scholarly journals Estimativa do Saldo de Radiação Instantâneo na Cidade do Recife, através de Imagens do Satélite LANDSAT 5 TM (Estimation of Instantaneous Radiation Balance in City of Recife, Via Satellite Images LANDSAT 5 TM)

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 589 ◽  
Elvis Bergue Mariz Moreira ◽  
Ranyére Silva Nóbrega ◽  
Bernardo Barbosa da Silva

O conhecimento do saldo de radiacao em areas urbanas e fundamental em estudos de monitoramento de mudanças climaticas e pode ser um indicador de urbanizacao vivenciando por uma determinada area, contudo apresenta-se no campo das pesquisas cientificas pouco exploradas. O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi a obtencao do saldo de radiacao instantaneo na cidade do Recife. Para tanto, foram utilizadas duas imagens do Mapeador Tematico do satélite Landsat 5 referente as datas 26 de agosto de 2006 e 06 de setembro 2010 na orbita e ponto 215/66. As imagens foram processadas atraves do algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land) que e baseado na irradiacao medida nos canais reflectivos (1,2,3,4,5 e 6). Os resultados encontrados apontaram para as imagens em estudo, os menores valores do (Rn) nas areas urbanas e os maiores foram encontrados nas areas com vegetacao e corpos hidricos. A cena referente ao ano de 2006 apresentou na area urbana valores de (Rn) inferiores a 692 Wm-2 , enquanto o ano de 2010 apresentou 730 Wm-2. De modo geral, os maiores valores de (Rn) foram encontrados na imagem de 2010, tal aumento pode esta associado a saxonalidade da radiacao solar. Palavras chaves: radiacao solar, sensoriamento remoto, algoritmo sebal  Estimation of Instantaneous Radiation Balance in City of Recife, Via Satellite Images LANDSAT 5 TM    ABSTRACT  Knowledge of the radiation balance in urban areas is essential in monitoring studies of climate change and can be an indicator of urban living for a certain area, but has in the field of scientific research unexplored. The main objective of this work was to obtain the instantaneous net radiation in the city of Recife. Therefore, we used two images from Landsat Thematic Mapper 5 for the dates August 26, 2006 and September 6, 2010 point in the orbit and 215/66. The images were processed through the algorithm SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land) which is based on irradiation as reflective channels (1,2,3,4,5 and 6). The results pointed to the images under study, the lowest values of (Rn) in urban areas and the largest were found in areas with vegetation and water bodies. The scene for the year 2006 presented in the urban area values (Rn) of less than 692 Wm-2, while the year 2010 showed 730 Wm-2. In general, the highest values of (Rn) were found in the image of 2010, this increase is associated with can saxonalidade solar radiation.  Keywords: solar radiation, remote sensing, algorithm sebal

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 653
Silvia Cristina De Pádua Andrade ◽  
Jéssica Ariana De Jesus Corrêa

A estimativa do saldo de radiação (Rn) em ambientes urbanos é de fundamental importância para o entendimento e a quantificação dos impactos que as estruturas presentes nas áreas urbanas causam nas trocas de energia entre a superfície e a atmosfera. Assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estimar o saldo de radiação instantâneo à superfície no perímetro urbano do município de Santarém, no estado do Pará, utilizando para isto o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land) e duas imagens do satélite Landsat 5 - TM, correspondentes aos dias 02 de agosto de 1999 e 29 de junho de 2010. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as áreas urbanas apresentaram os maiores valores de albedo e temperatura da superfície, e menores valores de NDVI e do saldo de radiação, enquanto que em áreas com vegetação e corpos d’água, estes valores se invertem. Na cena de 1999, os valores mínimo e máximo do Rn foram 296 e 697 W m-2, e para 2010 foram 161 e 682 W m-2, respectivamente. Observou-se uma diminuição no saldo de radiação na imagem de 2010, com maior espacialização de valores compreendidos na faixa entre 472 e 522 W m-2. De modo geral, pode-se atribuir a diminuição do (Rn) encontrado na cena de 2010, a mudança da cobertura do solo e a sazonalidade da radiação solar no momento da passagem do satélite sobre a área em estudo.   ABSTRACT: The estimate of net radiation (Rn) in urban environments is of fundamental importance for the understanding and quantification of the structures in urban areas causing the exchange of energy between the surface and the atmosphere. Thus, this study aimed to estimate the balance of instantaneous surface radiation in the urban area of the municipality of Santarem, in Para state, using for this purpose the algorithm SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land) and two images of Landsat 5 - TM, corresponding to the days August 2, 1999 and June 29, 2010. The results showed that urban areas presented the highest values of albedo and surface temperature, and lower values of NDVI and net radiation, while in areas with vegetation and water bodies, these values are reversed. In the scene of 1999, the minimum and maximum Rn values were 296 and 697 W m-2 respectively, and 2010 were 161 and 682 W m-2, respectively. There was a decrease in net radiation at the picture of 2010 with higher spatial values included in the range between 472 and 522 W m-2. In general, one can attribute the decrease of (Rn) found at the scene of 2010, the change of land cover and seasonality of solar radiation at the time the satellite passed over the area under study. Keywords: urbanization, net radiation, albedo, remote sensing, SEBAL.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 53-76
Gabriel Alves Veloso ◽  
Manuel Eduardo Ferreira ◽  
Bernardo Barbosa da Silva

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a estimativa da evapotranspiração em áreas irrigadas do projeto Jaíba (MG) e áreas circunvizinhas por meio de dados satelitários. Foram utilizadas cinco imagens do satélite Landsat 5 –TM, órbita 219 ponto 70, do ano de 2011. A estimativa da evapotranspiração real diária foi obtida através do algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land). O SEBAL é constituído de várias etapas, que consiste na estimativa do balanço de radiação e balanço de energia e evapotranspiração. Para a obtenção desses parâmetros, utilizou-se dados da estação meteorológica localizada na cena Landsat. Foram obtidos valores médios para a evapotranspiração no período de 24 horas de 6,85 mm.dia-1, 4,0 mm.dia-1, 2,6 mm.dia-1, 2,2 mm.dia-1 e 3,4 mm.dia-1 para os dias juliano DJ 31, DJ 111, DJ 175, DJ 191 e DJ 255, respectivamente. Observou-se que a evapotranspiração apresentou variação no período analisado devido à quantidade de radiação disponível para cada dia, indicando um comportamento decíduo nas áreas de floresta estacional. A técnica utilizada demonstrou-se eficiente nas análises dos componentes estudados, sendo o SEBAL uma ferramenta importante para a gestão ambiental dos recursos hídricos. Palavras - Chaves: Evapotranspiração; SEBAL; Projeto Jaíba.   DETERMINATION OF REAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DAILY IN AREAS OF JAIBA IRRIGATED PROJECT (MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL) THROUGH IMAGES LANDSAT 5 – TM  Abstract This study aimed to estimate evapotranspiration in irrigated areas of Jaíba project (MG) and surrounding areas through satelitários data. Five images of Landsat 5 -TM were used, orbit 219 point 70, 2011. The estimate of daily evapotranspiration was obtained by SEBAL algorithm (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land) .The SEBAL consists of several stages, consisting in estimating the radiation balance and energy balance and evapotranspiration. To obtain these parameters, we used data from the weather station located on the Landsat scene. Mean values ​​for evapotranspiration were obtained within 24 hours of 6.85 mm.dia-1, 4,0 mm.dia-1, 2,6 mm.dia-1, 2,2-1 and 3 mm.dia , 4 mm.dia-1 for Julian days DJ 31, DJ 111, DJ 175, DJ 191 and DJ 255, respectively. It was observed that the evapotranspiration in growth in the period analyzed due to the amount of radiation available for each day, indicating a behavior in the areas of deciduous seasonal forest. The technique used was efficient in the analysis of the components studied, and the SEBAL an important tool for environmental management of water resources. Keywords: Evapotranspiration; SEBAL; Jaíba project.   DETERMINACIÓN DE LA EVAPOTRANSPIRACIÓN REAL DIARIA EN ÁREAS IRRIGADAS DEL PROYECTO JAÍBA (MINAS GERAIS, BRASIL), MEDIANTE IMAGENES LANDSAT 5 – TM Resumen El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo la estimativa de evapotranspiración en áreas irrigadas del proyecto Jaíba (MG) y áreas circunvecinas por medio de datos satelitarios. Fueron utilizadas cinco imágenes del satélite Landsat 5 – TM, órbita 219 punto 70, del año 2011. La estimativa de la evapotranspiración real diaria fue obtenida a través del algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance AlgorithmforLand). SEBAL es constituido de varias etapas, que consiste en la estimativa del balance de radiación e de energía y evapotranspiración. Para la obtención de esos parámetros, se utilizó datos de la estación meteorológica localizada en la escena Landsat. Fueron obtenidos valores medios para la evapotranspiración en el período de 24 horas de 6,85 mm.dia-1, 4,0 mm.dia-1, 2,6 mm.dia-1, 2,2 mm.dia-1, y 3,4 mm.dia-1 para los días de Juliano DJ 31, DJ 111, DJ 175, DJ 191 y DJ 255, respectivamente. Se observó que la evapotranspiración presentó variación en el período analizado debido a la cantidad de radiación disponible para cada día, indicando un comportamiento caducifolio en las áreas de floresta estacional. La técnica utilizada se mostró eficiente en los análisis de los componentes estudiados, siendo SEBAL una herramienta importante para la gestión ambiental de los recursos hídricos. Palabras - claves: Evapotranspiración; SEBAL; Proyecto Jaíba.

2008 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 819-834 ◽  
Timothy M. Barzyk ◽  
John E. Frederick

Abstract Individual structures within the same local-scale (102–104 m) environment may experience different microscale (<103 m) climates. Urban microclimate variations are often a result of site-specific features, including spatial and material characteristics of surfaces and surrounding structures. A semiempirical surface energy balance model is presented that incorporates radiative and meteorological measurements to statistically parameterize energy fluxes that are not measured directly, including sensible heat transport, storage heat flux through conduction, and evaporation (assumed to be negligible under dry conditions). Two Chicago rooftops were chosen for detailed study. The City Hall site was located in an intensely developed urban area characterized by close-set high-rise buildings. The University rooftop was in a highly developed area characterized by three- to seven-story buildings of stone, concrete, and brick construction. Two identical sets of instruments recorded measurements contemporaneously from these rooftops during summer 2005, and results from the week of 29 July to 5 August are presented here. The model explains 83.7% and 96% of the variance for the City Hall and University sites, respectively. Results apply to a surface area of approximately 1260 m2, at length scales similar to the dimensions of built structures and other urban elements. A site intercomparison revealed variations in surface energy balance components caused by site-specific features and demonstrated the relevance of the model to urban applications.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 ◽  
pp. 126 ◽  
Gabriel Alves Veloso ◽  
Manuel Eduardo Ferreira ◽  
Roberto Rosa ◽  
Bernardo Barbosa Da Silva

O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar o albedo de áreas irrigadas do projeto Jaíba. A área de estudo encontra-se localizada no Norte de Minas Gerais, entre as coordenadas UTM de 595204 e 626309 E e 8308401 e 8341257 N. Na elaboração do trabalho foram utilizadas imagens TM do Satélite Landsat 5, órbita/ponto 219/70, obtidas nos dias 31 de janeiro, dia Juliano 31 (DJ31), 21 de abril (DJ111), 24 de junho (DJ175), 10 de julho (DJ191) e 12 de setembro (DJ255), todas do ano de 2011. A determinação do albedo de superfície foi realizada segundo os procedimentos do algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land), que se baseia na radiância dos canais refletivos do TM.  A pesquisa obteve valores de albedo de superfície dos dias 31 e 111 para o rio São Francisco na ordem de 9 a 13%, associados ao aumento da carga de sedimentos provocado pela estação chuvosa. Os resultados do albedo de vegetação nativa foram os que demonstraram maior variação, apresentando valores na ordem de 9 a 16%. Este resultado pode estar associado à dinâmica que as estações do ano imprimem na vegetação e na pastagem, sendo que o dia 255 apresentou maior variação no período analisado, período este correspondente ao de estiagem. Os valores observados nas áreas irrigadas foram na ordem de 16 a 23%, enquanto os valores de vegetação degradada, pastagem e solo exposto variaram na ordem de 23 a 32%, sendo estes coerentes com os encontrados na literatura.

M. Piringer ◽  
C. S. B. Grimmond ◽  
S. M. Joffre ◽  
P. Mestayer ◽  
D. R. Middleton ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 124 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-24 ◽  
Martin Piringer ◽  
Sylvain Joffre ◽  
Alexander Baklanov ◽  
Andreas Christen ◽  
Marco Deserti ◽  

2018 ◽  
Matthew H. Olson ◽  
Summer B. Rupper

Abstract. Topographic shading, including both shaded relief and cast shadowing, plays a fundamental role in determining direct solar radiation on glacier ice. However, this parameter has been oversimplified or incorrectly incorporated in surface energy balance models in some past studies. Here we develop a topographic solar radiation model to examine the variability in irradiance throughout the glacier melt season due to topographic shading and combined slope and aspect. We apply the model to multiple glaciers in High Mountain Asia (HMA), and test the sensitivity of shading to valley-aspect and latitude. Our results show that topographic shading significantly alters the potential direct clear-sky solar radiation received at the surface for valley glaciers in HMA, particularly for north- and south-facing glaciers. Additionally, we find that shading can be extremely impactful in the ablation zone. Cast shadowing is the dominant mechanism in determining total shading for valley glaciers in parts of HMA, especially at lower elevations. Although shading has some predictable characteristics, it is overall extremely variable between glacial valleys. Our results suggest that topographic shading is not only an important factor contributing to surface energy balance, but could also influence glacier response and mass balance estimates throughout HMA.

2021 ◽  
Susanne A. Benz ◽  
Steven J. Davis ◽  
Jennifer Burney

More than half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas, and trends in rural-to-urban migration are expected to continue through the end of the century. Although cities create efficiencies that drive innovation and economic growth, they also alter the local surface energy balance, resulting in urban temperatures that can differ dramatically from surrounding areas. Here we introduce a global 1-km resolution data set of seasonal and diurnal anomalies in urban surface temperatures relative to their rural surroundings, and use satellite-observable parameters in a simple model informed by the surface energy balance to understand the dominant drivers of present urban heating, the heat-related impacts of projected future urbanization, and the potential for policies to mitigate those damages. At present, urban populations live in areas with daytime surface summer temperatures that are 3.21°C (-3.97 - 9.24, 5th-95th percentiles) warmer than surrounding rural areas, such that 1.2 billion people are exposed to average surface summer temperatures in excess of 35°C that might put them at risk of heat-related illness. If design and infrastructure of cities remain unchanged, increased urban heat anomalies will add 0.19°C (-0.01, 0.47) to the daytime summer surface temperatures in urban areas in 2100 -- in addition to warming due to climate change. Such urban heating will increase the number of urban population living under extreme and potentially health-threatening temperatures by approximately 20% compared to current numbers. However we also find a significant potential for mitigation: 82% of all urban areas can optimize vegetation and/or surface albedo and reduce urban daytime summer surface temperatures for the affected population on average by -0.81°C (-2.55, -0.05).

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 204
Taciana Lima Araujo ◽  
Enio Pereira Souza

O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar, através da modelagem numérica da atmosfera, os processos de superfície que determinam o saldo de radiação e a precipitação na zona urbana da cidade do Recife-PE. O modelo utilizado é o Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System - BRAMS. Uma melhora na representação dos processos de superfície em áreas urbanas foi obtida através do acoplamento entre o modelo BRAMS e um esquema específico para a representação da dinâmica urbana, o esquema Town Energy Budget - TEB. Foram realizados dois experimentos para testar a sensibilidade do modelo à representação da cidade. A consideração da superfície urbana aumenta o saldo de radiação sobre a cidade porque diminui o albedo da superfície e diminui a radiação de onda longa emitida. A influência das regiões urbanas nesses processos altera os fluxos de energia em superfície e, causa aumento da precipitação.Palavras-chave: BRAMS, região urbana, saldo de radiação.  Influence of the Surface Energy Balance and Intensity Urban Rainfall ABSTRACTThe objective of this work is to study the surface processes that determine the radiation budget and the precipitation at the urban area of the city of Recife-PE. The model used is the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System - BRAMS. An improvement in the representation of the surface processes in urban areas was achieved through the coupling of the BRAMS model with a scheme suitable to representing the urban dynamics, the Town Energy Budget - TEB. Two experiments were run to test the model’s sensitivity to the city representation. The consideration of the urban surface increases the radiation budget over the city because it diminishes the surface albedo and the upcoming long wave radiation. The influence of the urban area alters the surface energy fluxes and increases the precipitation.Keywords: BRAMS, urban region, radiation budget

2015 ◽  
Frank van der Hoeven ◽  
Alexander Wandl ◽  

Heat waves will occur in Rotterdam with greater frequency in the future. Those affected most will be the elderly – a group that is growing in size. In the light of the Paris heat wave of August 2003 and the one in Rotterdam in July 2006, mortality rates among the elderly in particular are likely to rise in the summer. METHOD The aim of the Hotterdam research project was to gain a better understanding of urban heat. The heat was measured and the surface energy balance modelled from that perspective. Social and physical features of the city we identified in detail with the help of satellite images, GIS and 3D models. We determined the links between urban heat/surface energy balance and the social/physical features of Rotterdam by multivariable regression analysis. The crucial elements of the heat problem were then clustered and illustrated on a social and a physical heat map. RESULTS The research project produced two heat maps, an atlas of underlying data and a set of adaptation measures which, when combined, will make the city of Rotterdam and its inhabitants more aware and less vulnerable to heat wave-related health effects. CONCLUSION In different ways, the pre-war districts of the city (North, South, and West) are warmer and more vulnerable to urban heat than are other areas of Rotterdam. The temperature readings that we carried out confirm these findings as far as outdoor temperatures are concerned. Indoor temperatures vary widely. Homes seem to have their particular dynamics, in which the house’s age plays a role. The above-average mortality of those aged 75 and over during the July 2006 heat wave in Rotterdam can be explained by a) the concentration of people in this age group, b) the age of the homes they live in, and c) the sum of sensible heat and ground heat flux. A diverse mix of impervious surfaces, surface water, foliage, building envelopes and shade make one area or district warmer than another. Adaptation measures are in the hands of residents, homeowners and the local council alike, and relate to changing behaviour, physical measures for homes, and urban design respectively.

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