scholarly journals A. V. Mishulin and forming of the Moscow research and education centre for ancient history in 1930–40

Sergey G. Karpyuk

The article is devoted to the activities of A. V. Mishulin as a science and education organiser. His activities lead to very fast development of research studies and education of the ancient history in Moscow in 1930–40s. A. V. Mishulin was a true representative of communist-scientific bureacracy. The author uses documents from Moscow archives to analyse Mishulin’s role in development of the Soviet historical science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 148-156
Konstantinova Natalia N. ◽  

The article deals with scientific and educational activity of Alexander Vasilyevich Konstantinov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, chairman of Transbaikal Branch of the Russian Geographical Society on the occasion of his 65th anniversary. The scientist’s contribution to the historical science of the region, especially to the study of its ancient history is presented and his role in the development of education, including the training of teachers in Transbaikal region is assessed in the paper.

2021 ◽  
pp. 129-146
Ivan zadorozhnyuk

The paper presents an overview of ten successfully functioning science and education centers in Russia, two of which are described in details taking into account the fact that their productive activities are associated with the development of the Arctic territories - a task of global importance. The author makes an assumption about the possible potential for the development of the principle of «blooming complexity» in the sociotechnical sphere, and also warns against excessive enthusiasm for the struggle for a high place in international rankings: this may distort the productive traditions of Russian science education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 58-83
Natalia Grincheva

Abstract The article explores a series of blockbuster exhibitions of DreamWorks Animation developed by the Australian Centre of the Moving Image (ACMI) in collaboration with one of the largest Hollywood producers. Curated by ACMI, this blockbuster exhibition was designed to provide a behind-the-scenes look into collaborative processes involved in DreamWorks animations. This exhibition travelled across the Asia-Pacific in 2015-2017 and was hosted by a number of museums, such as the ArtScience Museum in Singapore, the Te Papa Museum in New Zealand, the Seoul Museum of Art in South Korea, and the National Taiwan Science and Education Centre in Taiwan. It displayed over 400 unique objects from the studio’s archive ‘of rare and never before displayed material’, such as drawings, models, maps, photographs, posters, and other artworks. The article explores the highly favourable reception to the DreamWorks Animation blockbuster in different cities in Asia. It employs a geo-visualization of Asian engagement with the blockbuster exhibit to reveal and explain local and global mechanisms of ‘attraction’ power, generated by DreamWorks in different Asian countries. Contributing to the special issue, this article engages with two aspects of it: the form, cultural digital mapping; and the content, the nature of media pop culture exemplified through the traveling blockbuster.

Vladislav I. Goldin ◽  

This article dwells on the life and work of the famous Soviet and Russian historian, facilitator of science and education in the European North of Russia, Professor Mikhail Ilyich Shumilov. The paper focuses on his life, early days and development as a historian, his contribution to the historical science of the Russian North and Karelia. Further, the author characterizes Shumilov’s work as a rector (1973–1991) and head of the Department of Russian History (1970–2014) of Petrozavodsk State University. In addition, the article looks at his collaboration with historians from Pomor University and Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 23-31
Э.С. Парастаева

Вопрос изучения имени личного представляет очень большой интерес как для науки, так и для общества в целом. Вся совокупность имен личных (и шире – собственных) относится, как известно, к той части лексической системы языка, исследования которой представляют огромную ценность. В научном языкознании для изучения имени определена отдельная отрасль – ономастика. Деэтимологизация ономастических единиц является важнымне только для языкознания, но и для различных отраслей знания, в частности, для исторической науки в деле изучения древнейшей истории народов (реконструкции архаичных социальных систем, верований, религий, быта), мест их расселения в различные периоды. В настоящей статье нами рассмотрены имена людей – антропонимы в социально-историческом аспекте нового и новейшего времени, времени тотальной глобализации и демократизации. Исторически сложившаяся система наименования людей уходит в глубокую древность, но она не была консервативна и с течением времени, со сменой эпох, постепенно менялась. Когда-то закрытые национальные именные системы (именники), под влиянием все более усиливающихся социальных и культурных взаимодействий народов мира, медленно, но верно «сдавали свои позиции». Началось активное взаимозаимствование личных имен среди различных по этнической принадлежности групп. В современных национальных именных системах вполне мирно уживаются исконные и заимствованные (чужестранные) имена. В то же время между ними наблюдается некий антагонизм, вызванный к жизни понятием исконности/неисконности, который, в свою очередь, основан на значении слова (апеллятива), из которого произошло имя. Есть имена пришлые (заимствованные), которые на чужой почве принимающего языка получают облик, соответствующий нормам последнего. Транснациональными именами, по нашему мнению, следует считать ономастические единицы, не знающие этнических и государственных преград, легко преодолевающие географические барьеры. Именно они служат одним из действенных инструментов глобализации. The question of studying the personal name is of very great interest both for the researchers and for the society as a whole. The entire set of personal (and more broadly - proper) names refers to that part of the lexical system of any language, the research of which is of great value. In linguistics a separate branch is defined for the study of a name - onomastics. De-etymologization of onomastic units is important not only for linguistics, but also for various branches of knowledge, in particular, for historical science in the study of the ancient history of peoples (reconstruction of archaic social systems, beliefs, religions, everyday life), places of their settlement in different periods. In this article, we examined the names of persons - anthroponyms in the socio-historical aspect of the new and modern times, the time of total globalization and democratization. The historically established system of naming people goes back to antiquity, but it was not conservative and gradually changed over time, with the change of eras. Once closed national nominal systems (names), under the influence of ever-increasing social and cultural interactions of the peoples of the world, slowly but surely "gave up their positions." An active inter-borrowing of personal names began among groups of different ethnicity. In modern national naming systems, primordial and borrowed (foreign) names coexist quite peacefully. At the same time, there is a certain antagonism between them, brought to life by the concept of originality / non-originality, which, in turn, is based on the meaning of the word (appellative) from which the name originated. There are new names (borrowed), which, on the basis of the foreign soil of the receiving language, acquire an appearance that corresponds to the norms of the latter. In our opinion, transnational names should be considered onomastic units that do not know ethnic and state barriers, easily overcome geographic barriers. They serve as one of the most effective tools for globalization.

Maher Ennad Al-Hamoud, Abdul-Karim Al-Hussein Maher Ennad Al-Hamoud, Abdul-Karim Al-Hussein

The research studies the issue of poetic thefts at Al-Farazdaq, relying on the classifications of the ancient critics, trying to reveal what were the reasons that prompted the poet to steal, studying the critical issue and their types of theft in the poet's poetry, , and critics' opinions on the issue of taking poet from other poets. It has an ancient history of our Arab literature dating back to the first early Arab poetry. Research has studied the types of robberies found in in the poet's poetry. Raiding, usurpation plagiarism the Impersonation, the Vilification and its reasons for the desire of the poet to acquire the unique verses that fit his doctrine of pride. So the search consisted of two researchers and one finalist, the first researcher took up thefts and their types in the hair of the frieze. And the poet's knowledge of it, and the research showed the critics' view of Al Farazdaq thefts. The second researcher studied thefts statistically explaining the way in which poets were taken and how many poets were The second researcher studied thefts statistically explaining how many poets had acquired their poets and how many poets had acquired their poetry. Poetic theft is an important phenomenon that requires research, study and further elaboration of its monetary and psychological impact.

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