dry conditions
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Solid Earth ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-160
Tiange Xing ◽  
Hamed O. Ghaffari ◽  
Ulrich Mok ◽  
Matej Pec

Abstract. Geological carbon sequestration provides permanent CO2 storage to mitigate the current high concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. CO2 mineralization in basalts has been proven to be one of the most secure storage options. For successful implementation and future improvements of this technology, the time-dependent deformation behavior of reservoir rocks in the presence of reactive fluids needs to be studied in detail. We conducted load-stepping creep experiments on basalts from the CarbFix site (Iceland) under several pore fluid conditions (dry, H2O saturated and H2O + CO2 saturated) at temperature, T≈80 ∘C and effective pressure, Peff=50 MPa, during which we collected mechanical, acoustic and pore fluid chemistry data. We observed transient creep at stresses as low as 11 % of the failure strength. Acoustic emissions (AEs) correlated strongly with strain accumulation, indicating that the creep deformation was a brittle process in agreement with microstructural observations. The rate and magnitude of AEs were higher in fluid-saturated experiments than in dry conditions. We infer that the predominant mechanism governing creep deformation is time- and stress-dependent subcritical dilatant cracking. Our results suggest that the presence of aqueous fluids exerts first-order control on creep deformation of basaltic rocks, while the composition of the fluids plays only a secondary role under the studied conditions.

Kourosh Tatar ◽  
Inge Svenningsson

AbstractThe tool geometry is generally of great significance in metal cutting performance. The response surface method was used to optimize chamfer geometry to achieve reliable and minimum tool wear in slot milling. Models were developed for edge chipping, rake wear, and flank wear. The adequacy of the models was verified using analysis of variance at a 95% confidence level. Each response was optimized individually, and the multiple responses were optimized simultaneously using the desirability function approach. The Monte Carlo simulation method was applied to tolerance analysis. All milling tests were conducted at dry conditions; the chamfer width and the chamfer angle varied between 0.1 and 0.3 mm, and 10 and 30°, respectively. Optimal chamfer geometry for minimizing chipping and rake wear was small chamfer width and chamfer angle. The flank wear reached the minimum value for the tool with 0.18 mm chamfer width and 10° chamfer angle. The obtained composite model predicted good edge strength and minimum overall wear when the chamfer was 0.1 mm wide at a 10° angle. Thermal cracks were observed on the tools. They were small on the edges with the finest and least negative chamfer but were more significant on the more negative and greater chamfer. A great chamfer width and chamfer angle also resulted in insufficient chip evacuation. The results show how the edge geometry affects the tool’s reliability and wear and may help manufacturers minimize tool cost and downtime.

Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Mitja Plos ◽  
Barbara Fortuna ◽  
Tamara Šuligoj ◽  
Goran Turk

The aim of the present paper is to assess the non-destructive indicating properties of Slovenian beech (Fagus sylvatica) logs and correlate them with the mechanical properties of the final product, which is boards. Beech logs were visually graded according to the standard procedure and vibrational frequencies were measured. Logs were further on sawn into boards which were also non-destructively tested in wet and dry conditions. Finally, the boards were experimentally tested in tension. Special focus was directed towards visual parameters of the beech logs and their influence on the overall quality of the output material. The longitudinal natural frequencies of the logs were studied as potential indicating properties. The results showed that a majority of the visual log grading parameters do not result in good quality timber in terms of strength and stiffness properties, and only few are decisive for the final classification. The coefficient of determination of the static MOE vs. dynamic MOE of logs was r2=0.13, whereas vs. the MOE of wet boards was r2=0.49. Using a few visual characteristics in combination with dynamic measurements of logs and of wet boards could help to increase the yield of high quality beech wood.

Kazuo Fujiyoshi ◽  
Takao Ueda ◽  
Hitoshi Takagi ◽  
Masayuki Tsukagoshi

Conventionally, short fibers such as steel and synthetic fibers have been mixed into spray mortar used for slope protection to enhance resistance against cracking and durability. However, in the quest of higher performance fiber-reinforced mortar with reduced impact on the environment, natural fibers such as bamboo fibers may play a vital role. Thus, the tensile strength and the bond strength of bamboo fibers used for spray mortar were examined by laboratory tests. The mechanical properties of bamboo-fiber-reinforced spray mortar were examined under cyclic wet and dry conditions along with its resistance against freezing and thawing by a spray test. It was confirmed that 0.75% mixture of bamboo fibers in spray mortar successfully improved mechanical properties and durability. These include adhesion strength to the base surface following exposure to cyclic wet/dry conditions and overall resistance against freezing/thawing. Moreover, higher compressive strength, flexural toughness and adhesion strength to the base surface were achieved by further mixing in vinylon fibers or fly ash in addition to bamboo fibers.

2022 ◽  
Sandy Herho ◽  
Gisma Firdaus

This pilot study presents a novel statistical time-series approach for analyzing daily rainfall data in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. By using the piecewise cubic hermite interpolation algorithm, we succeeded in filling in the null values in the daily rainfall time series. We then analyzed the monthly average and its pattern using the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) algorithm, which shows the strong annual pattern of rainfall in this region. In addition, we use the rainfall anomaly index (RAI) function to standardize daily rainfall as an indicator of dry/wet conditions in this region. Then we also use the daily RAI time-series objects from 1978 to 2020 for modeling and predicting daily RAI over the next year. The result is the root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.8424041040593219. This Prophet model is also able to capture the linear trend of increasing drought throughout the study time period and the annual pattern of wet/dry conditions which is in accordance with previous study by Aldrian and Susanto (2003).

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Michael Nordine ◽  
Anton Schwarz ◽  
Renana Bruckstein ◽  
Hanns-Christian Gunga ◽  
Oliver Opatz

Introduction: The human dive reflex (HDR), an O2 conserving reflex, is characterised by an interplay of central parasympathetic and peripheral sympathetic reactions, which are presumed to operate independently of each other. The HDR is fully activated during apnoea with facial immersion in water and complete immersion in water is thought to increase the magnitude of HDR during consecutive apnoeas. A comparison of HDR activity between consecutive apnoeas in full-body immersion with consecutive apnoeas in dry conditions has not been fully explored. Also, the interplay between parasympathetic and sympathetic reactions involved in the HDR has not been thoroughly analysed.Methods: 11 human volunteers performed 3 consecutive 60 s apnoeas with facial immersion in dry conditions (FIDC) and 3 consecutive apnoeas with facial immersion in full immersion (FIFI). Heart rate (HR), R-R interval (RRI), finger pulse amplitude (FPA), splenic width (SW) and SpO2 were all measured before, during and after apnoeas. A one-way ANOVA using Dunn’s post hoc test was performed to assess HDR activity, and a Pearson’s correlation test was performed to assess HDR synchronisation between physiological parameters during both conditions.Results: Although HDR activity was not significantly different between both conditions, HR and RRI showed progressively greater changes during FIFI compared with FIDC, while SW and FPA changes were relatively equivalent. During FIDC, significant correlations were found between SW & SpO2 and FPA & SpO2. During FIFI, significant correlations were found between RRI & FPA, SW & FPA, HR & SpO2 and FPA & SpO2.Discussion: While there was no significant difference found between HDR activity during FIDC and FIFI, consecutive apnoeas during FIFI triggered a greater magnitude of cardiac activity. Furthermore, significant correlations between RRI and SW with FPA indicate a crosstalk between parasympathetic tone with splenic contraction and increased peripheral sympathetic outflow during FIFI compared to FIDC. In conclusion, HDR activity during consecutive apnoeas does not differ between FIDC and FIFI. There appears to be however a greater level of synchronicity during apnoeas in FIFI compared to FIDC and that this is most likely due to the physiological effects of immersion, which could induce neural recruitment and increased cross talk of HDR pathways.

Agronomy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Sagadat Turebayeva ◽  
Aigul Zhapparova ◽  
Akbota Yerkin ◽  
Khaiyrnisa Aisakulova ◽  
Gainiya Yesseyeva ◽  

Reduced soil tillage is a powerful means to mitigate soil degradation. However, in arid climates, no-till rainfed technologies often result in yield drop due to lack of soil moisture and mineral nutrition. Rainfed production of winter wheat using direct sowing and diversified fertilization in South Kazakhstan was studied in 2019–2020. Eight field-scale treatments using nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers were studied for biometric parameters of winter wheat. An economic profitability of the amendments used was assessed. The soil managed to accumulate productive moisture to support plants’ needs during formation of productive organs. Use of phosphorus fertilizer at direct sowing accelerated grain maturation, and the combination of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer lengthened the growing season. The highest production cost of 1 tonne of grain was in the plots that did not receive any amendments, and the lowest cost was in the treatment with use of plant growth stimulants together with micronutrient fertilizer. For the first time, optimization of the soil nutritional regime with consideration of the biological and phenological demands allowed for the balance of the plant nutrition and cost efficiency of grain production with direct sowing of winter wheat in dry conditions in South Kazakhstan.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-202
G. Venkata Ajay Kumar ◽  
A. Ramaa ◽  
M. Shilpa

In most of the machining processes, the complexity arises in the selection of the right process parameters, which influence the machining process and output responses such as machinability and surface roughness. In such situations, it is important to estimate the inter-relationships among the output responses. One such method, Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) is applied to study the inter-relationships of the output responses. Estimation of proper weights is also crucial where the output responses are conflicting in nature. In the current study, DEMATEL technique is used for estimating the inter-relationships for output responses in machining of EN 24 alloy under dry conditions. CRiteria Importance Through Inter-criteria Correlation (CRITIC) method is used to estimate the weights and finally the optimal selection of machining parameters is carried out using Techniques for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The model developed guides the decision maker in selection of precise weights, estimation of the inter relationships among the responses and selection of optimal process parameters.

2022 ◽  
pp. 105945
B. Rörup ◽  
W. Scholz ◽  
L. Dada ◽  
M. Leiminger ◽  
R. Baalbaki ◽  

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