scholarly journals Pengkajian Konsep Orientasi Pasar

2019 ◽  
Eddi Suprayitno

Market orientation is an implementation of marketing concept. Despite market orientation concept can be approached through market driven and driving market approaches, the constructs develop the concepts still reflect the market driven. This article tries to sinergize market orientation concept to customer learning in order to make the operationalization more effective. customer learning is synthesize result of market driven and driving market approaches, learning theory, and perception as precursor of behavior

1981 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-78 ◽  
Michael L. Rothschild ◽  
William C. Gaidis

Behavioral learning theory has been generally overlooked in the development of marketing thought. The central concept states that behavior that is positively reinforced is more likely to recur than nonreinforced behavior. This runs parallel to the marketing concept and may be a sufficient model for dealing with most low involvement purchase situations. Its greatest value may be in the development of promotional strategies. This paper extends some of the ideas presented in an earlier paper in this journal.

2016 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-135 ◽  
Nathaniel D. Line ◽  
Youcheng Wang

As competition among destinations has intensified, researchers have increasingly advocated for a market-oriented approach to destination marketing. Unfortunately, the unique stakeholder structure of the destination marketing environment precludes a direct application of the traditional market orientation paradigm to this domain. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to empirically develop an operational definition of the market orientation construct that can be applied to destination marketing organizations. Based on the tenets of stakeholder theory, this research proposes a multiple-stakeholder view of the marketing concept and develops its attendant operational construct. Referred to herein as a multistakeholder market orientation (MSMO), this construct is proposed and operationalized as reflective of the extent to which a destination marketing organization (DMO) implements the marketing concept across the stakeholder spectrum. The nomological validity of this construct is established by testing the effect of the proposed MSMO construct on DMO performance.

El Dinar ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Syahirul Alim

<p>The marketing concept states that to achieve organizational goals such as market share and profitability depends on the company's ability to determine the needs and wants of the target market and satisfy it more effectively and efficiently than its competitors.<br />The purpose of this study is to examine whether pangaruh between market orientation, innovation value and competitive advantage to the performance of business units and services based on sharia. The results of statistical tests show that market orientation has a significant influence on the value of innovation. Market orientation with competitive advantage has significant influence. The value of innovation with competitive advantage has significant influence. The market orientation with the performance of sharia-based business units and services has no significant effect. This study proves that the value of innovation and competitive advantage is the intervening variable to create the performance of shariah-based business units and services.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 574-582
Daniel Chigudu

This study is a review of the market orientation concept in relation to performance in the public sector. Related literature reveals a positive correlation of market orientation and public sector performance. Although the MARKOR scale, a process approach and the behavioural approach show a significant organisational performance in the profit making organisation, these models appear to have focussed mainly on generic issues in the public sector. The SERVQUAL instrument attempts to only gauge service delivery quality and not the implementation of the marketing concept which defines market orientation. This paper attempts to fill this gap by examining public sector benefits of market orientation. The contribution prompts public sector organisations to embrace market orientation and in turn enhance performance.

2004 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Þórhallur Örn Guðlaugsson

Markaðshneigð (e. market orientation) má lýsa sem einkenni á fyrirtækjamenningu, sem birtist þannig að starfsmenn leggja sig fram við að veita viðskiptavininum, sem mestan ávinning af viðskiptum sínum við fyrirtækið. Markaðshneigð má einnig lýsa sem hegðun er styður markaðsáhersluna (e. marketing concept). Sú hegðun einkennist af víðtækri þekkingaröflun á breytingum í markaðsumhverfinu, miðlun þeirrar þekkingar til eininga skipulagsheildarinnar og að viðbrögð hennar taki mið af þekkingunni. Viðfangsefni þessarar greinar er markaðshneigð og markaðsáherslur og er augum sérstaklega beint að því hvort opinber fyrirtæki geti, út frá forsendum markaðshneigðar, tileinkað sér markaðshneigð og markaðsleg vinnubrögð. Það er mat höfundar, byggt á skoðun á stóru opinberu þjónustufyrirtæki, að þannig fyrirtæki geti tileinkað sér markaðshneigð í auknum mæli. Ýmsar hindranir séu þó í veginum sem m.a. má rekja til fyrirtækjamenningar og –skipulags. Einnig kemur fram í umræðunni að pólitískur hugsunarháttur getur verið skammt undan þegar um opinber fyrirtæki er að ræða. Hann getur haft neikvæð áhrif á viðleitni fyrirtækja til að auka markaðshneigð og markaðsleg vinnubrögð.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Siti Noor Hidayati

<span><em>These days corporate world faces tight competition, so that </em><span><em>marketing function in company become of vital importance. One of the </em><span><em>strategies to interrogate that by using marketing concept. Implementation of </em><span><em>marketing concept that is market orientation, consist of customer </em><span><em>orientation, competitor orientation and inter function coordination, and also </em><span><em>competitive advantage will improve efficacy of industrial effort. </em><span><em>Research on 50 respondent of batik industry in Yogyakarta showed that </em><span><em>customer orientation, competitor orientation, inter function coordination and </em><span><em>competitive advantage proven improve efficacy of industrial effort by </em><span><em>significant, both all variable (F-test) and also partially (t-test). Result of </em><span><em>multiple correlation very strong (R = 0.92), most dominant variable is </em><span><em>customer orientation (highest r</em><span><em>2</em><span><em>).</em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></span></span></span>

2003 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 368-390 ◽  
Randal A. Beam

A content analysis of more than 13,000 items on the main display pages in twelve daily newspapers finds that publications with a strong market orientation publish fewer items about government and public affairs and more items about lifestyle and sports than newspapers with a weak market orientation. But it also finds that content for the public sphere continues to dominate the main display pages of both newspapers that embrace market-driven journalism and those that do not.

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