coral reef area
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Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 3351
Myeong-Ho Yeo ◽  
Adriana Chang ◽  
James Pangelinan

This study implemented experimental and numerical approaches for supporting the Pago Bay ridge-to-reef management program. Water quality tests for turbidity and inorganic dissolved nitrogen (IDN) were performed using water samples collected from four sites within the Pago Watershed. After conducting a one-way ANOVA test, the result shows significant differences in group means in turbidity levels (F value = 20.4 and p-value 3.29 × 10−7). Application of Tukey’s HSD test identifies one of the sites, the Pago River section, yields more sediment and IDN to the river system and Pago coral reef area. Observation of heavy rainfall, which causes much of the erosion and sediment transport, over the area should be taken into account in order to create best management practices. In addition, this study proposes a SWAT model for the watershed to identify locations of concern. The SWAT model was calibrated using historical streamflow data for the period of 2012–2018 and validated with data for the period of 2019–2020. The NSE and R2 values for the calibration are 0.864 and 0.938, respectively. For the validation period, the NSE value is 0.857, and the value of R2 is 0.937. In terms of sediments and nutrients, sub-basins connected to Pago River comprise the major source areas. Estimation of more sediment loads during the wet-monsoon season implies that heavy rainfall induces more erosion over the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (1D) ◽  
pp. 114-128
Zainab Al-Humaidan

The discovery of coral reefs in Iraqi marine waters is a new event in 2012 and it covers an area of approximately 28 km2 at the southern end of Khor Al-Amia. A team of divers from the German Freiburg Institute for Mining and Technology and Marine Science Center at the University of Basra were able to find coral reefs in the NW part of the Arabian Gulf. The aim of this article is to study fauna assemblages and try to understand the relationship between the accumulation of sediments and fauna assemblages in the Coral Reef area NW of the Arabian Gulf, southern of Iraq. Four surface samples of sediments of the area were studied and determined the relationship between the types of texture and the amount of fauna and shell fragments. Mollusca was chosen from among the existing groups of fauna due to the great number of species and large sizes, also Bryozoa studied in the region. The sand texture is predominant in the sediments of the area and the sand ratio was between 55-97% most of their grains are fine and round. The sediments of the region were distinguished by a high percentage of shells between 24–69% from the total percentage of sand. The phenomenon of multiple colors of sand and fauna revealed this due to the presence of minerals and oxides, impurities and pollution in the region, and genetic factors concerning fauna. Many species were diagnosed in the sediments of the region, reaching 62 species of Mollusca and Bryozoa. Mollusca is classified into three types (Gastropod, Pelecypoda and Scaphopoda). Some species were recorded for the first time in the region such as Japonactaeonpusillus, Cylichna cylindracea and Cuna majeeda.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Semuel F Tuhumury ◽  
James Abrahamsz ◽  
Dicky Sahetapy ◽  
Johannes M.S. Tetelepta ◽  
Jalil Haulussy

The use of the coral ecosystem causes a systemic impact on that ecosystem. There are various types of coral reef ecosystem utilization, and the management of this ecosystem, therefore, needs a collaborative approach. The objective of this study was to identify the condition of coral reef, to identify types of utilization and its impact on the coral reef ecosystem and produce a collaborative management response towards the coral reef ecosystem. The research was conducted n July 2020 at the coral reef area of Biloro Village, Sub-district of Kapala Madang, Southern Buru. Field observation uses the Line Intercept Transect method for coral reef condition assessment, while the PRA approach to identify trigger factors, stress against the environment, the impact, and strategic adaptive response management. The collaborative method is a strategic adaptive response that conveys the system concept of socio-ecology, community capacity, and institutional empowerment in management integration. The result shows that on average coral reef ecosystem was in good condition. There are five responses collaborative management proposed explicitly education advocacy in the importance of coral reef, rehabilitation of degraded coral reef, the establishment of community controlling group, village by law, and the development of Toumahu Island marine tourist.   ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan ekosistem terumbu karang memberikan dampak sistematis. Pengelolaan terumbu karang pada lokasi penelitian membutuhkan pendekatan kolaboratif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengindentifikasi kondisi karang, mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk pemanfaatan dan dampaknya serta respon pengelolaan kolaboratif ekosistem terumbu karang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus tahun 2020, pada kawasan terumbu karang Desa Biloro, Kecamatan Kapala Madan, Kabupaten Buru Selatan. Penelitian lapangan menggunakan metode LIT untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi terumbu karang, dan pendekatan PRA untuk mengidentifikasi faktor pemicu, tekanan terhadap lingkungan, status terumbu karang, dampak yang ditimbulkan, serta respon strategis dan adaptif. Pendekatan kolaboratif merupakan respon strategis-adaptif yang mengusung konsep sistem sosial-ekologis, penguatan kapasitas masyrakat, penguatan kelembagaan dalam pengelolaan, dan integrase pengelolaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan secara-rata-rata kondisi terumbu karang Desa Biloro tergolong baik. Lima usulan pengelolaan respon kolaboratif berupa sosialisasi pentingnya terumbu karang, rehabilitasi terumbu karang, pembentukan POKWASMAS, pembuatan aturan desa, dan pengembangan wisata bahari Pulau Toumahu.   KATA KUNCI: Terumbu karang, PRA, respon strategis-adaptif, pengelolaan kolaboratif, sistem sosial-ekologi

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-150
Md. Abu Hanif ◽  
Md. Rajib Sharker ◽  
Shaharior Hossen ◽  
Moniruzzaman Bipu

Groupers are mostly found in the reef-associated marine habitat, of which some are pelagic and others are demersal. Recently, a grouper species called Oblique-banded grouper, Epinephelus radiatus (Day, 1868) was newly reported while conducting research work on the availability of reef-associated fishes in St. Martin Island. This species had never been reported to occur not only from this coral reef area but also from the water area of Bangladesh. E. radiatus was easily identified following morphological traits, especially color pattern. The findings of the present study added new distributional range for this grouper species from Bangladeshi water.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Sitti Hilyana ◽  
Sadikin Amir ◽  
Saptono Waspodo

Gili Sulat Gili Lawang are small islands that have high marine biodiversity and have been designated as a Marine Tourism Park (TWP) covering an area of 10,000 hectares.  This study aims to analyze the suitability of zoning and analysis of space use in each zone. The data was collected by using a structured interview technique using a questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) approach. Zoning suitability analysis used a Geographic Information System (GIS). The assessment showed that the conditions of the mangrove ecosystem, coral reef ecosystem and seagrass ecosystem were in the bad to good categories. Based on the zoning suitability analysis of 193.83 hectares (44.02%) of the coral reef area suitable for the core zone, 143.33 hectares (32.55%) consists of 108 hectares of coral reef ecosystems and 35.43 hectares of seagrass ecosystems suitable for the zone. limited use, and 9,666.47 hectares are suitable for other zones consisting of a coral reef rehabilitation zone covering an area of 93.11 hectares, a protection zone of 93.11 hectares and other waters 8,585.76 hectares.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
M Rizki Fazillah ◽  
Chitra Octavina ◽  
Muhammad Agustiar ◽  
Muhammad Akhyar

Giant clams have an essential ecological role in the coral reef ecosystem. Given the decreasing number of giant clams in nature, the status of giant clams as protected animals, and there is still little information about giant clams, data or information is needed to make policies regarding giant clam conservation management. This study aimed to determine the population structure of giant clams (Tridacnidae) in the coral reef area of Aceh Besar District. The research was conducted in May 2018, located in Aceh Besar Regency waters with six observation stations. Observation of giant clams is carried out using a visual census technique with the belt transect method. The observations showed that the giant clams found in Aceh Besar waters consisted of 2 species, namely Tridacna maxima and Tridacna crocea. Overall stations, the individual density of giant clams is 0.041 ind. m-2. The diversity index of giant clams shows a value ranging from 0–0.97, classified in the low diversity category. The similarity index value of giant clams is classified into the stressed to stable similarity category with values ranging from 0–0.97. The dominance index value of giant clams is classified in the medium to high dominance category with values ranging from 0.52 to 1. The distribution pattern of the two giant clam species found in the waters of Aceh Besar District has a uniform distribution pattern with values ranging from 0.20–0.29. The overall population structure of Tridacnidae is in unstable condition.

2020 ◽  
Aishah Norashikin Abdul A’ziz ◽  
Fatin Izzati Minhat ◽  
Pan Hui-Juan ◽  
Hasrizal Shaari ◽  
Wan Nurzalia Wan Saelan ◽  

Abstract Pulau Tioman is one of the famous tourism islands in Peninsular Malaysia due to the beautiful terrestrial and coral reefs ecosystem. This study aims to assess and monitor the health of coral reef sites surrounding Pulau Tioman based on the application of Foraminifera in Reef Assessment and Monitoring (FORAM) Index. A total of ten selected sampling sites from west and east side of Pulau Tioman were setup in front of the major beach areas around Pulau Tioman. At each site, 100 m transect was laid out from shore towards the reef slope and surface sediment samples were collected at 50 m intervals. Eight orders, 41 families, 80 genera and 161 species of benthic foraminifera were identified around Pulau Tioman. Amphistegina lessonii found to be the most dominant species and the least dominant species (< 4%) are Bolivina vadescens, Elphidium neosimplex, Heterolepa dutemplei, Heterolepa subhaidingerii, Mikrobelodontos bradyi, Milliolinella suborbicularis, Operculina discoidalis, Parahourinoides fragillissimus, Quinqueloculina incisa, Quinqueloculina sulcate, Triloculinella bertheliniana and Triloculinella parisa. The highest and lowest numbers of species was recorded at station J3 and station F3. The agglutinated type of foraminifera contributed between 2–8% of the total assemblages. Meanwhile, calcareous hyaline and porcelaneous group represent 79% and 19% of total assemblages respectively. Based on the functional groups, symbiont-bearing taxa were the most common foraminiferal found in most of the stations. The present study indicates that majority of sampling sites around Pulau Tioman are conducive for coral reef growth and could recover from any future bleaching events or temporary damage in the ecosystem. However, several areas with higher coastal development and tourism activities has reduced water quality (FI < 4) and chances of better reef recovery. Thus, the number of visitors and tourists should be revised in order to produce a better condition for coral reefs to grow. This assumption is based on the established results of the FORAM index. Thus, we suppose that FORAM index could be used together with coral reef health index in other reef ecosystems around Malaysia to determine the condition and status of coral reef area.

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