scholarly journals Tipe pola asuh orang tua yang berhubungan dengan perilaku bullying pada pelajar SMP

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-162
Dhini Easter Yanti ◽  
Teguh Pribadi ◽  
Anhar Jaya Putra

Indonesian parenting styles and bullying among junior high school students, Bandar Lampung-IndonesiaBackground: The data base of  Child Protection Committee in Indonesia  2011-2014 had been  increasing and is ranked at the top of 369 cases reported to Child Protection Committee such as in education enviroment, bullying behaviour among students at the schools  was very common. The reason of the student has a bullying behaviour  can be from various factors such as parenting styles of their parent.Purpose: To know the relationship between  parenting styles and bullying among junior high school students, in Bandar Lampung-IndonesiaMethod: A quantitative research type by using a cross sectional approach. The population were all students of grade VII and VIII at Gajah Mada junior high School in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, with the sample 153 respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out by questionnaire. The statistical test used by the chi square test.Results: Most respondents claim uninvolved a school bullying, as much as 111 students (72.5%). Most of the respondents  claim have a democratic parenting styles by their parent as many as 78 respondent (51.0%). There is a relationship between parenting styles and bullying among junior high school students, Bandar Lampung-Indonesia in 2019 with p-value <α (0,000 <0.05)Conclusion: There is a relationship between parenting styles and bullying among junior high school students,Bandar Lampung-Indonesia. Suggestions for educational institutions, it is hoped that the results of this study can be a means and reference for educators / schools in overcoming the problem of school bullying among junior high school students by informing to the parents to be applying appropriate a parenting style to their children.Keywords: Parenting styles; Bullying; Junior high school; StudentsPendahuluan: Kasus bullying menurut KPAI pada tahun 2011-2014 juga semakin meningkat dan menduduki peringkat teratas sebanyak 369 pengaduan kepada KPAI, dalam bidang pendidikan seperi kekerasan di sekolah, diskriminasi terdapat sekitar 1480 kasus.  Penyebab seseorang menjadi pelaku “bullying” bisa dari berbagai faktor seperti orang tua yang terlalu memanjakan anaknya.Tujuan: Diketahui hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan perilaku bullying pada siswa SMP Gajah Mada Kota Bandar Lampung Tahun 2019.Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasinya seluruh siswa  kelas VII dan VIII di SMP Gajah Mada Bandar Lampung  pada tahun 2019 yaitu sebanyak 246 orang. Sampel 153 responden. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji chi square.Hasil: Sebagian besar responden mengaku tidak melakukan perilaku bullying yaitu sebanyak 111 orang (72,5%). Sebagian besar responden mengaku memiliki pola asuh orang tua yang demokratis sebanyak 78 orang (51,0%). Terdapat hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan perilaku bullying pada siswa SMP Gajah Mada Kota Bandar Lampung Tahun 2019 dengan nilai p-value < α (0,000 < 0,05)Simpulan: Ada hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan perilaku bullying. Saran kepada institusi pendidikan, diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi sarana dan referensi bagi pihak pendidik/ sekolah dalam mengatasi masalah bullying pada remaja dengan memberkan informasi pada oraang tua supaya dapat menerakan pola asuh yang tepat bagi anaknya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 400-415 ◽  
Robert Thornberg ◽  
Lena Landgren ◽  
Erika Wiman

The aim of the current study was to examine how junior high school students interpret, motivate, and explain various bystander behaviors in bullying situations. The participants were 17 junior high school students recruited from four schools in Sweden. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed with grounded theory methods. The analysis generated a conceptual model of bystander interpreting–considering process in school bullying. A core category named ‘it depends’ was developed to explain how the participants in the study motivated their own and their peers’ actions as bystanders in various bullying situations. Whether they intervened or not depended on how they interpreted the situation in terms of: (a) seriousness of the situation, including trivialization; (b) social relationships with the involved; (c) locus of responsibility, including displacement of responsibility, and victim blame; (d) social status; (e) perception of risk; and (f) defender self-efficacy. The implications of these results for bullying prevention and intervention efforts are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-67
Nurul Fitriani Rahayu ◽  
Ratih Indraswari ◽  
Besar Tirto Husodo

Latar Belakang: Sifat khas remaja yang memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang besar, menyukai petualangan dan tantangan serta cenderung bertindak tanpa memikirkan akibatnya, menyebabkan remaja sering kali terjerumus ke dalam perilaku yang berisiko, salah satunya adalah perilaku seksual berisiko. Media pornografi menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong utama remaja terjerumus ke dalam perilaku seksual berisiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan jenis kelamin, usia dan keterpaparan media pornografi dengan perilaku seksual berisiko siswa SMP di Kota Semarang.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik survei dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 104 remaja awal (usia 12-15 tahun) yang terpilih dengan menggunakan teknik multistage random sampling.  Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji Chi Square.Hasil: Sebagian besar jenis kelamin responden pada penelitian adalah laki-laki (51,9%) dan sisanya adalah perempuan (48,1%). Usia responden didominasi pada usia ≥14 tahun (76,9%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 41,3% responden telah mengakses pornografi dengan alasan terbanyak adalah didorong rasa penasaran (26,9%) dan diajak teman (18,3%). Responden mendapatkan informasi mengenai pornografi didapatkan dari teman, baik teman sekolah (24%) dan teman di rumah (17,3%). Media sosial (22,1%) dan situs porno (19,2%) menjadi tempat dimana responden mengakses pornografi. Hasil analisis chi-square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara jenis kelamin (p-value= 0,045) dan keterpaparan media pornografi (p-value= <0,001) dengan perilaku seksual berisiko siswa SMP di Kota Semarang.Simpulan dan Saran: Terdapat hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan keterpaparan media pornografi dengan perilaku seksual siswa SMP di Kota Semarang. Pemberian pendidikan seks dan pembuatan safe browsing di area sekolah diperlukan untuk mengatasi perilaku seksual yang berisiko pada siswa SMP. Kata kunci: Media pornografi, perilaku seksual, remaja Title: The Relationship between Sex, Age and Pornography Media with Risk Sexual Behavior of Middle School Students in Semarang City Background: The special nature of adolescents who have a great curiosity, like adventure and challenges and tend to act without thinking about the consequences, causing teens often fall into risky behavior, one of which is risky sexual behavior. Pornography media is an important factor for teenagers who often fall into risky sexual behavior. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between sex, age and exposure to pornographic media with sexual behavior of junior high school students in the city of Semarang.Method: This type of research was analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The sample from this study was 104 early adolescents (aged 12-15 years) who were selected using a multistage random sampling technique. This study uses univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi Square test.Results: Most of the respondents' sex in the study were male (51.9%) and the rest were female (48.1%). The age of the respondents was dominated by age ≥14 years (76.9%). The results showed that 41.3% of respondents had accessed pornography with the most reasons being driven by curiosity (26.9%) and being invited by friends (18.3%). Respondents get information about pornography obtained from friends, both school friends (24%) and friends at home (17.3%). Social media (22.1%) and porn sites (19.2%) are places where respondents access pornography. The results of the chi-square analysis showed that there was a relationship between sex (p-value= 0,045) and exposure to pornographic media (p-value = <0.001) with risky sexual behavior of junior high school students in the city of Semarang. Conclusion and Recommendation: There was a relationship between sex and exposure to pornographic media with sexual behavior of junior high school students in Semarang City. Providing sex education and making safe browsing for school students are needed to deal with risky sexual behavior in junior high school students. Keywords: Pornographic media, sexual behavior, adolescent

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-50
Heryanto Sumbung ◽  
Evi Martha

Background: Ransiki is a district in South Manokwari Regency which was a new division in West Papua Province. Junior high school students in Ransiki are at risk of drug use. An effort should be made to improve the knowledge and attitude of junior high school students as a form of prevention of drug use. This study aimed to improve knowledge and attitude for the prevention of drug use in junior high school students in Ransiki using the training module "Pengenalan Bahaya NAPZA bagi Kesehatan".Method: This was a Pre Experimental study using the one group pre-test and post-test design. The study samples were 60 students. Samples were determined by purposive sampling. The intervention was conducted by providing module training for five meetings. The pre-test and post-test of students were analyzed using the Dependent T-test.Results: The results showed there was a significant relationship between the mean score of students’ knowledge before the intervention (39.44) and after the intervention (77.77) (p-value = 0.0001). There was a significant relationship between the mean score of students’ attitudes before the intervention (73.40) and after the intervention (82.40) (p-value = 0.0001). The training module "Pengenalan Bahaya NAPZA bagi Kesehatan" can be used to improve students' knowledge and attitude to prevent drug use in junior high school students of South Manokwari Regency

Weni Wiliya Budiarti ◽  
Achmad Sofyan Hanif ◽  
Samsudin Samsudin

This research was conducted to produce a volleyball smash learning model and test its effectiveness for junior high school children. The development method adopts the development steps of Borg and Gall. Small group trials involve 15 athletes and 60 for large group trials. The development of the model begins with small trials, large trials and effectiveness tests. The effectiveness test used pre-post test with the instrument of the volleyball smash skills of junior high school students. The exercise model that was applied was tested for the significance of the difference and it was obtained that the t-test = 31,614, db = 32 and p-value = 0.00 <0.05, meaning that there were significant differences in the ability of students before and after they were given the volleyball smash learning model. It was concluded that existing moddel could be developed and applied in volleyball smash learning and effectively improved volleyball smash learning outcomes for junior high school students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Yatha Yuni ◽  
Andri Suryana

The abilities that must be mastered by high school students according to the demands of the 2013 curriculum include reasoning. Students who have good reasoning abilities make it easier to understand mathematics. But in reality there are still many students who have low mathematical reasoning ability, seen when they have difficulty solving math problems. This research objective is to prove the habit of solving open-ended problems that can improve the mathematical reasoning ability of junior high school students based on the level of initial mathematical ability: high, medium, and low. The study used an experimental method with a "One-Group pre-test post-test design". Randomly, selected 77 grade VII students of SMP Negeri in Bekasi as a sample. The prerequisite test shows that each level of data comes from groups that are normally distributed and homogeneous. The results showed normal gain, both overall and level showed improvement. Based on the t test obtained p value of 0.000 < 0.005, meaning this study can prove student habits in solving open-ended problems when learning mathematics on triangles and quadrilateral, can improve students' mathematical reasoning abilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (11) ◽  
Hailong Gong

Bullying, as an aggressive behavior, has become a common phenomenon among junior high school students. The occurrence of bullying behavior can have a serious negative impact on the mental health of junior high school students. Some students even suffer from psychological problems such as depression and anxiety. Many research results at home and abroad show that personality is an important factor affecting bullying behavior. In this case, this study explores the impact of parental rearing patterns on school bullying behavior. Improving the parenting styles of junior high school students and their parenting level has become an practicable practical approach to prevent the problem of school bullying.

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