scholarly journals The Effects of Different Water Quality Parameters on Prawn (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii) Yield, Phytoplankton Abundance and Phytoplankton Diversity at New Zealand Prawns Limited, Wairakei, New Zealand

2021 ◽  
Daniel John MacGibbon

<p>Aquaculture is the fastest growing industry in the food sector and demand for aquaculture products is continuing to grow as many wild stocks from capture fisheries continue to decline. It is imperative that water quality in an aquaculture system is closely controlled in order to maintain the health of the species under culture and maximize production. New Zealand Prawns Limited (NZPL) is an aquaculture facility in Wairakei, New Zealand that cultures the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Dramatically reduced yields of prawns have been observed in ponds following periodic blooms of benthic algae. In this study, water quality variables were measured in grow out ponds at 9-11 day intervals. I measured temperature, phytoplankton abundance, phytoplankton diversity, turbidity, and concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, orthophosphate, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a. This data was combined with information on pond depth and prawn yield in order to investigate what variables influence the abundance and diversity of phytoplankton, benthic algal blooms and prawn yield. The difficulty of combining scientific endeavour with commercial enterprises resulted in only a small data set being available for analysis but it appears that benthic algal blooms at NZPL may be due to excessive light penetration to the benthos due to shallow pond depths, and reduced shading of the benthos when phytoplankton abundance is low. Low phytoplankton abundance may possibly be a result of low orthophosphate. There was insufficient data to determine what impacts, if any, the variables investigated have on prawn yield or how water quality variables change with time. Future studies and experiments are recommended in order to increase knowledge of farming M. rosenbergii; a valuable crustacean that has been shown to have a lower social and environmental impact than many other more common aquaculture species.</p>

2021 ◽  
Daniel John MacGibbon

<p>Aquaculture is the fastest growing industry in the food sector and demand for aquaculture products is continuing to grow as many wild stocks from capture fisheries continue to decline. It is imperative that water quality in an aquaculture system is closely controlled in order to maintain the health of the species under culture and maximize production. New Zealand Prawns Limited (NZPL) is an aquaculture facility in Wairakei, New Zealand that cultures the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Dramatically reduced yields of prawns have been observed in ponds following periodic blooms of benthic algae. In this study, water quality variables were measured in grow out ponds at 9-11 day intervals. I measured temperature, phytoplankton abundance, phytoplankton diversity, turbidity, and concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, orthophosphate, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a. This data was combined with information on pond depth and prawn yield in order to investigate what variables influence the abundance and diversity of phytoplankton, benthic algal blooms and prawn yield. The difficulty of combining scientific endeavour with commercial enterprises resulted in only a small data set being available for analysis but it appears that benthic algal blooms at NZPL may be due to excessive light penetration to the benthos due to shallow pond depths, and reduced shading of the benthos when phytoplankton abundance is low. Low phytoplankton abundance may possibly be a result of low orthophosphate. There was insufficient data to determine what impacts, if any, the variables investigated have on prawn yield or how water quality variables change with time. Future studies and experiments are recommended in order to increase knowledge of farming M. rosenbergii; a valuable crustacean that has been shown to have a lower social and environmental impact than many other more common aquaculture species.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-198 ◽  
S. M. D. Islam ◽  
M. E. Huda

The present study investigated the water quality of Shitalakhya River, phytoplankton abundance, diversity and the effect of pollutants on phytoplankton as well as the primary productivity. The water of the collected samples was mostly alkaline (7.01-8.2) and showed a wide range of variation in EC (1171-2700 ?S/cm), TDS (576-1345 mg/L), DO (0.92-2.7 mg/L), free-CO2 (15-31 mg/L), BOD (12.03-28.38 mg/L) and COD (101.2-109.2 mg/L).  A total of 62 species were identified of which 9 belonged to Chlorophyceae, 11 Cyanophyceae, 14 Euglenophyceae and 28 Bacillariophyceae. Among all the members, Bacillariophyceae were found to be dominant and lowest of Chlorophyceae indicates that this group is more sensitive to the pollutants discharged by the industry. 

Diana Purwitasari ◽  
Oktaviandra Pradita Putri ◽  
Wijayanti Nurul Khotimah

Abstrak—Uji laboratorium tentang kualitas air baku pada penyediaan dan pengolahan air bersih memperhatikan parameter air terkait faktor fisika, kimia dan biologi. Analisis kualitas air di laboratorium membutuhkan waktu. Usulan sistem akan mempercepat waktu dengan menganalisis catatan dataparameter air yang ada dalam rekam data PDAM. Aturan asosiasi pada sistem digunakan untuk melihat hubungan antara parameter air yang didahului praproses dengan mengubah data numerik ke data kategorikal berdasarkan standar STOrage and RETrievalData Warehouse (STORET).Selanjutnya model prediksi parameter air yang dihasilkan dari data belajar akan diserderhanakan terlebih dahulu sebelum validasi model dengan data uji. Pengujian model menggunakan data belajar menunjukkan rata-rata akurasi 70% dengan minimal support-confidence 30% data. Hasil model hubungan parameter air menggunakan rekam data PDAM dapat menjadi pendukung kebijakan di daerah tersebut dalam penyediaan dan pengolahan air bersih sebelum dilakukan uji kualitas laboratorium. Tanpa ada uji laboratorium beberapa nilai parameter faktor kimia tidak dapat diketahui. Meskipun demikian aturan yang dihasilkan sistem usulan tanpa uji laboratorium dapat memberikan akurasi 80%-95% dengan asumsi missing valuesnilai faktor kimiasetelah dicek manual dari narasumber pemilik data. Data uji coba menggunakan dataset kecil untuk mempermudah cek manual. Kata Kunci— prediksi kualitas air, aturan asosiasi, storetAbstrak—Raw Water (Air Baku) laboratory analysis is testing physical, chemical and bacteriological characteristicsof water to ensure that water supply is clean, safe and ready for drinking water quality. Analyzing raw water quality in laboratorium needs more time. The proposed system could shorten the laboratory processing time by analyzing daily water production log. Association ruleinthe proposed system was used to generate relation model of water characteristicsfrom the data log provided by local government owned water utilities (PDAM, Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum). The data was transformed first from numerical data into categorical data using STOrage and RETrieval Data Warehouse (STORET)standard.Generated model needs to be simplified because some prediction rules could have the same interpretation. The generated parameter prediction modelwas sufficient to be used as the supporting data for any local policy made related to water supply and sanitationwithout additional costs from standard lab testing of water quality. Some water quality values of chemical characteristics need lab testing. Given the missing values of several chemical characteristics, the generated parameter prediction model still could give better accuracy of 80%-95%. Since PDAM staffmanually validated the generated model, the experiments used small data set.  Keywords— water quality prediction, association rule, storet

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 199
Hasriani Ayu Lestari ◽  
M. Farid Samawi ◽  
Ahmad Faizal ◽  
Abigail Mary Moore ◽  
Jamaluddin Jompa

Phytoplankton are primary producers that can be used as seawater condition indicators. Certain phytoplankton can proliferate, causing harmful algal blooms (HABs). The coastal waters of South Sulawesi, Indonesia are under pressure from land-based processes and activities resulting in inputs of organic and inorganic materials. This study analysed phytoplankton diversity and abundance in coastal waters around South Sulawesi. Phytoplankton were sampled and seawater parameters (salinity, temperature, turbidity, pH, nitrate concentration) measured in-situ at six stations around seven major river estuaries in three seaways (Makassar Strait, Flores Sea, Gulf of Bone). Phytoplankton taxonomic composition, abundance and indices of diversity (H’), evenness (E), and dominance (D) were analysed. Phytoplankton from 31 species and three classes (Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae) were identified. Phytoplankton abundance and community structure differed significantly between sites and seaways but were not significantly correlated with water quality parameters although Dinophyceae abundance correlated significantly with observed pollution levels. Phytoplankton abundance was strongly influenced by the Dinophyceae, especially Ceratium furca, a potential HAB species; Cyanophyceae had the strongest influence on species richness but least on community structure. C. furca abundance was strongly correlated negatively with species richness, H’ and E, and positively with D, indicating negative impacts of this species on phytoplankton communities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Arif Darmawan ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin

Kegiatan rumah tangga dan industri memanfaatkan sungai Bengawan Solo untuk membuang limbahnya. Hal tersebut dapat menurunkan kualitas perairan di Sungai Bengawan Solo. Perubahan kualitas perairan akan berpengaruh langsung terhadap organisme yang hidup di sungai tersebut. Keberadaan fitoplankton di suatu perairan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai keadaan perairan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas fitoplankton, mengetahui konsentrasi nutrien (nitrat dan fosfat) serta mengetahui hubungan kelimpahan fitoplankton dengan konsentrasi nutrien. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komposisi jenis fitoplankton yang ditemukan selama pengamatan didominasi oleh kelas Bacillariophyceae. Genus Rhizosolenia sp., Nitzschia sp. dan Navicula sp. Kelimpahan fitoplankton pada stasiun I sebesar 2544 ind/L. Stasiun II sebesar 1975 ind/L. Stasiun III sebesar 2735 ind/L. Stasiun IV sebesar 1785 ind/L dan stasiun V sebesar 2418 ind/L. Indeks keanekaragaman fitoplankton yang diperoleh selama pengamatan di Sungai Bengawan Solo berkisar antara 1,38 – 2,22, dengan indeks keseragaman berkisar antara 0,67 – 1,07 dan indeks dominasi yang menunjukkan kisaran 0,11 – 0,20. Uji korelasi regresi antara kelimpahan fitoplankton dengan konsentrasi nutrien (nitrat dan fosfat) di perairan Sungai Bengawan Solo memiliki nilai korelasi ganda positif sebesar 0,013. Konsentrasi fosfat berkisar antara 0,59 – 1,74 mg/l. Hubungan antara kelimpahan fitoplankton dengan nitrat secara linier menunjukkan hubungan fluktuatif dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,277 dan koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,077 dimana 7,7% kelimpahan fitoplankton dipengaruhi oleh nitrat.  Hubungan antara kelimpahan fitoplankton dengan konsentrasi fosfat secara linier menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,160 dan koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,025 dimana hanya 2,5% kelimpahan fitoplankton dipengaruhi oleh fosfat. Status kesuburan perairan di Sungai Bengawan Solo Kota Surakarta tergolong dalam kategori mesotrofik yaitu perairan dengan tingkat kesuburan sedang.  Household and industrial activities utilize the Bengawan Solo river to dispose of its waste. This can degrade the water quality in Bengawan Solo River. Changes in water quality will directly affect the organisms living in the river. The presence of phytoplankton in a waters can provide information about the state of the water. The purpose of this research is to know the structure of phytoplankton community, to know the concentration of nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) and to know the correlation of phytoplankton abundance with nutrient concentration.  The results of this study indicate that the composition of phytoplankton species found during observation is dominated by the Bacillariophyceae class. Genus Rhizosolenia sp., Nitzschia sp. and Navicula sp. The abundance of phytoplankton at station I is 2544 ind / L. Station II of 1975 ind / L. Station III of 2735 ind / L. Station IV of 1785 ind / L and station V of 2418 ind / L. The phytoplankton diversity index obtained during observations on the Bengawan Solo River ranged from 1.38 to 2.22, with the uniformity index ranging from 0.67 to 1.07 and the dominance index showing a range of 0.11 to 0.20. Regression correlation test between phytoplankton abundance with nutrient concentration (nitrate and phosphate) in Bengawan Solo River waters has positive double correlation value equal to 0,013. Phosphate concentrations ranged from 0.59 to 1.74 mg / l. The relationship between abundance of phytoplankton and nitrate linearly showed a fluctuative relationship with the correlation coefficient value of 0.277 and the coefficient of determination of 0.077 where 7.7% of phytoplankton abundance was influenced by nitrate. The relationship between phytoplankton abundance with phosphate concentration linearly showed a strong correlation with correlation coefficient value of 0.160 and coefficient of determination equal to 0,025 where only 2.5% phytoplankton abundance influenced by phosphate. The status of water fertility in the River Solo Solo City Surakarta classified in the mesotrophic category of waters with moderate fertility levels. 

Paleobiology ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 668-688 ◽  
Kathryn M. Gregory-Wodzicki

Fossil floras are an important source of quantitative terrestrial paleoclimate data. Many paleoclimate estimates are based on relationships observed in modern vegetation between leaf morphology and climate, such as the increase in the percentage of entire-margined species with increasing temperature and the increase in leaf size with increasing precipitation. An important question is whether these observed relationships are universal or regional; for example, recent studies suggest that significant differences exist between floras from three domains: the Northern Hemisphere, New Zealand/Australia, and subalpine zones. Also, debate exists over which statistical models of modern data sets, univariate or multivariate, provide the most accurate estimates of paleoclimate. In this study, 12 foliage samples from living Bolivian forests are compared with data sets from different regions. Models based on data sets from North America and Japan, namely the Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) data set of J. A. Wolfe, and from east Asia produce reasonably accurate estimates of temperature and precipitation, suggesting that the climate-leaf morphology relationships for Bolivian vegetation do not differ significantly from those for Northern Hemisphere vegetation. The mean leaf size for a given mean annual precipitation is smaller than for a data set from the Western Hemisphere and Africa, but this difference is most likely due to different sampling methods. As for estimating climate from fossil floras, these results, along with the analysis of four other regional data sets, imply that the most accurate climate estimates will be produced by the predictor data set with the most similar climate-leaf morphology relationships. Unfortunately, our present lack of understanding of why climate-morphology relationships vary between the North America/Japan, New Zealand/Australia, and subalpine domains makes it difficult to identify data sets similar to paleofloras. Until we learn more, it is probably best to compare fossil floras to predictor data sets from the same domain. The performance of the various statistical methods depends on the nature of the predictor data set. Multiple regression analysis tends to produce the most accurate estimates for small data sets with a narrow range of environmental variation that have similar relationships to the flora, and linear regression or canonical correspondence analysis for the larger and more varied CLAMP data set. If a similar predictor data set is not available, then nearest-neighbor analysis can still produce accurate paleoclimate estimates.

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Akhmad Mustafa ◽  
Rachmansyah Rachmansyah ◽  
Dody Dharmawan Trijuno ◽  
Ruslaini Ruslaini

Rumput laut (Gracilaria verrucosa) telah dibudidayakan di tambak tanah sulfat masam dengan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi yang relatif tinggi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui peubah kualitas air yang mempengaruhi laju pertumbuhan rumput laut di tambak tanah sulfat masam Kecamatan Angkona Kabupaten Luwu Timur Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pemeliharaan rumput laut dilakukan di 30 petak tambak  terpilih selama 6 minggu. Bibit rumput laut dengan bobot 100 g basah ditebar dalam hapa berukuran 1,0 m x 1,0 m x 1,2 m. Peubah tidak bebas yang diamati adalah laju pertumbuhan relatif, sedangkan peubah bebas adalah peubah kualitas air yang meliputi: intensitas cahaya, salinitas, suhu, pH, karbondioksida, nitrat, amonium, fosfat, dan besi. Analisis regresi berganda digunakan untuk menentukan peubah bebas yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi peubah tidak bebas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju pertumbuhan relatif rumput laut di tambak tanah sulfat masam berkisar antara 1,52% dan 3,63%/hari dengan rata-rata 2,88% ± 0,56%/hari. Di antara 9 peubah kualitas air yang diamati ternyata hanya 5 peubah kualitas air yaitu: nitrat, salinitas, amonium, besi, dan fosfat yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan rumput laut secara nyata. Untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan rumput laut di tambak tanah sulfat masam Kecamatan Angkona Kabupaten Luwu Timur dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian pupuk yang mengandung nitrogen untuk meningkatkan kandungan amonium dan nitrat serta pemberian pupuk yang mengandung fosfor untuk meningkatkan kandungan fosfat sampai pada nilai tertentu, melakukan remediasi untuk menurunkan kandungan besi serta memelihara rumput laut pada salinitas air yang lebih tinggi, tetapi tidak melebihi 30 ppt.Seaweed (Gracilaria verrucosa) has been cultivated in acid sulfate soil-affected ponds with relatively high quality and quantity of seaweed production. A research has been conducted to study water quality variables that influence the growth of seaweed in acid sulfate soil-affected ponds of Angkona Sub-district East Luwu Regency South Sulawesi Province. Cultivation of seaweed was done for six weeks in 30 selected brackishwater ponds. Seeds of seaweed with weight of 100 g were stocked in hapa sized 1.0 m x 1.0 m x 1.2 m. Dependent variable that was observed was specific growth rate, whereas independent variables were water quality variables including light intensity, salinity, temperature, pH, carbondioxide, nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, and iron. Analyses of multiple regressions were used to determine the independent variables which could be used to predict the dependent variable. Research result indicated that relative growth rate of seaweed in acid sulfate soils-affected brackishwater ponds ranged from 1.52% to 3.63%/day with 2.88% ± 0.56%/day in average. Among nine observed water quality variables, only five variables namely: nitrate, salinity, ammonium, phosphate and iron influence significantly on the growth of seaweed in acid sulfate soils-affected brackishwater ponds. The growth of seaweed in acid sulfate soils-affected brackishwater ponds of Angkona District East Luwu Regency, can be improved by using nitrogen-based fertilizers to increase ammonium and nitrate contents and also fertilizers which contain phosphorus to improve phosphate content to a certain level. Pond remediation to decrease iron content and also rearing seaweed at higher salinity (but less than 30 ppt) can also be alternatives to increase the growth of seaweed.

1997 ◽  
Vol 35 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 325-331 ◽  
S. A. Anderson ◽  
S. J. Turner ◽  
G. D. Lewis

Faecal enterococci ecology outside the host is of great relevance when using these organisms as indicators of water quality. As a complement to New Zealand epidemiological studies of bathing water quality and health risk, a study of the environmental occurrence of these organisms has been undertaken. Specific concerns over the use of enterococci derive from the unique situation in New Zealand which has few chlorinated sewage effluents, a high ratio of grazing animals to humans, and significant inputs of animal processing effluents into the environment. Human and animal faecal wastes are the main sources, with 106–107cfu/100ml found in human sewage. Analysis of domestic and feral animal faeces found enterococci in the range of 101–106cfu/g with considerable variation between species. The latter observations support the notion that a considerable proportion of the load in urban/rural catchments and waterways (typically 102–103 enterococci cfu/100ml) is derived from non-human sources. Previous studies of enterococci quiescence in marine/fresh waters indicate that they enter a non-growth phase, exposure to sunlight markedly reducing culturability on selective and non-selective media. Enterococci were also found to survive/multiply within specific non-faecal environments. Enterococci on degrading drift seaweed at recreational beaches exceeded seawater levels by 2–4 orders of magnitude, suggesting that expansion had occurred in this permissive environment with resultant potential to contaminate adjacent sand and water. These studies suggest that multiple sources, environmental persistence, and environmental expansion of enterococci within selected niches add considerable complexity to the interpretation of water quality data.

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