scholarly journals Factors Relating to the Reproductive Biology of Georges Bank Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in 1977-83

1987 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 145-154 ◽  
W J Overholtz
1987 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-25 ◽  
L. J. Buckley ◽  
R. G. Lough

A transect across southern Georges Bank in May 1983 showed higher levels of available prey for haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and cod (Gadus morhua) larvae at two stratified sites than at a well-mixed site. At the stratified sites, prey biomass was high (30–300 μg dry wt∙L−1) near the surface above the thermocline; values were lower and more uniform with depth (10–30 μg dry wt∙L−1) at the well-mixed site. Larval population centers generally coincided with prey biomass vertically. Recent growth in dry weight of haddock larvae as estimated by RNA–DNA ratio analysis was higher at the stratified sites (8–13%∙d−1) than at the well-mixed site (7%∙d−1). Larvae appeared to be in excellent condition at the stratified sites, but up to 50% of haddock larvae from the well-mixed site had RNA–DNA ratios in the range observed for starved larvae in the laboratory. Cod collected at the same site were in better condition and growing faster than haddock. The data support the hypotheses that (1) stratified conditions in the spring favor good growth and survival of haddock larvae and (2) cod larvae are better adapted to grow and survive in well-mixed waters at lower levels of available food than haddock larvae.

1986 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 748-753 ◽  
William J. Overholtz ◽  
Michael P. Sissenwine ◽  
Stephen H. Clark

The Georges Bank haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) fishery has fluctuated dramatically since the early 1960's. Abundance declined from the mid-1960's to the mid-1970's, partially recovered, and has declined again since 1980. In general, poor year-classes have been associated with a low spawning biomass although the relationship is variable. The fishery was simulated by using the Baranov catch equation, constant growth and natural mortality, and stochastic levels of recruitment whose probabilities correspond to historic patterns in the stock and recruitment data. Simulations suggest a low probability for stock recovery and improved yield under current conditions (F ≈ 0.5). Recovery time increased with increases in fishing mortality (F), and beyond F = 0.40 recovery is unlikely within 25 yr. With recruitment of a very large year-class (100 million fish) an initial strategy providing for a relatively low level of F(= 0.10) for 3−5 yr, followed by exploitation at historically sustainable levels (F = 0.35), would result in stock recovery. With recruitment of a smaller year-class (50 million fish) low initial levels (F = 0.10) and subsequent management at or near F0.1 (F = 0.26) would be required to initiate stock recovery and reasonable harvest levels in future years.

2009 ◽  
Vol 99 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-54 ◽  
Alexandre Alonso-Fernández ◽  
Ann Carole Vallejo ◽  
Fran Saborido-Rey ◽  
Hilario Murua ◽  
Edward A. Trippel

2009 ◽  
Vol 66 (5) ◽  
pp. 869-872 ◽  
Mark R. Payne ◽  
Mark Dickey-Collas ◽  
Richard D.M. Nash

In the paper “Does the fall phytoplankton bloom control recruitment of Georges Bank haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus , through parental condition?”, Friedland et al. (Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65(6): 1076–1086, 2008) examine a sizable number of hypotheses aiming to explain the recruitment patterns observed in Georges Bank haddock. The authors focus on a correlation between the size of the autumnal phytoplankton bloom and the survivor ratio (recruitment), concluding this to be the main factor determining recruitment, via the mechanism of adult condition at the time of spawning. Here we examine this result in close detail and re-analyse some of the data presented in the paper. We show that the recruitment metric upon which Friedland et al. base their conclusions inadvertently biases the analysis in favour of high recruitment events and against low recruitments. As a consequence, Friedland et al. disregard correlations that are, in fact, significant. Furthermore, we show that the parental condition hypothesis hinges upon a single, highly uncertain data point, without which the correlation is no longer significant. We find that evidence for the parental condition hypothesis is weak, and that in performing the analysis in the chosen manner, Friedland et al. have overlooked alternative hypotheses.

1989 ◽  
Vol 46 (S1) ◽  
pp. s153-s170 ◽  
K. G. Waiwood ◽  
M.-I. Buzeta

Information on the reproductive biology of Southwest Scotian Shelf haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) (NAFO Division 4X) is presented including geographic distribution by maturation stage, timing of maturation, seasonal changes in gonad weight, spawning distribution in relation to environmental factors, and fecundity at length, weight, and age. Haddock were found to spawn on Browns, Baccaro, LaHave, and Roseway Banks over sand/gravel substrates. Spawning fish were found in a narrower and colder temperature range than were fish of other maturity stages. Spawning fish were found from April to August with peak activity occurring from April to June. Testes peaked in weight in February and March when they accounted for 1–2.2% of body weight while ovaries reached their maximum size (3.1–12.5% of body weight) from late March to mid-May. The length at 50% maturity varied over the period 1970–85 and these changes were correlated with changes in population biomass. There were no significant differences in fecundity/length relationships with area or year (1983–86) but fecundity for a given size decreased over the spawning season.

1992 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 484-496 ◽  
T. Polacheck ◽  
D. Mountain ◽  
D. McMillan ◽  
W. Smith ◽  
P. Berrien

Unusually strong along-shelf surface flow in the spring of 1987 transported haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae westward from spawning grounds on Georges Bank into the Middle Atlantic Bight, some as far as 400 km beyond the limits of their normal distribution. 0-Group haddock survived in the Bight in record numbers. Their center of abundance occurred along the outer half of the shelf from Delaware Bay to Martha's Vineyard where more than 97% of the 0-group fish resided in the fall of 1987. Juveniles remained more abundant in the Bight than on the bank through the spring of 1988. Collective evidence suggests that survivors returned to Georges Bank during the late spring/early summer of 1988. The estimated number of 0-group fish in the 1987 year class exceeded all previous estimates from a 27-yr time series which included the 1963 year class, the largest recruited to the fishery since record keeping began in 1931.

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