Kedudukan Wanita dan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Cerita Rakyat Rara Jonggrang dan Relevansinya sebagai Materi Ajar Bahasa Jawa Siswa SMP

2020 ◽  
Ajeng Sekar

This research is focused on the woman’s position and the value of character inside “Rara Jonggrang” folktale and its relevance as a teaching materials of Bahasa Jawa for Junior High School students. This research used a descriptive qualitative method with a feminism as the analysis, within this research we focused on the gender inequality and the value of character inside the folktale. The data on this research includes the document of “Rara Jonggrang” folktale, JHS students, Bahasa Jawa teacher, and an expert of folklore. The sampling technique that used on this research is purposive sampling. The data this research needs will be collected by content analysis technique, then the data validity will be checked by triangulation of data sources. The data analysis of this research is based on Miles & Huberman theory as the foundation to analyse the data this research needs.

2020 ◽  
Ajeng Sekar

This research is focused on the woman’s position and the value of character inside “Rara Jonggrang” folktale and its relevance as a teaching materials of Bahasa Jawa for Junior High School students. This research used a descriptive qualitative method with a feminism as the analysis, within this research we focused on the gender inequality and the value of character inside the folktale. The data on this research includes the document of “Rara Jonggrang” folktale, JHS students, Bahasa Jawa teacher, and an expert of folklore. The sampling technique that used on this research is purposive sampling. The data this research needs will be collected by content analysis technique, then the data validity will be checked by triangulation of data sources. The data analysis of this research is based on Miles & Huberman theory as the foundation to analyse the data this research needs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 76 ◽  
Novferma Novferma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan letak, jenis, faktor-faktor kesulitan, dan self-efficacy siswa SMP swasta di Kabupaten Sleman, DIY dalam memecahkan masalah matematika berbentuk soal cerita. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah 124 siswa SMP swasta di Kabupaten Sleman, DIY yang berasal dari empat sekolah dengan kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan stratified proportional random sampling technique. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes diagnostik terdiri atas 5 butir soal, angket self-efficacy, dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan siswa dalam pemecahan masalah matematika berbentuk soal cerita terletak pada pengetahuan faktual, pengetahuan konseptual, pengetahuan prosedural, dan pengetahuan metakognitif. Jenis kesulitan yang dialami siswa yaitu pada mengingat fakta, mengingat konsep, memahami fakta, memahami konsep, menerapkan konsep, menerapkan prosedur, menganalisis prosedur, mengevaluasi faktual, mengevaluasi konsep, mengevaluasi prosedur, dan mengomunikasikan metakognitif. Faktor-faktor kesulitan yang dialami siswa SMP dalam memecahkan masalah matematika berbentuk soal cerita kelas VIII yaitu siswa merasa waktu yang diberikan tidak cukup, mudah menyerah, kurang teliti, sering lupa, merasa cemas, dan siswa tergesa-gesa untuk mengerjakan soal. Self-efficacy dari 124 siswa berada dalam kategori tinggi dengan rata-rata sebesar 90,4.Kata Kunci: analisis kesulitan siswa, self-efficacy, pemecahan masalah matematika, soal cerita AN ANALYSIS OF DIFFICULTIES AND SELF-EFFICACY OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN SOLVING STORY FORM MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS AbstractThis research aimed to describe the positions, types, difficulty factors, and self-efficacy of junior high school students in Sleman, DIY in solving story form mathematical problems. This study was survey research using the quantitative and kualitative approach. The subjects of this research were 124 students of private junior high schools in Sleman, DIY, which were from four different school groups in the high, middle, and low categories. The sample was established using the stratified proportional random sampling technique. The instruments which were used namely diagnostic test that consisted of 5 items, self-efficacy questionnaire, and interview guides. The results indicate that students’ difficulties in solving story form mathematical problems lie on factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge. The types of difficulties experienced by students include remembering fact, remembering concept, understanding facts, understanding concept, applying concept, applying procedure, analyzing procedure, evaluating fact, evaluating concept, evaluating procedure, and communicating metacognitive. Difficulty factors that grade VIII students experience in solving story form mathematical problems include: students feel that the time given is not enough, easily give up, are not meticulous enough, oftenly forget, and are anxious and impatient while solving the problems. The self-efficacy of 124 students can be categorized as high with an average score of 90.4.Keywords: analysis of students’ difficulties, self-efficacy, mathematics problem solving, story problem.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk atau macam-macam kenakalan siswa SMP di Kota Yogyakarta, dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan intensitas kenakalan siswa SMP Negeri dan SMP swasta. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP kelas 9, baik negeri maupun swasta sebanyak 1624 siswa dengan sampel penelitian 216 siswa. Sampel sekolah diambil 25% sehingga untuk SMP negeri diperoleh 4 sekolah (25%x16) dan untuk SMP swasta diperoleh 6 sekolah (25%x24). Sampel siswa untuk SMP negeri diambil 108 Siswa dan untuk SMP Swasta diambil 108 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan angket dan wawancara terbatas (perwakilan siswa). Analisis data dengan tabulasi frekuensi dalam bentuk angka dan persentase. Besar kecilnya persentase dalam tabel digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menemukan; (1) pulang ke rumah terlambat 81,01%, (2) berbohong kepada orang tua/orang lain 68,52%, (3) berbuat ulah sehinga guru marah 62,50%, (4) menonton film porno 11,69%, (5) penggunaaan uang SPP untuk kepentingan lain 9,26%, (6) sebagai kelompok geng 8,80%, (7) terlibat tawuran 8,33%, (8) menyontek saat ulangan 6,94%, (9) mengganggu orang lewat 5,56%, (10) memalsu tanda tangan presensi 5,56%, (11) membaca buku porno 3,24%.Kata kunci: kenakalan siswa, bentuk kenakalanAbstractThis study aims to determine the forms or kinds of delinquency junior high school students in the city of Yogyakarta and to determine differences in the intensity of student delinquency at public junior high school and private junior high school. The study population was junior high school students of class 9, both public and private as much as 1624 students with 216 students study sample. Samples were taken 25% of school so as to public junior high school earned 4 (25% x16) and for private junior high school earned 6 (25% x24). Samples taken public junior high school students to 108 students and for private junior high school taken 108 students. Sampling with proportional random sampling technique. Collecting data by questionnaires and interviews are limited (student representative). Tabulation of data analysis with frequency in the form of numbers and percentages. The size of the percentages in the table are used as the basis for making conclusions. Results of the study successively discovered; (1) come home late 81.01%, (2) lying to parents/others 68.52%, (3) do act so that the teacher angry 62.50%, (4) watch porn 11.69%, (5) the use of tuition fees for the benefit of another 9.26%, (6) as gangs 8.80%, (7) involved brawl 8.33%, (8) cheat when replay of 6.94%, (9) annoy passers 5.56%, (10) forging signatures presence of 5.56%, (11) reading pornographic 3.24%.Keywords: student misbehavior, delinquency form

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-86
Ibud Mahani ◽  
Budiyono Budiyono ◽  
Hasih Pratiwi

This study aims to find out between students with high, medium, and low self-esteem in term of better mathematical communication. This type of research is quantitative research. The data analysis technique used was one-way variance analysis with inequivalent cells. The collection of students' mathematical communication data was obtained from the score of mathematical communication tests, and the data of self-esteem was collected through questionnaires. The subjects of this study were the eighth-grade junior high school students in Ponorogo with the high, medium and low schools categories. The results of this study indicate that students with high self-esteem possess better mathematical communication skills compared to students with moderate self-esteem and students with low self-esteem. Students with low self-esteem are having the same level of mathematical communication skills as students with moderate self-esteem. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Tri Dewantari ◽  
Hardiyansyah Masya

Social skills and self-confidence are two things that are interrelated. In junior high school students who have social skills and confidence is very important for learners. The research design uses correlation design. The researchers collected data on social enlightenment and self-confidence using the scale of skills and social beliefs that had been tested for their validity and reliablity. The subjects used in this study were 158 students at SMPN 8 Yogyakarta taken through random sampling technique from the population as much. The results of data processing showed that most of the students of grade VIII SMPN 8 Yogyakarta had high social and confidence skills, and data analysis showed that there was a relationship between social skills and students' self-confidence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Hamzah Robbani ◽  
Windi Megayanti ◽  
Nicky Rosadi

The purpose of this study is to help determine the quality development strategy of SMK by following Presidential Instruction number 9 of 2016. This research method uses a qualitative method with a research and development approach. Data obtained using triangulation by conducting interviews with industries that are already active in absorbing direct labour from SMK graduates, then interviews from SMK management and observations at several SMK. The results of this study suggest that there are still many Vocational High Schools that have not gained awareness of Presidential Instruction No. 9/2016 so that SMKs do not know and are fully aware of the intent and purpose of the Presidential Instruction. The discussion of this study found the importance of an understanding program related to Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2016. In addition to improving quality, junior high school students also have a better chance for graduates to get the right job.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-65
Yosua Ivan Pradana ◽  
Yari Dwikurnaningsih ◽  

This study aims to determine the significance of the relationship between watching the violence shown on television with aggressive behavior of junior high school students in Salatiga. The hypothesis put forward is that there is a significant relationship between watching television violence shows with aggressive behavior of junior high school students in Salatiga. The study was conducted in one of the junior high schools in Salatiga. Sampling technique in this research using stratified random sampling technique. The questionnaire used was a questionnaire of aggressive behavior of teenagers and questionnaires watching the violence on television. The analytical method used is Kendall's tau correlation technique. Based on the data analysis obtained correlation value 0.811 with a significance level of 0.000 (p <0.05). These results indicate that there is a significant relationship between watching the violence shown on television and the aggressive behavior of junior high school students in Salatiga. The higher the students watch the violence on television, the higher the aggressive behavior. Thus the hypothesis proposed in this study is accepted.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Lia Septy Nirawati ◽  
Heri Cahyono

This study aims to determine the profile of students' thinking in solving mathematical problems and to find out the results of the application of Brunerd's theory in solving the problem of building a Limas room in junior high school students.Retrieval Techniques The subjects in this study were seen from the results of tests with high, medium, low categories. High categories were seen from the test results if the answers to the tests were all correct, the categories were seen from the test results if the answers to the tests still had errors, while the categories were low seen from the test results if the answer to the test is still wrong. This technique is used because researchers have a specific purpose for several considerations, namely to find out whether the application of bruner theory can be applied in mathematics subjects, considering that mathematics is considered a difficult subject for students. The subjects of this study were 6 students. Data collection techniques in this study used test, interview and documentation methods while the data validity techniques in this study used triangulation techniques which included 3 elements, namely sources, methods, theories. In this study researchers used data analysis techniques with 3 components, namely: data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing.The results showed that subjects with a high category tended to have high-thinking profiles, they had no difficulty in doing tests and interviews. The subjects with the medium category were more likely to have thinking profiles, while they had a little difficulty in doing tests and interviews, while the subjects with the lower category were more likely to have low-thinking profiles, they had difficulty doing tests and interviews. This is what causes a difference between them. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that junior high school students in their profile think in solving problems in the building of a limiter junior high school students are able to describe the building of Limas space means that SMP students are able to understand pyramid material shown to the sensitivity of students in learning to build Limas space so that junior high school students in their imagination are able to mention 1 example of a pyramid building and all junior high school students are able to mention the types of Limas indicated by the independence of junior high school students who are able to mention various types of building> 1 in terms of bases, and junior high students are able to say> 1 element the building elements of the Limas space means that junior high school students are able to understand the pyramid material shown to the sensitivity of junior high school students to be able to mention the Limas parts properly and correctly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
Gewinn Tiroma Mahdalena Sigalingging ◽  
Berlin Sibarani ◽  
Siti Aisah Ginting

ABSTRACTThe objectives of this study were the descriptive lexicogrammar and text structure written by   Junior High School students. This study was conducted by descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data was the descriptive text written by the students where they describe the pictures of cats and sunflower. The technique of data collection was observation. The technique of data analysis was Interactive Model by Miles and Huberman (2014).The findings show that the students used all the descriptive lexicogrammar, they are Tense, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Reference. The finding also show that all the students written descriptive text by applying all descriptive text structure components, they are Classification, Appearance, Behaviour, Attribute, and Location. The students of grade 7, 8, and 9 of Junior High School used five components of lexicogrammar on descriptive text, namely, Tense, Verb, Adjectives, Adverbs, and Reference, but,  the use of tense has not been used properly up to grade 9 because there is found that there are incorrect subject verb-agreement and incorrect choosing and using lexicogrammar. In term of text sructure, the students used five components of text structure, they are, Classification, Appearance, Behaviour, Attribute, and Location, but, the use of Classification have not yet been used correctly since there is still mistake related to place the classification on the text.Keywords: Lexicogrammar, Text Structure, Descriptive Text 

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Hanani Yun Indri ◽  
Erni Widiyastuti

The study aims to find out pseudo-thinking in solving mathematical problems. The methods used in this study are qualitative descriptive. The research subject is junior high school students using the purposive sampling technique, the students are grouped into three ranks i.e. low, medium and high rankings which each ranked 3 students as respondents. The total number of respondents was 9 students. Data collection techniques using tests, interviews, and documentation. From the results of the study gained that: 1) students who are ranked low in solving mathematical problems are experiencing pseudo-analytic or pseudo-false, 2) students who are in the moderate level also experience pseudo-analytic or pseudo-incorrect, 3) students who are in high ranking experience pseudo-analytic and pseudo-4) students who experience pseudo-thinking choose procedures using their own reasoning and convince it as a correct understanding , so there is no attempt to re-examine what he has done

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