Тамара Вадимовна Царёва

Проведение крестных ходов (как традиционной формы духовного наследия) от «губительного поветрия» актуализировалось в связи с распространением вируса COVID-19. Крестные ходы во время различных «моровых поветрий» являются древней практикой и неотъемлемой частью жизни Церкви: к крестным ходам обращались подчас, как к единственному способу защиты от эпидемий. Пандемия, вызванная вирусом SARS-CoV-2, внесла коррективы во все сферы жизнедеятельности человека, в том числе и в религиозно-обрядовую ее составляющую. Одни, ставшие уже традиционными, крестные ходы отменялись, другие – проводились вопреки запретам санитарных властей, собирая большое количество паломников (как, например, Тутаевский, Коробейниковский или Николо-Великорецкий крестные ходы). С одной стороны, такой вид исповедования веры в общественном пространстве мобилизует и консолидирует верующих, тем самым являя социокультурную роль крестного хода, с другой – вопрос правомерности проведения крестных ходов во время пандемии в 2019–2020 гг. обнажил глубокие противоречия как в среде православного населения, так и стал источником разногласий в обществе вне зависимости от религиозной системы мировосприятия. Пандемия 2019–2020 гг. дала импульс к распространению необычных форм крестных ходов: воздушных и в форме автопробега (с целью минимизации распространения вируса). В данной статье предпринята попытка обобщить имеющиеся данные по крестным ходам во время пандемии, а также, опираясь на архивные источники, рассмотреть в историческом срезе проведение крестных ходов во время различных эпидемий. Carrying out religious processions (as a traditional form of spiritual heritage) to stop the «disastrous epidemic» has become important in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Processions during various «pestilences» are an ancient practice and an integral part of the life of the Church: processions were sometimes referred to as the only way to get rid of epidemics. The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has made adjustments to all spheres of human life, including its religious and ritual component. Some processions, which had already become were canceled, others were carried out despite the prohibitions of the sanitary authorities, gathering a large number of pilgrims (such as the Tutaevsky, Korobeinikovsky or Velikoretsky religious processions). On the one hand, this type of confession of faith in the public space mobilizes and consolidates believers, thereby demonstrating the sociocultural role of the procession, on the other hand, violations or ignoring by the participants of the march of sanitary and epidemiological recommendations aimed at preventing the spread of the virus have become a source of disagreement among society (regardless of the religious system of perception). Pandemic 2019– 2020 gave impetus to the spread of unusual forms of religious processions: air and in the form of a car rally (in order to minimize the spread of the virus). In this article, an attempt is made to summarize the available data on religious processions during a pandemic, and also, relying on archival sources, to consider in a historical context the holding of religious processions during various epidemics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-186 ◽  
Valérie Amiraux

This article is based on ongoing fieldwork conducted in France and Quebec with Muslim women who stopped wearing a headscarf. It offers a puzzle for reflection: what is achieved when a sign of religious affiliation disappears (in this instance, wearing a headscarf)? The first part of the article describes the general framework in which public conversations about the visible piety expressed by Muslim women has been discussed in public spaces. The second part looks at the double bind in which Muslim women have been placed by being asked, on the one hand, to be as discrete as possible when expressing their religiosity and, on the other, to behave in full transparency. How and under which conditions can these women ‘find a place’ in the public space (Joseph, 1995) of secular societies? To conclude, the article invites reflection on the role of secrecy, the impossibility as well as the necessity of the secret in society in order to be able to consider the proper room available for pious female citizens in democratic secular societies.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Olivier Schetrit ◽  
Pierre Schmitt

Fondé en 1976, l’IVT (International Visual Theatre) se définit aujourd’hui comme un carrefour culturel, un espace d’échanges et de découvertes pour les sourds et les entendants. De la recherche d’une culture théâtrale et artistique propre aux sourds à sa diffusion dans l’espace public, de la réception de ses spectacles bilingues à l’entreprise d’enseignement de la langue des signes poursuivie par l’IVT nous proposons ici d’étudier les allers retours complexes entre les altérités croisées que représentent respectivement les identités sourdes et entendantes. Ainsi, à partir du regard d’un chercheur sourd et celui d’un chercheur entendant, nous reviendrons d’une part sur le rôle de l’IVT dans la (re)découverte de l’identité sourde à travers des modes d’expression tels que théâtre, danse et chorégraphie sourds, « chansigne » et « musique visuelle ». D’autre part, nous réfléchirons aux enjeux communs entre la salle de spectacle et les salles de classe, ces deux facettes visant à la promotion de la langue des signes et de la culture sourde auprès des entendants. Il s’agira donc d’analyser et d’exposer comment l’appropriation de « l’espace vide » (Brook, 1968) de la scène par les sourds en a fait un espace (inter)culturel où l’apprentissage d’autres langues et cultures passe par la découverte de soi au travers des autres. Sign Language Theatre, Theatre of the Other? Deaf, hearing and interculturality around the International Visual Theatre Founded in 1976, the IVT (International Visual Theatre) is today defined as a cultural crossroads, a place of exchanges and discoveries for deaf and hearing people. From the search of a theatrical and artistic culture specific to the deaf to its distribution in the public space, from the reception of its bilingual shows to the teaching of sign language pursued by the IVT, we propose here to study the complex back and forth relations between the mirrored otherness that deaf and hearing identities represent to each other. Thus, from the point of views of a deaf researcher and a hearing researcher, on the one hand, we will explore the role of the IVT in the (re)discovery of deaf identity through modes of expression such as deaf theater, dance and choreography, “chansigne” and “visual music”. On the other hand, we will reflect on common issues between the stage and the classroom, these two facets aiming at promoting sign language and deaf culture among the hearing. We will then analyze and explain how the appropriation of the “empty space” (Brook, 1968) provided by the stage has turned it into a (inter) cultural space where learning other languages and cultures implies self-discovery through others.

Gabriel Giorgi

Resumen: Distintas intervenciones desde prácticas activistas y culturales en torno al VIH escenifican poéticas y políticas del resto corporal en las que se juegan, por un lado, una reorganización de los modos en que se dramatiza en umbral entre lo vivo y lo muerto en lo público –redefiniendo así el tejido mismo de lo que llamamos “comunidad”—; y por otro, indican los modos en que estos activismos impulsan una disputa sobre los “marcos de temporalización” desde los cuales lo viviente se vuelve reconocible políticamente y donde la noción de supervivencia adquiere una centralidad decisiva. Combinando materiales heterogéneos el artículo busca iluminar los modos en que los activismos y las culturas en torno al VIH configuran un terreno decisivo para pensar políticas de la supervivencia del presente. Palabras clave: VIH, ACT-UP, Supervivencia, Temporalidades, Biopolítica. Abstract: Different interventions from activist and cultural practices around HIV staged poetics and politics of the body remmant. They implie, on the one hand, a reorganitzation of the dramatization of the threshold between the living and the dead in the public space; and on the other, they indicate the ways in which these activisms mobilize a dispute over the “frames of temporalization” from which the living becomes politically recognizable and where the notion of survival acquires a decisive centrality. Combining heterogeneous materials, the article seeks to illuminate the ways in which activism and cultures on HIV constitute a decisive ground for thinking about the present policies of survival. Keywords: IHV, ACT-UP, Survival, Biopolitics.

Marinos Diamantides ◽  
Anton Schütz

The globalisation of the Western-Christian institutional order in its manifest legal aspects, but not necessarily of its latent religious aspects, puts a supplement of importance onto the need of grasping its genesis. The most decisive note is located — or so we argue — in unfolding the classical division between polis and politics on the one hand, and the household and the art of handling it (management or oikonomia) on the other, in Christian times. These divides delivered the blueprint for the divide that would differentiate, over more than a millennium, the public power of the Roman Empire in its Eastern and Western re-embodiments from that of the Church. We also refer, by way of contrast, to the pre-Christian biblical model of the divide. Further, by contrast to Giorgio Agamben, we specify that while the today thoroughly studied occidental West, availing of a simplified trinitarian creed, instituted legitimate public power as subject to on-going conflictual competition between the so-called ‘two powers’, the still much less studied East struggled to preserve the unity, or as the Byzantines called it, 'symphony', of the Whole in line with its (original) version of Trinitarianism.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
Friedrich W. De Wet

After almost two decades of democratic rule in South Africa, patterns of withdrawal and uncertainty about the complexities involved in defining the contents, rationality and impact of the public role of the church in society seem to be prevalent. As unabated levels of corruption and its sustained threat to sustainable development point out, a long-awaited reckoning should take place – at least in the circles of South African churches from reformed origin – regarding its rich tradition of critical and transformational prophetic involvement in the public space. In this article, the author places different models for the public role of the church in the field of tension that is generated when the private and public spheres meet each other. The author anticipates different configurations that will probably form in this field of tension in the cases of respectively the Two Kingdoms Model, the Neo-Calvinist Approach and the Communicative Rationality Approach.Die rol van profetiese prediking in publieke teologie: Die implikasies vir die hantering van korrupsie in ‘n konteks van volhoubare ontwikkeling. Na bykans twee dekades van demokratiese regering in Suid-Afrika blyk dit dat patrone van onttrekking en onsekerheid oor wat die inhoud, rasionaliteit en impak van die publieke rol van die kerk in die samelewing presies behels, steeds voortduur. In ‘n situasie waaruit dit blyk dat daar geen werklike teenvoeter is vir die hoë vlakke van korrupsie asook vir die bedreiging wat dit vir volhoubare ontwikkeling inhou nie, is dit hoog tyd dat die kerk, ten minste in die geval van die Suid-Afrikaanse kerke van reformatoriese oorsprong, diep oor sy profetiese rol in die samelewing moet besin. Hierdie kerke kom uit ‘n ryke tradisie van kritiese en transformerende betrokkenheid in die publieke sfeer. In hierdie artikel plaas die outeur verskillende modelle vir die publieke rol van die kerk in die spanningsveld wat gegenereer word wanneer die private en publieke sfere mekaar ontmoet. Die outeur antisipeer verskillende konfigurasies wat waarskynlik na vore sal tree in hierdie spanningsveld in die gevalle van onderskeidelik die Twee Koninkryke Model, die Neo-Calvinistiese Benadering en die Kommunikatiewe Rasionaliteit Benadering.

2004 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 654-680 ◽  

The Reformation simultaneously transformed the identity and role of bishops in the Church of England, and the function of monuments to the dead. This article considers the extent to which tombs of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century bishops represented a set of episcopal ideals distinct from those conveyed by the monuments of earlier bishops on the one hand and contemporary laity and clergy on the other. It argues that in death bishops were increasingly undifferentiated from other groups such as the gentry in the dress, posture, location and inscriptions of their monuments. As a result of the inherent tension between tradition and reform which surrounded both bishops and tombs, episcopal monuments were unsuccessful as a means of enhancing the status or preserving the memory and teachings of their subjects in the wake of the Reformation.

Montserrat Escribano Cárcel

RESUMENEste artículo se acerca al papel público que las religiones desempeñan en las democracias. Para ello es necesario que cultiven un doble afán. El primero, que mira hacia el exterior y sitúa a la religión católica entre el resto de esferas que definen nuestras sociedades plurales. El artículo cuestiona la tarea ética que puede ejercer esta tradición religiosa y que ha de reforzar el marco democrático en el que todas estas esferas se incluyen. El segundo, que mira hacia el interior de esta religión y ocupa la mayor parte de este artículo, gira en torno a la teología feminista desarrollada por Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza. Su sentido crítico está transformando la identidad de los y las creyentes, los horizontes comprensivos religiosos y puede ayudar así a reforzar el papel de las democracias.PALABRAS CLAVERELIGIÓN, ESPACIO PÚBLICO, DELIBERACIÓN, HERMENÉUTICA CRÍTICA Y TEOLOGÍA FEMINISTA CRÍTICA.ABSTRACTThis article approaches the public part religions play in democracies. On the one hand, the Catholic religion has to be set amidst the rest of the spheres, which define our plural societies. In this first part, we will try to evaluate how the Catholic religion helps reinforcing the democratic frame in which it evolves. On the other hand, the largest part of this article will be devoted to the Catholic feminist theology developed by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza not only as a means of changing the identity of believers and their understanding religious horizons, but also as a way of strengthening the role of democracies.KEYWORDSRELIGION, PUBLIC SPHERE, DELIBERATION, CRITICAL HERMENEUTICS AND CRITICAL FEMINIST THEOLOGY

Bioethics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-16
I. V. Siluyanova ◽  
L. E. Pishchikova ◽  

Bioethics is defined by the authors as a form of knowledge about the permissible limits of manipulating human life in the range from birth to dying. A comparative analysis of the materials of the Conference in Jerusalem (2018) and the «Handbook on Bioethics for Judges» (2016) prepared by the UNESCO Department of Bioethics in Haifa, on the one hand, and Statements of the Church and Social Council on Biomedical Ethics of the Russian Orthodox Church, on the other, was conducted. It proves that bioethics as a type of modern medical ethics exists and will exist in the near future in conservative and liberal forms. Disclosure of their content contributes to solving the problem of finding compromises in specific situations of medical practice.

Stephan De Beer

This essay is informed by five different but interrelated conversations all focusing on the relationship between the city and the university. Suggesting the clown as metaphor, I explore the particular role of the activist scholar, and in particular the liberation theologian that is based at the public university, in his or her engagement with the city. Considering the shackles of the city of capital and its twin, the neoliberal university, on the one hand, and the city of vulnerability on the other, I then propose three clown-like postures of solidarity, mutuality and prophecy to resist the shackles of culture and to imagine and embody daring alternatives.

John Kenneth Galbraith

This chapter examines the role of taxation in the culture of contentment. In the age of contentment, macroeconomic policy has come to center not on tax policy but on monetary policy. Higher interest rates, it is hoped, will curb inflation without posing a threat to people of good fortune. Those with money to lend, the economically well-endowed rentier class, will thus be rewarded. The chapter first considers the role of monetary policy in the entirely plausible and powerfully adverse attitude toward taxation in the community of contentment before discussing the relationship between taxation and public services, and between taxation and public expenditures. It shows that public services and taxation have disparate effects on the Contented Electoral Majority on the one hand, and on the less affluent underclass on the other.

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