2018 ◽  
Fransiska Novita Eleanora

eyewitness and victim side that is often is harmed/experience grief, what caused existence of threat, either physical and also psychical from certain, though role of eyewitness and victim in a criminal justice process occupies position of key in the effort looking and finds clarity about crime done by perpetrators. For that is eyewitness and victim to be given adequate protection in this case arrangement arranged in number 13 the year 2006, about protection eyewitness and victim. Research method of bibliography study, result of his is to know form of protections eyewitness and victim given by number 13 the year 2006.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Jhovindo Sitorus ◽  
Rizkan Zulyadi ◽  
Wessy Trisna

Protection against victims of theft is a protection according to Law Number 13 of 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims, all efforts are to fulfill rights and provide assistance to provide security to victims that must be carried out by the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) or other institutions according to criteria. This protection is given at all stages of the criminal justice process within the judicial environment. The following are the rights of victims and witnesses in Law Number 13 of 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims Article 5. The research method in this paper is a normative method that collects library data. The results and discussion of this study is about the protection of victims of theft based on the decision number: 20 / Pid.B / 2017 / PN. Mdn, based on the principle or theory of justice is not fair because there is no restitution or compensation to the victim, and the judge's consideration is to pay attention to things that are lightening and burdensome and pay attention to the absence of justification and forgiveness reasons for imposing a criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment for 2 years against the perpetrators.

Media Iuris ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 265
Zulyani Mahmud ◽  
Zahratul Idami ◽  
Suhaimi Suhaimi

This article discusses and describes the task of the Banda Aceh Special Development Institute (LPKA) in providing guidance and fulfilling the rights of children in lpka. Law No. 11 of 2012 on the child criminal justice system in Article 3 states that every child in the criminal justice process has the right to conduct recreational activities, but in fact the fulfillment of children’s recreational rights has not been carried out to the maximum while in LPKA. The research method used is empirical juridical research method. The results showed the granting of Recreational Rights has not been running optimally, from within the LPKA is done by giving a schedule of play to students on holidays, activities carried out are playing volleys and playing musical instruments, activities outside lpka is to be a guest at discussion events held by other parties. not clearly regulated how the granting of recreational rights, the granting of recreational rights is done only on the basis of the policy of the Head of LPKA. Inhibitory factors in the absence of a special budget for the granting of recreational rights.Keywords: Fullfillment; Right; Recreational; Child Prisioner.Artikel ini membahas dan menganilis tugas Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Banda Aceh dalam memberikan pembinaan dan mempenuhi hak-hak anak di dalam LPKA, Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak dalam Pasal 3 menyebutkan bahwa setiap anak dalam proses peradilan pidana berhak melakukan kegiatan rekreasional, Namun dalam faktanya pemenuhan hak rekreasional anak belumlah terlaksana dengan maksimal selama di LPKA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemberian Hak Rekreasional belum berjalan maksimal, dari dalam LPKA dilakukan dengan cara memberikan jadwal bermain kepada anak didik di hari libur, kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah bermain volley dan bermain alat musik, kegiatan di luar LPKA yaitu menjadi tamu pada acara-acara diskusi yang di selenggarkan pihak lain. tidak diatur secara jelas bagaimana pemberian hak rekreasional tersebut, pemberian hak rekreasional dilakukan hanya atas dasar kebijakan Kepala LPKA. Faktor Penghambat tidak adanya anggaran khusus untuk pemberian hak rekreasional.Kata Kunci: Pemenuhan; Hak; Rekreasional; Narapidana Anak.

2021 ◽  
Boni Suparto Wuarlela

Human Rights are the basic rights of every human being as God's creatures who are equal to one another. The application of the death penalty by the state through a court decision means that the state revokes the convict's right to life which is an unlimited human right. Therefore, its implementation must take into account the rights of the convict. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether the imposition of the death penalty for criminals is against human rights. What are the criteria for imposing the death penalty for perpetrators of crimes that do not conflict with human rights? The method used is a normative research method using secondary data. It can be concluded that the imposition of the death penalty is against human rights. However, in its application, it can be justified on the grounds of defending human rights and only for crimes that go beyond humanity and damage human civilization. The implementation of the criminal justice process must be transparent and fair.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-265 ◽  
Katrin Hohl ◽  
Martin A Conway

The complainants’ memory of the rape is commonly the key and frequently the only evidence in the investigation and prosecution of rape allegations. Details, specificity and consistency in the victim’s recollection are central criteria that criminal justice agents – police, prosecutors and juries – use to assess the credibility of the victim account. However, memory research has shown these to be poor indicators of the accuracy of a memory. In this article we develop a conceptual model of the pathways through which normal features of the human memory result in complaints of rape dropping out of criminal justice process without a full investigation, prosecution or conviction, with a particular focus on the role of inconsistencies in the victim account. We provide initial, tentative evidence from a large, representative sample of rape complaints and discuss implications for criminal justice policy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 1423
Luh Putu Kristyanti

Keterangan ahli/ saksi ahli merupakan salah satu alat bukti dalam hukum acara pidana Indonesia. Perlu ditelusuri lebih mendetail perihal keterangan ahli serta kondisi saat keterangan ahli termasuk alat bukti saksi atau alat bukti surat. Penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada peran saksi ahli dalam proses peradilan di pengadilan dalam memperoleh keadilan materiil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif dengan analisa kualitatif. Keterangan ahli dalam proses peradilan pidana jika diberikan secara tertulis termasuk pada alat bukti surat, namun ketika diberikan secara lisan di persidangan maka termasuk alat bukti keterangan saksi. Expert statement / expert witness is one of the evidence in Indonesian criminal procedure law. It needs to be explored in more detail regarding expert testimony and conditions when expert testimony includes witness evidence or letter evidence. This research will focus on the role of expert witnesses in court proceedings in obtaining material justice. This study uses a normative method with qualitative analysis. Expert testimony in the criminal justice process, if given in writing, includes documentary evidence, but when it is given orally in court, it includes evidence for witness testimony.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 381
Irawan Arief Firmansyah ◽  
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih

Research on "Notary's Role for Witnesses in Criminal Justice Process" to re-examine the authority of the Constitutional Court against notary notarization, the role of notary as the cost of criminal cases.MPD Regulation concerning notarial notes having domicile must be through MPD in accordance with Art. 66 (1) of Notary Act No. 30 Year. 2004 because it is not in line with the rules of Ps. 27 (1) and Psl. 28 D (1) of the 1945 Constitution on the equality of citizens' attitudes before the law in order to facilitate criminal justice for the realization of community justice. The role of a notary as a means in a criminal case is to provide information in accordance with the aspect of formal / material aspects of the deed which is the responsibility. Protection of a notary as a criminal offense after the release of the Constitutional Court verdict. 49 / PUU-X / 2012 is notary calling through Notary Board of Honor according to the provisions of Art. 66 Psl. UU no. 2 Yrs. 2014. In addition, the notary still gets an order from the rights and responsibilities of the notary public. Keywords: Notary, Witness, Criminal Case

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 45

Penyimpangan dalam proses peradilan pidana sebenarnya bukan hanya dapat terjadi pada tahap penyelidikan, penyidikan (pra-adjudikasi), penuntutan dan pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan (adjudikasi), tetapi juga dapat terjadi pada tahap pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan (pasca adjudikasi). Penelitian ini membahas masalah peranan Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat dalam mencegah terjadinya penyimpangan pada tahap pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan, kendala apa saja yang dihadapi, dan bagaimana upaya mengatasinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif yang sebagian besar datanya diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan didukung oleh penelitian observatoris selama peneliti melaksanakan tugas sebagai jaksa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama ini peranan Hakim Pengamat dan Pengawas belum dijalankan secara maksimal sehingga belum cukup efektif dalam mencegah terjadinya penyimpangan pada tahap pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan. Adapun kendala penyebab Hakim Pengamat dan Pengawas kurang berperan secara efektif, pada umumnya terkait dengan kesibukan Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat itu sendiri, karena selain dibebani tugas sebagai pengamat dan pengawas yang bersangkutan juga masih dibebani tugas-tugas penanganan perkara. Bahkan tugas sebagai Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat jutsru dianggap sebagai tugas sampingan. Kendala lain yang dihadapi ialah belum tersedianya sarana dan prasarana, serta tidak adanya biaya operasional. Oleh karena itu ke depan perlu ada reformulasi terhadap keberadaan lembaga Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat agar dapat berfungsi secara efektif.Discretion in the criminal justice process not only occur in the investigation (pre-adjudication) and the prosecution on trial stage (adjudication) phase, but also occur during the execution of the court decision (post-adjudication). This study discusses the role of supervisory judges in preventing the occurrence of discretion in the execution of court decisions, the problems arise, and the solution. This research is a normative research that most of the data obtained from literature study, supported by observatory research during researcher perform duty as a prosecutor. The results showed that the role of supervisory judge not maximal so that not yet effective enough in preventing occurrence of discretion at stage of execution of court decision. The supervisory judge is busy with the duties of handling cases. Most of the time the duties as a supervisory judges are considered as a side task. Other obstacles encountered are the lack of facilities and infrastructure, and the absence of operational costs. Therefore, in the future there needs to be a reformulation of the existence of the Supervisory Judge institutions in order to be effective.

2016 ◽  
Vol 80 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-213 ◽  
Ed Johnston

This paper will examine the changing role played by the judiciary in criminal trials. The paper examines the genesis of the adversarial criminal trial that was born out of lifting the prohibition on defence counsel in trials of treason. The paper will chart the rise of judicial passivity as lawyers dominated trials. Finally, the paper examines the rise of the interventionist judiciary in the wake of the Auld Review that launched an attack on the inefficiencies of the modern trial. To tackle the inefficiencies, the Criminal Procedure Rules allowed the judiciary to reassume a role of active case management. The impact an interventionist judiciary has for adversarial criminal justice is examined. The paper finds that a departure from traditional adversarial has occurred; the criminal justice process has shifted to a new form of process, driven by a managerial agenda.

2002 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-45 ◽  
Peter Duff

On 1 April 1996, a rather odd provision was introduced into the Scottish criminal justice process, namely a duty on both prosecution and defence to try to agree uncontroversial evidence in advance of criminal trial.1 As far as the writer is aware, such a provision is unique, although the philosophy underlying its introduction is not totally alien to inquisitorial systems of criminal justice.2 What is particularly peculiar about this duty is that there is no sanction for a failure, however unreasonable, to agree uncontroversial evidence.3 The lack of a sanction resulted from a concern that the creation of any penalty would impinge unjustifiably upon the rights of the accused. The intention in this article is to explore in detail the relationship between the duty to agree uncontroversial evidence and the position of the accused, and to suggest that the imposition of a sanction for a breach of this duty is not as problematic as was thought by those responsible for the legislation.

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