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Published By State University Of Medan


2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 206
Friska . Pakpahan ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Meisuri . Meisuri

This study is based on the fact that the readers get words emotion after reading the tweets of covid-19 news. Various emotions found on the tweets of twitter relate to the Covid-19 news. Some of them make the readers being fear or sad of this pandemic. This study deals with semantic emotion of covid-19 news in twitter account of CNN Breaking News. The objectives of the study is to investigate how the semantic emotions realized in Covid-19 news. The study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative. The data of this study were words from tweets which contain semantic emotion of Covid-19 news in twitter. The sources of data in this study were Covid-19 news in twitter, after vaccine Covid-19 distributed since beginning of January 2021. It was found that emotions were realized in covid-19 news, namely: basic emotion, emotional relations, caused emotions, causative, emotional goals, and complex emotions. Contrary with the expectation, happiness was the dominant emotion found in covid-19 news on twitter. Happiness is an emotion to show pleasant, while covid-19 in unpleasant situation. But in this research, it was found that happiness had a high frequency.Keywords: Semantic Emotion, Covid-19, Twitter, Vaccine

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 218
Inatigris Anggriani Harahap ◽  
Amrin . Saragih ◽  
Zainuddin . Zainuddin

In teaching, almost all schools use textbooks. In teaching, the schools give the textbooks to students as the medium of teaching. The textbooks do not only include lessons and practices, but they also include texts and even various text types. The text types are given to the students as medium of practicing the lessons that the students focusing. Halliday                    (1989:12) states context consists of three aspects, namely field, tenor and mode. The objective of this study is to reason for the various text types are realized in the textbooks of the first Grade of State Islamic School. Donal ( 2010: 29) states that qualitative research is a study that aims to understand a phenomenon that focuses on the total picture. Research design in this study was done by descriptive qualitative research. Data analysis in this research is there are 19 text types used in the textbooks of the first Grade of State Islamic School. The technique for collecting data is observation which observesthe reason for the use of the text types in the textbooks and then analyzed the reason for the use of the text types in the textbooks by using Miles, Huberman and Saldana model ( 2014: 31) with three steps of data analysis such as abbreviating data, presenting data and picturing and proving conclusion. The findings show that the reason for the use of the text types in the textbooks of the first Grade of State Islamic School is based on the three aspects of context, namely field, tenor and mode. Keywords: Texts, Text Types, Systemic Linguistic,Textbooks

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 265
Sury . Utami ◽  
Rahmad . Husein ◽  
Zainuddin . Zainuddin

English conversation is an important lesson for Senior High School students in order to face the globalization effects. Many students considered English conversation as a controversial lesson through their positive and negative attitudes toward it. This study aimed to investigate the types of attitudes of the Senior High School students in learning English conversation, to describe the realization of the attitudes of Senior High School students in learning English conversations, and to explain the reason of the attitude which Senior High School students realized in the ways they are. The subjects of this study were 20 students consisting 12 females and 8 males at the age of 16-18 years old. The data were collected by observations and interviews then were analyzed using Interactive Models. The result showed that positive and negative attitude in learning English conversations, five types of realizations, and the reasons of the students realized their attitudes i.e. the language loyalty, language pride,  and awareness of language norms. It was concluded that the students’ attitude varied as to positive and negative ones and realized in numerous manners affected by several factors. Keywords: Discourse Markers, Students Interactions, Nonformal Education, Conversation

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 183
Asrah . Raihana ◽  
Amrin . Saragih ◽  
Rahmad . Husein

This study deals with the realizations of violation maxims of main characters in Keluarga Beti comedy series. The objectives of the study were to describe realization of violation maxims used by main characters in Keluarga Beti comedy series. This research was conducted by qualitative design. The data were sentences of main characters which were violated. The data source of this research was taken from Keluarga Beti comedy series that was obtained from the video on YouTube. The finding of the data showed eleven realizations of violation maxim of main characters in Keluarga Beti comedy series as understating, overstating, using tautologies, contradiction, using irony, give hints, give association clues, be ambiguous, overgeneralize, and overstating and be ambiguous. The most dominant realization of violation maxim was being ambiguous. The less dominant realized of main characters in Keluarga Beti comedy series were understating and give association clues. The absence of the realizations of main characters in Keluarga Beti comedy series were metaphor, presuppose, and be vague. The researcher also found other realizations were unrelated statement and combination of overstating and be ambiguous. Keywords:Violation Maxims, Main Characters, Comedy, Keluarga Beti Comedy Series. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 195
Fadhila . Hayani ◽  
Siti Aisyah Ginting ◽  
Rahmad . Husein

This study was investigated about the acquisition of sentences by three-year-old Indonesian boy, M. Gentamas Ransi Alden. The objective of this study were to investigated the sentences that produced by three years old Indonesia boy, and to explain the reason for the sentences produced based on mood in a case study on M. Gentamas Ransi Alden. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research design. The data were utterances from a three years old Indonesia boy and source of data taken from M. Gentamas Ransi Alden. For the duration of almost three months, the researcher observed and recorded the subject’s produced sounds, words, and sentences. The researcher also observed how the learner interacts with various linguistics inputs to see how the subject processes them. Finally, the researcher also observed him as interacts with people to determine the levels of the various constructs of his communicative competence. The result of the data showed that the subject already acquired the sentences based on mood, they are: 1) declarative sentences, 2) imperative sentences, 3) exclamatory sentences, and 4) interrogative sentences. In acquiring the second language, the research subject acquired the sentence during the process of imitating from their parents since they start over to speak. The subject used a declarative sentence to declare their statements, the interrogative sentence they use it to ask about information of something, the exclamatory sentences they use to shows about the emotion and also to declare their statement, and the imperative sentences to ask another to do something. Keywords: Children Sentence Acquisition, Kinds of Sentences, a Three Year Old, Indonesian Boy

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 172
Afrida . Hanum ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Siti Aisyah Ginting

Pantun is a old poetry of Malay which is used as a means of delivering ideas, attitude, and cultural values (Sri, 2010:6). Along the ceremony of Malaynese Wedding, there are a lot of clauses that are used to express the speaker’s ideas that implies hopes and suggestions to the people. Next, the words of Pantun are also used to express the speaker’s attitude towards the marriage like to entertaint the bride and groom. In addition to delivering ideas and attitudes. Pantun is also used to present the cultural values of Malay that keep the kinship among family members. Words arranged in Pantun in terms of poetic values contain philosophical of life, politeness ethics, laws and society. Malaynese is a closed society to say something cannot be directly but must be coated with words that make its meaning disguised but easy to understand. The purpose of this study is to explain the use of metaphor types in Pantun for Wedding Ceremony in Malay Langkat tradition. The use of metaphor of this study divided into four, like: information function, expressive function, directive funtion, fatigue funtion. This study used descriptive qualitative research. The data of this study were collected from clauses in pantun that reflected metaphor. The realization of metaphors in pantun were especially existed in Hempang pintu, Hempang kipas, and Hempang batang. The result of this study showed that there were expressive function was 16 (53%), information function was 9 (30%), directive funtion was 4 (13%), and fatigue funtion was 1 (4%). Keywords: Metaphor, Pantun, Culture,  Malay Wedding Ceremony

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 245
Posma Imelda Putri Siahaan ◽  
Didik . Santoso ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan

Learning English is so important today in this era globalization and modern since English is an International Language. Nowadays, students are required to be able to understand and get to know English further, this is evidenced by the existence of English lesson in every school, from kindergarten to Senior High School. Because of the development of education, many of National schools adopt two language systems in teaching, namely bilingual language.  In Teaching English, especially narrative text, it is quite difficult, especially if we learnt seventh grade students whose age about eleven until twelve years old, as we know that, the age of 11 – 12 years old usually have a very high level of boredom, especially they learnt about text. As the teacher, we have to reduce their boredom and make the class more interactive. On the Interactive class, The students do not only listen or read a text from the textbook but also must be answer the question based on the text. From this observation, the writer want to compare about how if the technology nowadays will be combined in Teaching and Learning Process. This journal discusses about to find out whether the students’ interest in writing narrative taught by using text book is significantly higher than that taught by animated . The students would learn how to produce a narrative text (fable) by using textbook and watching in Video. From this observation, the writer found that using You Tube as a visual media is more effective in teaching narrative than using text book as a printed media in teaching media for seventh grade students, the class is more interactive by using a You Tube, it means that students can learn English especially how to speak fluently through the characters in the Video, and the teacher can be easier in providing an understanding of the meaning related on narrative text. Keywords: Writing Narrative , You Tube Video, Seventh Grade Students’ Interest

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 253
Suchroni . Panjaitan ◽  
Sumarsih . Sumarsih ◽  
Siti Aisyah Ginting

Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was detected in China in December 2019, spread throughout the world within a few months and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11th March 2020. It also has hit Indonesia since March 2020. It affects 90.2% of students worldwide, in which 1.57 billion students are absent from school and 191 countries including Indonesia. Unfortunately, the observation found that the students often say impolite language, such as mock their friends, change their friends’ name, and have high intonation when they were uttering their opinion during online teaching and learning process through Zoom. It is very serious problem because impoliteness happened during the main activity. The objective of the study was to find out the realizations of impoliteness strategies used by students in English online learning through Zoom during pandemic Covid-19. The study was descriptive qualitative. The subject of the study was VII grade of SMP Ar-Rahman Percut. The data of the study was impoliteness clauses which are recorded from the students’ interaction. The finding of the study, there were eight realizations of impoliteness strategies found in this study, they are be disinterested, unconcerned, unsympathetic; use inappropriate identity marker; use obscure or secretive language; seek disagreement; use taboo words; call the other name; frighten; and condescend, scorn or ridicule. Then, there were three additional realizations, they are employing insincere; direct speech, clear, unambiguous; and invade the other’s space. Keywords: Impoliteness, Students in English Online Learning, Zoom, Covid-19

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 227
Lenni Marlina Harahap ◽  
Sri Minda Murni ◽  
Sumarsih . Sumarsih

Discussion of metaphor is also widely associated with proverbs. This is not surprising because metaphor is a part of figure of speech in literary theory. The aim of this research was to find out the reasons of metaphor realized in BBAJ Proverb in the way they are. Thinking and creating metaphors that human cannot escape from their environtment, because they always interact with it. The study of interactions between humans and their environment (animate and inanimate beings) is called an ecological study systemThe data sources of this research were 5 people. They are the descendants of native speakers who first lived in the village of Sabungan Julu. The research is a kind of qualitative descriptive. The data of the research focus on phrase, which contain of metaphor on BBAJ Proverb, the technique of collecting data that is used in the research is collecting or listing proverbs from Bahasa Batak Angkola Julu. From some process of communication the researcher has been listed any proverbs based on the context of interaction and communication. The results of this research as the reason of the using metaphor, the BBAJ’s Proverb used depends on the social and cultural environtment shows their identity . Results of the reason of using metaphor in BBAJ Proverb are, the microsmos reason is the most prominent reason where the percentage distribution is 52,5% while the macrocosmos reason is 47,5 %. There  is a proverb which has two reason of using metaphor in BBAJ Proverb, both macrocosmos and microsmos. The proverb is halak na lilu di alaman /pae sobanan.  From the result it can be concluded that the reason for the creation of metaphors in BBAJ Proverb is more dominated by the culture, customs, mindset and habits of the Angkola Julu people themselves (microcosmos) rather than the geographical conditions of their natural environment (macrocosmos). Keywords: Metaphor, Bahasa Batak Angkola Julu (BBAJ) Proverb, the Reason of the Using Metaphor

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 236
Nurul . Atikah ◽  
Amrin . Saragih ◽  
Zainuddin . Zainuddin

It is very common to acknowledge that in order to achieve a good communication, discourse markers are needed as one of a tool to perform in linking the ideas to ideas, especially in spoken language, it’s really helpful in guiding the speakers and listeners to comprehend what is being discussed or talked. There are several studies has been discussed about what discourse markers are especially in spoken language, but in this research, the realization of discourse markers is the aim of the study. The data source of this research were students in Harford Institute Sekip Branch, there were 16 students taken from 4 different levels and they were taken by using purposive sampling. The data were the words from their utterances which contains of discourse markers which were collected by using audio recorder. And the research was done by applying descriptive qualitative method. The result revealed that there are 3 realizations based on the position found in Discourse Markers, they are at the boundary (Initial), after the first word (Middle) and later (Final), where initial discourse markers appeared as the most dominant one. It is proved that the discourse marker realized in the Initial position to signal upcoming information, since discourse markers has the essential function to connect or link ideas to the ideas or even as a pause in the speech. Keywords: Discourse Markers, Students Interactions, NonformalEducation

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