scholarly journals Problemática Ambiental dos Rios Urbanos: uma Análise das Situações de Risco Ambiental e da Qualidade de Vida dos Ribeirinhos do Riacho Doce da Cidade de Lajedo – PE (River of Urban Environmental Problems: An Analysis of Risk Situations and...)

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 520
Julio César Félix da Silva ◽  
Anderson Lopes dos Santos ◽  
Clélio Cristiano dos Santos

O Riacho Doce nasce no Sítio Olhinhos D’água no município de Lajedo - PE, corta a cidade e deságua no Riacho do Quatis. A ideia do trabalho é analisar a problemática ambiental urbana decorrente da ocupação irregular das margens do Riacho Doce em Lajedo, visando identificar as suas implicações na qualidade de vida da população da cidade. Para isso, inicialmente, se caracterizou o uso e ocupação irregular das margens do Riacho Doce, visando identificar os condicionantes da degradação do rio na cidade. Posteriormente, identificou-se as práticas da população ribeirinha, no intuito de relacioná-las as situações de risco ambiental e de degradação do Riacho Doce. E em seguida, se analisou a relação do uso e ocupação/práticas da população ribeirinha do Riacho Doce e suas implicações sobre a qualidade de vida da população da cidade. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa adotou-se seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: pesquisa exploratória, quantitativa, qualitativa, empírica e uma observação in loco. Os resultados indicaram que a população ribeirinha da cidade de Lajedo estabelece uma íntima relação com o Riacho Doce, despejo de lixo no leito e nas margens do rio, criação de animais, banhos, dentre outras, que se manifestam mormente nos lugares mais pobres, engendrando uma série de riscos ambientais, responsáveis pela agudização da queda da qualidade de vida. Palavras-Chave: Problemática ambiental, Rios urbanos, Riacho Doce, Qualidade de vida. River of Urban Environmental Problems: An Analysis of Risk Situations and Environmental Quality of Life of Stream Riparian Riacho Doce of the City Lajedo-PE ABSTRACT The stream whose name is Riacho Doce born in Sítio Olhinhos D`água in Lajedo – PE, cross this town and end up in Riacho do Quatis. The idea of this work is analyse the environmental problems caused by irregular urban occupation of the riverside of the Riacho Doce in Lajedo, aiming to identify the implications on the irregular occupation of the town`s people. For this, first characterized the use and the irregular occupation of the riverside of Riacho Doce, identifying the determinants of the degradation of the river in this town. Subsequently, we identified the practices of the riverside population, in order to relate them to situations of risk and environmental degradation of Riacho Doce. And then, we analysed the relation between the use and the occupation/practices of the riverside population of Riacho Doce and the implications on the quality of the town`s population. For the development of the research we adopted the following methodology: exploratory research, quantitative, qualitative, empirical and in loc observation. The results indicated that the riverside population of Lajedo establishes an intimate relationship with the Riacho Doce, dump trash in the riverside, breed of animals, bathing, among others, that manisfested especially in the poorest areas of the stream, causing a series of environmental risks, responsible for the decrease in the quality of life.  Keywords: Environmental problems; Urban Rivers; Riacho Doce; Quality of life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Verry Lahamendu ◽  
Judy O. Waani ◽  
Aristotulus E. Tungka

China Village or Town is an urban region with Chinese as majority of the community. The China Town is located at the old part of the city of Manado and is well known as one of the oldest trade centres in Manado. As one of the urban heritage in the city of Manado, the Chinatown has unique landmarks with temples that are religious buildings for the Chinese community. With time, the quality of the environment has degraded and the image of the Chinatown has become vague.This paper investigates the existing condition of the town through site observation. It then proposes several suggestions with regard to the revitalisation of the Chinatown without discarding its existing function as a one of the trade centres in Manado. It is hoped that the revitalisation of the town would improve the quality of its urban environment that at the end would positively impact the quality of life of its dwellers, and construct the image of the city as a whole.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 488
Julio César Félix da Silva ◽  
Clélio Cristiano dos Santos

A produção do espaço urbano em bacias hidrográficas constitui a problemática ambiental dos rios urbanos, já que os rios são negados pela expansão da malha urbana na medida em que suas margens são ocupadas arbitrariamente. Trata-se de um tema de interesse para os pesquisadores que se dedicam ao estudo da urbanização, processo que quase sempre é marcado por sérios problemas ambientais. Diante desse contexto, a ideia desta pesquisa é analisar a problemática ambiental urbana decorrente da ocupação irregular das margens do Riacho da Prata, visando identificar sua origem, as áreas de vulnerabilidade socioambiental e os possíveis riscos ambientais para moradores ribeirinhos da cidade de Lajedo – PE. Esta pesquisa parte de um viés crítico dialético, através da pesquisa documental, bibliográfica, histórica e de campo. Ao final da pesquisa constatou-se que o Riacho da Prata foi negado pelo processo de crescimento urbano alavancado desde a década de 1960, e por isso se encontra sem vegetação ciliar, assoreado e poluído. Enquanto a população residente em suas margens, isto é, em áreas de risco ambiental, onde desenvolve diversas práticas sócio-espaciais que degradam o rio, e que ao mesmo tempo podem comprometê-las nos que se refere à saúde: são elas: criação de animais, crianças brincando nas margens do rio, acúmulo de lixo nas margens e/ou no leito do rio, dentre outras. Além disso, percebeu-se que as comunidades mais pobres são mais vulneráveis aos riscos ambientais, tanto pela escassez de infra-estrutura básica, como pela menor capacidade de se proteger contra algum desastre, como uma inundação.Palavras - chave: Problemática ambiental, Rios urbanos, Riacho da Prata, Vulnerabilidade, Risco Ambiental. Environmental Problems of Urban Rivers: Vulnerabilities and Risks on the Banks of the Silver Creek in the City of Lajedo-PE ABSTRACTThe production of urban space in watersheds is the environmental issue of urban rivers, as the rivers are denied by the expansion of the urban fabric in that its banks are occupied arbitrarily. This is a topic of interest to researchers who are dedicated to the study of urbanization, a process that is often marked by serious environmental problems. In this context, the idea of this research is to analyze the environmental problems caused by urban irregular occupation of the shores of Silver Creek, to identify their origin, areas of environmental vulnerability and potential environmental risks to residents bordering the city of Lajedo - PE. This research starts from a critical dialectical bias through desk research, literature, and historical field. At the end of the study it was found that the Silver Creek was denied by the process of urban growth leveraged since the 1960s, so it is no riparian vegetation, silted and polluted. While the resident population on its banks, that is, in areas of environmental risk, which develops various socio-spatial practices that degrade the river, and at the same time may compromise them in relation to health: they are: creating animals, children playing on the banks of the river, accumulation of garbage in the margins and / or in the riverbed, among others. Moreover, it was noticed that the poorest communities are more vulnerable to environmental risks, both by the lack of basic infrastructure, such as poorer ability to protect against a disaster, like a flood.Keywords: Environmental Issues, Urban Rivers, Silver Creek, Vulnerability, Environmental Risk.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (40) ◽  
pp. 17-39 ◽  
Slobodan Arsovski ◽  
Michał Kwiatkowski ◽  
Aleksandra Lewandowska ◽  
Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska ◽  
Emilija Sofeska ◽  

AbstractThe condition of the environment is one of the most fundamental concerns of cities worldwide, especially when high levels of pollution and environmental destruction exert immense impact on people’s quality of life. This paper focuses on Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, which often tops the charts as the world’s most polluted city. Despite associated problems such as congestion, ill health, and premature death, Macedonia’s scarce resources are instead spent on controversial projects, such as ‘Skopje 2014’, involving creating a national identity through massive and extremely costly constructions of neo-classical government buildings, museums and monuments. The aim of this paper is to compare the situation of Skopje to environmentally oriented activities conducted in several Polish cities and to discuss the possibility of their implementation in Skopje. Considering the scale and scope of Skopje’s environmental problems, the paper offers some priorities for action, including solutions that emphasize institution building, technical input and self-governance. It also highlights a number of economic, ecological, and socio-cultural contradictions involved in the process of achieving sustainable development.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Verry Lahamendu ◽  
Judy O. Waani ◽  
Aristotulus E. Tungka

China Village or Town is an urban region with Chinese as majority of the community. The China Town is located at the old part of the city of Manado and is well known as one of the oldest trade centres in Manado. As one of the urban heritage in the city of Manado, the Chinatown has unique landmarks with temples that are religious buildings for the Chinese community. With time, the quality of the environment has degraded and the image of the Chinatown has become vague.This paper investigates the existing condition of the town through site observation. It then proposes several suggestions with regard to the revitalisation of the Chinatown without discarding its existing function as a one of the trade centres in Manado. It is hoped that the revitalisation of the town would improve the quality of its urban environment that at the end would positively impact the quality of life of its dwellers, and construct the image of the city as a whole.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (15) ◽  
pp. 279-299
Dayane Galdino Brito ◽  
Josandra Araújo Barreto de Melo

Este trabalho discute o projeto de intervenção desenvolvido no âmbito do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID/CAPES/UEPB, realizado em uma turma do 1° ano do Ensino Médio, na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio São Sebastião, Campina Grande-PB, pautando-se na abordagem da problemática ambiental urbana. Teve como objetivo principal auxiliar o ensino e a aprendizagem da disciplina de Geografia na abordagem dos problemas ambientais urbanos, a partir da realidade vivenciada pelos discentes. Como objetivos específicos, buscou-se compreender as causas, consequências e apontar possíveis alternativas para superação/minimização destes fenômenos; entender que um eficiente planejamento urbano deve contemplar as características físico-naturais do sítio urbano, bem como seus aspectos sociais; e, por fim, fomentar uma formação cidadã crítica e participativa. Utilizou-se como metodologia a elaboração de vídeos, cujas temáticas representam espaços da cidade em questão e seus respectivos problemas ambientais e, em seguida, a construção de maquetes que representam estes espaços apresentando alternativas. Dentre os resultados obtidos, destaca-se a participação dos discentes no desenvolvimento das propostas, a compreensão do meio ambiente urbano e reflexões acerca das possibilidades de interferir na produção espacial de maneira menos danosa ao ambiente. Portanto, a prática desenvolvida contribuiu com a formação de um entendimento da importância do ambiente para a manutenção da qualidade de vida na cidade.PALAVRAS-CHAVEEspaço urbano. Problemas ambientais. Ensino de Geografia. WORKING THE URBAN ENVIROMENTAL PROBLEMATIC IN GEOGRAPHY CLASSES: experience with videos and models in the public school in Campina Grande/PBABSTRACTThis paper discusses the intervention project developed in the scope of the Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência- PIBID / CAPES / UEPB, carried out in a class of the 1st year of High School, in the Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio São Sebastião, Campina Grande-PB, focusing on the approach to urban environmental problems. The objective was to assist the teaching and learning of the discipline of Geography in the approach to urban environmental problems, based on the reality experienced by the students. As specific objectives, we sought to understand the causes, consequences and to point out possible alternatives for overcoming / minimizing these phenomena; understand that an efficient urban planning must contemplate the physical-natural characteristics of the urban site, as well as its social aspects; and, finally, to promote a critical and participative citizen formation. It was used like methodology of elaboration of videos, whose subjects represent spaces of the city in question and its respective environmental problems and, next, a construction of models that represent these spaces presenting alternatives. Among the results obtained, stands out the participation of the students in the development of proposals, the understand of the urban environment and reflections about the possibilities to interfere in space production in the way less harmful to the environment. Therefore, the practice developed contributed to the formation of an understanding of the importance of an environment to maintenance of quality of life in the city.KEYWORDSUrban space. Environmental problems. Geography teaching.ISSN: 2236-3904REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EDUCAÇÃO EM GEOGRAFIA - - [email protected]

10.3823/2298 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Irany Carvalho da Silva ◽  
Patrícia Serpa de Souza Batista ◽  
Indiara Carvalho dos Santos Platel ◽  
Jessyka Cibelly Minervina Da Costa Silv ◽  
Débora Rodrigues Alves de Lima ◽  

Palliative care is aimed at people with diseases without perspective of cure or terminally, aiming to provide a better quality of life. This study aims to investigating the discourse of nurses about their understanding of palliative care to elderly patient with cancer and identify strategies used by nurses to promote palliative care to the elderly cancer patient. It is an exploratory research of a qualitative nature, carried out with thirteen nurses from a philanthropic institution in the city of João Pessoa, through a questionnaire. The empirical material was subjected to thematic content analysis, resulting in three categories: design of nurses to assist the elderly in Palliative Care: promoting comfort and minimizing the suffering, the importance of palliative care in humanized care to the elderly with cancer and strategies for the Promotion of Care of the Elderly with Cancer. Participants highlighted the palliative care as essential in the humanization of care, ensuring the dignity and quality of life among the elderly with cancer without possibilities of cure, adding such assistance, the family. Keywords: Palliative Care; Nurse; Elderly; Cancer.

Phillippa Carnemolla ◽  
Catherine Bridge

The multi-dimensional relationship between housing and population health is now well recognised internationally, across both developing and developed nations. This paper examines a dimension within the housing and health relationship – accessibility – that to date has been considered difficult to measure. This paper reports on the mixed method results of larger mixed-method, exploratory study designed to measure the impact of home modifications on Health-Related Quality of Life, supported by qualitative data of recipients’ experiences of home modifications. Data was gathered from 157 Australian HACC clients, who had received home modifications. Measurements were taken for both before and after home modifications and reveal that home modifications were associated with an average 40% increase in Health-Related Quality of Life levels. The qualitative results revealed that participants positively associated home modifications across six effect themes: increased safety and confidence, improved mobility at home, increased independence, supported care-giving role, increased social participation, and ability to return home from hospital. This exploratory research gives an insight into the potential for accessible architecture to impact improvements in community health and wellbeing.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 3
Jenny Paola Cervera Quintero

Esta investigación muestra las características y estrategias socioeconómicas identificadas en un grupo de famiempresas de confección en Ciudad Bolívar, localidad de Bogotá, con las cuales logran la permanencia de sus negocios y así la reproducción de la vida y la subsistencia de sus familias. Este primer elemento se contrasta con las políticas de consecución de ingresos desarrolladas por los gobiernos distritales en el período 2000-2013, con el fin de encontrar los elementos comunes y el real aporte con el que las políticas sociales y económicas del Distrito benefician la economía popular de la ciudad, teniendo como referencia el grupo de famiempresas con el que se trabajó. Después de obtener un paralelo entre las políticas socioeconómicas del Distrito y las necesidades reales de las famiempresas, se desarrolla un ejercicio práctico aplicando la metodología de Vester como base para la formulación de recomendaciones dirigidas hacia los gobiernos distritales, en las que se manifiestan las prioridades que esta población objetivo espera de la acción institucional para mejorar el desempeño de sus famiempresas y, por ende, el de su consecución de ingresos para mejor su calidad de vida y la de sus familias.ABSTRACTThis research examines the socio-economic characteristics and strategies pertaining to a group of family business in the apparel sector in Ciudad Bolivar (Bogota), which ensures some stability in the business itself and in their families´ livelihood. This first element is contrasted with the policies of resource allocation pursued by Bogota local administrations in the period 2000-2013, in order to identify the real governmental contributions to thelocal economy. Next, a practical exercise is conducted by applying the methodology of Vester as a basis for the formulation of recommendations addressed to the city government; those recommendations depict the priorities that the targeted population expects from the institutional action to improve the performance of their business and to enhance their income to better their quality of life and that of their families. Fecha de recepción: 23 agosto 2016Fecha de aprobación: 15 noviembre de 2016Fecha de publicación: 6 de enero de 2017

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 398
Eliza Sochacka ◽  
Magdalena Rzeszotarska-Pałka

A growing number of urban interventions, such as culture-led regeneration strategies, has emerged alongside growing awareness of the concept of re-urbanization. These interventions evolve to create a holistic urban vision, with aims to promote social cohesion and strengthen local identity as opposed to traditional goals of measuring the economic impact of new cultural developments. Szczecin’s, Poland urban strategy is focused on the expansion of culture—a condition for improving the quality of life and increasing the city’s attractiveness. This article assesses the potential for re-urbanization of Szczecin’s flagship cultural developments. Questionnaire surveys and qualitative research methods were used to assess the characteristics that distinguish cultural projects in the formal, location-related, functional, and symbolic layers, as well as examining their social perception. The results show that the strength of these indicators of urbanscape identity affects how the cultural developments are assessed by the society. Semiotic coherence and functional complexity of the structures have a significant impact on the sense of identification, while their monumentality and exposure contribute to the assessment of the impact on their surroundings. A development with a firm identity, embedded in the city’s tradition not only preserves the cultural heritage of the city but also makes inhabitants feel association with the new project.

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