scholarly journals Studi Keberlanjutan Perikanan Landak Laut Berdasarkan Dimensi Biologi, Ekologi, dan Teknologi di Sekitar Pulau Tolandono dan Pulau Sawa Kawasan Konservasi Wakatobi

2019 ◽  
La Nane

Sea urchin is one of the abundant resources in Indonesia. It is an economical organism because its eggs have been exported. Wakatobi island is one regency at southeast Sulawesi which exploitation it for seafood. The sea urchin has been used intensively however worrisome to be degraded. This study aims to asses the sustainability status of sea urchin based on biology, ecology, and technology. The study used RAPFISH Method (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries Sustainability) and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The results showed that the value of the sustainability index of Biology is 85.10 (very good), Ecology 88.39 (very good) and technology 67.54 (good). All value of sea urchin management sustainability index is 82, 40 (very good). Management strategy needs to keep sea urchin sustainability controlled the fishing size, fishing gear modifications, limiting fishing capacity and create regulation of sea urchin fishing.

2019 ◽  
La Nane

Landak laut merupakan salah satu sumberdaya perairan yang melimpah dan telurnya merupakan komoditas ekspor. Di wakatobi, landak laut sudah dimanfaatkan secara intensif bahkan dikhawatikan akan mengalami degradasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai status keberlanjutan perikanan Landak laut berdasarkan pendekatan biologi, ekologi, dan teknologi penangkapan.. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode RAPFISH (Rapid Apraisal for Fisheries Sustainability) dan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai indeks keberlanjutan dimensi Biologi (sumberdaya ikan) adalah 85.10 (sangat baik), dimensi Ekologi 88,39 (sangat baik) dan indeks keberlanjutan dimensi teknologi 67,54 (baik). Nilai secara keseluruhan indeks keberlanjutan pengelolaan perikanan landak laut berdasarkan pendekatan Biologi, Ekologi dan Teknologi penangkapan di Perairan P. Tomia dan Tolandono adalah 82,40 yang tergolong kategori pengelolaan baik dan berkelanjutan. Strategi pengelolaan yang perlu dilakukan untuk menjaga pengontrolan ukuran modifikasi alat tangkap, penentuan ukuran tangkapan Landak laut. membatasi fishing capacity serta membuat RPP landak laut.

Yusli Wardiatno ◽  
Beni Beni ◽  
Akhmad Solihin ◽  
Zairion Zairion

The purpose of this research was to analyze the issues and problems in lobster fisheries for establishing strategies to achieve sustainable lobster management. This study was conducted from November 2018 to January 2019 in coastal waters of Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province. Data collection were made using the triangulation method. In addition, data analyses were performed using AWOT (Analythical Hierarchy Procedure and Strenght-Weakness-Opportunity-Threats) which was the combination of SWOT and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques. The results showed that the problems of lobster management in Wonogiri Regency was the unreported catch and the unwillingness to release small-size- and berried-female lobsters. The best strategy for lobster management in Wonogiri Regency was shown in the 2nd quadrant (strategi Strength-Threats). Thus, the priority strategies would be the development of friendly lobster fishing gear with score a value 35.4% and the second priority is strengthening the role of collectors in controlling catches with a value of 30.5%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Lindiya Apsari ◽  
Endriatmo Soetarto ◽  
Lukman Muhammad Baga

Gerbangmas-Taskin is a poverty alleviation program in South Kalimantan province with the concept three (human empowerment, economic and the environment). This study aims to analyze the implementationof Gerbangmas-Taskin effectiveness, to evaluate the sustainability of Gerbangmas-Taskinand prioritize participatory empowerment strategy for effectiveness and sustainability of Gerbangmas-Taskin at PandakDaun Village, Banjar Regency. The methods used include descriptive analysis, RAPfish modification (RAPGerbangmas-Taskin) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The data consists of primary data obtained from the results of in-depth interview and a questionnaire given to Poor Households (RTM), while the secondary data obtained from the publication of the relevant agencies. The result showed that Gerbangmas-Taskin program did not impact earnings accretion for the beneficiaries of capital. Gerbangmas-Taskin sustainability index is 34.79 % (less sustainability), consist of :Infrastructure by 62.39% (sustainable enough) while economic, social and environmental showed less sustainable, respectively by 36.85%; 30.22% and 27.11%. The main priority in the strategy of the effectiveness and sustainability of Gerbangmas-Taskin program are the coordination and synergy with the section / SKPD (19%) and increasing the capacity of human resources (16%).

Ridwan Sala ◽  
Domu Simbolon ◽  
Sugeng Hari Wisudo ◽  
John Haluan ◽  
Roza Yusfiandayani

<p><em>T</em><em>raditional use zones (TUZ) of Misool </em><em>is located </em><em>within the marine protected area</em><em> of Misool which has high marine biodiversity, especially coral and reef fish. </em><em>Regulating the use of fishing gears in</em><em> TUZ of Misool</em><em>,it is essential to ensure the sustainability of </em><em>marine</em><em> ecosystems and fisheries in the region. The  objective of this study isto determine the suitability of fishing gear inthe depth zone of less than 50 m and more than 50 m in Misool TUZ, Raja Ampat. </em><em>The fishing gear suitability was assessed based on bioecological, social, and legal aspects. </em><em>The method used in this research was analytic hierarchy process (AHP) whichderivesthe priorities</em><em>for </em><em>criteria and alternative fishing gear using expert judgment. The results of the analysis showed that fishing gear</em><em>s</em><em> that wasmost appropriate </em><em>to be </em><em>operated in the zone which has thewater depth of less than 50 m was handline.  T</em><em>he most </em><em>decisive criteria for thiswasthat the fishing gear was undestructive to coral reef ecosystem and seagrass ecosystem. In addition,</em><em>fishing gears that were suitable in</em><em>the zone with depth </em><em>more</em><em> than 50 m were trolline and handline</em><em>, </em><em>and </em><em>the most </em><em>decisive criteria wasthe availability of fish target and not causing conflict between fishermen. On the other hand gillnet and liftnet had a low compatibility to be used in both zones.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong><em>   </em></strong><em>Analytic hierarchy process</em><em>, marine protected area,</em><em>Misool Raja Ampat</em><em>,</em><em>suitability of fishing gear, </em><em>t</em><em>raditional use zones </em></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p class="Abstrakisi">Zona pemanfaatan tradisional (ZPT) Misool terletak di dalam kawasan lindung laut Misool yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati laut yang tinggi, terutama ikan dan terumbu karang. Oleh karena itu,pengaturan penggunaan alat tangkap ikan di ZPT Misool sangat penting untuk menjamin keberlanjutan ekosistem laut dan perikanan di wilayah ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian alat tangkap untuk dioperasikan di zona perairan pada kedalaman kurang dari 50 m dan lebih dari 50 m di ZPT Misool, Raja Ampat. Kesesuaian alat penangkapan ikan dinilai berdasarkan aspek bioekologi, sosial dan legal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode <em>Analytical Hierarchy Process</em> (AHP) dengan pembobotan terhadap kriteria dan alternatif alat tangkap menggunakan penilaian pakar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa alat tangkap yang paling sesuai digunakan di zona perairan pada kedalaman kurang dari 50 m adalah pancing ulur, dengan kriteria yang paling menentukan adalah tidak merusak ekosistem terumbu karang dan ekosistem padang lamun. Kemudian pada zona perairan pada kedalaman lebih dari 50 m, alat tangkap yang sesuai digunakan adalah pancing tonda dan pancing ulur, dengan kriteria yang paling menentukan adalah ketersediaan target ikan dan tidak menimbulkan konflik antara nelayan. Alat tangkap jarring insang dan bagan perahu memiliki kesesuain yang rendah untuk digunakan dikedua zona.</p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong>          <em>Analytical Hierarchy Process,</em>kesesuaian alat tangkap, zona pemanfaatan tradisional, <em>Marine Protected Area</em><em>, </em>Misool Raja Ampat

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-39
Luluk Suryani ◽  
Raditya Faisal Waliulu ◽  
Ery Murniyasih

Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) adalah salah satu penggerak perekonomian suatu daerah, termasuk Kota Sorong. UKM di Kota Sorong belum berkembang secara optimal. Ada beberapa penyebab diantaranya adalah mengenai finansial, lokasi, bahan baku dan lain-lain. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalah tersebut peneliti terdorong untuk melakukan pengembangan Aplikasi yang dapat membantu menentukan prioritas UKM yang sesuai dengan kondisi pelaku usaha. Pada penelitian ini akan digunakan metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP), untuk pengambilan keputusannya. Metode AHP dipilih karena mampu menyeleksi dan menentukan alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif yang tersedia. Dalam hal ini alternatif yang dimaksudkan yaitu UKM terbaik yang dapat dipilih oleh pelaku usaha sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari nilai bobot untuk setiap atribut, kemudian dilakukan proses perankingan yang akan menentukan alternatif yang optimal, yaitu UKM. Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan yang dikembangkan berbasis Android, dimana pengguna akan mudah menggunakannya sewaktu-waktu jika terjadi perubahan bobot pada kriteria atau intensitas.  Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa metode AHP berhasil diterapkan pada Aplikasi Penentuan Prioritas Pengembangan UKM.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-43
Saras Ayu Faradita ◽  
Vinky Rahman

The fire incident in karaoke buildings in Indonesia which claimed many lives has occurred several times. According to the National Academy of Science US, the smoke toxins that come out of the fire disaster cause 50-80% of deaths. Refers to the data, it is necessary to check further about the building material response to fire during a fire incident. Masterpiece Signature Karaoke is a karaoke building that classified as large and magnificent in the city of Medan which has various material so that it is necessary to study the interior material as passive fire protection. The purpose is to find out how to assess the reliability of fire passive protection regard to the interior materials and recommendations or descriptions of right interior material planning using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This method is efficacious to solve the problem of reliability in using interior materials as passive fire protection in Masterpiece Signature Family KTV Medan building with the results of an Adequate Level of reliability. Then, design recommendations were given for the use of interior materials in karaoke building to improve the reliability results to be better.The results are useful as information for other researchers and karaoke buildings regarding passive fire protection systems at the Masterpiece Signature Family KTV Medan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-111
Po. Abas Sunarya ◽  
George Iwan Marantika ◽  
Adam Faturahman

Writing can mean lowering or describing graphic symbols that describe a languageunderstood by someone. For a researcher, management of research preparation is a veryimportant step because this step greatly determines the success or failure of all researchactivities. Before a person starts with research activities, he must make a written plan commonlyreferred to as the management of research data collection. In the process of collecting researchdata, of course we can do the management of questionnaires as well as the preparation ofinterview guidelines to disseminate and obtain accurate information. With the arrangement ofplanning and conducting interviews: the ethics of conducting interviews, the advantages anddisadvantages of interviews, the formulation of interview questions, the schedule of interviews,group and focus group interviews, interviews using recording devices, and interview bias.making a questionnaire must be designed with very good management by giving to theinformation needed, in accordance with the problem and all that does not cause problems at thestage of analysis and interpretation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-31
Fahrur Razi ◽  
Ainun Mardiyah ◽  
Adang Kasmawijaya

Pengkajian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain eksploratori dalam penentuan prioritas terhadap peran dan alternatif strategi pengembangan P2MKP didasarkan atas bobot prioritas atau kepentingannya dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Keterpaduan antara program pelatihan P2MKP dengan penyelenggaraan penyuluhan” merupakan strategi yang paling diprioritaskan dalam membangun sinergitas P2MKP dengan penyelenggaraan penyuluhan perikanan, dengan bobot 31,52%, kemudian strategi “pengikutsertaan koordinator penyuluh daerah sebagai pembina P2MKP”, dengan bobot 28,56% sebagai prioritas kedua, dan strategi “sebagian instruktur berasal dari penyuluh perikanan” dengan bobot 24,17% sebagai strategi prioritas ketiga dalam membangun sinergitas P2MKP dengan penyelenggaraan penyuluhan perikanan. Dari beberapa strategi pengembangan P2MKP yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka mendukung proses peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia kelautan dan perikanan: Strategi “pengikutsertaan/ peningkatan peran penyuluh perikanan” merupakan strategi pengembangan P2MKP yang paling diprioritaskan, kemudian strategi “optimalisasi penyelenggaraan pelatihan” sebagai prioritas kedua, dan strategi “pembangunan kemitraan strategis” sebagai strategi prioritas ketiga.

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