodox Church. The main contradiction in the receipt of state academic ranks by employees of spiritual educational organizations today is the halfhearted position of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in relation to theological academic degrees and ranks. This is expressed in the fact that when passing the procedure of state accreditation, theological academic degrees and ranks are taken into account, but when awarding academic ranks and when hiring (for the positions of professor and associate professor) - not. However, the very fact of recognition of theological degrees during the state accreditation procedure is a significant factor in substantiating the need for church scholars to receive leading, scientific and scientificpedagogical workers of high er theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. A comparison of the main criteria for obtaining academic degrees assigned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Nomination Commission of the Study Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church shows that the main differences are that the Nomination Commission recogniz es state academic degrees and titles, and the Ministry of Education and Science does not recognize theological degrees and ranks.

2012 ◽  
Vol 37 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 293-346 ◽  
Dara Hallinan

AbstractThis article takes as its principal question whether the Russian protection of freedom of religion in law and practice is compatible with the model created by Strasbourg jurisprudence. Considering freedom of religion as a keystone of the Strasbourg model of democracy and in light of increasing concern and uncertainty at democratic progress in the Russian Federation, the article attempts to isolate the realities of the situation in relation to this unique right. It considers both systems in law and their operation in a broader social context and finally considers issues of compatibility between them. In its conclusion, the author argues that, although the Russian Federation's legal framework establishes a similar model of protection to that of Strasbourg, this framework has been manipulated and diminished in importance by, and because of, extralegal relationships (particularly between the state and the Russian Orthodox Church) to the point where it is impossible to say that the systems are compatible. Further, the author suggests that the fact that these extralegal relationships can play such a role shows deep fissures in the rule of law in this area. This is indicative of wider problems relating to domestic rule of law generally and is therefore indicative of problems relating to foundational democratic principles.

2020 ◽  
pp. 17-33
Наталия Сергеевна Семенова

Статья посвящена церковному и государственному регулированию правового положения духовных учебных заведений Русской Православной Церкви в Российской Федерации в современный период. Основная цель исследования заключается в анализе правового статуса духовных учебных заведений как религиозных организаций, с одной стороны, и как образовательных организаций, с другой стороны. Первичность правового статуса религиозной организации отличает правовое положение духовных учебных заведений от остальных образовательных организаций. В связи с необходимостью соблюдения положений Конституции России, касающихся свободы совести и вероисповедания, положений Федерального закона «О свободе совести и о религиозных объединениях», а так же норм международного права, государство и Церковь ведут поиск правовых решений во избежание дискриминации христиан в реализации их права на подготовку священнослужителей, церковнослужителей и религиозного персонала согласно внутренним установлениям Русской Православной Церкви. В статье представлены особенности церковного статуса духовных учебных заведений, связанных, прежде всего, с предъявлением требования к студентам и преподавателям высокого уровня христианской нравственности, а также особенности государственного статуса, которые призваны обеспечить, по возможности, все требования церковного статуса духовных учебных заведений. The article is devoted to the Church and state regulation of the legal status of theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Russian Federation in the modern period. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the legal status of religious educational institutions as religious organizations, on the one hand, and as educational organizations, on the other. The primacy of the legal status of the religious organization distinguishes the legal status of theological educational institutions from other educational organizations. In connection with the need to comply with the provisions of the Constitution of Russia concerning freedom of conscience and religion, the provisions of the Federal Law «On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations», as well as the norms of International Law, the state and the Church are looking for legal solutions to avoid discrimination training of clergy and religious personnel in accordance with the internal regulations of the Russian Orthodox Church. The article presents the features of the church status of theological educational institutions, associated, first of all, with the presentation of requirements for students and teachers of a high level of Christian morality, as well as the features of state status, which are designed to ensure, if possible, all the requirements of the church status of theological educational institutions.

Exchange ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-179
Neven Vukic

This article reflects on the practice of inter-religious dialogue within the Russian Orthodox Church. The Russian Orthodox Church, or the Russian Patriarchate, as it is otherwise called, is currently the largest (with respect to the number of faithful) autocephalous church within the Orthodox world. Within the Russian Federation, the Orthodox faithful form a majority. However, the Muslim population has increased steadily in recent years and now forms a significant minority. Indeed, in certain regions the Muslim population has, in fact, become the demographic majority. Therefore, inter-religious contact is a lived reality within the Russian context. This article examines Russian Orthodox attempts to come to terms with this reality. It does so by examining official statements (i.e., theory), and by reflecting on the Church’s approach to the issues (i.e., practice) which arise from the attempt to implement the official approach within the Russian Federation (e.g., ‘orthodoxization’, lackluster education, proselytism). Furthermore, this article reflects on the repercussions for the entire Orthodox World which result from the events unfolding in the Russian Church.

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