Penerapan Fungsi Keluarga Dalam Kemampuan Merawat Anggota Keluarga Dengan Stroke

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 359-369
Putri Ananda Salsabilla ◽  
Ricky Riyanto Iksan ◽  
Sri Atun Wahyuningsih

ABSTRACT : APPLICATION OF FAMILY FUNCTIONS IN ABILITY TO CARE FOR MEMBERS FAMILIES WITH STROKES Background: Stroke is a non-communicable disease that is one of the leading causes of death and disability rates in the world. Stroke becomes a health threat due to impaired cerebral function, both focal and global, which lasts quickly and lasts more than 24 hours or ends in death without the discovery of the disease other than vascular disorders (World Health, 2017). World Health Organization (2018) stroke sufferers are increasing every year.. It shows that every year there are 13.7 million new cases of stroke, and about 5.5 million deaths occur from stroke. About 70% of strokes and 87% of stroke deaths and disabilities occur in low- and middle-income countries.Objective: Identified Application of Family Function Intervention in the Ability to Care for Family Members With Stroke in the Puskesmas Area of North Meruya Village of West JakartaMethod: This type of research is case studydesign research that according to Basuki Case Study is a form of research on a problem that has the nature of specificity with individual or group targets, even the wider community. In this study, researchers conducted family function interventions in four families with strokes, namely the same four sufferers were given family function interventions.Results: The results of research conducted the influence of affective function, socialization function, economic function, and health care function with the application of nursing care in stroke patients.Conclusion: The conclusion of this study results in the application of family functions in the ability to care for family members with stroke experienced significant changes to intervention. Keywords: Family Function, Caring Ability, Stroke INTISARI : PENERAPAN FUNGSI KELUARGA DALAM KEMAMPUAN MERAWAT ANGGOTA KELUARGA DENGAN STROKE Latar Belakang: Stroke merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang menjadi salah satu penyebab utama angka kematian dan kecacatan di dunia. Stroke menjadi ancaman kesehatan karena gangguan fungsi serebral, baik fokal maupun global, yang berlangsung dengan cepat dan lebih dari 24 jam atau berakhir dengan kematian tanpa ditemukannya penyakit selain dari pada gangguan vaskular (World Health Organization, 2017). World Health Organization (2018) penderita stroke semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Menunjukkan bahwa setiap tahunnya ada 13,7 juta kasus baru stroke, dan sekitar 5,5 juta kematian terjadi akibat penyakit stroke. Sekitar 70% penyakit stroke dan 87% kematian dan disabilitas akibat stroke terjadi pada negara berpendapatan rendah dan menengah.Tujuan: Teridentifikasi Penerapan Intervensi Fungsi Keluarga Dalam Kemampuan Merawat Anggota Keluarga Dengan Stroke di Wilayah Puskesmas Kelurahan Meruya Utara Jakarta BaratMetode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian case studydesign yaitu menurut Basuki Case Study adalah bentuk penelitian suatu masalah yang memiliki sifat kekhususan dengan sasaran perorangan ataupun kelompok, bahkan masyarakat luas.Pada penelitian ini Peneliti melakukan Intervensi Fungsi keluarga pada empat keluarga dengan stroke yaitu keempat penderita sama – sama diberikan Intervensi Fungsi Keluarga.Hasil: Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan adanya pengaruh fungsi afektif, fungsi sosialisasi, fungsi ekonomi, dan fungsi perawatan kesehatan dengan penerapan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien stroke.Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini hasil penerapan fungsi keluarga dalam kemampuan merawat anggota keluarga dengan stroke mengalami perubahan yang signifikan terhadap intervensi. Kata Kunci : Fungsi Keluarga, Kemampuan Merawat, Stroke

Hayina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Dika Rizki Imania ◽  
Mohammad Ali Imron

Latar belakang :  World Health Organization (WHO) 2013 mengemukakan bahwa non-communicable disease (NCDs) merupakan tantangan kesehatan terbesar pada abad 21. Dari seluruh angka morbiditas NCDs, jumlah cardiovascular disease (CVD) merupakan yang terbesar yaitu 17,3 juta jiwa/ tahun.  Berkaitan dengan diabetes, pada sebagian penderita diabetes tipe dua atau intoleransi glukosa, didapatkan serangkaian faktor risiko yang muncul bersamaan dengan faktor risiko CVD. Fenomena tersebut disebut dengan kejadian sindrom metabolik. Tujuan : memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada kader untuk melakukan screening sindrom metabolik sehingga pengurus maupun peserta majlis taklim bisa mengubah pola hidup menjadi lebih sehat lagi. Metode : metode yang digunakan adalah koordinasi, pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia, promosi dan sosialisasi kader, pelatihan kader, penyusunan buku pedoman kader, pelaksanaan jasa layanan kesehatan, evaluasi kegiatan, dan pelaporan pencatatan kegiatan. Hasil : menghasilkan empat kader terlatih dan hasil pada peserta bahwa kategori usia dewasa akhir, lansia akhir dan manula lebih rentan terkena Sindrom Metabolik. Hasil akhir yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengetahui pentingnya pengetahuan tentang sindrome metabolik. Kesimpulan :  Pemberian penyuluhan dan pelatihan kader dalam screening sindrome mmetabolik dapat menambah  pengetahuan dan wawasan  pengurus majlis taklim masjid Al Mustaqim Di Sanggrahan Ngestiharjo Kasihan Bantul.

Hayina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Dika Rizki Imania ◽  
Mohammad Ali Imron

Latar belakang :  World Health Organization (WHO) 2013 mengemukakan bahwa non-communicable disease (NCDs) merupakan tantangan kesehatan terbesar pada abad 21. Dari seluruh angka morbiditas NCDs, jumlah cardiovascular disease (CVD) merupakan yang terbesar yaitu 17,3 juta jiwa/ tahun.  Berkaitan dengan diabetes, pada sebagian penderita diabetes tipe dua atau intoleransi glukosa, didapatkan serangkaian faktor risiko yang muncul bersamaan dengan faktor risiko CVD. Fenomena tersebut disebut dengan kejadian sindrom metabolik. Tujuan : memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada kader untuk melakukan screening sindrom metabolik sehingga pengurus maupun peserta majlis taklim bisa mengubah pola hidup menjadi lebih sehat lagi. Metode : metode yang digunakan adalah koordinasi, pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia, promosi dan sosialisasi kader, pelatihan kader, penyusunan buku pedoman kader, pelaksanaan jasa layanan kesehatan, evaluasi kegiatan, dan pelaporan pencatatan kegiatan. Hasil : menghasilkan empat kader terlatih dan hasil pada peserta bahwa kategori usia dewasa akhir, lansia akhir dan manula lebih rentan terkena Sindrom Metabolik. Hasil akhir yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengetahui pentingnya pengetahuan tentang sindrome metabolik. Kesimpulan :  Pemberian penyuluhan dan pelatihan kader dalam screening sindrome mmetabolik dapat menambah  pengetahuan dan wawasan  pengurus majlis taklim masjid Al Mustaqim Di Sanggrahan Ngestiharjo Kasihan Bantul.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S51-S52
Kajal Mehta ◽  
Nikitha Thrikutam ◽  
Kiran K Nakarmi ◽  
Paa Ekow Hoyte-Williams ◽  
Michael Peck ◽  

Abstract Introduction Cooking- and cookstove-related burns (CSBs) comprise a large proportion of burn injuries globally. A cookstove is any apparatus that provides heat and is used for cooking (e.g., three-stone fire, traditional or improved cookstove). There are limited data on patterns of cooking behaviors and CSBs to inform prevention initiatives and advocacy. We aimed to describe the epidemiology, risk factors and outcomes of cooking-related burns and CSBs, specifically. Methods Patients with cooking and non-cooking related burns from 2018 to 2020 were identified in the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Burn Registry (GBR). Patient demographics, cooking arrangement, injury characteristics [mechanism, total body surface area (TBSA), revised Baux score] and outcomes were described. Differences in proportions and medians were compared. Bivariate regression was performed to identify risk factors associated with occurrence of CSB. Results GBR contained data of 6,965 burn-injured patients from 17 countries; 88% were from middle-income countries. One quarter of burn injuries (1,723 burns) were cooking-related. More than half of cooking-related burns (55%) occurred in females. Median age for cooking-related burns was 11 years (IQR 2–35). Of cooking-related burns, 22% were cookstove-related burns (CSBs; 311 burns). The most common mechanism in CSB was flame (87%), whereas the most common mechanism in other cooking burns was scald (62%). Patients with CSBs were more often female (65% vs 53%; p< 0.001) and much older than patients with other cooking burns (32 years, IQR 22–47 vs 5 years, IQR 2–30). CSBs were significantly larger in TBSA size (30%, IQR 15–45% vs 15%, IQR 10–25%; p< 0.001), had higher revised Baux scores (70, IQR 46–95 vs 28, IQR 10–25; p< 0.001) and more often resulted in death (41 vs 11%; p< 0.001) than other cooking burns (Table1). Patients with CSBs were more likely to be burned by fires (OR 4.74; 95% CI 2.99–7.54) and explosions (OR 2.91, 95% CI 2.03–4.18) than other cooking injuries. Kerosene had the highest odds of CSB than all other cooking fuels (OR 2.37, 95% CI 1.52–3.69). Conclusions Cooking-related burns are common and have different epidemiology than CSBs, specifically (e.g., more often female, older, larger burn size, higher mortality). CSBs were more likely caused by structural factors (e.g., explosion, fire) than behavioral factors (e.g., accidental movements) when compared to other cooking burns.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 187-188 ◽  
Bethany Hipple Walters ◽  
Ionela Petrea ◽  
Harry Lando

While the global smoking rate has dropped in the past 30 years (from 41.2% of men in 1980 to 31.1% in 2012 and from 10.6% of women in 1980 to 6.2% in 2012), the number of tobacco smokers has increased due to population growth (Ng et al., 2014). This tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure continue to harm people worldwide. Those harmed are often vulnerable: children, those living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), those with existing diseases, etc. As noted by the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 80% of those who smoke live in a LMIC (World Health Organization, 2017). Furthermore, it is often those who are more socio-economically disadvantaged or less educated in LMICs that are exposed to second-hand smoke at home and work (Nazar, Lee, Arora, & Millett, 2015).

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
Isfandari Siti ◽  
Betty Roosihermiatie

Intersectoral approach is essential to develop program for people with disability in Indonesia. Coordination across ministries are necessary to manage this issue. The planning, provision and monitoring of medical and support services as well as program for population groups with disability may require assessment. Purpose of this study is to assess disability in Indonesia. Methods: performing analysis of disability data from 2013 Indonesian Household Health Survey known as Riskesdas. Level of disability obtained from two main population groups: those with and without non communicable disease (NCD). They then divided by age. The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODASII) was used to measure disability. Results: contribution of NCD on disability is obvious among older age indicated by higher proportion of disability with NCD. While risk of disability among younger age is unclear, since disability with NCDproportion is lower than disability without NCD. Probably risk of disability among younger age is other than NCD. None of the groups had members with extreme disability on their global WHO-DASII scores. The analysis identifi es target groups for each stakeholder to develop program for people with disability to reach their maximum potential. Abstrak Penanganan penduduk dengan disabilitas membutuhkan keterlibatan lintas kementerian. Diperlukan informasi besar masalah penduduk dengan disabilitas di Indonesia. Analisa bertujuan mengetahui besaran masalah. Metode: analisa deskriptif univariat dan bivariat data disabilitas Riskesdas 2013 untuk memperoleh Informasi disabilitas seluruh penduduk. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa besaran disabilitas pada penduduk dengan dan tanpa Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM). Kelompok ini kemudian digolongkan menurut umur. Instrumen The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHO-DASII) digunakan untuk mengukur disabilitas. Hasil: 18% penduduk Indonesia mengalami disabilitas. Informasi lebih rinci 8,2% mengalami kesulitan ringan, 6,8% kesulitan sedang dan 3% kesulitan berat. Kontribusi PTM terhadap disabilitas terlihat jelas pada kelompok usia 45 tahun atau lebih ditunjukkan dengan lebih tingginya proporsi disabilitas dengan PTM. Sedangkan risiko disabilitas pada kelompok usia sebelum 45 tahun bukan PTM, karena proporsidisabilitas dengan PTM lebih rendah.

2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 71-74 ◽  
E. A. Sorketti ◽  
N. Z. Zuraida ◽  
M. H. Habil

The importance of traditional healing in low- and middle-income countries cannot be under estimated. It is generally perceived as part of the prevailing belief system and traditional healers are often seen as the primary agents for psychosocial problems in these countries; estimates of their service share range from 45% to 60% (World Health Organization, 1992). The World Health Organization (2000) estimated that 80% of people living in rural areas in low- and middle-income countries depend on traditional medicine for their health needs.

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